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Saturday, September 23, 2023

Ojo interior


Ojo interior


La faceta más importante en la vida de cualquier sadhaka es tener una meta. Sin una meta, la vida es un viaje sin rumbo en el que uno se deja a su antojo, desplazándose de una búsqueda transitoria a otra. Es por eso que Sadguru Baba nos guía claramente a adoptar una meta en la vida, y la mejor meta es Brahma.

En  un resumen en español de Caryacarya - 2, “Sadhana, Point #5”, Baba nos dice: Todo requiere una base; si la vida no tiene una base fuerte, una tormenta normal la interrumpe. Brahma es la base más fuerte. (resumen en español)

Cuando uno ha tomado a Brahma como Meta, entonces puede manejar todas las vicisitudes de la vida y alcanzar el rango Supremo.

La procrastinación espiritual es mortal

El único problema es que algunos pierden de vista su preciado objetivo. Esto les sucede especialmente a aquellos que se vuelven demasiado confiados y sienten que no necesitan seguir las reglas de conducta. Piensan con arrogancia y error que tienen todo bajo control. Otra causa de degeneración es la procrastinación espiritual por la que siguen postergando la práctica espiritual hasta que finalmente olvidan su sadhana por completo.

Debido a su arrogancia y procrastinación espiritual, en el transcurso de su vida cotidiana, esos seguidores quedan atrapados en otros atractivos e intereses; o simplemente son propensos a un grado de degeneración lento y constante. El resultado final es que pierden de vista la meta.

Hay innumerables ejemplos de esto. No es necesario revisarlos aquí. Más bien, este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar la clave para garantizar que uno permanezca en el camino, es decir, en el camino espiritual, a lo largo del viaje de su vida.

Introspección, tabla de dieciséis puntos, svadhyaya

Baba nos indica que debemos hacer introspección en momentos periódicos durante el día y la semana para asegurarnos de que nuestros pensamientos, palabras y acciones estén de acuerdo con el dharma. Pero esto debe hacerse de una manera muy particular porque a menudo uno puede quedar atrapado en su propio ego, en cuyo caso no puede discernir si está haciendo lo correcto o lo incorrecto. Entonces una persona no querrá señalar su propia mala conducta. Por lo tanto, se necesita un enfoque especial.

Así, si el nombre de un sádhaka es Gopi, entonces ese sádhaka Gopi debe verse a sí mismo como un tercero y preguntar: "Señor Gopi, no está siendo estricto al tomar alimentos sátvicos; o, señor Gopi, no está haciendo todas sus lecciones de sadhana; o Sr. Gopi, se ha vuelto negligente al hacer medio baño.

Solo mirándose a sí mismo como un tercero puede uno superar las trampas del ego y hacer una introspección adecuada. De esta manera, la introspección es la técnica para comprobar que la manera de comportarse de uno está de acuerdo con la ideología de Ananda Marga. Ese proceso de comparar las propias acciones con la vara de medir de las enseñanzas dhármicas de Baba se conoce como introspección. Junto con la introspección, existen otras técnicas para mantenerse fijo en el camino del dharma:
Completar y marcar la tabla de 16 Puntos diariamente. Esto hará que uno sea consciente de qué códigos de conducta y prácticas están siguiendo y cuáles son deficientes.
Practicar regularmente svadhaya, es decir, una revisión aguda de los temas espirituales de las enseñanzas divinas de Baba. Esto ayuda a mantener la mente inspirada y recordando la Meta principal de la vida.

Para mantener un movimiento adecuado en el camino, uno debe confiar verdaderamente en las avenidas antes mencionadas. Todos estas son invaluables para cada sadhaka, más bien para cada ser humano: introspección, tabla de dieciséis puntos, svadhyaya y una guía adecuada.

Porque mientras las plantas y los animales siguen su instinto y acatan la ley natural, los seres humanos tenemos libre albedrío. Por lo tanto, tenemos la capacidad de actuar de acuerdo con el bhagavad dharma, y en contra de él. Por eso es tan importante observar regularmente y reflexionar sobre nuestra conducta de manera imparcial. Entonces sabremos si estamos siguiendo el camino correcto, o si nos hemos desviado de él.

Cómo no es un hombre, sino un anima

A continuación, Baba nos indica que los humanos comparten cuatro propensiones básicas con los animales: comida, sueño, procreación y miedo. La cualidad única de los seres humanos es dharma sadhana y es esa cualidad la que debe fomentarse. Sin hacer dharma sadhana, uno simplemente lleva una vida animal.

   En un resumen en español de Namah Shiváya Shántáya, “Disc: 16”, Baba nos dice: Las propensiones humanas que operan en la esfera mundana son cinco: áhára [comida], nidrá [sueño], bhaya [miedo], maethuna [generar descendencia] y dharma sádhaná [práctica espiritual]. De estas cinco, sólo las primeros cuatro juegan un papel en la vida de los animales. La naturaleza peculiar de estas cinco propensiones es la siguiente: si se les da indulgencia, aumentan. Y fácilmente se controlan con un ligero esfuerzo; sólo en la etapa inicial , uno debe luchar un poco para controlarlos.
   De estas propensiones, las primeras cuatro son principalmente físicas y secundariamente mentales, y la quinta es igualmente física, mental y espiritual. La cantidad de las primeras cuatro requeridas para la salud física y mental es mínima; pero la necesidad de la quinta, dharma sádhaná, es ilimitado: cuanto más, mejor. Si la necesidad de cualquiera de los cuatro primeros se canaliza hacia el quinto, mucho mejor, ya que puede que ya no haya ninguna necesidad de esa propensión. (resumen en español)

Como seres humanos, tenemos instintos, impulso psíquico (sentimiento y emoción) e ideología. Sin embargo, solo debemos guiarnos por la ideología, no por el instinto o la emoción.

En un resumen en español de Subhasita Samgraha - 12, “Man and His Ideological Desideratum”, Baba nos dice: La vida humana, a diferencia de la vida animal, es un flujo ideológico. Donde no hay flujo ideológico, en ese caso, incluso si la estructura física es como un hombre, él no es un hombre, sino un animal. Así que todos y cada uno de los seres humanos deben hacer todo lo posible para mantener el estado especial de los humanos. Es nuestro primer deber. Es nuestro deber fundamental. Este flujo ideológico debe mantenerse a toda costa. (resumen en español)


Es nuestro deber ineludible realizar introspección y análisis diariamente, es decir, debemos mirar hacia atrás en un registro de nuestras acciones pasadas. Este cuerpo humano es una máquina. No fue diseñado para placeres carnales o deleites sentimentales. Sin embargo, muchos son propensos de esta manera. Pero no debemos dejarnos guiar por el instinto o el sentimiento.

A través de la introspección regular, podremos asegurarnos mejor de que nuestros pensamientos, palabras y acciones estén en sintonía con la ideología de Ananda Marga. Los otros métodos antes mencionados también serán de gran ayuda en este esfuerzo: la tabla de dieciséis puntos, svadhyaya y una guía benévola. El nuestro es el camino de la ideología y esa debe ser nuestra vara de medir. Nuestras mentes deben ser entrenadas de esa manera y nuestros cuerpos deben usarse solo para ese propósito, no para ningún otro.

Por lo tanto, debemos estar atentos y asegurarnos de que todas nuestras acciones estén de acuerdo con la ideología de Ananda Marga, es decir, de acuerdo con las enseñanzas dhármicas de Baba. Mediante la introspección, sabremos que nos estamos moviendo en el camino correcto y podremos corregir cualquier deficiencia por la gracia de Baba.

En Él,

- Here is a link to the original English posting: Inner eye

- Here are more Spanish postings

- Here is a link to Spanish Prabhat Samgiita

Story: special surrender technique + 4 more


Story: special surrender technique


When I came in contact with Baba in 1966, I went to Jamalpur, and He graced me by giving me personal contact (PC). In that personal encounter, Baba pointed out my mistakes and punished me. Then He ordered me to surrender. But I had no idea how to surrender. I was totally unaware about what to do.

Mentally I was asking Baba, "How do I surrender? What should I do?" I was in a quandary as to what to do, i.e. how to surrender. Mentally, I was pleading with Him to show me the way.

Then Baba said, "Just become like a very small infant." Hearing this, I understood what to do, and I fell at His lotus feet, giving everything of myself, by His grace, and surrendering myself to Him. And Baba blessed me.

Surrender: be like a helpless child

Many people think that simply lying in sastaunga pranam is surrender or mentally thinking, "I surrendered", is actually surrendering to Guru. But that does not work; that is not the operative factor. Because when one keeps something for oneself, one's ego or I-feeling is still active, then that type of "surrender" is meaningless. Then there are still others who think that surrendering is like a military or police arrest where you just surrender physically, and hold onto your ego, pride, vanity, and other mental baggage. This also is a point of confusion.

In spirituality there must be cent-per-cent surrender in the psycho-spiritual realm. So Baba's teaching of being like an infant is ideal. One must think that, "I have nothing - nothing belongs to me - everything is of Parama Purusa." Then the true feeling of surrender comes. The infant does not have anything of its own. A small baby does not fall prey to ego, vanity, intellect, or fortune etc, whereas grown-ups often think that they have something (career, beauty, knowledge, wealth, name, fame etc) and then after doing some type of show or drama of surrender, they cannot get success. It does not work.

In the case of an infant, that baby literally has nothing. That small child feels helpless, and with that feeling it depends on its mother. Until one is helpless one cannot surrender fully; one will maintain their own unit I-feeling. They think, "This much I can do and You Parama Purusa have to do the rest." This is not good. One must surrender fully just like the small child never thinks it can manage on its own. So that helpless baby surrenders unconditionally to mother, whereby the mother is forced to come to the baby's rescue. When a sadhaka surrenders with that same psychology (i.e. unconditionally) then Guru is sure to accept.

One who boasts of anything of this world is a fool

So that is what a sadhaka must emulate in their spiritual life when surrendering to Guru. A sadhaka must give everything of themselves, without holding back anything. Then that will be surrender in the real sense of the term.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides, "Prańipáta means complete surrender to the Eternal Entity, Parama Puruśa. The mental attitude that “whatever is, is from Parama Puruśa and nothing is mine” is prańipáta. One who has ego, one who thinks that one’s intellect, wealth and other things are one’s own, is the greatest fool. A person boasts of learning, intellect and fortune. But nothing is eternal. Therefore one who boasts of anything of this world is a fool. The worst psychic knot is the false vanity of intellect. Whatever is, is of Parama Puruśa; nothing is yours. Hence there should be complete surrender to Parama Puruśa. This is the first indispensable factor for mental development. If you really want to serve the world, complete surrender at the feet of Parama Puruśa is a must." (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy guides, "If you want to attain the bliss of Brahma, you must offer your own self. If you want to have the Great “I”, you must give away your own little “I”. You have to give the full sixteen annas, (the full rupee). Giving fifteen annas and holding back one anna will not do. You must completely surrender." (2)

Your reliance on Him holds great value. All mundane things are limited in scope and reach. They cannot save and protect you in all circumstances. Whereas Parama Purusa is omnipresent and all-powerful. In all situations, He is there to save you. And not just in this life, but after your death and in all future lives - always He is there. In contrast, mundane wealth has a limited reach in this life and absolutely zero value after your death. That is why every bhakta should think, "All these mundane treasures are of limited use, but You Parama Purusa, Your reach is infinite and Your eyes are everywhere. Always You are present to help and protect me; You are my eternal Bandhu. That is why I am surrendering my everything - my mind and heart - unto You.”

