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Saturday, August 19, 2023

Facts of this dance + 2 more

Facts of this dance


I cannot ever forget that very magnificent day during Jammu DMC Feb 1979: In the morning general darshan Baba arrived on the dais in a very gracious mood. The program was going on as usual and everything was moving smoothly. After kaośikii, Baba was appreciating the dancers' style and form, and then He recounted in detail how He first gave kaośikii on 6th September 1978 in Patna.

Baba’s discourse on history of kaośikii

Here following is an English summary of what Baba spoke that day in Hindi in Jammu.

Tandava is strictly forbidden for ladies; so for them something also should be done. And I thought that later on I will give something. Then again on 6 September, they requested. That time I thought that I will have to do something for them today. It was 11pm at night and I decided that there should be one type of dance which will be the medicine of several diseases as well as a good form of exercise. It should be beneficial in many regards.

At that  moment, I immediately called 4 boys and I taught them how to dance [kaośikii]. When they were dancing I saw what type of effect it had on their glands, sub-glands, nerve cells, and overall body.

One thing I also saw was that by this dance their minds blossom also . The practice which makes the mind blossom in Samskrta is known as kaośikii. That is why I have given the name of this new dance as kaośikii.

This dance is a medicine for 22 diseases-- especially liver related problems & diseases, gallbladder troubles, hernias, urinary tract infections and weakness, obesity, piles, etc. And it also helps to strengthen the memory, give lustre to the skin, removes lethargy, and more. In this way I saw that kaośikii is a very good form of exercise benefiting all the organs, glands, and the entire body, from the head down to the foot. And, in addition, it is equally beneficial for boys also.

(English summary, Feb 26 '79, Jammu, MGD)


The above English summary of an unpublished Hindi discourse provides us with a unique perspective on the history of the kaośikii dance.

In Him,

Kaośikii dance-- a remedy for diseases

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "It is found that human beings are sometimes affected by various diseases; and frequently they are faced with various difficulties with respect to their sa´dhana´. These impediments many or may not be major. For instance, small diseases like liver trouble may cause problems from time to time, and to remove these types of hindrances, I invented the kaośikii dance on the 6th of September 1978. This dance serves as an antidote to twenty-two types of diseases. All these are primarily meant to first of all vibrate the ectoplasmic stuff (citta´nu) which in turn is concentrated at a certain point touching the point of the soul, where Parama Purus´a resides." (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy  says, "I invented kaos'ikii on September 6th [1978]. This dance is both an exercise, and a medicine for twenty-two diseases. It is a sort of panacea for almost all female diseases, and for many male diseases in younger boys. It is a medicine for most liver diseases. It assures safe deliveries for women, and also checks the advent of old age. It is a medicine." (2)

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Human beings suffer from various diseases which create minor obstacles in sa'dhana'. That is why I have invented the kaośikii dance on sixth September to fight against such petty bodily complaints such as liver disease, etc. which cause inconvenience in sa'dhana'. This dance is the panacea for twenty-two diseases." (3)

Kaośikii: link between Jiiva & Shiva

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "While dancing kaośikii one seeks to establish the link between the microcosm and the Macrocosm. This process is commonly known as mysticism. Kaośikii pertains to the innermost self of the individual. The self of the individual is hidden within the innermost kos'as, the layers of existence. Kaośikii dance is like the blossoming of the innermost self." (4)

Baba encourages all-- even kaośikii dancers

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Parama Purus'a is omnipotent, but He never discourages anybody. Suppose there is a display of Kaos'ikii dance before Parama Purus'a and the display is very, very bad. What will Parama Purus'a say? 'Very bad, very bad'?  No, Parama Purus'a will say, 'Excellent, excellent.'  He wants everybody to be encouraged to move towards the Supreme Goal of human life, the Supreme Desideratum of human existence." (5)

All should do kaośikii

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Kaos'ikii has become popular within a very short span of time. It was invented on the sixth of September 1978, not even one year ago.  It should be done by boys as well as girls." (6)

Our three dances and their spheres

Ananda Marga ideology says, "You know Lalita Ma'rmika dance used during Kiirtana is a purely spiritual dance, and Kaos'ikii is a psycho-spiritual dance - it starts on the psychic level and culminates on the spiritual level.  And Ta'n'd'ava is physico-psycho-spiritual." (7)

Unique description of kaośikii

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Dancing is an expression of human life.  Kiirtana is an expression of the human mind.  There are so many expressions of the human self.  The particular nature of expression through dance and through Kiirtana which brings the inner self outward, that is, gives proper expression to the inner self--that particular nature of dance, together with Kiirtana, is called 'Kaos'ikii'.  'Kos'a' means 'inner self', and that's why this dance has immense value in the psychic and spiritual strata of human life." (8)

Let there be tandava and kaośikii competitions

   Ananda Marga ideology says, "The practice of ta'n'd'ava that is prescribed for you [men] is conducive for physical and spiritual progress. In my opinion, as many people as possible should practise ta'n'd'ava. Those who are a bit old should practise it twice a day at the time of their spiritual practices. As far as young people are concerned, they may practise it as much as they can. There should be healthy competitions for them. The practice of ta'n'd'ava is not suitable for women because of certain physiological constraints. But they need something too."
   "When in Patna, I invented a new type of dance-exercise for women, which I have called kaos'ikii nrtya. As for the benefits, kaos'ikii is as important as ta'n'd'ava. Kaos'ikii is beneficial for both men and women. Competition in ta'n'd'ava and kaos'ikii is very good and encouraging. I strongly support it. There should be competitions wherever there are Ananda Margis. There should be competitions even where there are no Ananda Margis. There is no harm in it; rather it is beneficial in all respects." (9)

The 22 benefits of kaośikii from a bhakta’s diary

The benefits of kaos'ikii nrtya were given as:
1. It exercises all the glands and limbs from head to foot.
2. It increases longevity.
3. It makes for easy delivery.
4. The spine will become flexible.
5. Arthritis of the spine, neck, waist and other joints will be removed.
6. Gout in the spine, neck, hands and waist will be lost.
7. The mind becomes strong and sharp.
8. Irregularities in menstruation will be cured.
9. Glandular secretions will become regulated.
10. Troubles in the bladder and urethra will be cured.
11. It gives control over the limbs.
12. It adds charm and shine to the face and skin.
13. It removes wrinkles.
14. It removes lethargy.
15. It cures insomnia.
16. It cures hysteria.
17. Fear complexes will be removed.
18. Hopelessness will be lost.
19. It helps in self-expression and develops one's potentiality.
20. Spinal pain, piles, hernia, hydrocele in men, nervous pain, nervous disability will be cured.
21. It cures kidney and gall bladder troubles, gastric trouble, dyspepsia, acidity, dysentery, syphilis, gonorrhea, obesity, thinness and liver diseases.
22. It increases the capacity to work.

Ideation of kaośikii for jinaniis

Baba says, 'Kaos'ikii:  The two hands upraised and folded together represent, 'Now I am trying to establish a link with Parama Purus'a.' Both hands bending to the right indicate, 'I know the right way to request You.'The bending of the body should be at 45-degree angular projection.  The leftward movement represents, 'I know how to fulfill Your demands.'  The movement of bending in front suggests complete surrender.  The backward bending represents, 'I am ready to face all troubles that may come.'  The last 'ta', ta'' represents, 'O Lord, I repeat Your rhythm.'" (10)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 3, 9 Nov '78
2. Discourses on Tantra - 2, The Cosmic Father Has a Special Responsibility
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4, 'Song, Dance and Music'
4. Abhimat V, 25
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12. Two Hundred Mirrors
6. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, 18 May 1979 evening, Berlin
7. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, 11 May 1979 evening, Fiesch, Switzerland
8. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, 'The Value of Dance'
9. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 22, Táńd́ava and Kaośikii, 5  March 1984, Jammu
10. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, 'Dances and the Path of Vidya'

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section: Important Teaching ==

Follow DC chant: oppose all groupism

   Ananda Marga ideology says, “Just see the case of air, light, water, respirations and everything. The need for these things is the same for all individuals. There have been no differentiations. These differentiations that we see in society are creations of vested interests, creations of depraved persons, of degenerated, immoral people. So you should not support these actional defects of immoral persons. You should follow the divine vibrational system, that is, you must not try to find any differentiations among individuals. “Devábhágaḿ yathápúrve saḿjánáná upásate.” It is the wont of divine expressions that there be no differentiations, no class of exploiters and exploited. That is, this wont of not creating any differentiations was not only their duty, it was their upásaná, the desideratum of their existential march.”
   Ananda Marga ideology ways, “Samáni va ákuti”. When everything cometh from the same source, from the same Progenitor, and when finally everything goeth back to the same desideratum, there must be the same aspirations, the same longing, in the heart of each and every individual. But due to the depraving actions of immoral people, those exploited, those downtrodden people are forced to forget their goal. They are drifted away from the desideratum of their life. This should not be done. Everybody should get the chance to develop their natural longings for Him.” (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, Saḿgacchadhvaḿ

== Section 3: Links ==

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