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Sunday, August 6, 2023

Money & bhakti

Money & bhakti


Suppose someone has offered an item that costs $100,000 to God, but that offering was made without an iota of spiritual feeling for Parama Purusa - zero percent. Just that person made that offering for public show - i.e. to brag around town so others would think he was a great bhakta. He did it as a ploy to garner respect. That person does not have any reverence for Parama Purusa. So that offering had no value; thus, he did not receive any spiritual benefit.

More case scenarios of offering to God

The next person was not quite as wealthy in the material sphere. That person could only offer $2,000, and he made that offering with 5% of feeling of bhakti for the Parama Purusa. In that case that worshiper got 5% percent benefit.

Then there was a university student of little means. That student could only offer 1 penny's worth of physical wealth to Parama Purusa, but he made that offering with 90% love & reverence for the Lord. Then that offering is highly significant as that student gained 90% benefit in the spiritual sphere as his mind became very expanded, clean, and pure.

Finally, there was a bhakta who did not offer any physical objects or material wealth to Parama Purusa. But with deep spiritual feeling he thought, "O' my Lord, I am offering all the loving expression of my heart and mind unto You - whatever I have please accept it." That offering was made with 100% feeling of surrender to Parama Purusa. In that case, then and there, that bhakta grew so much in the spiritual sphere and his mind was sparkling and clean and full of bhakti.

The common theme

The common theme throughout is that physical wealth and material offerings have zero value in and of themselves. Parama Purusa does not count those things. He only sees how much bhakti a person has for Him. The key point is that only one's spiritual feeling counts. That is all that Parama Purusa values - not anything else.

But humans are emotional beings and want to give something material. And that is fine to do. But one should know the inner science. Sometimes by giving material objects one gets satisfaction. For that reason bhaktas like to offer something. But that material offering should be utilised in the service of the needy.

The final point is this: Competing in the material sphere to offer grand mundane gifts to the Lord, as happens in the dogmatic religions, is not the way in Ananda Marga. Parama Purusa weighs only 1 criteria: How much bhakti one has for Him. All other factors are meaningless. Social position, knowledge, physical wealth up to the peak of the Himalayas, Olympic gold medals, external beauty, post, Phd in hundreds of subjects - all these things do not count for anything in the eyes of the Lord. Parama Purusa only cares about how much heart-felt bhakti a sadhaka has for Him.

What God values

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Parama Puruśa only values the inner thoughts and feelings of human beings. He is omniscient, forever watching throughout the creation those who are meditating upon Him with undivided attention, and those who have been patiently waiting with an unwavering mind to realize Him." (1)

In His Hindi discourse of 27 Jun 80 in Saharsa, Baba has beautifully expressed how Parama Purusa does not regard a person for their wealth and monetary worth, rather He sees how much bhakti they have in their heart.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Surrender all one's mental colour to Parama Purus'a, and thus free oneself from the bondage." (2)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “O Lord, Thou art the creator of this universe. This universe is full of gems and jewels. So do You require anything from a poor man like me? Nothing. All the gems and jewels, everything, all the wealth of the world, belongs to You. And Your grhińii, Your spouse, is Mahámáyá. She is Your spouse, and according to Your order and desire She will supply You with anything. In Nagpur You may say, ‘Oh, Mahámáyá, I want a mango,’ and then and there it will be furnished. Mahámáyá is Your spouse, so there cannot be any want, there cannot be any shortage in Your store. So what shall I offer to Thee? I have heard that Your big devotees, by their strong devotion and love for You, have snatched away Your Mind, have taken away Your Mind. I am not a big devotee. The big devotees have taken away Your Mind. You have lost Your Mind. So there is a shortage of one thing, a shortage of mind. But Lord, You needn’t be disappointed. I have a mind with me – take that mind. I offer it to Thee.” “Tava dravyam Jagatguro Tubhyameva samarpaye.” Everything of mine, along with my mind, is offered at Your altar. Please oblige and accept it.” (3)

Always opportunity exists to offer God

Some regretfully ponder how they did not get the opportunity to offer anything to Baba before 1990. They reflect, "I was just an infant those days, and now what can I do - it is too late; the opportunity is gone." They feel sad. However, one need not give way to this type of mentality. Because Baba is with you - right now and always. There is always scope to sincerely offer something unto Him. The moment has not passed. He is with You - awaiting You.

