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Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Danger about AM + 4 more

Danger about AM


In this creation, there is always a play between vidya and avidya. If we look at the history of mankind, there have been many great people who have provided noble teachings to lead society forward. But without the proper transfer of said knowledge, many of those great teachings were lost.

Great teachings lost over time

If some part of the world is advanced today, it cannot be said that it will remain advanced forever. If the transfer of knowledge does not flow from one generation to the next, it is highly likely that their progress will be retarded.

Science is advancing to greater heights day by day. If advanced scientific knowledge is not transferred to the coming generations, the rate of advancement slows down, until finally after a few generations all advancement is nullified. The next generation consists of the children born today who go to school / college and become responsible for passing along today’s advancements for the next generation.

There is a constant cycle of birth, life, and death of human beings. One generation transfers knowledge to another, and there is a constant flow of guidelines. Older generations retire and transfer knowledge to the younger generations. If that transfer of knowledge is broken, the newer generations will not be able to match their predecessors, and that body of knowledge gets lost. For example, science was very advanced in those ancient Egyptian and Greek civilizations. Generations changed over time, and there is no such advancement in those countries any longer.

Lord Shiva came about 7,000 years ago and provided spiritual guidelines to humanity. But, over time, those guidelines were not properly transferred to the next generation, and eventually dogma took the place of those advanced teachings. About 2,000 years ago, people started worshiping mythical devatas and devis, and their idols. Similarly, the Aryans came from Central Asia and wrote three of the Vedas prior to their arrival in India. Now those countries are dominated by Muslims. The prior generation of Aryans were killed, and now others are ruling those countries.

Those who follow adarsha / ideology

People who strictly follow adarsha / ideology have a greater responsibility to keep the adarsha intact. Adarsha / ideology cannot remain intact merely via books. Philosophy remains in those books. Adarsha is transferred only if people follow those teachings and transfer them to the next generation. Scripture is needed. Be the teachings good or bad, this is how they are transferred. Regarding casteism in India, the system is simply transferred from one generation to the other. Children learnt from their parents, and the system went for generations.

The period of human life from birth to death is very limited. For about the first 15 years after birth one is not spreading any knowledge, and old age creeps in by 60 or so. Thus one’s time is very limited to make an impact. But the impact can be made in two ways: first, understanding and strictly following adarsha / ideology; and second, transferring knowledge to the next generation so that the upcoming generations can follow it by imbibing the practices in their daily lives. If there is any fault in following these practices, then there is a possibility that future generations will not follow them, and slowly the philosophies will be lost.

Practice & pracar both needed to keep AM alive

The adarsha / ideology of Ananda Marga is not yet fully presented in books. Even if it is presented well in books in the future, yet if Ananda Margiis do not follow it and transfer it to the next generations, then this adarsha / ideology will be lost in future. Look how many books are stored in the library, but if you check those library records, it is evident that not many people have read those very old books. People who understand the meaning of adarsha / ideology know the importance and follow it. It is also their duty to propagate the ideas to the next generation. The responsibility of those who follow adarsha / ideology is much more as they need to follow and propagate.

India— astronomy lost due to lack of propagation

In old Indian literature, much was discussed on astronomy in “khagol shastra”. In India, an old sage named Bha’skara’ca’rya knew a lot about astronomy. Over the years that knowledge was lost as it was not transferred properly. Bha’skara’ca’rya had written a text on astronomy where he developed formulas on astronomy. Baba says that long before Copernicus and Galileo, Bha’skara’ca’rya provided much insight about astronomy. Bha’skara’ca’rya was the first one to argue that the Earth is not flat but round. There are proofs in his book.

Even in India today, Hindus believe that the Earth is flat as described in Puranas. Hindus believe that chandra grahan (lunar eclipse) and surya grahan (solar eclipse) occur because of the influence of two demons Rahu and Ketu; as a result more people come to the Ganges to perform rituals so that they will not be affected by the influence of Rahu and Ketu. The point is that even astronomy was more developed many many years ago, but that knowledge was not properly transferred to the next generations and those great ideas were lost. Rather dogmatic people influenced others, and today’s generation has been adversely affected. That’s why millions of people go to the Ganges to take a bath during the time of the lunar eclipse because of their dogmatic beliefs that the moon is a devata, and Rahu and Ketu are demons who eat the moon during lunar eclipse.

These are some examples of how rational teachings ideas of old were not followed and transferred to the next generations, and as a result such rational teachings were lost.

Mahabharata period: cesarean operation

Another example is about a king named Jarasandha in the Mahabharata. He was born via cesarean operation. Even in those days, advanced medical practices existed. Slowly, casteism and other dogmas were introduced and many people were not allowed to conduct research or to touch dead bodies. Whoever did any research on a dead body was banished from society. That is why people were fearful in studying medical sciences, and those advanced medical practices were lost over time.

Those dogmatic beliefs on medical sciences were present during the time of Lord Buddha, and were even more intense in the time of Shankaracarya. In India, no one was allowed to study allopathic medical science until about 100 years ago or so. If someone (who had money to go abroad) went abroad to study medical sciences, then when they came back after finishing studying medical science, they were outcast from society.

In India, pious and dharmic knowledge was given by those old sages, and slowly that knowledge was lost. Yoga sadhana was practiced before but turned into idol worship.


In summary, it is not sufficient to follow adarsha / ideology only, but also it is important to pass it down to younger generations. It is also our duty to ensure that adarsha / ideology is kept intact through both self-practice and pracara. Otherwise, those dogmatic beliefs will become predominant, and the adarsha will be outdated, as happened in the Middle East. Dogmatic people try to undo good practices.

Mahasambhuti came on this Earth and provided guidelines for spiritual and social development. The teachings need to be practiced and shared with others. When the teachings are transferred from one generation to the next, then only the people will follow proper guidelines; otherwise, the teachings will be lost. People who do not know AM adarsha / AM ideology cannot be held responsible. So those who adhere to adarsha / ideology have a much greater responsibility. The trick now is that older, senior margiis and Wts are dying at a much faster rate than new sadhakas are being created. That is the grave danger.

In spite of all these current happenings, I am optimistic that the situation will change. We should do our duty, and Baba will help us rescue the situation and move forward to spread AM ideology across the planet.

In Him,

Courtesy of Wikipedia--”Bhāskaracarya (1114–1185), was an Indian mathematician and astronomer. He was born in Bijapur in Karnataka. Bhāskaracarya and his works represent a significant contribution to mathematical and astronomical knowledge in the 12th century. He has been called the greatest mathematician of medieval India.…”

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Disease & the meat-eating conspiracy

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "According to the laws of nature, human beings are not carnivorous. So, if they eat meat they will catch numerous diseases. Vegetarians generally suffer from fewer diseases than non-vegetarians because they are more habituated to following natural laws." (1)

Note: In His above teaching, Baba is guiding us that animal flesh is not at all good for human consumption. Rather, eating meat invites numerous diseases. And nowadays, after concerted research, scientists and researchers also have come to this same conclusion. Even then, this commonly agreed upon fact is not openly embraced by the entire medical profession, nor is there full disclosure with the general public. Sadly, the common people continue to eat meat and flesh foods. In turn, they fall prey to numerous diseases. This is the regular phenomenon in our so-called more advanced countries-- much more than in our so-called poorer nations.

And there seems to be no end to this downward spiral. Firstly, capitalist pharmaceutical companies do not want to reveal the truth that a meat-centered diet is the cause of numerous diseases. Reason being that they are not geared towards public education and the prevention of disease. Their main agenda item is to treat the horrifying symptoms which crop up from those diseases. That is their style of doing business. So their selfish agenda is to ensure that diseases multiply around the globe and become widespread. Failing that, they will find themselves jobless and without a big bankroll. Because a disease-free society means that the common mass will not be depending upon crude allopathic medicines, and no sales of crude medicines translates into a zero-dollar paycheck for those pharmaceutical giants. So those drug companies are very anxious for people to become ill and stricken with disease.

Secondly, the medical establishment itself has also failed the public. While there are a growing number of doctors and medical professionals warning people about the ill-effects of eating meat etc, it remains an uphill climb as the mass of physicians and medical institutions still adhere to outdated nutritional models that incorporate a wide array of flesh foods etc. Thus, many medical professionals are in a state of denial / ignorance about the massive body of literature that points out the ill effects of eating meat. This has effectively kept this important information from the general public as the masses continue to suffer from life-threatening and life-ending diseases due to the ingestion of animal products.

As a result of this massive misinformation campaign by the capitalistic pharmaceutical and medical industries, the public health remains in jeopardy. Despite living in this ultra-modern, scientific era, diet related diseases continue to plague the public on a mass level. The outcome is that people are passing most of their lives in a compromised state, on medication for years and even decades, spending a huge portion of their financial assets and health coverage purchasing drugs to offset the ill-effects of these diseases. All this has become commonplace, especially in so-called first world nations like the USA. This all stems from the policy of misinformation by the pharmaceutical-medical complex where they do not want to tell what is proper and what is improper regarding dietary habits, i.e. the dangers of eating meat.

And this terrible scenario is not unprecedented either. As a case in point, it took decades upon decades to significantly halt the tobacco industry from mauling American society. For years the public was in the dark and getting more and more addicted to nicotine and smoking. Only in recent memory has there been a more forceful campaign against those large tobacco firms in so-called advanced countries. Thus it took a long time to release the public from the tight clutches of those tobacco barons. Yet, this has then given rise to a whole host of other tobacco related issues like vaping etc. Moreover, one horrendous outcome is that those same tobacco companies set their sights on the poorer countries where they have continued their aggressive cigarette smoking campaigns. And in those lands, the general public has been horribly victimised. Those awful diseases like lung cancer have taken root in those economically-exploited areas. Tragically the simple, common people suffer terribly in those places. Similarly, the meat / fast-food industry has also set their sights on those nations as well. 

As A'nanda Ma'rgiis, it is our sacred duty to inform and educate the public about Baba's meaningful teachings concerning the natural laws of human health and hygiene, in particular about the ill effects of eating meat. Baba's divine guideline is the panacea to serve all-- they are our kith and kin.

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, p.10

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Dharmic scripture

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "It is universally true, for all ages and all realms, that dharma is the main current of human life. It is the impetus of living beings; it is also their source of wealth and the guidance for their journey through life. In the pervasive sense of the word, all objects, animate and inanimate, have their respective dharma: that is, dharma denotes the very existence of an object. In its narrow sense, dharma is less manifested in inanimate entities and more manifested in animate ones. In animate entities, the manifestation of the dharma of non-human creatures is instinctive and inborn. But the dharma of human beings is much more than this: it permeates and penetrates each and every sphere of life. Hence in the realm of dharma, the only true guide and controller, motivating force and protector of the people, is an excellent and comprehensive ideology which provides definite, clear-cut and bold directions for all aspects of human life – from one’s personal daily routine, to one’s social activities and collective motivation, to the spiritual inspiration which brings one closer and closer to God. A scripture which does not fulfil these conditions is not worthy of being called a scripture at all. Such a scripture does not contain the light of consciousness according to the definition Shásanát tárayet yastu sah shástrah parikiirttitah [“That which liberates through discipline is called shástra, scripture”]. We should also remember that in the realm of dharma there must be clear-cut injunctions in the form of dharma shástra [scriptural treatises], and simultaneously there must be strict guardians who during their lifetimes guide themselves as well as others according to those scriptural injunctions." (1)

1. Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 14)

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Effect of diabetes

Ananda Marga ideology states, "The debility of the mańipura cakra is the main cause of diabetes. Amongst the pancreatic juices, one secretion helps in the digestion of food, and another separates the sugar content from non-vegetarian and starchy types of food. The sugar is then stored in a particular section of the liver and according to body requirements it is dissolved to generate heat and vital power to run the body mechanism. Chronic indigestion, constipation (here also the stool usually turns into pellets), mental exertion without any physical labour, use of intoxicants, and excessive seminal waste – all weaken the vitality of the liver. When such weakening takes place, the sugar contents of the food, failing to find a storage place in the liver, are assimilated into the blood and gradually accumulate. As a result, the blood gets polluted and loses its immune properties to a great extent. The natural reaction of the body in such a situation is to try to purify the blood by separating out its sugar content and expelling it with the urine. To dissolve the sugar, the human body needs plenty of water, and that is why diabetes patients suffer from a continuous thirst. Sugar emitted with the urine in a large quantity gradually reduces the vital energy of diabetes patients." (1)

1. Yogi Treatments, Diabetes

== Section 3: Links ==

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