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Thursday, August 31, 2023

Why fear rampant + 2 more

Why fear rampant

In this modern world, the onset of fear psychosis is rampant. And its onset can be traced to two basic sources: 
(#1) a debased socio-political environment, and 
(#2) a defective mental outlook. 

The defective psychic outlook has been brought on by a few prevailing forces:
(a) Matter-centered philosophy: Materialists like capitalists etc do not depend upon God, rather they are completely focused on the impermanent so they are always worried and fearful. No matter how much money they have they are always scared that the markets will go down or the banks will collapse etc. 
(b) Religion: The various religions are notorious for imposing a fear complex that “you will go to hell”, or other imaginary threats etc. So such followers live in a state of perpetual fear. 
(c) Provincialism: Due to a lack of neo-humanism people are scared about those who do not look like they look; this brings about a terrible feeling of uneasiness and trepidation.

When these factors are not proper then the level of fear increases exponentially until it becomes an epidemic. And that is what we are bearing witness to nowadays in the so-called developed nations where the common masses are suffering a lot psychically. As A'nanda Ma'rgiis we should step by step apply Baba's teachings because He has provided the perfect and exact answers to overcome any and all type of fear complexes and mania etc.

Fear created by political leaders

It is an age-old method of political leaders to infuse fear on the common masses in order to increase their own political strength. 

Prout philosophy says, "To control the masses in the psychic sphere, a fear complex was forcibly injected into their minds...If you analyse human history in all its aspects in a new way, in a new light, you will find that attempts were made to exploit others by injecting a fear complex in their minds." (Prout in a Nutshell - 18, Yatamána – 2)

The present day political leaders are desperate to stay in power and their main recourse to increase their grip on the people is to impose various fear sentiments - and make the people scared. By that way, the people support their socio-political agenda. Not because they are attracted to those policies per se, but out of fear of the unknown and other potential consequences. These days around the globe there are countless cases of such leaders using the fear sentiment to control the masses. Some of those sentiments include:
  • Fear of an impending economic downturn
  • Fear of a rival political party
  • Fear of racial tensions
  • Fear of unemployment 
  • Fear of rising fuel / food prices
  • Fear of an attack by perceived enemies
  • Fear of future unknowns
  • And so on…
By the infusion of such fears, many start to rally around the ruling elites. These political leaders are quite satisfied with the results because in the short-term it helps them retain their political strength and power. But, in the true sense, what little political might they gained is short lived; it dies quickly. That is the plus side. And the real tragedy is that their negative tactics infuse a deep-seated fear psychosis in the minds of innocent and naive people.

This is the patented technique of those political leaders to gain control over the public. And the worst part is that the common people get permanently emotionally and psychically scared by this imposition of fear-- all due to the negative socio-political environment.

Solution #1: universal family feeling

Baba guides us that instead of using a negative fear sentiment to create unity a positive sentiment should be used. 

Prout philosophy states, “Negative sentiments should never be used to divide people into castes and communities – to create artificial fissiparous tendencies in society. Rather, they should always be used to bring unity amongst people. Hitler used racism in an effort to unite the German people and he succeeded in the short-term, but because he used negative sentiments only and had no positive sentiments, his approach resulted in a world war and the near destruction of Germany. The path of negativity is extremely dangerous and harmful for society. Positive sentiments are the real weapons to build society. This must never be forgotten under any circumstances.” (1)

Prout philosophy states, “According to PROUT, there are two types of sentiments – positive sentiments and negative sentiments. Positive sentiments are synthetic in nature. They unite society and elevate humanity, enhance collective interests and encourage progressive development. Negative sentiments are narrow in scope and divide society. Some important positive sentiments include anti-exploitation sentiment, revolutionary sentiment, moral sentiment, cultural sentiment, universal sentiment and spiritual sentiment. Some negative sentiments include communalism, patriotism, nationalism, provincialism, lingualism and racism.” (2)

Moralists will teach everyone that we are all part of the same human family. By this universal family feeling, the common people will feel united, and there will not be any negative side effects. This will be unity in the proper sense of the term. So this is Baba's answer for how to bring people together and at the same time overcome fear psychosis due to negative political chicanery. Again the answer is: Instill a sense of universal family feeling.

In Him,

~ Addendum ~

Fear due to defective lifestyle

Unfortunately, in the top, so-called first-world materialistic countries, fear is not just imposed by those political leaders. But it also has gotten infused deep within the public's mind-set. The way they breathe, eat, sleep, drink, work, and play is all riddled with one gigantic fear complex.

Because as Baba points out there are four basic guiding philosophies: God-centered, self-centered, matter-centered, and dogma-centered. And those in capitalist countries are primarily governed by a self-centered, materialistic outlook. And in that case the whole basis of their life is resting on shaky ground.

Because they think that their money, prestige, name, and fame will save them from all the difficulties and hardships of life. So in that case they try to collect more and more of those material and superficial things. They stuff their ego and their bank accounts with those transient things-- thinking that will protect them. But in true sense those skin-deep items can never provide them with a permanent shelter. Money, beauty, jewelry all come and go. They do not last forever. And this is their practical experience also. So those people live in constant fear-- always scared and wondering when they are going to lose those things. This is their ongoing fear. Thus what they are depending on as their shelter does not provide them any relief, rather it multiplies their fear, troubles, and worries.

Solution: vaera'gya

Here following is Baba's remedy for fear-burdened people in capitalist countries who are wrongly basing their lives on the fleeting fancies of the day.

Baba says, "...Vaera'gya meva'bhayam'."

Ananda Marga ideology says, "The practice whereby we develop detachment from finite objects, i.e. the discipline whereby the mind is not influenced by the attractions of worldly objects is Vaera'gya Sa'dhana'. The true Cosmic Entity is only revealed to people with this Vaera'gya. This Cosmic Entity alone is the basic shelter of the human beings. It is a strong foundation which shall not, at any time forsake them leaving him forlorn. In this very Cosmic shelter you can establish yourself fearlessly for all time to come." (3)

Thus by taking sheltering in Parama Purusa - and not in the glitters of materialism - one will permanently be freed of all types of fears etc.


Baba has provided us with the precise recipe to overcome and cure all the major fear complexes of the day. In that case, everyone can courageously move ahead in life, not worried about the past, present or future, and not scared about imposed fears or imaginary things.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Be free from all complexes, and move along the path of righteousness with a balanced mind, with mental equilibrium and mental equipoise. A bright future awaits you." (4)


How a fear complex dismantles the mind

Here Baba describes step by step how fear complexes ruin one's psychic flow.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "The psychological side of the fear complex is as follows: Due to the presence of something stronger, or due to the presence of something which is imaginarily stronger, not actually stronger, what happens? Mental flows are blocked, are choked. They cannot find the proper avenue of expression; as a result of which thoughts also get polluted. There cannot be free thinking. A man suffering from a fear complex cannot think properly...So you must never suffer from any sort of fear complex." (5)

Our God-centered approach

Here Baba guides us what we should base our lives on: Parama Purusa. This will allow us to overcome and eradicate any fear complex or difficulties and enable us to live a life of peace and prosperity, deeply ensconced in His blissful flow.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "Everything requires a base; if life does not have a strong base, it is disrupted by an ordinary storm. Brahma is the strongest base." (6) 

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Nuclear Revolution
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Nuclear Revolution
3. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, The Base of Life
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 34, Be Free from All Complexes
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 34, Be Free from All Complexes
6. Caryacarya - 2, Chapter 1, Point #5

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section: Important Teaching ==

Shut down brain to observe this

Caryacarya states, “Shráddhánna: Shráddhánna (food offered at a memorial service) is neither priityanna nor ápadanna, hence it is not to be taken.” (1)

Note: In the wilderness when an animal dies a natural death then vultures come and eat that corpse. But in the case of humans, they are civilised and after death they should not host a party. Unfortunately, uncivilised people do so mindlessly. If somebody dies and the deceased was the sole breadwinner then those children will suffer a lot. In that case if the tradition is to host a grand feast at the time of death, then that penniless widow and those impoverished children will have to give up their food in order to feed those vulture brand humans, i.e. so-called friends and relatives, who coerce the family of the deceased to arrange a feast for them. That is why the dogma of feasting after death is not only inhumane but cruel also. 

This nasty uncivilised way is rampant across the various religions. Since the birth of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, it stopped but again it was started after 1990 by some opportunistic crafty enemies of AMPS who are crawling around in the garb of avadhutas and sitting on higher posts. They created a death day ceremony and that is called….

And in that ceremony thousands of blind people go there shamelessly and do not use their brain. They do not know that their actions are prohibited by Caryacarya. Those participating in the annual death day ceremony or feast are committing unpardonable sin. 

1. Caryacarya, part 2, Society chapter, point #37

== Section 2: Links ==

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