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Friday, September 8, 2023

Pitfalls of party system + 3 more

Pitfalls of party system


In the current social milieu, the political landscape is dominated by political parties. Each country has a gamut of political parties. That is the backdrop in today's world arena. In Prout, our stand is entirely different. Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar guides us that the party system is faulty, divisive, and harmful. Throughout His Prout philosophy, Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar has exposed the defects of the party system and provided us with the answer for what should be done.

Existence of any political / religious group or party is harmful

We should remember that in political parlance, the term 'party' is just a euphemism for 'groupism' where mighty party politicians rigidly cling to their narrow interests, i.e. their own political power.

Prout philosophy states, "The problem of how to remain in power is the most important issue of every political party that comes to power in an election." (1)

So political parties are not concerned with human interests nor the public good. That is not their primary aim, nor their secondary aim. Their entire raison-d'etre (reason for being) is just for exploiters to retain their power and tight-fisted grip over the electoral process. Shrii PR Sarkar condemns how in the party/group system, politicians ruthlessly push for (a) their own personal prestige and (b) the agenda and stature of the party/group - blatantly disregarding the welfare of the common citizens.

Prout philosophy states, "It is noticeable that politicians, to further their party [group] interests and to enhance their individual power and position, do not hesitate even to cause suffering to millions of people." (2)

From top to bottom, the political parties are characterised by extreme selfishness and the lust for power - completely devoid of any benevolent motive.

Detrimental effects of party/group system

Here are a few more of the many reasons why Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar warns us about the inherent dangers & dealings of political parties.

(a) In the party oriented system, due to extreme political propaganda, the common people get befooled into voting 'the party / group line' - and not for the quality of the individual. In result, all sorts of unqualified people get voted into office.
(b) Party / group leaders do not stand on their own individual merit and abilities; instead, they rely on the political muscle and reputation of the party, thereby enabling undeserving candidates to come into the fore.
(c) As the world has witnessed, from democracies to socialist and communist regimes, all such political groupings have committed countless wrongs and inflicted untold injustices using the party / group system.

These are some of the many factors at play in the party / group system.

Party / group system devours honest candidates

In truth, throughout the society, many qualified individuals are interested in working for the well-being of the common folk, but in the party system such independent candidates never get the opportunity to contest elections. Instead, the party/group just bulls their own member(s) into the chair.

Prout philosophy states, "Rich and influential people can compel other candidates, by financial inducements or intimidation, to withdraw their nomination papers." (3)

In such a dark political climate, the party / group system shuts down any attempt by individuals to run for office. Those independent candidates cannot compete against massive economico-political machinery of the top, ruling parties.

As shown, 'rule of the people' is the stated slogan of the top democracies. But upon closer look we see something else going on. Because in the present world order, each and every democracy is overrun by the existence of political parties - democrats, republicans etc. So the common people - the citizens - never truly get the opportunity to elect an individual leader to represent them, but rather get stuck with a party/group puppet - a mere political tool of the ruling party etc.

Prout philosophy states, "In the name of forming a democratic government, different political and communal parties throw their hats into the election ring..[ultimately] parties are installed in power which go against the interests of the people." (4)

Thus the political parties just burst onto the scene and crush the hopes and aspirations of the general populace. With the existence of the party system, there is no relief in sight - not in any direction. Democracy is supposedly 'of the people, by the people, for the people'; but, in actuality it is 'of the party/group, by the party, for the party'. That is the hard reality of the day.

Vote for deserving candidates, not lamppost / group stooge

In response to all the political chaos and failures of the party / group system, Prout offers the ultimate solution. Prout's main platform is to create an environment where individual candidates, not parties, abound in the political scene. And the best person - the one carrying the banner of neo-humanism - should be supported.

Prout philosophy states, "People should cast their votes for deserving human beings - not for the lamppost [i.e. political tool] holding the party ticket." (5)

In such an open atmosphere not choked by the party / group system, the people are to elect a candidate based on their formidable credentials and worthy qualifications. Since the party system itself is the root cause of so much socio-political angst and manipulation, then, according to Prout, there should not be any party system. It should be summarily eradicated.
Verily, Prout does not support the existence of any political party / group. When there are no political parties, then the qualities and characteristics of the individual candidates become more visible. In that case, the educated voters will be able to discern who is who and what is what. That means candidates will have to stand on their own merit - unable to hide under the party umbrella.

In our Prout system, devoid of political parties and under the watchful eye of moralists and an increasingly educated public, more and more qualified candidates will get an opportunity in the political field. And the best one should be selected. Just as dinosaurs disappeared from this earth, same will be the fate of these outdated political parties. And in the new era of Prout, we will see the rise of qualified candidates-- i.e. sadvipras - to lead the people.


Prout philosophy states, "Today or tomorrow the entire world will accept PROUT as the only panacea for all of the world's mundane and supramundane ailments. There is no alternative." (6)

So party politics / factions / groups undermine the very fabric of society where unqualified people get the chair and overlook, or just give lip service to, the well-being of society. From the very start, to the middle, to the end, such parties are wholly committed to their narrow agenda inside AMPS and throughout the society-at-large. Under the banner of neo-humanism and Prout, our human society will be enabled to flourish. The day is fast approaching.

in Him,
(David Matthews)

~ In-depth study ~

Whether near or far, it is blatantly evident how the party system just manipulates the field of politics and stands in the way of social progress. If we look at the politics in any country, this theory applies universally. In any democracy that features the party / group system, the naive and common people have no choice but to elect the party, not the person. Because in every local or national election the people have no practical choice but to vote either: x party or y party. One leader is propped up by each party, and, by hook or by crook, the party / group works to get that fellow into the office.

See-saw nature of political party system

Basically it is just a negative seesaw battle between one party and the other - the x party and the y party. Truly qualified people outside the party system cannot enter onto the stage. So the party just props up and masquerades their own unseemly candidate. In that way certain political animals come into the limelight as someone great, even though they are propped up by others, only to get yanked down when their underhanded dealings and blatant lies get exposed. Then, in reaction the public gets fed up but with nowhere else to turn they blindly resort to the other political party to bring some relief. In this manner, the ball bounces back and forth in the democratic framework of any country. And this type of case scenario is not limited to any region, but is the standard wherever party politics is in vogue.

Each party, whether x party, y party, or z party etc, looks to capitalise on the other's black spots, simultaneously keeping the political runway clear of any other candidates. This is the seesaw battle of party / group politics - around the globe the same or worse is happening in each and every party system. Never can a proper, independent candidate reach to the chair when the party system is dominating the scene.

Dogma: party affiliation tops individual ability

Prout philosophy guides us, "Party politics is one of the factors which stands, or tries to stand, in the way of human unity. In fact party politics is even more dangerous than disease-causing germs. In party politics all the refined attributes of the human mind, such as simplicity and the spirit of service, slowly but surely get totally destroyed. Party affiliation commands more respect than individual ability; service to self, not service to people, is the main motto; ministerial office, rather than human welfare, is considered superior; and mass deception, political somersaults, etc., are most common phenomena." (7)

Prout philosophy guides us, "Instead of rectifying themselves, politicians want to accomplish everything through their grandiloquence. By identifying the weaknesses in others and by resorting to bombastic language, they incite one section of people against another so that they can usurp the seat of power and cling to it. Human beings will have to remain vigilant against persons of this type." (8)

Prout philosophy guides us, "Politicians want to poke their noses into every aspect of life: social, religious, educational, literary, etc. Under the hypnotic spell of power, politicians remain oblivious of the fact that experience and wisdom in various spheres of life cannot be acquired by merely mouthing high-sounding slogans from public platforms." (9)

Nowadays, democracies invariably get bound up in the party / group system. On the surface, they claim to be something else but we should examine how far this is accurate or not. With their own chicanery, party leaders try to convince the electorate that democracy is run and guided by the people.

Prout philosophy states, "According to the definition in vogue today, democracy is defined as the government of the people, by the people and for the people." (10)

But, in truth, such democracies are not run by the people for the people, they are run by the party elite for the party elite.

Tricky issue

Prout philosophy says, “It is possible in a democratic government that the members or the elected representatives comprise more than fifty percent of the total number of candidates winning at the hustings while the total votes secured by their party may be less than fifty per cent. In such a condition the government is said to be of a majority party, but in reality it is the government of a particular minority party. As the government is formed by a particular party the opinion of another party or other parties is not respected in the legislature. Though all parties participate in passing legislation, bill are passed according to the wishes of the party that is in the majority. When acts are passed by a particular party, that party often derives benefit from the enacted law while the people at large do not derive much benefit from it at all.” (11)

How to fix democracy

Prout philosophy states, “Now let us discuss some reforms to democracy. Democracy cannot succeed in countries where people are illiterate, immoral, or backward. Countries like England, the USA and France are suitable for democracy, but even these countries need to introduce some reforms.

First, legislators in the states and at the centre should be elected on the recommendations of the people at large. At the time of electing representatives the people should pay heed to their education, moral standard and sacrifice for the society etc. If the representatives are elected keeping in view these factors, they will not be guided by party interests but by collective interests. In their minds the interests of the entire human race and society will dominate, and not any class interests. They will be able to enact laws keeping in mind the problems of all and sundry, thereby accelerating the speed of social reconstruction. Their impartial service will bring happiness to all.

The voting rights should be vested in educated persons who have political consciousness and awareness of people’s problems. Age should not be a bar to voting right. If illiterate people are given voting rights there is the possibility of antisocial and incompetent representatives being elected.

To provide a fearless and independent ambience to the administration, the secretariat should be kept free from pressures from the cabinet. The cabinet should confine itself to legislation, the passage and passing of the budget, the implementation of its plans and policies, defense etc. The power of ministers should remain confined to the parliament and they should not poke their nose into the workings of the secretariat. The chief secretary should not be under the president or the prime minister but should act independently as the executive head. All the secretaries should work under the chief secretary. Free from cabinet pressures, every department will serve the people well.

In the present system the judiciary functions under a cabinet minister, and pressure from the minister may impair its independent functioning. To remove this defect and to ensure impartial justice, the judiciary should have the right to function independently. In no case should the chief justice be treated as inferior to the president or the prime minister. Only moralists and honest persons should be installed on the hallowed seat of justice. If people fail to keep this issue under their close scrutiny, injustice will take the place of justice.

[[Finally, for the proper utilization of the nation’s revenue and to ensure that every paisa is spent on building up the nation, it is extremely important that the audit branch as well be independent. The auditor general should be independent of the president. Only the independence of the auditor general can ensure that this branch will be able to fearlessly check the accounts of every other branch. Thus it should be a separate administrative branch of government, and independent of the party holding a majority.

All the four branches mentioned above should be given the scope to function independently. Thus there will be four compartments. No compartment will function under another.]]

But in such a situation there is still the possibility of injustice and exploitation. So to supervise or monitor the function of all these compartments, the benevolent dictatorship of the board of Sadvipras is required so that spirituality will reign supreme.” (12)

1. Proutist Economics, Economic Exploitation of Bengal
2. Problems of the Day, Point #29
3. Problems of the Day, Point #33
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 14, Compartmentalized Democracy
5. Problems of the Day, Point #27
6. Prout in a Nutshell - 17, The Significance of Language
7. Problems of the Day, Point #26
8. Problems of the Day, Point #26
9. Problems of the Day, Point #26
10. Prout in a Nutshell - 14, Compartmentalized Democracy
11. Prout in a Nutshell - 14, Compartmentalized Democracy
12. Prout in a Nutshell - 14, Compartmentalized Democracy

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section: Important Teaching ==

Cardiovascular exercise needed

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments says, "Pure, fresh air has the power to cure diseases. It is advisable to breathe in as fully as possible, because when we do so, the air gets an opportunity to penetrate the lungs completely. It is better to take a walk in the fresh air than to ride a vehicle. If the body does not work up a sufficient sweat, then you should know that you have not taken the air properly." (1)

Everyone is aware that Baba is teaching us to be vigilant about walking every morning and evening, invariably. 

1. Yogic Treatments, Appendix, Point E

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Can only serve if established in sadhana

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "You have to bring about your own spiritual salvation. If one does not try for one's own salvation, if one does not do spiritual practice, one can never serve society. It will be totally impossible." (1)

Note: There are a few who think that any type of mundane social activist, who is not even God-oriented, can be an ideal Prout leader. Some get enamoured with the popularity and tall talks of some so-called orators. In their naïveté they think that the person at the podium can bring lead society forward and establish Prout etc.

However, in Baba's above teaching, He clearly guides us that only those deeply involved in sadhana and equipped with the force of spirituality can provide the soothing balm to the exploited humanity. Without spirituality one can never render true service to society. Hence being on the path of sadhana is an essential requisite for serving the world.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 24, Incantation and Human Progress

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

मेरा यही गर्व है कि तुम मेरे हो, और मैं तुम्हारा हूँ ।

प्रभात सँगीत 472 तुमि आमारे चाओ ना इहा जानी

हेे परमपुरुष, मैं तुम्हे बहुत प्यार करता हूँ,  और चाहता हूँ  कि तुम मेरे निकट आ जाओ, इसलिये मैने अपने हृदय में  तुम्हारे लिये एक मंच तैयार कर लिया है, फिर भी तुम नहीं आ रहे हो, अतः अब यह सोचने को विवश  हूँ  कि तुम मुझे सचमुच प्यार नहीं करते। फिर भी निराश  होकर एक दूर की आशा  बनी है कि शायद भूल से ही मेरी ओर आ जाओ। बाबा, मैं बड़ी ही  आशाऔर पूर्वानुमान से तुम्हारे आने की प्रतीक्षा में दिन और घंटे गिन रहा हूँ ।

हेे परमपुरुष, तुम्हारे आगमन की तैयारी में मैंने स्वागत की सभी चीजें जुटा ली हैं। भव्य स्वागत के लिये अर्पण सामग्री को थाल में सजा लिया है। मैंने अपने हृदय के प्यार से भरकर अनेक फूलों को एक माला में पिरो लिया है, और कमरे को अपने हृदय की मधुर भावनाओं और प्यार के साथ सुगंधित चंदन की महक से भलीभाॅंति सजा लिया है। मेरे बाबा! यह सब व्यवस्थायें केवल तुम्हारे लिये हैं। मैं चैबीसों घंटे जाग रहा हूँ और तुम्हारी ही प्रतीक्षा में दिन रात गुजार रहा हूँ ।

हेे परमपुरुष, बाबा मैं स्थायी रूपसे तुम्हारे दिव्य गुणों और अनन्त विषेशताओं  को याद करता हूँ , तुम साक्षात् कृपा ही हो, तुम मुक्तिदाता हो, तुम नारायण हो। यह सोचकर कि तुम मेरे हो और मेरे हृदय में रहते हो, मुझे गर्व होता है। मेरा यही गर्व है कि तुम मेरे हो, और मैं तुम्हारा हूँ । बाबा! मैं तुम्हारे आगमन के रास्ते के किनारे उत्सुकता पूर्वक केवल इस भावना से प्रतीक्षा कर रहा हूँ  कि कब तुम्हें पाऊं और अपना सबकुछ तुम्हारे चरण कमलों में समर्पित कर दूं।

बाबा! कृपा करके मेरे हृदय में आओ ।

Aprendiendo del 3er Mahásambhúti


Aprendiendo del 3er Mahásambhúti


Parama Purusa es uno, y de vez en cuando viene a guiar a la humanidad cuando la sociedad pierde el rumbo, es decir, cuando la gente se degrada y las fuerzas demoníacas toman la delantera y explotan a las masas. En ese caso, ni siquiera las personas piadosas pueden resolver el problema. Entonces Parama Purusa adviene como Mahasambhuti.

En este planeta, el primer Mahasambhuti fue el Señor Shiva, y luego ese mismo Parama Purusa vino como Mahasambhuti en la forma del Señor Krsna. Y luego, nuevamente, después de 3500 años en el siglo XX, el tercer Mahasambhuti vino a esta tierra como el Señor Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji. En este artículo, vamos a discutir cómo el Señor Shiva y el Señor Krsna establecieron el dharma, y cómo el Señor Shrii Shrii Anandamurti también ha establecido el dharma, que pronto será visible para la gente común.

Yadá yadá hi dharmasya glánirbhavati Bhárata;
Cábhyutthánam adharmasya tadátmánaḿ srjámyaham.

En un resumen en español de Subhasita Samgraha - 11, “A Devotee's Object of Ideation”, Baba nos dice: Cada vez que el dharma decae, cada vez que la gente se siente que no tiene ayuda, en esa etapa se vuelve imperativo que Táraka Brahma venga al mundo con la ayuda de los cinco factores fundamentales, para inspirar a las personas deprimidas, para animarlas a seguir adelante, para que se den cuenta de que no están solos ni desamparados, que Parama Puruśa o Táraka Brahma está siempre con ellos y continuará ayudándolos. (resumen en español)

La acción del Señor Shiva, la presencia del Señor Krsna y el deseo de Baba

Durante el advenimiento histórico del Señor Shiva, Sadashiva luchó directamente con los demonios. Estaba peleando físicamente lado a lado con Sus bhaktas contra todas y cada una de las fuerzas negativas. En ese momento, Sus bhaktas eran primitivos en su comprensión, por lo que necesitaban la participación y la guía directas del Señor Shiva. No iban a poder entender o seguir nada más que la participación física directa del Señor para salvarlos de las manos de la gente malvada. Así que el Señor Shiva los ayudó usando Su fuerza física, como Su cuerda y su tridente, y por supuesto también Su fuerza psíquica.

Durante la época del Señor Krsna, la situación era diferente. Él no necesitaba participar en combate físico en el Mahabharata. Es por eso que Él dio Su palabra de que Él no lucharía físicamente para ningún lado, ni por los Kauravas ni por los Pandavas. En cambio, el Señor Krsna se convirtió en el auriga de Arjuna y guió psíquicamente todo.

Entonces, en realidad, la victoria del Mahabharata fue una bendición del Señor Krsna. No fue la magia o la ferocidad del arco y la flecha de Arjuna. De lo contrario, después de la guerra del Mahabharata, ¿cómo es que Arjuna fue derrotado por esa gente sencilla de pueblo, la gente 'Bhiil'? Por eso se entiende que la victoria del Mahabharata vino por la mera presencia del Señor Krsna. Eso solo fue suficiente para otorgar la victoria.

Esta era presente: Solo Su gracia es suficiente

Esta vez, el Señor Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji tiene Su propio enfoque único. Él quiere enseñar a Sus discípulos que mientras estuvo en Su forma de Mahasambhuti, Él estableció plenamente el dharma. Él creó la vibración y, con el tiempo, los resultados se manifestarán en el plano físico. Hemos visto esto, estamos viendo esto y lo veremos más en el futuro.

Hace mucho tiempo en la era del Mahabharata, la sociedad era comparativamente de un nivel más bajo que el actual. Es por eso que en el Mahabharata, Mahasambhuti Krsna estuvo presente durante la batalla, para animar y guiar a la gente. Pero ahora, debido a que el estándar general de la sociedad es más alto, Baba está enseñando a Sus bhaktas de una manera diferente.

Recuerde, cuando Arjuna estaba confundido, el Señor Krsna eliminó todos los dilemas de su mente. El Señor Krsna le mostró a Arjuna Su vishvarupa (forma universal). Y Arjuna se dio cuenta de que incluso antes de la guerra del Mahabharata, todos los guerreros contrarios ya habían muerto. Ya todo estaba hecho en la esfera mental; esa fue la voluntad del Señor Krsna. Entonces, lo que el Señor Krsna pensó en Su mente acerca de la victoria del dharma tomó forma en el plano físico en unos pocos días. Después de tomar expresión física, todos vieron que se estableció el dharma. Pero en el verdadero sentido, el dharma se estableció tan pronto como el Señor Krsna concibió el pensamiento antes de la guerra del Mahabharata.

Todos sabemos que el Señor viene aquí a esta tierra como Mahasambhuti para establecer el dharma. Y establecer el dharma no significa luchar físicamente con un arco y una flecha contra los demonios. El Señor Krsna estableció el dharma en virtud de Su deseo. Pero los seres humanos solo pudieron ver después del Mahabharata cómo el dharma ya estaba establecido, pero necesitaban la presencia del Señor Krsna para guiarlos.

Lentamente seremos testigos de esto con nuestros propios ojos

El Señor Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji ha establecido el dharma por Su mero deseo. Veremos en un futuro próximo cómo sigue desarrollándose y tomando forma. Parama Purusa puede cambiar toda la psique de la humanidad en un instante, pero eso no sería natural. Con Su deseo, Baba ha establecido el dharma. Lentamente, lentamente seremos testigos de esto con nuestros propios ojos en este mundo físico. Hemos visto esto, estamos viendo esto y lo veremos más en el futuro

Mahasambhuti Baba ha venido y ha creado la vibración. Y con el tiempo, esa vibración toma forma en la esfera física. En verdad, vemos cómo en este período de transición se están produciendo tantos cambios nuevos y monumentales. Muy rápidamente la sociedad se está transformando. Desde 1955 hasta hoy, ha habido un gran cambio en la psique humana y se han producido innumerables cambios revolucionarios. Hemos visto esto, estamos viendo esto y lo veremos más en el futuro.

Baba ha venido y ha dado el camino en la forma de la ideología de Ananda Marga. De esta manera, a todos se les han dado los ingredientes para moverse en el día a día y progresar en la lucha contra la explotación.

Después de tener todo listo y hecho, Él retiró Su forma de Mahasambuti y permanece eternamente con nosotros como Taraka Brahma. Con el tiempo hemos visto y seguimos viendo los resultados manifestarse físicamente. Todo el tiempo Él sigue viviendo en el corazón y la mente de todos y cada uno eternamente como Taraka Brahma.


Toda la idea es que Baba cumplió Su samkalpa mientras estaba en Su forma de Mahasambhuti, y por esa razón se establece el dharma. La vibración fue creada, y paso a paso con el tiempo va tomando forma en el mundo material. Hemos visto esto, estamos viendo esto y lo veremos más en el futuro

Sastaunga Pranam a Baba,

El liila de Mahasambhuti

Todos y cada uno de los advenimientos de Mahasambhuti tienen Su propio estilo de funcionar y completar Su samkalpa.

El período de transición, Su advenimiento para establecer el dharma

Lo que Baba ha prometido, siempre lo cumple.

En un resumen en español de Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, “The Transitional Period”, Baba nos dice: Tal figura o "Mahásambhúti", infunde dinamismo en el cuerpo social y acelera la velocidad del movimiento. Todas las personas virtuosas del mundo responden a Su llamado y se unen a Su alrededor. Crea una polarización en la sociedad: los virtuosos contra los malvados. En el choque entre los dos grupos, las personas virtuosas emergen victoriosas a fuerza de sus esfuerzos especiales junto con la gracia de esa gran personalidad. Su advenimiento en sí mismo significa la victoria en la guerra. La marca de la victoria es segura, está impresa en la frente de los virtuosos. Los valientes compañeros de este Mahásambhúti lo acompañan de tiempo en tiempo prefiriendo trabajar con Él que alcanzar su propia liberación. Pueden o no tener grandes ambiciones, pueden o no sufrir de superioridad o complejos de inferioridad, pero no hay ningún elemento maligno en este mundo que pueda derrotar a estas benditas personas, más bien, en la última fase del conflicto, las fuerzas del mal están obligadas a aceptar la derrota total. Por lo tanto, a aquellos de ustedes que avanzan por el camino de la virtud, el camino del dharma, les digo: "Sigan marchando con seguridad y sin preocupaciones”. (resumen en español)

Bendición a través del varabhaya y janusparsha mudra

En un resumen en español de Prout in a Nutshell - 11, “The Physical, Psychic & Spiritual Strata”, Baba nos dice: Nadie debe albergar ninguna duda de que Parama Purus'a existe para promover el bienestar de todos los seres creados. Si Él no estuviera preocupado por el bienestar de las unidades vivientes, habría permanecido en Su estado libre de cualidades para siempre y no se habría manifestado como Ta'raka Brahma o Sagun'a Brahma. Pero Él se manifestó de esta manera y acaba de mostrar Su intención de promover el bienestar de la humanidad. Es por eso que Él ha dado la garantía:


Ahora, ¿cuál es la necesidad de Su repetida venida a este mundo? Para asegurar el bienestar humano. (resumen en español)

En un resumen en español de Caryacarya - 1, 'Concluding Words', Baba nos dice: Utilizando las vibraciones creadas para la eternidad por Shrii Shrii A'nandamurtiji a través de Su janusparsha y Su varabhaya mudras, llévate a ti mismo y al universo entero por el camino del bienestar integral. Omn Shanti. (resumen en español)

Analogía del árbol de higuera

Si le muestras a alguien una semilla diminuta, es decir, del tamaño de la punta de una aguja, y le dices que un día se convertirá en un gran árbol de higuera de Bengala, mucha gente no lo creerá. Se preguntarán cómo es puede ser eso real. Sin embargo, esa semilla de banyan contiene en su interior el potencial de crecer hasta ese tamaño. De manera similar, Baba ha derramado Su gracia y, debido a eso, el dharma ya está establecido; lo estamos viendo y pronto lo veremos más plenamente. Pero si le dices esto a una persona común, es posible que se queden incrédulos. Sin embargo, cualquier sadhaka se dará cuenta fácilmente de esto.

Y eso es verdaderamente lo que vemos desarrollarse hoy. En la sociedad en general, cada día, hay más y más prácticas y tendencias que reflejan los ideales de Ananda Marga. Todo tipo de diversas ideas que Baba ha dado se están estableciendo. Esto muestra que lleva tiempo manifestarse en el plano físico. Ha cumplido Su voto de establecer el dharma, y pronto será visible para que todos lo vean, incluso para los ojos de las personas burdas.

Nota: Sobre el árbol de banyan

Para aquellos que no lo saben, el árbol baniano es uno de los árboles más grandes del planeta, no en términos de altura, sino en términos de espacio que consume. Las ramas crecen lateralmente y luego vuelven a bajar a la tierra. De esta manera, el árbol banyan se extiende por la tierra. Solo una pequeña semilla se manifiesta en este enorme árbol. Esa es la potencialidad de la semilla de banyan. Así que debemos cumplir con nuestros roles con la energía que Él nos ha dado, y ver cómo el dharma se manifiesta físicamente.

Baba ha dado el camino, así como la inspiración, la resistencia y el dinamismo, y cuando Él ha derramado Su gracia en Su forma de Mahasambuti, entonces todo está completo.

- Here is a link to the original English posting: Learning from 3rd Mahasambhuti

- Here are more Spanish postings

- Here is a link to Spanish Prabhat Samgiita