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Wednesday, September 27, 2023

What happens when fatherless + 5 more


What happens when fatherless


Due to the influence of materialism society is moving in the wrong direction. Before the advent of Lord Shiva - 7000 years ago - in the prehistoric age, humans used to live like animals. Males used to procreate and walk away, leaving responsibility exclusively on the mother for the newborn. Then Lord Shiva gave the vivaha system and His marriage was the first in human history. When Lord Shiva was born there was no system of marriage so His father was unknown.

No time for love & affection for own child

With the introduction of the marriage system, males started taking responsibility. Unfortunately, the cycle has since come full circle. Today, in so-called advanced nations, every day the number of children with no father is increasing. In the US, close to half the number of children are born out of wedlock. In that case, mothers have to take responsibility for raising the child all alone. And when she has to carry the financial burden there is no time for love and affection for the children. With this gap in their emotional development, when they grow into adulthood they become a liability. Either they suffer from depression or they go out with a gun and destroy others and kill themselves.

The worst part is that Sadguru Baba has given the ideal vivaha system, but we could not propagate the ideal that no male can procreate without taking responsibility. Every child has the birthright for love and affection from both their father and mother. This letter addresses this serious upheaval going on in society that is unfolding before our very eyes these days.

RM: ideal tool for society building

Revolutionary marriages (RM) are a special feature of our Ananda Marga way of life and come within the scope of the "society building" department of AMPS. Actually the main basis of marriage in Ananda Marga is society building. In the past Lord Buddha neglected this important social factor, and, in result, he could not form the society properly. Lord Buddha's teachings were deficient in this regard. And many religions also have not been able to create solid systems and ideals for marriage.

History of marriage in tantra

The tantric system of marriage is 7000 years old, first given by Lord Shiva. This marked the first time in human history that a male and female joined together as husband and wife. And that was given primarily for the welfare of the child. So that child could receive the requisite love and support to one day become a bonafide member of the civilized society.

Prior to Lord Shiva's advent society was not properly formed. One key reason for this was that there was not a proper system of marriage. Instead, most were involved in libertine type of relations - especially the males. They were completely guided by their lower vrittis and behaving like wild animals; just like how a male animal procreate and walk away. Those males had no feeling or conception about fatherhood and did not care for those females or their progeny.

The ones who suffered most then were the children and their mothers, but especially the children. Basically males did not accept any responsibility. The whole responsibility of the child's physical, psychic, sentimental, and spiritual welfare rested upon the mother alone. And it was just not possible for a single mother to manage all aspects of raising and providing for the child. The condition of the baby and mother was terrible. Lord Shiva gave the system of matrimony to ensure both father and mother were committed to the welfare of the child. In this same spirit, Baba has created the "society building" department in our Ananda Marga, and that holds a special significance.

Present scene: children mostly by-product

Unfortunately in today's materialistic countries, in most cases the true spirit of society building is not followed. Wherever materialism reigns, children are not the key point, rather they are a by-product. That is why we often see that mothers don’t allow children to live along with her, or sleep and give love and affection - even in the nighttime. Mostly children live alone in a different room. Tragically, this is the common fashion these days: mostly children are often ignored and neglected whereby the child feels alienated from their surroundings.

Another detrimental off-shoot of materialism is that females are completely preoccupied with the notion of being physically alluring. For so long they have been objectified by males that they have openly embraced this role. That is why many females, i.e. many mothers, opt not to feed their child their own milk as they feel that process would undermine their beauty. This shows they do not put the child’s well-being first, rather their own superficial beauty takes precedence.

In those communities where materialism is not dominant females embrace the role of mother, and still this trend is dominant in India, whereas in regions where materialism is king then females do not wish to be regarded as mothers. In our Ananda Marga society, on this point the situation is improving a lot. But in some cases “society building” has not yet taken proper shape. If we look back over the history we will find innumerable examples how the spirit of Baba's given marriage system has been compromised. But certainly with firm determination we will reach the goal which Baba has established.


To bring anyone onto the path of dharma a proper environment is necessary and for that one human society is needed. Baba has infused one very positive feature for humanity, i.e. the revolutionary concept of society building which includes revolutionary marriages. Society building ensures a certain stability and dynamism, as well as the love and compassion necessary for enabling the child to grow in a healthy and proper way. And verily when that society is formed, there will be tremendous scope for people to grow in all sorts of ways and devote maximum time for spiritual pursuits and ultimately become one with Parama Purusa. So "society building" has a special role.

in Him,
Daniel Miller

~ In-depth study ~

Baba's teaching of viva’ha

Since the very beginning in 1955, Baba has graciously guided us to form one human society. Because the whole aim of the Ananda Marga mission is Atmamok's'a'rtham' jagaddhita'ya ca - 'self-realisation and service to humanity.' But without building up one human society this can never be achieved. So Baba has taken strong steps to form a single human society whereby people can move towards their spiritual goal. Baba's following teaching makes this subject more clear.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Prior to Shiva, there was no system of marriage in human society. And as there was no recognized marriage system, the matrilineal order was in vogue, because it was easy to identify the mothers. In the case of the fathers, it was impossible to identify them. Shiva, for the first time, introduced the system of marriage which has continued until this day. The Sanskrit word for marriage, viváha (derived vi – vah + ghaiṋ), literally means “to follow a particular system”. This system of marriage is known as Shaeva viváha. According to this system, the bride and the bridegroom will equally share full responsibility for their marriage, without any consideration of caste or community." (1)

Sea of troubles after weaned from mother's milk

Here Baba presents the history of those early humans: from libertine way of life to marital family system.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "At the beginning of evolution, humans used to lead libertine lives without any consideration for family obligations, but they gradually developed a family instinct. However, that family instinct was no different from that of the elephants, lions, pigeons, etc. Due to this inborn instinct, males and females arrived at a loose but workable compromise regarding family life. But in that there was no sense of responsibility born out of a developed conscience; rather, due to their loose relationships with each other, one person used to desert another and go anywhere he or she liked. The number of such libertines was very high, and they used to disturb the peace and harmony of the so-called family members and become the cause of many serious quarrels." (2)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The male libertines would not take responsibility for their offspring. They used to wander freely, and as a result, the entire responsibility for raising the children in their infancy would devolve on the mothers. But it was not possible for the mothers alone to bear the responsibility of maintaining the children, as a result of which many children died in early infancy. Those who survived felt themselves to be in a sea of troubles after they were weaned from their mother's breast-milk. Then they would be deprived of their mother's love, since she had to take care of the next baby. Those were the days of the prehistoric humans...The life of the libertines was just like that of the animals." (3)

Direct responsibility shifted from mother to father

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Shiva made the rule that regardless of whether women were capable or incapable of earning a livelihood, men would have to take on the responsibility of supporting them; thus the Sanskrit word for “husband” is bharttá. The word bharttá is derived from the root verb bhr + suffix trń; the root bhr means “to support” and bharttá (in the first case-ending) means “one who supports someone”." (4)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "As a result of this arrangement, it became easier for the women to maintain the children, since they were relieved of the onerous responsibility of providing their food and clothing. Not only that, when the children became a bit older the direct responsibility for their maintenance shifted from the mother to the father." (5)

Human mind & intellect nipped in the bud

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "It was not easy to know the fathers of children even in the case of the so-called householders, far less in that of the libertines. Children would know only their mothers. And after they were weaned, they would forget their mothers also. Thus being deprived of motherly love and affection at a very early age, they had no opportunity to develop the sweeter and finer sensibilities of the human mind. The human mind, the human intellect, was nipped in the bud; those people had no opportunity to blossom, to gladden the heart of the world with their sweet joy. By declaring the males to be bharttá [husbands] Shiva fulfilled a major portion of His task for human society." (6)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "But Shiva did more than that: He declared that women must be kalatra, which means that women must discharge their obligations to their husbands and their children in such a way that the latter will not have the least difficulty." (7)

Baba's marriage blessing

First the newly married couple would approach the dais and do sastaunga pranam to Baba. And then with both of their hands the couple would jointly offer a flower garland to Baba. Then Baba would then place His own hands around their hands and join them in holding the mala (flower garland).

Then Baba would graciously bless their marriage: "Be like Shiva and Parvati, go on doing your worldly duties along with your psychic and spiritual pursuits, be the assets of the entire humanity, and by your service the whole society should be benefited." Baba also used to repeat the mantra 'Shubamastu...', meaning 'May you be blessed'.

And then He would give the mala to the bride. To English speaking margiis Baba used to say, 'little girl take this mala and keep it with you'. And when He spoke to margiis in Bengali or Hindi this was the translation: 'mother keep this garland along with you'.

Hundreds of times during DMC we have witnessed how Baba used to give His marriage blessings. And always He would begin by saying, "Be like Shiva and Parvati..."

Here the special significance of 'Be like Shiva and Parvati' is that during Lord Shiva's entire married life He took care of Parvati and watched over her physical, psychic, and spiritual development as well as the healthy growth of their children. And Parvati took care of Lord Shiva as well as their progeny. Their marriage was the perfect model and example for society. It was not based on material satisfaction or gain, but rather a high ideal. Thus the tantric system of marriage focused on the physico-psycho-spiritual development of both husband and wife and the healthy growth of their children. It was the starting point for building a healthy human society. So we should remember that libertine life is disastrous for the child. The sense is that the bride and bridegroom should be true tantrikas and follow the entire Ananda Marga way of life including all of Sixteen Points and live as exemplary Ananda Margiis. Here we have to bear in mind that the spirit behind the teachings of the three Mahasambhutis is all the same. So to "Be like Shiva and Parvati" means being great dharmikas and tantrikas, and in this present era that means being ideal Ananda Margiis.

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc: 2, Shiva – Both Severe and Tender
2. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 1 (Discourse 9)
3. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 1 (Discourse 9)
4. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 1 (Discourse 9)
5. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 1 (Discourse 9)
6. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 1 (Discourse 9)
7. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 1 (Discourse 9)

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Food choices & tuberculosis + leprosy

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments says, "If any person is long habituated to eating badly-combined foods, such as meat, fish, eggs and similar támasika foods immediately before or after milk, kśiira [a kind of rice pudding] and similar sáttvika foods, then those foods create a favourable condition in the body for tuberculosis.” (1)

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments says, “Constipating foods should be strictly avoided. Foods which increase the amount of pitta should also be rejected. Fish, meat, eggs, ghee and large quantities of spices usually weaken the liver and bring about constipation, which is one of the causes of leucoderma. In this disease fish and other non-vegetarian foods are very harmful, hence they are to be avoided like poison. No matter how great is the desire for non-vegetarian dishes, patients shall have to control that desire. Leafy vegetables such as heleiṋcá, gimá, ámarula, bráhmii, etc., are most beneficial for leucoderma patients." (2) 

1. Yogic Treatments, Tuberculosis
2. Yogic Treatments, Leucoderma (White Leprosy)

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Way to understand distilled teachings

Ananda Marga ideology, “Saḿgacchadhvaḿ” “moving together” does not mean march or double march, here “moving together” means that all portions of society, all portions of the collective body, should have the spirit to move ahead. Suppose you have gathered sufficient money, and there is no dearth of food in your house, but the remaining portion of society, your neighbours, your friends, are suffering from a dearth of money, or food, or clothes. Then it means that you are not following the spirit of “saḿgacchadhvam”. “Saḿgacchadhvam” means to build a strong, well-knit society where there shall be no exploitation, no superiority complex or inferiority complex.” (1)

In all realms, Baba' teachings are crystallized points of dharma - very concise. So to properly understand any guideline or teaching, it demands a little concentration or mental thought. For example a group of fools may think that by walking together to McDonald's for a hamburger they are following samgacchadvam, since they are all "moving together". But that has nothing to do with samgacchadvam.

Here the point is that a literal interpretation of Guru's teachings will never work. Rather greater explanation is needed to get the proper picture. That is why when Baba has given the pin-pointed sutras of Ananda Sutram, then side by side He also gives a purport so that those distilled teachings, i.e. sutras, can be understood in the proper way. This should be done with each and every aspect of Sixteen Points. Because Guru's teaching is distilled and given in seed form.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, Saḿgacchadhvaḿ

== Section: Important Teaching ==

What to consider during revolution

Ananda Marga philosophy states “Devils, demons, black-marketeers and [[adulterators]] joined the gang of demons in large numbers. But even among them, a few felt the pangs of conscience; they repented their own misdeeds and joined the group of humans. But most of the bribers and big officials, police officers and military officials, ticket-collectors, goods-officers and ticket checkers and many others – and along with them those who had mixed sand with sugar, mud in cement, dust of tamarind seeds with flour, and poison in medicine – all ran to join the gang of demons. However, all were not of the same mentality, and of course all the officials of the Demon Kingdom were not corrupt. Those who were honest joined the group of humans.”

“The struggle grew serious. What a grim struggle it was! No one had ever seen such a struggle. In that fight, land, water and sky – hydrosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere, and stratosphere shuddered. People were fighting without even sufficient food to eat and wearing tattered clothes. The soldiers of the demon, on the other hand, were getting good food and plenty of fine clothes. But in spite of all these hardships, the smiles of the human beings had not abated and their songs never stoppd. They constantly upheld the sublime ideal of life, singing:”

“We are all brethren in this universe,
We will equally share all pleasure and pain.”

“Building up many small squads of soldiers, the youths fought on, singing:”

“Proceed on and on!
The sky above is resounding with the sound of drums
And the earth below is waiting expectantly to welcome the
glorious dawn
O the Youths of the crimson dawn
March ahead! March ahead!”

“Then the youths raised slogans: “Equal rights for all humanity! One nation for all people! Tyranny will no longer be tolerated! No hypocrisy in the name of religion! All people of the world, unite!””

“More and more youths joined the humans, singing unitedly, “Victory is ours! Victory is ours! This beautiful earth is for the humans, not for the demons!””

“The struggle became very grim. Such a struggle was not fought even at the time of the Ramayana or the Mahabharata. The demons had powerful bombs – dangerous arms capable of killing many people at a time, and lethal weapons full of poisonous gas. But they could not use them because both the humans and the demons would fall victim by their use, as both of them were the inhabitants of the same earth.”

“Ultimately the demons began to retreat. Finding no other alternative, the Strange Demon surrendered to the humans.” (1)

Note: To overthrow any exploitative regime, the exploited mass rebels against them. But not everyone in the regime is not bad. There are many officials or cadres within the regime who were following the demons orders under pressure. In the below story, it is described that when revolution starts then many good people defect from the demons party and support the revolution. They should be welcomed by the revolutionaries. This is the usual strategy that we see happening around the globe. And Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar also approves this. For example, suppose someone from Rudrananda’s team defects and comes and joins those exposing Dada R’s hypocrisy. Then that person should be appreciated and welcomed, and his past demerits should be overlooked.

1. The Golden Lotus of the Blue Sea

== Section: Important Teaching ==

In [EGD 21 March 1984 Gwalior], Baba has given the meaning of ota yoga and prota yoga in English. Ota yoga is "individual tactuality" between Parama Purusa and the unit entity; and, prota yoga is "collective tactuality" between Parama Purusa and all the entities, simultaneously. The above definition describes the intimate relation between Parama Purusa and His jiivas through His ota & prota yoga.

क्या है--ओतयोग और प्रोतयोग, individual tactuality and collective tactuality

what ota prota yoga

परमपुरुष जहाँ व्यष्टि के साथ सम्पर्कित हैं—वह क्या है ? न, individual tactuality | इसी individual tactuality को हम लोग संस्कृत में कहते हैं "ओतयोग" | और collective tactuality, परमपुरुष के साथ विश्वब्रह्माण्ड का जो सम्पर्क, collective tactuality, उसी को कहते हैं "प्रोतयोग" |

इसलिए दर्शन के द्वारा तथा विज्ञान के द्वारा यह सिद्ध होता है अच्छी तरह से कि—किसी भी हालत में कोई भी जीव अकेला नहीं है | परमपुरुष साथ हैं, देख रहे हैं | वह क्या कर रहा है ? क्या सोच रहा है ? देख रहे हैं | और जीव-जगत्‌ भी बेसहारा नहीं है | उन्हें भी परमपुरुष सामूहिक दृष्टि से देख रहे हैं | उनके साथ हैं | इसलिए वे भी बेसहारा नहीं हैं | समाज क्या करता है, जगत्‌ क्या करता है—परमपुरुष देख रहे हैं | व्यष्टि क्या करता है, वह भी देख रहे हैं | इससे सुविधा ज़्यादे, असुविधा कम | असुविधा एक है कि लुक-छिपकर कुछ कर नहीं सकोगे | सब कुछ देख रहे हैं | क्यों ? न, सब कुछ उनको मालूम है; ओतयोग से भी, प्रोतयोग से भी | Individual tactuality से भी, collective tactuality से भी | लुक-छिपकर कुछ कर लोगे, सो अवसर नहीं मिलेगा | वैसा मौका तुमको नहीं मिलेगा |

वैयष्टिक जीवन और सामूहिक जीवन दोनों पाप की सज़ा होगी

Collective body में भी, आठ, दस, बीस, पच्चीस, दस-बीस लाख, दस-बीस करोड़ आदमी भी बैठकर कुछ अनुचित काम करता है, बेसहारा पर ज़ुल्म करता है, निर्बल पर अत्याचार करता है, परमपुरुष देख लेंगे | यह बात छिपी हुई नहीं रहेगी | तो, जो कुछ भी देख लेंगे, उनके विधान के अनुसार वैयष्टिक जीवन में जैसा पाप का प्रायश्चित्त करना पड़ता है, सामूहिक जीवन में भी वैसा करना पड़ेगा | आज अगर दुनिया के एक मद्गर्वी कौम एक निर्बल कौम पर अत्याचार कर रहा है, परमपुरुष तो देख लिए | इसलिए उस पाप का प्रायश्चित्त atonement उन्हें करना पड़ेगा [1]

1. V22-22 इस विश्व में कोई अकेला नहीं, कोई असहाय नहीं EGD 21 March 1984 Gwalior