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Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Ayudar a los necesitados, sin malestar social


Ayudar a los necesitados, sin malestar social 


Hay quienes están a favor de las reservas y apoyan la idea de reservar cuotas o beneficios para una determinada raza o casta, mientras que otros están en contra de esta política. En Occidente, esta cuestión se conoce más comúnmente como discriminación positiva. Dejando a un lado por un momento nuestras opiniones personales, veamos qué dice la filosofía de Prout. 

Prout apoya la acción afirmativa / las reservas, etc. durante un periodo limitado, pero este apoyo no debe basarse en la casta, el color de la piel, o la llamada raza, etc.; se basa únicamente en las condiciones socioeconómicas, como los recursos financieros y los logros académicos. En este artículo se indica quién debe tener prioridad y consideración para recibir ayudas, así como los niveles de ayuda de segundo y tercer nivel, etc. 

Prout acción afirmativa / reservas 

En la sociedad, cuando todos se muevan juntos, de la mano, todo el cuerpo social estará sano. Si, por el contrario, algunos acumulan el dinero dejando que otros pasen hambre, entonces la llamada élite se regodea en la riqueza, mientras que las clases bajas oprimidas sufren. Y esto es lo que está ocurriendo en varios países. El resultado de este terrible desequilibrio es que la población se siente muy insatisfecha y descontenta, y hay mucha delincuencia y falta de confianza. La pregunta y la respuesta son muy claras: ¿por qué hay tanta delincuencia? Porque un determinado sector de la sociedad se siente rodeado por todas partes de injusticia y sin esperanza de un futuro mejor. Dicho esto, hay una solución factible. La mayoría de los problemas pueden resolverse siguiendo el sistema de gradación inferior, que ayuda a las clases económicamente desfavorecidas a conseguir una movilidad social ascendente. 

En un resumen en español de Prout in a Nutshell - 15, “Elevating Backward Classes”, Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar nos dice: Aquí, "desfavorecidas" significa familias que no recibieron ningún servicio o educación en el pasado. (resumen en español) 

En un resumen en español de Prout in a Nutshell - 15, “Elevating Backward Classes”, Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar nos dice: Sin embargo, en el entorno socioeconómico actual, si se adopta el siguiente sistema preferencial como medida temporal, se puede aliviar el sufrimiento de la gente. En primer lugar, los pobres procedentes de familias rezagadas deberían tener preferencia en los ámbitos de los servicios y la educación, independientemente de su origen de nacimiento. En segundo lugar, los pobres procedentes de familias no rezagadas deben tener preferencia. En tercer lugar, las personas no pobres procedentes de familias rezagadas. La última preferencia debe ir a las personas no pobres procedentes de familias no rezagadas. En este caso, "rezagadas" significa familias que no recibieron ningún servicio o educación en el pasado. Estas familias deben seguir recibiendo estos servicios hasta que no haya pobreza en el país, es decir, hasta que se garanticen los requisitos mínimos. (resumen en español) 

Reservas proutistas para empleos y educación superior 

Sobre la base de la enseñanza anterior de Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar, he aquí el sistema de gradación para apoyar a los necesitados. 

1. La primera preferencia para la educación superior y el empleo se da a aquellos cuyos familiares nunca asistieron a la universidad, o tienen trabajos en fábricas o en el gobierno, y están empobrecidos en la esfera económica. 

2. La segunda preferencia para la educación superior y el empleo se da a aquellos cuyos miembros de la familia tenían un trabajo en una fábrica o en el gobierno, pero ahora están empobrecidos en la esfera económica. 

3. La tercera preferencia se da a aquellos cuyos familiares nunca asistieron a la universidad y no tienen un trabajo en una fábrica o en el gobierno, pero no están empobrecidos en la esfera económica. 

4. La cuarta preferencia se otorga a aquellos cuyos miembros de la familia asistieron a la universidad y / o tenían una fábrica o un trabajo del gobierno y no están empobrecidos en el ámbito económico. 

Además, habrá una revisión anual de la situación de la persona. Y si su situación ha cambiado, se recalcularán sus prestaciones en consecuencia. Se basará en sus necesidades socioeconómicas. 

Punto clave: El trato preferencial basado en la raza, la casta y la comunidad es muy venenoso, mortal. Crea división, malestar y derramamiento de sangre en la sociedad. 

Aumentar el nivel económico de toda la sociedad 

En un resumen en español de Prout in a Nutshell - 15, “Elevating Backward Classes”, Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar nos dice: Así pues, el criterio para recibir servicios y educación preferentes no debería ser el origen de nacimiento, sino la condición económica de una persona. Un zapatero de la llamada casta baja puede ser económicamente acomodado, por lo que la ventaja de la reserva de empleo es superflua para él y engañosa para la sociedad. No hay necesidad de reserva de empleo en estas circunstancias. Por otro lado, puede haber un brahmán maethil que provenga de una familia de casta supuestamente alta, pero que sea económicamente muy pobre. La reserva de empleo es esencial para él, y aumentaría el nivel económico de toda la sociedad. 

Muchos países subdesarrollados y en vías de desarrollo luchan por elevar a sus clases atrasadas. Por ejemplo, Bihar está en guerra por la cuestión de las clases atrasadas y adelantadas. Si se sigue el sistema anterior, sin duda acabaría con toda posibilidad de lucha entre clases atrasadas y adelantadas en la India y otros países del mundo. Al mismo tiempo, proporcionaría automáticamente a la gente la oportunidad de lograr la justicia social y la autosuficiencia económica. Sin tener en cuenta la casta, el credo, la religión, la raza, la lengua o el sexo, los gobiernos serían capaces de crear un entorno adecuado para el desarrollo integral y rápido de toda la población local, proporcionándoles alimentos, ropa, vivienda, educación y tratamiento médico. Esto eliminaría de sus mentes cualquier sentimiento de inferioridad, y todos tendrían la oportunidad de ganarse la vida en función de sus capacidades. (resumen en español) 


La disparidad socioeconómica es un problema acuciante en muchas comunidades y tierras. Y si se conceden ayudas gubernamentales generales a grupos sociales enteros -como los harijans o los afroamericanos, independientemente de su situación económica-, se produce un terrible malestar social. Para resolver este mal social y sanar a la humanidad, el Propulsor del Prout ha delineado el sistema jerárquico ideal para determinar quién es merecedor de ayuda. Este enfoque proutista resuelve este problema de forma justa y pacífica, evitando por completo la agitación, el resentimiento y la violencia que pueden producirse. 

En Él 

~ Estudio en profundidad ~

La cultura es una 

En un resumen en español de Prout in a Nutshell - 4, "Ism and Human Progress", Baba nos dice: Aunque según la lógica perfecta la cultura de toda la humanidad es una e indivisible, los exponentes de los ismos no lo comprenden. Prefieren afirmar [erróneamente] que los diferentes conjuntos de escritura y lenguaje, comportamiento y hábito, y las variaciones locales de expresión, son en realidad los constituyentes de la cultura humana. (resumen en español) 

Por qué descartar los apellidos 

En un resumen en español de A Few Problems Solved Part 7, "Social Psychology", Baba nos dice: Los miembros de una determinada raza que se consideran superiores a los demás también infligen con mucha frecuencia injusticias a otros sectores de la sociedad. La expulsión (ver nota *) de los judíos de Alemania por la supuesta raza superior aria de Hitler es un ejemplo flagrante de injusticia racial en la sociedad. En este país, también, las injusticias contra los harijans por parte de las llamadas razas superiores han causado un tremendo trastorno en la sociedad. Para obviar este tipo de injusticia social, el primer intento debería ser eliminar las distinciones raciales en la sociedad. En Ananda Marga el primer paso que se da es olvidar la propia raza o secta - dejar de identificarse con la propia raza, casta o secta - independientemente de si era superior o inferior. (resumen en español) 

(*) "Entre 1941 y 1945, la Alemania nazi y sus colaboradores asesinaron sistemáticamente a unos seis millones de judíos en toda la Europa ocupada por Alemania, alrededor de dos tercios de la población judía de Europa." (Wikipedia) 

- Here is a link to the original English posting: Help the needy, without social unrest

- Here are more Spanish postings

- Here is a link to Spanish Prabhat Samgiita

Follow religious reforms? + 4 more

Follow religious reforms?


