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Monday, July 17, 2023

How to bring ta’masik people + 3 more


How to bring ta’masik people


Any sincere Ananda Ma’rgii who is propagating the spiritual teachings often experiences a common problem: the problem of people thinking that AM teachings are very difficult to follow to an extent of being “impractical”. After all, in most religions, there is a scope of consumerism which seems so natural to people. Some people do understand the value of the sublime teachings of AM like the use of sattvik vegetarian food but then think that “I cannot manage such a lifestyle as I cannot give up my old habits.” Most people in the world think on the aforementioned lines. The question then is how to help such people and bring them on the spiritual path.

Can’t give up meat-eating yet practice asanas

Baba has taught about Ga’yattri Rk wherein a prayer for showing the right path to the Parama Purusha has been given. Those who cannot follow other teachings of AM should be given the lesson on Ga’yattri Rk. Such people can then earnestly pray to Parama Purusha for showing them the right path using the meaning of the Ga’yattri Rk in their mother tongue on a daily basis. The proper meaning of Ga’yattri Rk should also be explained to them. With this practice, gradually the desire for Parama Purusha will arise in their minds. As Baba says that with an intense desire one attains Sadguru. The dogmatic people should be provided the same Vaidiki diiksha’ that the ancient rishis used to do. By the sincere and repeated chanting of the Ga’yattri Rk they will become ready for the 1st lesson of Ananda Marga meditation.

Ananda Sutram says, “Muktyákáunkśayá sadgurupráptih."

[Out of the intense desire for mukti (liberation), one attains one’s sadguru (perfect master).]
Purport: When a vehement desire for emancipation wakes up in a person, he or she attains his or her sadguru [true spiritual preceptor] on the strength of that desire.” (1)

For those who do not want to believe in God

For those who want to learn meditation but do not want to believe in God should be provided the same lesson that is given to the children in AM. This lesson should be practiced twice daily at least for one minute in the beginning. The duration of mediation has no limit and can be increased based on one’s capacity to 2 - 5 minutes or even more. The meditation should be practiced once in the morning and once in the evening before the meal.

Like AM but cannot quit ta’masik food

Such people should be taught that they may continue their lifestyle but should practice Kirttana intensely. Even non-margiis can practice kiirtana. By constant practice of kiirtana, the desire for Parama Purusha will arise in their hearts and a gradual transformation will begin.


Those non-margiis who cannot follow the teachings of AM should be given the lesson on Ga’yattri Rk. Such people can then earnestly pray to Parama Purusha for showing them the right path using the meaning of the Ga’yattri Rk in their mother tongue on a daily basis. By the sincere and repeated chanting of the Ga’yattri Rk they will become ready for the 1st lesson of Ananda Marga meditation.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Gayattri Rk

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “In ancient times there were two recognized stages in the process of initiation. The first one was Vaedikii diikśá, that is, initiation as per the Vaedik [Vedic] school of thought, and the second one was Tántrikii diikśá, that is, initiation as per Tantra. The most important mantra in Vaedikii diikśá was the “Gáyattrii Mantra”. The spirit of Vaedikii diikśá was to pray to God to get the proper path, the path of bliss; and the spirit of Tántrikii diikśá was to move along that path. In the first phase the aspirant requested God to show the path, and in the second phase the sádhaka had to move along that path. And this “Gáyattrii Mantra” was the most important mantra in Vaedikii diikśá.” (2)

Teaching meditation

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “When children are five years old and attain some awareness, the parents, brothers, sisters or any guardian may initiate them in Náma Mantra [the preliminary process of meditation]. They should be taught to sit in padmásana [lotus posture], but instead of interlocking the fingers, they may rest one palm upon the other; and keep the spine erect. They will then be instructed to feel or imagine that everything around them, and whatever they visualize, is Brahma.” (3)

Why junk food

The main thing is that spirituality brings a deep and irreversible transformation in an individual unlike intellectual persuasion which is superficial. With an intellectual persuasion, one may temporarily learn something but it does not sow the seed of determination in one’s mind. A person who has learned something out of intellectual persuasion may compromise under extenuating circumstances. This is not the case for one who is guided by the power of spirituality. For example, consider a person who is following sattvika diet due to intellectual persuasion. When such a person undertakes a train journey and wherein proper food is unavailable, they begin to think that, “If I do not eat then I’ll die of hunger” and may compromise with whatever junk food is available. One who is basing one’s decision on spirituality will have firm determination. Therefore, the main thing is spirituality; once the spirituality germinates in one’s heart the mind changes irreversibly and one can accomplish the greatest goal of life. Just like a small lit lamp is enough to end the reign of Cimmerian darkness, the ray of spirituality overcomes the darkness caused in one’s mind due to avidya’ma’ya’. With such an approach, the life will be fully transformed.

(1) Ánanda Sútram, Chapter 3
(2) Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 26, Gáyattrii Rhythm and the “Gáyattrii Mantra”
(3) Ananda Marga Caryácarya Part, The Process of Initiation

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Not a mere illusion

Note: Only those bhaktas who feel a spiritual vibration in their heart can understand this song in the depths of their core.

“Jagat t́á nay mithye máyá, mithye ranger khelá,
liilámayer liilá e bhái, liilár mohan melá…” (Prabhat Samgiita #0071)


This world is not the play of maya - it is not a mere illusion. It is not a display of false colours. It is the divine Liila of Parama Purusa in His role as Liilamaya. It is His enchanting universal drama.

The bhakta says to Parama Purusa who is in disguise: The sun rises and the dawn smiles in all directions with a dazzling array of colours. That spectacular array of intoxicating colours merges in my heart, whereby everything overflows in various hues.

The bhakta says to Parama Purusa who is in disguise: In the hope of His auspicious arrival, I watch for Him day and night, with unblinking eyes. This will only end when I become one with Him, by His grace. That time my basket will be filled with flowers of countless colours...

Prabhat Samgiita Intro: Prabhat Samgiita is the loving communication between the bhakta and Parama Purusa. In most compositions, the song is sung by the bhakta; less frequently Parama Purusa is addressing the bhakta, either using direct or indirect language. But always the song is the loving sharing between Parama Purusa and the bhakta. Never is there a third entity in the song.

In contrast, traditional Hindu bhajans and writings might employ two characters, i.e. bhakta and Parama Purusa, or three characters. In those instances where there are three characters, then two of the them are bhaktas talking about the third character - i.e. Parama Purusa. For example, one might ask, "Why are you crying? Is it because your Lord has not come?" This is a common scenario in melancholic, traditional Indian bhajans.

But in Prabhat Samgiita, the communication is exclusively between the bhakta and Parama Purusa - there is no third party.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Banana uses

Ananda Marga Ideal Farming states, "Banana trees are known more for their fruits than for their fibre. Both the fruit and the flower can be eaten, and when the tree is young the inner trunk can be taken as a vegetable as well. The leaves are used for plates or for wrapping food. Sodium carbonate may be obtained from the banana tree by burning the trunk into ash, and sodium bicarbonate may be obtained by boiling the ash until the water evaporates. There are numerous products which can be made from the banana tree. The fibre is obtained from the trunk of the tree. The greater the size of a tree, the greater the quantity of fibre, but the same rule does not necessarily apply for the quantity of fruit produced by the banana tree. Not more than two offshoot saplings should be allowed to grow from one banana tree. The extra shoots should be cut. There are many varieties of banana." (1)

1. Ideal Farming - 2, Some Important Crops

== Section 4: Links ==

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