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Sunday, June 11, 2023

Diagnose dogma + 3 more


Diagnose dogma


All are aware about this fundamental teaching from Sadguru Baba.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Dogma no more, dogma no more." (1)

Yet it is not always so easy to decipher what is a dogma and what is not - nor how to move ahead in life when confronted by dogmas. Nowadays, there are so many controversial issues - new things that are sprouting up every day. And it can be difficult to know which ones are good and which are not, as well as how they should be resolved.

Stepwise formula for identifying dogmas

In His DMC discourse, "Instinct and Devotion", Sadguru Baba clearly shows how prevailing dogmas in the society halt the march of human progress.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "You are moving forward. You are developing your fraternity throughout the universe but if a dogma says -dogma based on a particular scripture or a particular philosophy says - "You know, you are the blessed being and they are the slaves - they are to be ruled by you, they are to be governed by you" - this idea chokes the progress. It is dogma. You have developed fraternity for all animals, and suppose the scriptures say, "O human being, those animals are your food. You should kill them. You should eat them." Now your progress in the realm of spirituality, in the phase of development, is choked there. It is dogma." (2)

In His above teaching, Baba clearly describes how in day to day life we are confronted by numerous dogmas.

Then Sadguru Baba graciously presents us with a special unique approach - comprised of three steps - to handle the situation. By this graduated system, we can determine how to move ahead.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "When a dogma comes you should first apply your common sense. If common sense fails to give you a satisfactory reply, apply logic. If the logic fails to give you a satisfactory reply, apply your sense of humanity and get the reply and do accordingly. You are not to be guided by any dogma based on any scripture of any defective philosophy." (3)

Thus there are three mechanisms for addressing any particular dogma. In the first letter in this series we examined how one identifies a dogma using their common sense. But, as we all know, not everyone can identify and root out dogmas using their common sense alone. Invariably there comes a time when something more is needed. The next tool for determining any dogma is logic. That is the second step in Guru's formula for identifying a dogma.

Step #2: Use Logic & Reasoning

So in those circumstances where the first step - common sense - does not resolve the dogma, then we must move onto step two and apply logic and reasoning.

That means through pointed analysis and our sense of rationality we are to evaluate and determine if that theory or action is a dogma. In this age of science and reasoning - where we have access to all kinds of studies and information, as well as the touchstone of Ananda Marga ideology - we can generally determine whether something is a dogma or not.

In Him,

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 14, Dogma – No More
2. Yoga Psychology, Instinct and Devotion
3. Yoga Psychology, Instinct and Devotion

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You made flowers bloom

‘Hásite phul phot́ále, ali jot́ále, ráungiye dile man…” (Prabhat Samgiita #0667)


O’ Parama Purusa, with Your lovely smile You made flowers bloom, and You drew the bumble bees near. By Your mere presence, the entire natural world has taken on a new luster and charm. Baba, You have graciously coloured my mind. I have become completely ensconced in the sweetness of the spiritual abode. The whole globe has been transformed. The river’s waves are now overflowing and dancing in exuberant joy. The ocean has become lost in bliss.
Before Your auspicious arrival, due to shyness the flower-buds covered themselves in veils. They were hiding from the world and did not want to be seen by anyone. With just a wee-bit of  Your effulgence, when Your light fell upon them, all those same flowers started dancing with great jubilation. O’ Parama Purusa, when You have come here by Your wish, then please shower Your effulgence every moment.

Today, suddenly, the bumble bee came, told me something, and left. Its words vibrated my soul to its very core and made me dance in pure exultation. Baba, in the effulgence of melodies, I know You love me. That’s why I accept You as my best companion. Baba, You are the dearest one of my heart…

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Special truth

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Whenever there is a conflict between the brain and the heart, intelligent people should respond to the call of the heart. The books in A'nanda Ma'rga philosophy are all absolute knowledge. The proper mark of identity of absolute knowledge is that it must be universal, rational and psychological. Certain instances of absolute knowledge are as follows -- the goal of human life is the attainment of Brahma; human beings are the progeny of Parama Purus' dint of sa'dhana' or spiritual practices human beings gradually become divine." (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, Relative Knowledge and Absolute Knowledge / Prápta Vákya and Ápta Vákya, p.10

== Section 4: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest