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Thursday, September 14, 2023

Test: your relationship with AMPS + 3 more


Test: your relationship with AMPS


A husband and wife were walking down the street. They were young and had not yet had children. As they were continuing their walk they found a baby in the street. They thought they should look after the baby. So they took it to the doctor, and the doctor told them that the baby had a severe cough and cold. The wife and husband thought that having a baby with a cough and cold was too much of a problem. So they left the baby at the hospital and continued on with their lives.

One year later, that same married couple gave birth to their first child. When the child was just a week old the doctor told them that their child suffered from a severe case of autism and that he would never be normal. Even then, the parents felt that "This baby is mine", and they took firm resolve to care for the baby even though the baby would require huge attention and drain them of their financial resources.

The same married couple got involved in similar situations but with vastly different outcomes. Since they felt that the baby in the street was not theirs, they did not want to know about or deal with the problems. But with their own biological baby they were ready to undergo all kinds of struggle and strife because they felt, "This baby is mine."

Fakes don't feel "AMPS is mine"

The above story speaks well to the situation now in AMPS. Those who do not feel that AMPS belongs to them are not willing to deal with or hear about the problems whereas those who feel a sense of belonging to AMPS are ready to address all kinds of issues in order to clean-up and repair the organisation.

It is just like if one's own hand is dirty, then that person will not chop off their hand, they will clean it. The point being that when there is a problem that affects one's own life, then they solve the problem. Whereas if you think that problem is not related with you, then you separate yourself from the problem. That is the difference.

The same thing applies to the organisation. Those who are committed members of AMPS try and fix the problem because they think AMPS belongs to them. So they will point out the problems, alert others, and rally to solve the difficulties. Whereas those who look at AMPS from arm's-distance will just move further away when problems arise. They will go elsewhere. They are cowards.

Who wants only to hear good news, not bad

To continue, the first needed ingredient is an emotional attachment to AMPS. We should think that: Ananda Marga ideology is mine, and this AMPS organisation is mine. All should feel like this. Then we will be adamant to fix the problem and find the solution.

Those who run away are blind and cowardly and could never understand Ananda Marga ideology. Such persons can never solve any problem. All true Ananda Margiis will cultivate a sense of rationality, do sadhana and gain a deeper understanding of AM ideology, i.e. bhagavad dharma. We know that all religions are dogmatic and that only AM is dharma.

Sadguru Baba says, "Ananda Marga alone is dharma and all the rest are sectisms." (1)

When we know only Baba's Ananda Marga is a perfect philosophy then it is our duty to fix the organisation and inspire others to do the same. In that way we will be able to solve one problem after another and make AMPS shine.

When those problems do invariably occur, there are three basic responses that come forth:
(A) Third-grade people think that AMPS is not a good place to stay and they run away.
(B) Second grade people do not get concerned about wrongdoings and justify that things should remain as is. They say, “Just hide the problems so that others do not find out about them, otherwise we will have a bad name.”
(C) Top-grade people recognise the problem, alert others, and work to collectively solve the issue.

Those who are pseudo-margiis do not want to hear about any problems in AMPS. If they hear of any problem, then they run away.


We should cultivate a positive approach in life. Just seeking out good news is not the way. We should find out the problems in AMPS and fix those issues. We cannot find another organisation founded by Taraka Brahma. AMPS is the only organisation based on the fundamentals of bhagavad dharma and neo-humanism. Ananda Marga philosophy is unique; one will not find another one like it in this universe. So when we discover that there are problems in the organisation, we should be vigilant to keep it in proper shape by thinking that this AMPS is mine. In that case, we will identify the problems, alert others, and jointly solve those issues with other good people.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Honest people appreciate whistleblowers

Bear in mind that in this relative world there will always be problems. In this dance of creation, avidya maya keeps spinning her web. This is an ongoing matter.

Since Ananda Marga started there have been problems. So many people inside and outside of AMPS created problems for us. And always Baba was there to show us how to solve such matters. Solving problems is essential, and always Baba managed these situations. That is the way of tantra, and that is why He is a Tantric Guru. For this reason, He would both lovingly punish and praise; and, for this reason, He gave dharma samiiksa. His each and every action was aimed at identifying the problems and providing the solution. Because that is what Taraka Brahma does. He comes when society is at its worst and then builds it up in the best way.

So we should follow in Baba's footsteps by solving the problems. When we hear about problems in AMPS from someone else, we should always remember the advice of the great saint Kabir. He advised:

 Keep those close to you who are going to point you out, by this way you will be corrected and cleaned. - Kabir

The sense is we should always embrace those who are pointing out the problems in AMPS, because that is the only way to create a proper organisation to establish dharma.

Guru says: Oppose wrongdoers - do not tolerate

Here is an English summary of Sadguru Baba’s above Hindi teaching from EGD 25 November 1978 Mumbai:

If our own person, family member, or anyone deviates from the truth or is lacking sincerity, oppose them. Do not tolerate them. It does not matter if they are our own family member. If our own person is dishonest and insincere then they are more dangerous. Why? If a snake is living outside the house in the wild it is dangerous, but if that snake enters inside the house then it is more dangerous. Therefore they [our close persons] should be opposed more strongly. (English summary)

In His above guideline Baba explains that bad elements in society are dangerous, but bad elements inside your house - inside your organisation - are more dangerous. Do not tolerate them, benevolently oppose them. So they can rectify their ways and become an asset to our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, The Call of the Supreme
2. Ananda Vanii #11

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The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

What real humans do

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Parama Purusa will be pleased when you serve His creation - not only human beings, but also plants, animals, and the rest of creation. That is bhu'ta yajina, pitr yajina, and nr yajina are to be performed. Those who have this feeling are human beings in the real sense of the term." (1) 

Note: Service is an indisputable part of human life. Ananda Marga is unique in that our approach to service is not limited to helping other human beings. We are to work for the welfare of all creation including animals, plants, other primitive life forms, and even inanimate objects. Those who are not inclined to serve all of creation cannot be thought of as true human beings. Living a life solely in pursuit of one’s selfish ends will not do. One has to cultivate the desire to serve one and all. 

According to Ananda Marga philosophy, service is unilateral. One serves others without wanting or expecting anything in return. If there is a give and take involved then it is business, not service. Only those with the sincere desire to serve are real human beings. Those involved in selfish pursuits in the name of social service are not up to the mark. In materialistic societies, people are primarily guided by self-interest and carnal pleasures. Theirs is not a life of social service. Though, in order to garner prestige, they engage in endeavours that look like they are doing social service.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, The Requirements for Sádhaná

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Religious ignorance

Ananda Marga ideology states, "When the ancient people were faced with immense obstacles, they would perform sacrificial ceremonies for the propitiation of the gods, for they were not acquainted with the scientific methods to surmount those obstacles. They thought that there was no difference between the smoke produced by burning ghee in fire and the clouds in the sky. They were unaware that the former is composed of unburnt carbon-particles of ghee and the latter are basically a combination of hydrogen and oxygen which appears to be blackish under certain circumstances. Even today if people misuse ghee by burning it in a sacrificial fire, they certainly do it out of total ignorance." (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 8, Struggle and Progress

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Annihilated by their own followers

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The matter does not end here. The wickedness, the deceit, that pollutes human society first moves along a crooked path like its masters, and finally ends up by annihilating its masters themselves. The wicked persons at the helm of affairs, who are now out to liquidate others, will one day themselves be liquidated and erased from history by their own followers. Sinful persons, by following the crooked path, contaminate the atmosphere of the universe, but ultimately that sinful conduct, in a similar crooked way, will recoil like a boomerang on the sinners themselves. Those who deprive others of justice, who stifle others’ voices and try to immortalize themselves by their own loud proclamations, are themselves usually deprived of justice in the end. And their loud cries which had risen to the skies, are smothered in the underworld. Shiva the Omniscient was aware of these hard realities. So He warned the devoted and dharmic people, Pápasya kut́iilá gatih [“The ways of sin are always crooked”].” (1)

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shivas Teachings – 1 (continued) (Discourse 10)

== Section: Important Teaching ==

When sadvipras contest for elections and when not

Prout philosophy states, "Sadvipras are not inactive witnesses. They are active participants to see that no person or class exploits the rest. For this they may have to resort even to physical violence, because the sadvipras will have to strike at the source of the power [of the class] which is tending to become the exploiter. In case the kśatriya class are becoming exploiters, the sadvipras may have to resort to physical force, and in an age where the intellectual or vipra class are dominating, they will have to bring about a revolution in the intellectual field. In case the vaeshyas are dominating, the sadvipras may have to contest and win elections, because the vaeshya class rules by democracy, and the democratic set-up enables them to accumulate undue gains." (1)

1. Idea & Ideology, The Place of Sadvipras in the Samája Cakra

== Section 3: Links ==

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