Who can never attain spiritual progress in life

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "If human beings cannot surrender themselves at the altar of Parama Puruśa they can never attain spiritual progress in life. Without total surrender, Macrocosmic grace is not attained, and without Macrocosmic grace nothing is attained. Besides this there is no other way, (Nányah Panthá Vidyateyanáya)." (3)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “What is the meaning of “prańipáta?” The word “prańipáta”; is derived from the Saḿskrta prefix “Pra” + “ni” + “pat” + “ghaiṋ” prań – ni – pat + ghaiṋ. Prańipáta means “total surrender”. But where should one surrender? At the altar of one's goal. The sádhaka should surrender totally and selflessly at the base of that altar. And to whom should one surrender? One is to surrender to the supreme goal of one's life, to the highest point of one's supreme stance.” (4)

Ananda Marga Ideology says, “My opinion is that it is proper for human beings to leave everything to Paramátmá, because those who are truly devotees know that Paramátmá is much wiser than they. This is what is known as prańipáta, and this is fulfilled by parábhakti. There is no alternative.” (5)


Baba has graced us with tantra sadhana and given the special teaching that for the sadhaka, surrender is everything. And in the above story, Baba graciously presents us with a simple, practical way how to surrender: Be like a small infant. By following this guideline sincerely, one can attain the highest peak and reach the Supreme Goal, by His grace.

The mindset should be that, "Only Parama Purusa is my eternal abode and Saviour; material wealth is completely impermanent; if my ship is sinking in the middle of the ocean, my money will not be able to save me; because the reach of that wealth is limited; whereas, Parama Purusa's reach is infinite; there is no place where He is not; so all along I am depending only on Him; my mundane wealth is only for attending to worldly duties and responsibilities." Thus, it does not matter how much wealth one has; the degree of surrender is wholly based on how much you truly rely and depend upon Him.

In Him,

Note: The above story has been recounted by our margii brother, Shrii Nishikanta Laghate of Nagda, Madya Pradesh.

~ In-depth study ~

Here is an English summary of the Hindi teaching from Dharma aor Pragati, NP, DMC 1 January 1963 Patna

When human beings feel that, ‘Parama Purusa is my everything’, then that is called as sharan (shelter). No entity can come under the sharan (shelter) of two different things. Then what is the meaning of sharanagati (surrender)? When living beings give up their ‘I-feeling’ by withdrawing the mind from any other object and feel that Parama Purusa alone is my everything. Up to the time when living beings are thinking that they are working with their own strength, then you should understand that the feeling of sharanagati has not yet come in them. And when human beings think that, ‘I am doing the work only with His strength’, it means the feeling of sharanagati has come in their mind. So when living beings start thinking that, ‘Whatever work I am doing, I am doing with His strength’, then they have the feeling of sharanagati.

True Ananda Margiis will take their sick baby to the hospital. According to their God-given capacity and strength, they will provide all kinds of nursing, medicine, medical care, and whatever is needed. And side by side, they will go on thinking: "O' Lord, with the strength given by You, I am trying, but without Your grace nothing will happen. You are the real Doer. I am fully surrendering unto Your sweet will.  Let Your desire be fulfilled. "

Bhaktas think one should use all their inherent abilities to solve any crisis and cultivate the idea that, “It is His strength and that He is supplying the energy - and without His energy, I cannot do anything. If He wishes then only will I be rescued - it is fully depending on Him.” Whatever strength God has given must be utilised remembering that He is the final doer. This is the ideal way of surrender.

Shrii Nishikanta Laghate's above story brings an important point to light. 

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 1, The Three Factors for Spiritual Elevation
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration, Form and Colour
3. Tattva Kaomudi - 3, Bhakti and Krpá
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 6, Three Fundamental Factors to Succeed in Sádhaná Márga
5. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 10, The Cardinal Spirit of Action and the Supreme Stance of Devotion


It is the accepted international standard and Baba's system not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:

1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).

2) Countless stories of bhaktas need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever. So watch out for story thieves, and kindly help them not to steal by posting on social media in their own way. If you want to forward this story then attach the following yellow section with the story: 

“Courtesy of unknown bhakta via Ananda Marga Universal (”

This will be treated as the standard protocol.

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

I have come to follow You

Note: Only those who sincerely practice the higher lessons of sahaja yoga meditation can understand this song in the depths of their heart.
"Tandra' yadi a'se he prabhu bheunge dio..." (Prabahta Samgiita #2497)


My Parama Purusa, Baba please bless me so that I can better serve You. If tandra', if spiritual drowsiness, ever clouds my being then destroy it. And if vanity ever enters into my mind, then pulverise that into the dust and keep me in Your shelter. I request that You bless me so that I can follow You.

My nearest Entity, if I ever forget You and move along the sinful path, then with a thunderous voice kindly guide and discipline me, and bring me back under Your shelter. Parama Purusa, I have come onto this earth - You have brought me here - to do Your work, to serve You by doing mantra japa, kiirtan, sadhana, and dhyana.

Supreme Entity, Baba, I have come here to move on the pathway which You have shown me. I ask that You soak my mind with this divine truth: The sole reason for my birth is to serve You. You are the be-all and end-all of my life.

Baba, be ever-merciful so that I can remain at Your lotus feet permanently, forever and ever...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #2497

[1] Tandra': (Literally meaning 'drowsiness') In the above Prabhat Samgiita, tandra does not mean physical weariness but rather drowsiness in the spiritual realm. When people remain oblivious of the spiritual world, and when they think that sadhana is for the future only, their life passes only in mundane thoughts and preoccupations. By this way the mind gradually gets debased.

This state of remaining oblivious to one's spiritual life is known as tandra, or drowsiness in the spiritual sense. As we know Prabhat Samgiita is divine - not mundane. For this reason we can understand when the term tandra' is used in this song it refers to the spiritual realm.

Baba has told that one can only properly understand Prabhat Samgiita when the mind is at the trikuti (ajina cakra) or above. Otherwise one cannot understand the meaning. Sometimes in Prabhat Samgiita Baba uses terms related with mundane life; but this is usually done as an allegory only. The inner sense is something deeper. So on the mundane level tandra' means physical drowsiness but in this song it refers to spiritual drowsiness.

In this materialistic era, people are more involved in their material gain than their spiritual progress. 

Here are Baba's comments on tandra' and spiritual drowsiness and lethargy.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Every human being, from the age of fourteen or fifteen, has an innate desire to ideate on Parama Purus'a. With cosmic ideation one will attain vast expansion of mind, one will become great in all respects. No one can check the all-round progress of such a person. People realise this and yet ignore it and thus waste their time getting old for nothing. That is, they waste their time in non-spiritual pursuits. This is called 'spiritual lethargy'. It causes the greatest harm to human life because it results in only a very small percentage of the human potentiality - maybe one or two percent - being utilised by humans. Even those who we call great personalities hardly use ten percent of their potentialities. Due to spiritual lethargy people are unable to progress, and thus remain very ordinary. They come to the world, live, decay and die as ordinary human beings." (1)

And here Baba explains about tandra' and the six defects:

    Nidra' tandra' bhayam' krodha a'lasyam' diirghasu'trata';
    S'ad'ados'a'h purus'en'eha ha'ntavya'h bhu'timicchata'.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Those who want to prosper in life must destroy these six defects in themselves: nidra' [sleep], tandra' [drowsiness], a'lasya [lethargy], bhaya [fear], krodha [anger], and diirghasu'trata' [procrastination]." (2)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, 'Bad Habits Which Should Be Given Up'
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, 'Sleep & Inertia'

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How the rich despise the poor

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “What a dangerous outlook! What a rosy philosophy of capitalism! God save humanity from such perverted philosophy. Man’s desire for worldly pleasure does not cease until he finds a really great ideal. His hunger is insatiable. The wolf in him seems to say over and over again, “I am hungry, I am hungry.” His mouth is agape all the time and the fools of the earth, resigned to their belief in predestination, are swallowed by it. These wolves eat up their flesh and blood and cast away their insipid bones. Are we to support this wolfish philosophy? The dirty-clothed laborers, their faces lined with hard labor and fatigue, are not human beings in the eyes of those who have Mammon by their side. The characteristic of a vested interest is that it has no other thought but itself. The selfish man is the eater, the others are his food. His needs are never-ending. Out of his salary the poor man has to pay his house rent, support his family, educate his children, provide milk for his baby, marry his daughters. Are those necessities only for the people of the upper classes? Are these not the minimum necessities of life? Yes, but these thoughts of the poor are no concern of the rich! Such thinking involves some sacrifice, does it not? From where would objects of luxury for the rich come, if hunger were not the hard task-master of the poor? Let the daughters of the poor collect cow-dung forever and their sons be slaves in the households of the rich. What a fine arrangement! The high hopes of the poor?–pooh! pooh!! Aren’t they all moonshine?”

“No two things in the world are alike. So I do not suggest recasting everything into one mold. Still, for humanism and justice, equitable distribution of the resources of the universe is indispensable; co-ownership of the world’s resources is the birthright of every individual. Even a small attempt at depriving someone of this right is gross selfishness. Except when a special favor becomes necessary to give certain individuals impetus and inspiration, all persons must be given equal rights and opportunities in all spheres. Every individual must have equal rights regarding food, clothing, housing, medical aid and education — those things that are absolutely necessary for existence.” (1)

1. Human Society-1, Social Justice

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

उच्च स्तर के भक्त की पुकार

प्रभात संगीत 255 आमि तोमार लागिया जागिया रएछी, सतत तोमार पथ चेये...

परिचय - यह गीत प्रथम श्रेणी के भक्ति भाव को प्रदर्शित करता है। भक्त अपनी साधना कर रहा है बड़ी ही गहराई से ध्यान में वह परमपुरुष की निकटता का अनुभव करते करते अचानक पाता है कि परमपुरुष उसके मानसिक पटल से ओझल हो गये। इस दुख पूर्ण स्थिति   में वह विछोह का अनुभव करते हुए परम पुरुष से लौट आने का अनुरोध करता है। भक्त के हृदय से इसी स्थिति को गीत के माध्यम से प्रकट किया गया है परंतु वे जो उच्च स्तर के भक्त नहीं हैं इसे नहीं समझ सकते।

 हे परमपुरुष ! मैं तुम्हारे लिये जाग रहा हॅूं।  तुम्हारे आने से होने वाले  आनन्द की आशा  में , मैं तुम्हारे आने के रास्ते  को रोज  ही  देख रहा हॅूं। तुम्हारी कृपा से मेरा मन भक्ति भाव में बह  रहा है।  मैं केवल तुम्हीं को चाहता हॅूं। मैंने तुम्हारे लिये एक फूलों की माला बना ली है।  तुम्हारे आने की प्रतीक्षा में सभी तैयारियाॅं भी कर ली हैं। इसलिये हे मेरे परमप्रिय ! चुपचाप मेरे मन में केवल मेरे होने के लिये आ जाओ।

हे परमपुरुष ! तुमने अपने प्रेम के आकर्षण  की रस्सी से मुझे क्यों बाॅंध लिया है। तुमने मुझे अपनी चाहत के आंसुओं में क्यों डुबो दिया है। हे मेरे परमप्रिय ! तुमने ये क्यों किया है ? अब मैं तुम्हें कभी नहीं भूल सकता।  तुम्हारी सूरत  मेरे मन के परदे  पर हर समय  तैरती रहती है।

हे बाबा ! मैं जो कुछ सोचता हॅूं तुम उसके पीछे अवश्य ही रहते हो। पता नहीं  मैं,  ये कैसी विपदा  में फँस  गया हॅूं। इस कारण अब तुम चुपके चुपके, चोरी से, मेरे मन में आकर केवल मेरे ही हो जाओ। 

== Section 3: Links ==

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