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Friday, June 9, 2023

Ignorance + 4 more



Around the globe, people feel the need to idolize or worship someone or something. This happens in both the east and the west. Unfortunately, in their attempt to satisfy this desire, people often go astray. Without thinking, they mindlessly select their idol, not realising that it is fictitious or mythological - i.e. not real. There are examples of this in both the west and the east. This is the common phenomenon.

Fictional character worshipped as real

First we should review Baba's guideline where He warns us that fictional and mythological characters should not be taken to be real and worshiped or idolized.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "The value of mythology lies in this, in its contribution to mass education. If a narrative is devoid of the elements of mass education we cannot call it mythology. But it should be borne in mind that the events narrated are not true. Similarly, in modern times there are many novels and many plays which contain didactic elements for mass education. But the characters depicted in these plays are not real and they cannot be ritualistically worshipped with flowers and leaves of the wood apple tree. To make idols of them for the purpose of worshipping will be a great blunder. This kind of blunder is called pramáda in Sanskrit (the word pramáda is derived by adding the suffix ghain to the verbal root mad with the prefix pra). That is something with mistake in the beginning, intermittent mistakes in the middle and mistake at the end." (1)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "I have already told you about the objective of a purána; it has educative value but the incidents are all fictitious. A particular novel of Sarat Chandra may be very good and people may be very much impressed by a particular character in it. But is it desirable to make an image of that character and worship it? Similarly it will not really be in the fitness of things to worship a mythological character or to start worshipping ritualistically some particular mythological god or a goddess. Such a deity is only a figment of imagination." (2)

Unfortunately we see this happening in both east and west, where segments of the population accept a mythological or fictional character to be real. And then they worship or idolize that character.

Asking Juliet for boons

Juliet is one of the main fictitious characters in Shakespeare's tragedy: "Romeo and Juliet". In that drama, written 400+ years ago, the young couple in love are embattled by family disputes and ultimately die a most tragic death, without ever being able to express their love for one another. It is the quintessential tragedy of western literature. And it is completely fictional - these characters are 100% imaginary. Mr Shakespeare merely invented them in his own mind.

Yet today, a Juliet website has been devised, and people from far and wide write in seeking solace about their romantic woes. Because of their deep emotional link with the female character Juliet - who never even existed in real life - people are writing to Juliet and pouring their heart. If they deem their romance to be similar in any way to that of Romeo and Juliet - i.e. if they are getting tormented by friends and family - then they write to Juliet and ask for her grace and promise that, "Just as you died for your lover, I shall do the same." Juliet does not even exist, yet they are taking this fictional character to be their guide.

"Since the 1930s, letters addressed to Juliet keep arriving in Verona [Italy]. As of 2010, more than 5,000 letters are received annually, three quarters of which are from women. The largest single group of senders are American teenagers." (Wikipedia)

So this form of idol worship in the west is becoming more popular yet we should remember that it is based on 100% fictitious characters like Juliet. It is just like if Indian people started writing to Laela', a famous fictional Bollywood movie character in India.

In the west, it is not just limited to their fascination with Juliet, but also Harry Potter, Luke Skywalker, Rocky Balboa and all kinds of fictional heroes from the world of pop pseudo-culture. People are enthralled by such characters and aim to emulate them in all kinds of ways. They dress, talk, act, and behave like them; they idolize them. They think that such characters will grant them strength, or fortune, or love, or whatever it is that they desire. They even name their children after such fictional characters.

Eastern tradition of idol worship

In the east, worshipers pray to a piece of stone, thinking it to be a god. In this manner, so many mythological deities have been created. People ask and pray to their chosen deity for everything, thinking that entity to be real. Then there is this example from the Sati temple. The imaginary mother goddess Sati jumped on the funeral pyre of her husband. So females pray to this goddess because they think that by this way they will not lose their husband to an early death - rather due to the boon of mother goddess Sati, they will live together forever with their spouse. This, and many other examples like it in India, demonstrate how people become blinded. They worship deities that are wholly mythological, i.e. not real.


Thus we see that in both east and west people mindlessly accept fictional characters and mythological entities as their chosen guide. The chief cause behind this is that people naively pour their hearts for such entities, without realising the harm they are doing.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "The utilization of energy should be in the proper direction. If you have to move to the east and you start moving towards the west, your action will be considered full of prámáda, or madness. Ananda Marga has the correct way, through subjective approach and objective adjustment." (3)

Unfortunately, innocent people in the east and west waste tremendous amounts of energy seeking boons and guidance from fictitious and mythological entities. They accept fake entities to be real. As a result they can never advance in a meaningful way. We should increase efforts to bring all unto the path of Ananda Marga. That will save people from future danger.

in Him,
(Peter Livingston)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 11, Psychology behind the Creations of the Mythological Gods and Goddesses
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 11, Psychology behind the Creations of the Mythological Gods and Goddesses
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Your Personal Relationship with God

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You are ever with me

"Madhur mohan tumi cita-rainjan a'cho sada' sa'the sa'the..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3580)


My Parama Purusa, Baba You are Mohan, the most charming One, and attract all. You have coloured my mind in Your colour. That is why You are Cita-Rainjan and always remain with me, all the time. You have removed my despair and filled my heart with Your infinite love. You kindle the lamp of divine love, in spite of the hostile windstorm - and graciously remove all darkness and hopelessness with Your brilliant refulgence.

Baba, the great Controller, You don’t have any limitations of time, neither minutes, nor seconds, nor moments, You are beyond all relativities and stand eternally, wholly unassailed by the temporal factor. Time has no bearing on You. Lord, with unique and unparalleled feeling, You come within the reach of the microcosm to give Your supreme love. You have come to bless every unit being.

My Supreme Entity, Baba, You are beyond all logic and reasoning, as well as the analysis of scriptural intellect. You are above all these faculties. You are Alakha-Nirainjain, beyond description - infinite and unblemished. Only You can shatter the bondage of avidya maya - the mirage of moha, infatuation, negative attraction - and grant salvation. Baba, You lovingly attract all; You are the Supreme Charmer...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #3580:

[1] Mohan: Ananda Marga philosophy states, ”One cannot remain away from Him. Rather, one has to rush along towards Him, because there is that inseparable bond, the inferential bondage of the Cosmic flow. For He is Mohana” (1)

[2] Cita-Rainjan: Ananda Marga ideology guides us and we all know that bhakti is that unique ingredient which allows one to advance in the spiritual field. Without innate love for Parama Purusa one can never succeed. In His role as Cit-Rainjan, He is that Divine Entity who colours and saturates the mind of sadhakas in the fountain of bhakti.  

Ananda Marga ideology says, "'rainjana', which means 'the One who colours' - that which colours the mind." (2) 

So He is that Cosmic Being who graciously showers exquisite love into the heart and mind of the bhakta. And by such overwhelming Cosmic grace, the bhakta becomes immersed in Supreme bliss and comes in the closest proximity with that Love Personified Entity: Parama Purusa.

[3] Alakhanirainjan: ('Alakh' means 'invisible'; 'nir' means 'no'; 'ainjan' means 'black spot'.) Of the infinite attributions of Parama Purusa, one quality is that He is invisible and blemishless -  pure and perfect. That is why He is known as Alakhanirainjan. Because in this world unit beings are bound by their past actions, by their samskaras, and this creates a black mark in their mind. But being Alakhanirainjan, being both invisible and blemishless, Parama Purusa is beyond the realm of sense perception and beyond the realm of samskara. His mind never gets stained. He remains eternally pure and spotless.

1. Namami Krsnasundaram, Krśńa and Supra-Aesthetic Science (Discourse 27)
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 1, Devotion

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Reflect before blaming or shunning these people

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The solution to all these different antisocial activities is hidden in the creation of a sound economic and social structure. The man who is despised as a thief or treated with contempt by society might have been a genius if he had been brought up in a healthy social environment. The woman who is shunned as a prostitute might have been respected as the leader of a women’s organization or honoured as the mother of a famous person, had she received a little sympathy from society in the early part of her life. That is why I contend that those unfortunate men and women carry a burden of sin created through the collective efforts of society as a whole. They are not responsible for their sins, or if they are, their sins are considerably less, or at least no greater, than the sins of selfish, mean-minded people who call themselves honest.“ (1) 

1. Human Society - Part 1, Justice

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Rules: making meds from plants & animals

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Moonlight is not a medicine like sunlight is. Rather moonlight often overwhelms the mind with a different kind of emotion. However, the qualities of medicinal herbs and plants are affected according to the difference in moonlight, that is, in accordance with the lunar day and lunar fortnight. So there are rules for removing medicinal plants from the soil, preparation of medicines and their uses in accordance with the lunar day. The medicinal qualities undergo changes during the different periods of the day, so one should use medicines with that factor in mind; at least it is better if it is done so. Those medicinal herbs and plants or those medicines whose qualities are affected according to the difference in lunar day or planetary position are called kulyá. So you see, this also is a meaning of the word kulyá."
   "Not only have human beings used plant substances for medicines since ancient times, they have also prepared medicines extensively from animals. In the Ayurvedic, Vaidyaka and Unani systems of medicine, animal substances, such as the livers of different animals and partridge fat, were used extensively. Who is not familiar with the medicine prepared from the body of a goat and oil from the hornbill? Medicines used to be prepared from the livers, pancreases, etc., of different animals in the allopathic system of treatment. In recent times they have been used for insulin. Cod liver oil and shark oil are frequently used. They are used not only as oral medicines but also in injections. Medicines such as naja, cina, and apis in homeopathy are completely of animal origin. Killing an animal in order to save the life of a human being may not be a very good practice, but it can be done when there is no alternative. This is a universally accepted principle. But when medicines are prepared by killing animals, it should be done as far as possible from those animals which are the born enemies of human beings. Those who are not the born enemies of human beings but are their natural friends should not be killed." (1)

1. Shabda Cayanika, Disc: 34

== Section 3: Links ==

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