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Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Sign of perfection + 4 more

Sign of perfection


That day only a few people were given permission to go to Baba; no Wt was allowed-- not PA Vishokananda, nor GS, nor VSS in-charge. It was by invitation only. Those selected were ready to do whatever Baba wanted without any hesitation. Without permission nobody else was allowed to go. And it was not pre-announced that the new kiirtana program would be introduced. No such announcement was made. Everybody thought that this was going to be a time to rest; nobody knew the greater reason why Baba was going there. This was His liila.

Again this was quite unusual because Baba would never make a program solely to take rest, and it was unheard of to make a tour program where only few people are allowed. Normally there was a huge crowd, and all were welcomed. It was rare, even unprecedented, for Him to announce that He will take rest and no organisational work will happen.

Kiirtana newly introduced

Baba started from Ranchi to Amjhariya at 2pm on Oct 7. He was accompanied by three margii volunteers, one cook, and one driver. They reached Amjhariya by 5pm. The next day, the local family Acarya Brahmadevaji came even though he knew nobody was allowed to visit. He stood outside the campus around midday and was crying out, "Baba, Baba, Baba." Hearing this Baba asked, "Who is that?", and later Baba granted him permission to come inside.

First Baba created the siddha mantra - Baba Nam Kevalam - and He explained it to those who were around. Then He told them to sing. Around this time, the above mentioned family Acarya Brahmadeva went back outside to the surrounding area and told margiis to gather people. He said, "We must start chanting Baba Nam Kevalam by 12 midnight.” Initially the kiirtana started with only a small handful of margiis; gradually more and more margiis who lived locally came. But no wts were present as they were not allowed to attend.

Kiirtana siddhi

When kiirtana started then Baba gave a demonstration of kiirtan siddhi. Those present heard how the kiirtan melody was emanating from the air, water, space, and from all kinds of sounds like the barking of dogs, the chirping of birds, the movement of animals, and the noise of vehicles. In each case those sounds changed directly into kiirtan. And kiirtana sound from the outer world from nowhere.

Where there was no sound, then that melodious kiirtana was even resonating from space. And when they blocked their ears then from inside the mind they could hear kiirtana was going on. It was divinely intoxicating and purely Baba's blessing. Baba explained that the siddhi in first lesson is hearing omnkara dhvani, and gaining siddhi in dhyana means seeing Baba everywhere in everything.

Similarly, there is siddhi in kiirtana as well. That occurs when one can hear the melodious, low-pitch of divine Baba Nam Kevalam kiirtan everywhere, in all directions, without even chanting it. Just it is resonating from all places; that is kiirtan siddhi. That time so many got samadhi in kiirtan chanting.

In the ensuing months, Baba gave many demonstrations in DMC and people were ecstatically singing kiirtana. Baba was giving so much vibration that everyone started jumping up and down. No one could sit idle. This was especially true in the case of the DMC at Muzzafarpur (1971) as well as countless other DMC's. Wherever kiirtana was held, people got a tremendous spiritual urge and our Baba Nam Kevalam kiirtana spread like wildfire. People realised that kiirtana is powerful.


Kiirtana is very important for the common mass - for everybody. That is why Baba has graciously given kiirtana; verily, Amjhariya was the best place to introduce kiirtana at that moment in time (1970). From a historical perspective, the day and the place are important but from a spiritual perspective we must always remember that kiirtana can be done anywhere and everywhere. It will always be beneficial.

In Him

~ In-depth study ~

Why Amjhariya was the best place

Actually, at the time, Amjhariya was the ideal spot to initiate kiirtana as other places might have led to more resistance. Baba would have had to spend a lot more time and energy persuading and convincing dry wts. Because they were essentially thinking that Baba is Guru - not more than that. They could not comprehend that Baba is Parama Purusa. In India, accepting someone as Guru is very common - every family has one or another type of guru. Whereas accepting someone as the Almighty is a vastly different matter. That was especially difficult for those who were in key posts in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha.

History: How some dadas opposed kiirtana

The proof of this is that later when kiirtan had spread all around, it was still seen that opposition came from many Wts in key posts. Many of those workers left the organisation, other wts openly criticised the Baba Nam Kevalam kiirtan those days, and some simply refrained from doing kiirtan at all for 6 months or even 1 or 2 years. Such was the case with dadas like Ac Vijayananda Avt and Ac Tadbhavananda Avt. That time they refused to sing or dance kiirtan for months or even a year or more. It was only later on when they were pointed out for not being bhaktas that they joined in and danced kiirtan. But in that early period in 1970 when Baba Nam Kevalam kiirtan was new they objected and refrained from participating. 

Indeed in his book, Shraddhainjali, Ac Tadbhavananda Avt has described and clearly put in print how he was frustrated and upset by the Baba Nam Kevalam kiirtan and he took a stance against it. Please read this following excerpt from dadaji's book:

"This recitation of Baba Nam Kevalam was quite new to me and to other margiis who had not been in Ranchi. Baba was knowing the problem of my mind...Baba asked how we liked the Kiirtan of Baba Nam Kevalam. He particularly pointed out towards me. I spoke in a blunt way: "Baba, there are already many Kiirtan, such as Hare Krsna, Hari Rama and so on, so our Baba Nam Kevalam will create more controversies"." (Ac Tadbhavananda Avt, Shraddhainjali, p.p. 74-5)

It is apparent from his expression that Ac Tadbhavananda was not in favour of the Baba Nam Kevalam kiirtan; he even confronted Baba in person about it.

Kiirtana is for non-margiis also

Knowing all this, we can understand how Amjhariya was the best place for Baba to introduce kiirtan. Baba did it with no wts present. Those margiis were along with Baba  in Amjhariya at that time knew that whatever Baba told was for their welfare and they followed without any if or but.

As we all know, Baba's plan is to grace the masses  - all should be benefited by the advent of Taraka Brahma. So He had to give something for everybody - margiis, non- margiis, all. For that purpose He gave kiirtan and Amjhariya was the best place. So Baba made the schedule and reached there.

In His divine liila', He told others He was going there "to take rest" and that there will not be any organisational work. He said that the office flow in Ranchi headquarters was too busy and that He needed to rest in a calm place.

Usually when Baba goes anywhere there is reporting, general darshan, PC, and all kinds of committee meetings etc. That was the standard manner. But none of that was scheduled at Amjhjariya. It was announced that Baba was going there to rest. It is His liila’.

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Politely refused to take

"Bhálobese chile tumi ámáy, vinimaye kichu cáo ni..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3811)


Parama Purusa, You are so kind. Since ages You have loved me, but in return You have never wanted== anything. You do not wish to receive anything from me, only You want to go on pouring Your divine compassion on me. Whatever I have offered unto You, You have politely refused to take - You only shower Your affection.

Baba, my Supreme Entity, Your kindness knows no limit. It is just like the moon which suffuses its sweetness by pouring its soft moonlight on everything. The moon does not consider the good or bad quality of those entities, just the moon goes on shining its refulgence. In the same way, You pour Your karun’a’ upon all incessantly, everywhere. You never consider or look into who is high, or who is mean and low. You lovingly see everyone as Yours - worthy of Your infinite compassion.

My divine One Baba, in the pouring rain of the pitch dark night, the smiling fragrance of the ketaki flower permeates the entire atmosphere all the 24 hrs, regardless whether there is darkness or light. Similarly, You also do not care about the proper or improper time, or who is qualified for Your mercy or not. Your affection never ceases. Even in the wake of meteor strikes in Your beautiful sky, still Your prema shines forth on all. You are most gracious to everyone - all the time. Your blessing is like the sublime brilliance which removes all the darkness in the blink of an eye.

Baba, You are the most compassionate One. I surrender everything at Your altar; please accept me and keep me under Your shelter...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Universality of language 

Parama Purusa Baba says, "Either from the psycho-physical or theoretical viewpoint, all the people of the world have the same language. This is because the essence of language, that is idea, is one and the same for all languages. Phonetics may differ amongst languages because of differences in geographical environment, which causes differences in racial and ethnic factors and results in variations in the biological structure of the vocal cord. Thus when the idea to drink water appears in the mind, then human beings may express this idea differently. Some say, A'mi jal kha'ba while others say, Mu jala pivu, and others say I want to drink water. Behind these different expressions is the same idea." (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 9

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How animals use herbal treatments

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Since the advent of living beings on this earth, medicines have been used. Dogs, cats, snakes, mongooses-- all animals, in fact all beings-- need some kind of medicine in various conditions. When wild animals become sick, they rub their bodies against certain trees and plants to cure their ailments. This shows that all living beings are more or less acquainted with some types of medicine." (1)

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva – the Focal Point of Everything (Discourse 3)

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

Adorn this crimson dawn deluged with glorious light

"Human civilization now faces the final moment of a critical juncture. The dawn of a glorious new era is on its one side and the worn-out skeleton of the past on the other. People have to adopt either of these two. You are the spiritual soldiers, you are the worshippers of Life Divine, hence I call upon you to adorn this crimson dawn deluged with glorious light. Victory is surely yours." (Ananda Vanii #26)

Note 1: True Ananda Vaniis have a number whereas Fake Ananda Vaniis do not - just as a fake car license plate has no number. By this way, you can easily recognise a Fake Ananda Vanii.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Languages like French in Canada, Basque in Spain,
and Sicilian in Sicily have also been suppressed

Prout philosophy states, “”For the all-round welfare and development of human beings, society needs to follow some fundamental socio-political principles. Without the firm foundation of such principles, disunity, injustice and exploitation will flourish. To avoid this and to safeguard the interests of all people, the leaders of society must ensure that cardinal socio-political principles are strictly followed. Otherwise, individual and collective progress can never be achieved.” (1)

"There are three cardinal socio-political principles which should never be violated…..Thirdly, no mother tongue should be suppressed." (2)

Prout philosophy states, “In India, Hindi has been imposed on non-Hindi speaking people, resulting in much ill-feeling between many states and the centre. The imposition of Hindi amounts to Hindi imperialism, and those who do not speak Hindi feel suppressed. The important languages of Bihar, for example, like Bhojpuri, Maethilii, Angika, Magahii and Nagpuri, have been suppressed in favour of Hindi. The people of Bihar do not even know the pronunciation of Hindi words because they speak with their own intonation. Other languages like French in Canada, Basque in Spain and Sicilian in Sicily have also been suppressed.” (3)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles
3. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

== Section 4: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest