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Wednesday, August 2, 2023

About Satan + 4 more

About Satan


In the Semitic religions, followers believe in a God, and, side by side, those followers believe in the existence of Satan, i.e. an equally, all-powerful evil entity. In this view, Satan is as powerful as God and involves only in dastardly, malevolent dealings.

According to Ananda Marga philosophy, there is only one, singular, all-powerful Divine Entity. Parama Purusa is the controller of everything; there is no Satan or all-powerful evil-doer. Parama Purusa controls both vidya maya and avidya maya. Everything comes within His domain. That is what Baba describes in His below teaching.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "“Kevalaḿ jiṋánamurttim”. What is the meaning of “kevalam”? “Kevalam” means “the only entity”, the “non-dualistic entity”. That is, in His realm, in His jurisdiction, there is no second, external entity. There is no scope for any Satan to be there, that is, there is no Satan. He is everything. He plays with His vidyámáyá and avidyámáyá. That is kevalam. Kevalam means “the only entity”, “the only existence”. And when one becomes one with Him, one is said to be ensconced in “kaevalya”. Kaevalya means “nirvikalpa samádhi”. That is when one acquires kevala-hood, that is kaevalya." (1)

According to Ananda Marga teachings, Parama Purusa is the only all-powerful  Entity. There is no #2 force such as Satan. Everything - vidya and avidya - is controlled perfectly by Parama Purusa.

If two Supreme Controllers, everything would be destroyed

Here is another way of looking at this issue.

Following is the English summary of the Hindi discourse: The Singular Entity, MGD, September 4, 1978 Patna

Rudra the Supreme Controller cannot be two. Why? In this universe everything runs smoothly according to a particular system. Certain rules are obeyed. whereas if there were two Controllers, there would be a clash in the governance of this universe. In that case, everything would be destroyed - nothing would remain. But we see that everything is in operation and running smoothly; thus it proves that the Supreme Controller is One - not many.

Think of it this way. The force of gravity is a constant, but if two competing controlling entities are trying to govern gravity, then things might not be smooth. One entity might try to keep gravity in operation while the other tries to shut it down or change it. But that does not happen - proof being that  everything would be destroyed. Instead, gravity remains a constant. Because gravity is under the control of One Supreme Entity - not two.


So the Supreme Controller is One - not many. And negative microvita is controlled by the Supreme Controller Parama Purusa. Thus negative microvita cannot work like the imaginary, fictitious Satan. You know, according to myth Satan is not under God. So Satan and negative microvita are not the same. As you know, negative microvita is real and operates under Parama Purusa while Satan is wholly fake.

In Him,
Oliver Randolph

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam, part 3, Guru Pranama
2. The Singular Entity, MGD, September 4, 1978 Patna

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Power of repentance


 In the following teachings noted below, Baba is talking about patakiis [ordinary sinners].

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Someone might have committed a pátaka [ordinary sin], but after that wrong action feels repentance, and compensates for the harm his or her action caused. After such repentance and compensation, the action is no longer a sin. Suppose someone has stolen a thousand rupees from someone else. If after this theft the thief feels compunction and returns the money – better, however, with the inclusion of interest thereon – and begs forgiveness, that will mean that the person’s sin has been washed away. The person should no longer be called a sinner." (1)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "If, knowingly or unknowingly, you have committed any mistake or any sin [mental sin], then your repentance and your singing kiirtana, wholeheartedly, will free you from all sins. So, your future is always bright, never dark, never dark." (2)

In Him,

Devotion & bhakti are not same

Sin and pa’pa are not the same thing. Sin means going against the fundamentals of the Bible, and pa’pa means those actions which harm others. So sin and pa’pa are not the same. However, as the term pa’pa is not so well known, in certain cases, Baba uses the term sin. But He has given the direction that step by step over time the term sin should be changed to pa’pa in Ananda Marga philosophy.

This is similar to the case of bhakti and devotion. For example, you may have devotion towards your spouse or pet, but it would be a gross mistake to say that one has bhakti for their spouse or pet. Unfortunately in India, due to lack of knowledge, people misuse the term bhakti, and they created the word desh-bhakti, meaning patriotism. But that is preposterous. Because the term bhakti means service to God. The root itself is spiritual. That is why it is wrong to use bhakti in the context of one’s motherland. Whereas the term devotion has a different origin. It means commitment and has no spiritual foundation. That is why Baba rejects the term devotion in favour of the word bhakti, and He wants His discourses updated accordingly. That is what He has described in a general darshan at Bhagalpur DMC in 1987.

With the fire of sadhana, i.e. practicing regular meditation, one’s sin is burned, bit by bit. The rate depends upon how committed one is in their sadhana. Those who are very sincere in sadhana can exhaust all their samskaras in approximately 20 years. That is what Baba has described in one discourse.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 9, "Take Refuge in Parama Puruśa with Unswerving Attention"
2. Ananda Vacanartam - 12, The Real Value of the Human Entity

== Section: Important Teaching

Foul way of eating

Note: Here eating means holding the food putting that food in the mouth with that hand.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "There is a difference, however, between the cave-dwellers and the aboriginal human beings of the prehistoric period, and present day human beings. Human beings have brought more subtle beauty into the daily tasks and habitual behaviour, which they used to do in a crude way. Before eating, prehistoric human beings did not wash their hands, and they used both hands to eat. Today, we wash our hands, and use the right hand, or a spoon and fork. We enjoy eating in a more subtle fashion." (1)

In some parts of the world people eat using both hands - i.e. they touch their food with both their left and right hands, and use both hands to directly put food into their mouth. That is poor hygiene. Humans have two hands - one of which is used for cleaning their backside. So one should not use that hand for eating purposes - i.e. holding food and placing that hand into the mouth etc. The only exception can be on medical grounds or if one has only one hand. Otherwise, if one has two hands then only use the right for eating - not for the back side. The left hand will be for that purpose. Think of it this way: No matter how clean the bathroom sink is no one will like to use the sink basin as a bowl to hold your food and eat out of that sink. So those who eat and place food into the mouth using both hands are dirty. Their behaviour is uncivilised.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 19, The Supreme Aesthetic Science and the Cult of Devotion

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

I call upon all enlightened people and say: “Go ahead…..” - Ananda Vanii #53

“The humans of today are possessed of spirited intellect and accomplished wisdom. They are keen to advance with rapid step shattering the shackles of dogmas. They will no longer be entrapped by the illusion of opportunism. The rays of the crimson dawn of a new humanity on the eastern horizon have started weaving textures of colours on their eyelids and in the subtle recesses of their minds. As for those who have been dreaming of keeping humanity imprisoned by dogmas, their days are numbered; their blissful dreams are being shattered to pieces. I call upon all enlightened people and say: “Go ahead with courage. The humanity has been awaiting you. Establish it in the excellence and grandeur of glory.”

== Section: Important Teaching ==

The section below is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Family planning operation is very harmful

Prout Philosophy says-- “Vested interests do not favour population growth because this will mean sharing mundane property at the cost of their hoarding. Capitalism would like the extinction of the intellectual class as this would give it free scope for exploitation. The intellectual class usually belongs to the middle income group. Capitalists encourage family planning and birth control to check the growth of this middle class, thus these measures are a creation of the capitalist order.”
  “Due to age-old superstitions the common people does not take help of these measures. It is the middle class intellectuals who adopt these practices and become the victims of them. A Proutistic order would vehemently oppose this move. There is immense potential for maintaining the population of the world. By scientific advancement it may be possible for human beings to live on tablets. The real glory of humanity lies in creating conditions for adjustment with natural processes rather than in curbing normal processes by artificial measures.”
  “Artificial sterilisation means making males or females artificially sterile. This has certain adverse effects on the mind and body of human beings. Sterilisation brings glandular changes and changes in the hormone secretion of the glands which ultimately affects mental expression. Due to these changes a man may become like a eunuch.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell Part 15

== Section 2: Links ==

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