The moment is only gone for those who succumb to the dogma of mahaprayan (MPD); they think that Baba is gone forever, in which case they cannot offer anything unto Him. Because He is not close by and has passed away. Such is their defective outlook, but for true sadhakas, i.e. bhaktas, they think that Baba is with them.

Note: Eating food is common in the life of a sadhaka. So just before eating, close your eyes and offer the food you are going to eat to Parama Purusa, and request Him to have it. Then after opening the eyes treat whatever food you see on plate as His prasad. With this ideation then eat. This is quite easy to do and something everyone can practice. By this way the periphery of mind will expand and shatter the one’s bondages. As the periphery of mind gets bigger, the bondage of avidya maya shatters. The complete expansion of mind is mukti or moksa.

That is the teaching Baba has given in an acarya meeting: The value of the offering is based on one's spiritual feeling for Parama Purusa, not the mundane worth of any particular object.

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy - 5, Integral and Non-Integral Outlook
2. Namami Krsnasundaram, Vraja Krśńa and Dvaetadvaetaváda (Discourse 19)
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, Pranama Mantra

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Give me Your darshan

“Yadi, ná ásibe tabe keno, bhálobese chile… (Prabhat Samgiita #3139)

O’ Lord, if You will not come to me then why did You even bother loving me? What was the need to tease me with Your fondness; it was just a painful waste of time. Also, when coming close if You will not smile, then why did You look at me with such a loving gaze? Why did You pull me with Your affection?

O’ Parama Purusa, why does Your divine flute call me in an untimely manner whereby it bewitches and captivates me. Through the gaps of clouds, the light of joy peeks out for only a few split seconds while You quickly give me Your darshan, and then, for the rest of the time, You remain completely hidden. Wherefrom did You learn this cosmic play of hide and seek?

My mind refuses to stay indoors; I rush out. Yet even outside, it blossoms and becomes immersed in the honey from the floral pollen. I am ensconced in Your ideation, by Your grace. O’ Lord, please tell me what You want? 

My loose hair bun flies in the wind. I fail to notice or see who is coming near me. I have lost all interest in any kind of social dealing. I never care to know who says what, or who is crying or laughing. I am utterly disconnected from the world around me. You made me forget everything else with Your great love. I am completely bound by You. 

O’ Parama Purusa, You are ever-gracious…

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Railroading samaj system into groupism

Prout philosophy states, "While there may be diverse cultural expressions and socio-economic potentialities in different units, the points of difference should not be allowed to divide humanity. If the common sentiments of human beings are given prominence and the points of unity are made the basis of collective development, diversity will enrich humanity rather than tear it asunder. If each socio-economic unit is inspired by a comprehensive ideology and a universal outlook, human society will move ahead with accelerating speed towards a sublime ideal.” (1)

Prout philosophy states, “A sound ideological base is a prerequisite for socio-economic groupifications. Such a foundation is provided by universal humanism, which has the potential to unite all humanity. Universal humanism will not be established on the hard crust of the earth overnight, but will come to fruition gradually, stage by stage. It will include each and every person in the world, as well as animals, plants and inanimate objects. If a single person remains outside the influence of universalism and becomes a victim of exploitation, then the foundation of universal humanism will be undermined. Hence, PROUT has adopted a rational method to solve socio-economic problems which may be characterized as universal in spirit but regional in approach" (2)

Note: Nowadays some are singing the song of samaj as they try to forge ahead with their narrow-minded agendas. They justify their groupism by claiming it as a samaj movement. But margiis understand Baba's teachings and recognise the truth. Our samaj system is based on universal principles not factional allegiances. Thus the groupism carried out by certain leaders and the ideal of our samaj movements are worlds apart, i.e. polar opposites. 

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 13, Socio-Economic Groupifications
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 13, Socio-Economic Groupifications

== Section 3: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest