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Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Inner look + 3 more

Inner look


Multiple times through the course of each day we should involve ourselves in introspection: Review the entirety of our conduct and compare it with Ananda Marga ideology. By that way, we can see how we are doing. Throughout all movements in life, we should do self-analysis and ensure we are heading in the right direction.

Without introspection and these other avenues - Sixteen Points chart, svadhyaya, benevolent guide, satsaunga etc - invariably people fall away from the path, misusing their existence in degrading pursuits. Unfortunately, they revert back to animality and in the future they will get a body accordingly. They may become an animal or even worse.
The situation is serious, and the best way to keep abreast of the matter is to perform introspection and review one’s course of actions. With an unbiased mind, carefully analyse your modus operandi in life. One must ask themselves: “Do my actions reflect Baba's divine teachings? Is my daily conduct guided by ideology?” Depending upon how many times the answer is "no", that is the degree to which one is going against human dharma.

Realising Parama Purusa within

It is essential to bear in mind that this life is an opportunity to realise Parama Purusa within. That means wholeheartedly embracing Ananda Marga ideology and crossing the ocean of maya. That is the proper use of this human machine or human body, and those who achieve this are truly blessed.

Proper utility of human life

In His discourse, "Utilize All Your Potentialities" (21 April 1969 morning, Manila), Baba guides us that if we have a tractor and a big lot of land then we are foolish and ignorant if we do not use the tractor and let the land become overgrown and unusable. Our job is to use the tractor to make the land arable. That is the proper use of the tractor.

Similarly, this human body is a tool or a machine for attaining Parama Purusa. Yet, commonly people misuse their bodies for indulgent pursuits. Many get lured towards the lower propensities. In that case, they are going to degenerate and miss the great opportunity to attain godhood and merge with Parama Purusa.

As sadhakas we should (a) regularly review our code of conduct, (b) ensure we are moving on the path of ideology, and (c) use our machine for attaining Parama Purusa. Just sitting back and letting life go by is not the way. We are to utilise this life for realising Him. For this, introspection is an essential tool. In that process, we can see how far our intentions and actions are ideological. Are we doing what we should be doing. That is how we can ensure our human existence is being used properly.


As followers of Ananda Marga, we have been blessed with a wonderful opportunity. We should not waste it and degrade back into animal life - goaded by instincts and baser propensities. Ours is a human march meant for the expression of ideology. Regular introspection enables one to stay on track. That is the best utilisation of this human life - freeing oneself from the noose of maya and attaining Parama Purusa.
In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Then who can get Parama Purusa? They say it is very, very easy. What to do? “O Lord, I am Your creation. I am Yours, I am at Your disposal. This body is a machine. Utilize it.”" (1)

By surrendering to Parama Purusa and doing His work, one is sure to overcome the trappings of maya and delve inside to the Supreme stance. That is what happens when one leads a life based on ideology. And that is the best use of this human life.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "You have got a human body. Make the best utilization of it. Forget everything of the past from this very moment...Go on working in such a way that you give your proper worth to society, and you bring about the actual evolution of humanity. Be a devotee of humanity as well as a devotee   [bhakta] of Parama Purus'a. Let victory be with you." (2)

One will feel His presence

Having a strong, dharmic, and benevolent guide is a boon for every sadhaka. The unparalleled, greatest guide is having Taraka Brahma as the Guru. Then one is truly blessed. With a pointed mind one will feel His presence.

When a strong dharmika is watching over your growth, that guide will keenly view your each and every action and ensure your diet, dealing and overall code of conduct are proper. Some acaryas do this with their initiates.

But really speaking this aspect is truly lacking these days. As the standard of many acaryas is lower, and they themselves are falling into problem, then how can they justly point out and watch over someone else's progress.

Great value of strong & dharmic guide

Having a strong, dharmic, and benevolent guide is a boon for every sadhaka. The unparalleled, greatest guide is having Taraka Brahma as the Guru. Then one is truly blessed. All know that as Mahasambhuti Baba kept sadhakas firm to the path through dharma samiiksa, reportings, and personal contact, etc. Baba benevolently pointed out one's wrongdoing in the spirit of universal welfare. By that way, countless sadhakas were directly benefited. And still today He is personally watching and guiding us in various ways. When the mind is in a spiritual flow, one will surely feel His presence.

Following Guru’s guidelines like introspection, 16 Points chart, and svadhaya are essential for a sadhaka. In addition, when a strong dharmika is watching over your progress, that guide will help ensure your overall code of conduct is proper. Some acaryas do this with their initiates. But really speaking, this aspect is mostly lacking these days. Sadly, the standard of acaryas is in decline, and when they themselves are involved in degrading activities, then how can they properly point out and watch over someone else's progress. Parents, teachers, and friends can fulfill this role but wherever materialism crops up then that type of bond is broken as people become selfish, debased, and disinterested in dharmic conduct. Thus all around there is an extreme dearth of proper guides.

The cream of spiritual life is to wholly surrender at His lotus feet and take Sadguru Baba as the Supreme Guide in each and every action in life. There is no other way.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam-14, The Two Human Approaches
2. Yoga Psychology, The Human Body Is a Biological Machine

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section: Important Teaching ==

How religions suffocate humanity

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "To stifle the progress of humanity, the followers of these religions play on human sentiments and other weaknesses. They want to perpetuate the hold of the vested interests by infusing an inferiority complex into the human mind. While preaching their religious ideas, some claim that the social, economic and political systems were direct creations of God and hence destined to be observed in all ages and all times with equal veneration. They pronounce that those who refuse to follow this divine decree will be doomed to burn in the scorching heat of God’s wrath, or dammed to suffer eternal hell-fire. To deny people the scope of verifying the rationality of different scriptures they declare that such-and-such scriptures are infallible and so nobody has the right to question their veracity. If the philosophical texts contradict the scriptures, then their propounders will be declared as atheists." (1)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Through nityánitya viveka, human beings become aware of the fleeting nature of transient objects. They observe that with change in time, place and person, corresponding changes occur in social, political, economic, and all other spheres of life take to which they have to adapt themselves. Those who are reluctant to adapt themselves to the changed circumstances are doomed to destruction. A religion or an “ism” is created in a certain age which itself is a product of the three factors of time, place and person. However, the religion does not recognize the necessity of adjustment with the change in social life. It refuses to realize that the old rules and regulations of the previous age are now only mere historical records, having lost their relevance in the present dynamic society." (2)

Ananda Marga ideology says, "So it is seen that in the absence of nityánitya viveka the propounders of religion want to thwart the intellectual progress of human society at large. They knowingly refuse to understand that any observation regarding the spatial, temporal and personal factors, from whatever person it might come, is bound to lose its relevance in a transformed situation." (3)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, The Five Kinds of Conscience (Viveka)
2. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, The Five Kinds of Conscience (Viveka)
3. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, The Five Kinds of Conscience (Viveka)

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Depraved condition of so-called chosen ones

Prout philosophy states, "There are many philosophies which tend to crudify the human mind, and make people violent and inconsiderate. They make people believe that they are God's favourite children, whereas the rest of humanity are cursed. Although these views have philosophical sanction, they do not have the sanction of the a'tman (soul)...Intellectually such people are certainly slaves, and in the material world also they are slaves." (1)

Note: This psychic disease is present in fundamentalist Jews, fundamentalist Christians, and fundamentalist Muslims etc. All are bad and guilty of this point, but especially the fundamentalist Jews and Muslims. They feel very negatively towards those who do not belong to their dogmatic beliefs. Muslims brand others as Quafir (demons) and Jews label non-Jews in their own derogatory language. According to Prout philosophy, the status of those fundamentalist Jews and Muslims is like slaves - intellectually and physically. For more about this read the Prout discourse, “The Continuous Effort to Promote Universal Well-Being-- Part 1”, or “Yatamána – 2”.

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, Yatamána – 1

== Section 3: Links ==

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