At present, religious moderates are hailed as being progressive for reinterpreting some aspects of their outdated and harmful doctrines. In contrast, Ananda Marga scripture is 100% logical and beneficial for humanity. So it is ignorance to demand changes to our Ananda Marga scripture.

Religions are changing

Here are a few ways how the religions are changing the interpretations of their outdated codes:
  • In Hinduism, married women are no longer burned to death when their husband dies;
  • In various religions, women are no longer stoned to death or put in exile;
  • In Christianity, creationism (i.e. the world was created in six days) is being discarded in favour of the theory of evolution etc;
  • In some of the Semitic religions, females are allowed to join the clergy.
Those followers who embrace these updates are looked upon as being moderates or progressives. Because they have modernized their day to day interpretations of their old, dogmatic, irrational, religious scriptures and edicts. Those religious codes needed to be completely discarded, but instead those attached to such dogmatic religions merely made a few cosmetic changes by reinterpreting certain norms. However, from the very beginning those codes were irrational and exploitative in nature; they were made to befool and cheat others. And when the general populace started questioning those edicts, religious moderates and charlatans merely changed the interpretations of those codes to befool the masses. Those religious moderates publicly accepted these updates and gained the respect of mainstream society. By this somersaulting they continue to dupe the common people - today and tomorrow also.

AMCC should allow eating fatty fish like salmon, mackerel?

Seeing this, some naive people in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha began copying this religious trend and decided it would be best to change the shastras of Ananda Marga to allow people to eat fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, herring, lake trout, sardines, and albacore tuna because they are high in omega-3 fatty acids.

But, in our Ananda Marga philosophy, the situation is vastly different. Baba's teachings are perfect and timeless - not dogmatic, nor irrational, nor unscientific, nor harmful. So our spiritual and philosophical shastras will never be changed. They are based on the eternal truth that Parama Purusa is the singular Supreme Entity etc. Changing those dharmic guidelines means falling into dogma. Baba’s sublime teachings should be kept as is - and followed strictly.

Sadguru Baba says, "The books in Ananda Marga philosophy are all absolute knowledge [i.e. permanent truths, not relative knowledge that is constantly undergoing change]. The proper mark of identity of absolute knowledge is that it must be universal, rational and psychological.” (1)

Examples of relative knowledge

In contrast, relative knowledge is always changing. For example, the name of my district representative is Shrii Singh. But after six days an election will be held and a different person will be the district representative. These types of worldly facts are relative knowledge since they undergo change. New York used to be the capital of the USA but now Washington DC is the capital. Relative knowledge does not stand the test of time.

Here is another example. Take the statement: “My grandmother is exactly 101 years old.” But after today, this statement will no longer be accurate. Tomorrow she will be 101 years and one day old. The reason is that relative knowledge is always changing. In contrast, permanent knowledge is true across time and space. For instance, all are the progeny of Parama Purusa. That is correct today and after thousands of years it will still be true. Ananda Marga scripture, i.e. darshan and dharma shastra, also comes within the realm of absolute knowledge.

Tri-shastra system of Ananda Marga

In our Ananda Marga we have the tri-shastra (three scripture) system:
(a) darshan shastra or philosophical treatise;
(b) dharma shastra or spiritual treatise; and
(c) samaj shastra or social treatise.

Sadguru Baba says, "The books in Ananda Marga philosophy are all absolute knowledge [ie. permanent truths, not relative knowledge]. The proper mark of identity of absolute knowledge is that it must be universal, rational and psychological. Certain instances of absolute knowledge are as follows – the goal of human life is the attainment of Brahma; human beings are the progeny of Parama Puruśa; this universe is created by the macrocosmic conation; matter is the crudified form of the universal mind; by dint of sádhaná or spiritual practices human beings gradually become divine; whoever is born will have to die one day; liberation is the birth right of all living beings; human society is one and indivisible; diversity is the law of nature; no two entities in this universe are uniform." (2)

Our philosophical treatise (Ananda Sutram etc) and spiritual treatise (Subhasita Samgraha, Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Ananda Vanii etc) will never be changed. Just as 2 plus 2 equals 4 and will never equal 5 or 8, the teachings of Ananda Sutram and Ananda Vacanamrtam etc are permanent. No matter how much humans evolve, the philosophical and spiritual treatises of Ananda Marga will remain as is. Those two branches of Ananda Marga scripture are eternal. Anyone who wishes to know more should reference Baba's discourses: (a) “Prápta Vákya and Ápta Vákya”, (b) “Our Spiritual Treatise”, and (c) “Our Philosophical Treatise” etc.

What Acarya Diary says

Baba has clearly told that the dharma shastra (spiritual scripture) and the darshan shastra (philosophical scripture) of Ananda Marga are permanent and dharmic and will never change. They are bodhi jinana, i.e. spiritual scientific truths, which you can test in your own mental laboratory. They are apta vakya as their subject matter deals exclusively with Parama Purusa. Baba has given this guideline in the section titled svadhyaya of the Acarya Diary.

The key point is that Parama Purusa is the non-changeable Entity and when His philosophical and spiritual treatises are directly related with Him, there is no question of changing or updating those books. Because the spiritual teachings of Ananda Marga are rational and scientific. They are not hearsay or mere myths. Ananda Marga philosophy is based on eternal, spiritual truths. That means His original discourses published in Ananda Sutram, Ananda Vanii Samgraha, Ananda Vacanamrtam etc will never be changed.

Sadguru Baba says, "The books in Ananda Marga philosophy are all absolute knowledge [i.e. permanent truths, not relative knowledge that is constantly undergoing change]. The proper mark of identity of absolute knowledge is that it must be universal, rational and psychological.” (3)

For example, the name of my governor is Mr R. But after a few days, a different person will be the governor. So these types of worldly facts are relative knowledge since they change across time. Today they are and tomorrow they are not.

Here is another example. Take the statement: “My great-granddaughter Rajanii is a small kid.” But after 20 years this statement will no longer be true. That is why relative knowledge is always changing. Whereas, permanent knowledge is that God is one and all are the progeny of Parama Purusa. That is true today and after thousands of years it will still be true. Same is the case with Ananda Marga scripture, i.e. darshan and dharma shastra.


Baba's philosophical and spiritual discourses will never need to be changed. Just as 2 plus 2 equals 4 and will never equal 5 or 8, the teachings of Ananda Sutram and Ananda Vacanamrtam etc are permanent. They are grounded in eternal truth. Regardless of the passage of millions of years and all kinds of human development, the Ananda Marga philosophical and spiritual treatises will never be updated. Baba has given those as permanent teachings for humanity.

In Him,

Sadguru Baba says, "The books in Ananda Marga philosophy are all absolute knowledge [i.e. permanent truths, not relative knowledge that is constantly undergoing change]. The proper mark of identity of absolute knowledge is that it must be universal, rational and psychological.” (4)

1. Prout in a Nutshell-18, Prápta Vákya and Ápta Vákya
2. Prout in a Nutshell-18, Prápta Vákya and Ápta Vákya
3. Prout in a Nutshell-18, Prápta Vákya and Ápta Vákya
4. Prout in a Nutshell-18, Prápta Vákya and Ápta Vákya

*        *        *

The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Your heavenly softness

“ va toma'ya bale kat'hora...
Ka'che ele bujhebe se jana, Sujana toma'ra mata keha na'i…” (Prabhat Samgiita #0268)


O’ Parama Purusa, my Bandhu, I won't ever be fearful of Your harshness. During the journey on this path of divine effulgence I will go on looking towards You. You are my everything.

Baba, those who say that You are not kind do not understand Your greatness. The reality is that Your harshness is covering Your heavenly softness.

Baba whoever tells You are unkind remains far away from You. If that person comes close, they will understand that no one else is as tender and charming as You. No one is as sweet and loving as You...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Lowly long for prestige

In this teaching, Ananda Marga philosophy graphically describes the state of one who desires prestige.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Pratiśt́há – the desire to make oneself known. A person influenced by [the desire for] pratiśt́há expects respect from everyone, and hankers after name and fame. This mental state can be easily compared with the mental condition of a beggar. The beggar asks money from others, while the person craving for prestige begs others to give him respect. [The person desires something that] is really meaningless and possesses no value, something that has been fitly compared to the excrement of a pig." (1)

Sadguru says, "Human beings are made of flesh and bones. If their heart or lungs stop functioning, in that case they will be lifted onto the shoulders of 4 other people in order to get thrown onto the funeral pyre. When this is the situation of human beings, where is the scope for self-glorification?" (2)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam Part 23, Safeguards against the Defects of Jiṋána and Karma
2. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 11, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Misnomer: lack of money stops our projects


Wt conduct rules: "No WT worker can keep unaccounted money (black money) with him/her." (1)

The whole of Ananda Marga ideology is standing on a strict code of morality, but look here what is going on. Many Wts would do like this and Dada S was one...

#1: In 1978-79, Sadguru Baba banned Dada Shankarananda from Bihar for around a year because Dada S was harassing poor margiis for money. Bihar margiis in the village are very poor and Dada S used to empty their pockets, even their pennies. They did not have anything for their food or salt. And Dada Shankarananda used to put his hand in their pocket and take everything. So Baba banned him from Bihar. At that time Baba was living in Patna. Dada Shankarananda was born to collect money and he will take that habit to the grave.

#2: In the future, when AMPS runs properly: (a) margiis and Wts will jointly manage the financial books, (b) there will be clean accounts and transparency, and (c) donor will be free to see the balance sheets etc. In that case, money will pour like anything. Donations will come in from all directions.

#3: There are millions of non-margii organisations that do hundreds and thousands of times better than AMPS on social service projects. From where do they get their money? People want to give them donations for just and right causes because they feel that money is handled properly. The overall idea is that there are countless people who want to give to support just cause, but they will refrain from giving if they do not see good work going or if they feel those running the projects are cheaters. That is why in AMPS there is a crisis.

#4: This artificial crisis is because those at the so-called top of AMPS have an infinite hunger to increase their own personal bank balance. The main solution is fiscal transparency and accountability.

#5: Baba used to tell openly to sadhakas that no AMPS work will stop due to scarcity of money. Money will not be the problem.

in Him,
Kuber Sinha

Wt conduct rules: "Each worker will separately maintain the clear account of receipt and expenditure of his personal allowance and organizational money." (2)

Wt conduct rules: "Each amount of collection should be deposited properly and drawn after submitting requisition." (3)

Wt conduct rules: "No WT worker can keep unaccounted money (black money) with him." (4)

Wt conduct rules: "Whenever supervisory worker so desires, the worker is to give the proper account of expenditure tallying with the cash at their disposal." (5)

Wt conduct rules: "Proper vouchers are to be maintained for each item of expenditure." (6)

1. Wt Conduct: Six Additional Rules, pt# 1a
2. Wt Conduct: Six Additional Rules, pt# 1b
3. Wt Conduct: Six Additional Rules, pt# 1d
4. Wt Conduct: Six Additional Rules, pt# 1a
5. Wt Conduct: Six Additional Rules, pt# 1c
6. Wt Conduct: Six Additional Rules, pt# 1e

== Section: Comment ==

Reply to B group propaganda



While discussing mahaprayaan divas (MPD) in Whatsapp forum AMPS India, one Kolkata supporter margii namely Prashant wrote that as date of the mahaprayans of Lord Shiva and Lord Kr'sna are not known hence their respective mahaprayan is not celebrated.


All the MPDians, followers of dogmatic tomb worship, are claiming that departure or Mahaprayan dates of Lord Shiva, Lord Kr'sna and others are not available, hence people / devotees are not celebrating their respective Mahaprayan. It's purely a flawed statement. We all know, death takes place only after birth. Have a look on some examples:
  • Lord Shiva- born almost 7000 years back, "HIS" birthday is celebrated on Mahashivratri / महाशिवरात्रि.
  • Lord Kr'sna- born 3500 years back, "HIS" birthday is celebrated on Kr'sna Janmashtami / जन्माष्टमी.
  • Gautam Buddha- born almost 2500 years back and his birthday is on 8th April, as per wikipedia, or Vaishakhi Purnima and now popularly known as Buddh Purnima.
  • Jesus Christ- born almost 2000 years back and his birthday is celebrated on 25th December.
Hence, whosoever is claiming that departure or Mahaprayan dates are not available is clearly flawed and farce. It's the preceptors who were unwilling for celebration of their departure day, hence disciples too forgotten the departure dates.

Other examples are of those whose departure date is recorded by historians:
  • Chaitanya Mahaprabhu- 14th June, 1534
  • Guru Nanak Devji- 22 September, 1539
  • Guru Govind Singhji- 7th October, 1708
  • Ramakrishna Paramhans- 16th August, 1886
  • Vivekanand ji- 4th July, 1902
Nevertheless, whose departure dates are recorded, even their departure day or Mahaprayan is not celebrated by their disciples.

Hence, it's loud and clear that celebration of death is not encouraged or permitted in any of the religion or sects.

MPD is the biggest blunder and dogma perpetuated by "United AMPS" under the leadership of Sarvatmanandji.

Dogma is a perfect trap of Avidya Maya (अविद्या माया) that people hardly intend to come out of it. Being a fellow traveller, I tried to remind the "Path of Righteousness" only.


== Section: Important Teaching ==

Comparison of dogs, wolves, & jackals

Ananda Marga Shabda Cayanika says, “A dog is a hybrid of the wolf and the vixen. In ancient times wild dogs were rather scarce, precisely for the same reason. There is hardly any dog fossil amongst the available fossils of ancient animals. Nowadays, however, wild dogs are also prevalent. These wild dogs live gregariously in jungles, and even a gigantic tiger has been seen to be flabbergasted and killed by a concerted attack of these dogs.”

“Although a dog is a hybrid of the wolf and the vixen, it must be said that there are many radical, extreme differences between a wolf and a dog. A wolf is voracious, but a dog feels satisfied with a small meal. It is difficult to tame a wolf, but a dog loves to be domesticated. A dog is extremely faithful and loyal to its master. A wolf is neither faithful nor loyal to its master. A dog is not ferocious by nature. It attacks or frightens someone as part of its duty. A wolf is ferocious by nature. It has no sense of duty. A dog would not normally kill a creature if its stomach were full. But a wolf, even when its belly is full, kills a creature. If it has no capacity to eat it, it carries the carcass to its den and eats it according to its convenience. Dogs do not generally fight with other members of the dog family. They fight with members of the feline family. But a wolf does not observe any such principle. A wolf avoids the strong and unnecessarily attacks the weak. Although there is a family resemblance between the wolf and the dog, whenever a dog is sighted the wolf attacks and kills it.”

“There are many differences between a jackal and a dog. A dog generally moves about during the daytime. But jackals are night prowlers by nature. A jackal moves in the daytime only when it is in danger, it has to change locations or is excessively hungry. A jackal lives in a hole, but a dog never likes to live in a hole. It prefers to live in the open. A jackal cannot be tamed; but a dog can. By virtue of being night prowlers, the jackals periodically howl in chorus to preserve their solidarity and register their presence. However, dogs do not have this habit. They bark collectively only when they have to fight an enemy as a body. Although both jackals and dogs belong to the canine family, a dog chases a jackal whenever it sees one. A jackal runs away at the sight of a dog. By nature a dog is brave and a jackal is cowardly.” (1)

1. Shabda Cayaniká Part 4: Discourse #27

== Section 4: Links ==

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