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Wednesday, June 7, 2023

How to solve + 4 more

How to solve


In His DMC discourse, Sadguru Baba clearly shows how the prevailing dogmas in the society halt the march of human progress.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "You are moving forward...You have developed fraternity for all animals, and suppose the scriptures say, "O human being, those animals are your food. You should kill them. You should eat them." Now your progress in the realm of spirituality, in the phase of development, is choked there. It is dogma." (1)

In His above teaching, Baba clearly describes how in day to day life we are confronted by numerous dogmas. And if one fails to make the right decision then their progress is thwarted. Next Sadguru Baba presents us with a special unique approach - comprised of three steps - to handle the situation. By this graduated system, we can determine how to analyse and avert dogma.

Baba’s stepwise formula

Ananda Marga ideology states, "When a dogma comes you should first apply your common sense. If the common sense fails to give you a satisfactory reply, apply logic. If the logic fails to give you a satisfactory reply, apply your sense of humanity and get the reply and do accordingly. You are not to be guided by any dogma based on any scripture of any defective philosophy." (2)

Next we shall analyse the first step: common sense.

Step #1: apply common sense

The first step is to apply common sense. For Ananda Margiis, common sense is based on the principles of neo-humanism. This outlook is cultivated through sadhana and the study of Ananda Marga ideology, i.e. reading and understanding Baba's books etc. Once one is adequately informed, they will be well-equipped to recognise dogmas by their common sense - and follow the dharmic path.

Then one can look at a particular situation - like the slaughtering of animals - and think, "Are living beings benefited by this or are some being harmed and exploited?" Fortified with the teachings of neo-humanism, with their common sense one will quickly determine that the senseless killing of animals is a dogma. Whereas those whose common sense is based on certain religious principles will view the situation entirely differently. They will think it appropriate to slaughter a goat for food. That is what their common sense tells them. So by their common sense they justify the existence of that dogma.

Let's take another example like depraved relations. Those familiar with Ananda Marga ideology understand well that human beings are to goad the mind toward Parama Purusa, and not succumb to indulgence of the lower propensities. With this common sense understanding, an Ananda Margii will conclude that degrading relations are not supported by bhagavata dharma. Whereas those reared in the materialistic societies of the west view things like depraved sensual relations as being progressive. Because in their areas, their common sense is based on the idea that degrading indulgences are very good, and things like open sex are widely accepted. By their view  they support this dogmatic practice.

Formula for recognising & solving

Baba has given an ideology that covers each and every sphere of life. There is no problem that cannot be solved by Ananda Marga teachings. At the same time, terminology changes, new theories are developed and so many things happen. Thus not every term or example can be presented in Ananda Marga teachings. For instance, Baba has delineated the horrors of communism in Ananda Marga ideology. But in the future, there may be an even more disastrous theory. So that is not talked about directly in our teachings.

Yet if we follow Baba’s above given approach - and our common sense is based on the spirit of Ananda Marga ideals - then we will naturally apply those teachings accordingly. So we will be able to identify and root out every dogma. They will be nipped at the bud. It will not be able to crop up on the collective level, and on the individual plane we will be able to save ourselves and others from so much trouble and heartache.

Common sense cultivated on the basis of Ananda Marga ideology is the first key step in Baba’s formula for recognising and eradicating dogma.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "A correct spiritual ideology is the only solution to the problems confronting the world. From this perspective we can call Ananda Marga ideology the philosophers' stone. Just as the philosophers' stone is meant to transform everything into gold, Ananda Marga ideology can, most definitely, find a just and rational solution whenever it is applied to any problem." (3)

Ananda Marga ideology says, "When a dogma comes you should first apply your common sense. If the common sense fails to give you a satisfactory reply, apply logic. If the logic fails to give you a satisfactory reply, apply your sense of humanity and get the reply and do accordingly. You are not to be guided by any dogma based on any scripture of any defective philosophy." (4)


Here are Baba’s three steps or parameters:

(a) First one should apply their common sense, and if that fails then...
(b) Apply logic to find the answer, and if that fails then...
(c) Use your sense of humanity to get the final solution.

By this way one will get the solution to all the problems. In the oft chance that common sense fails due to a distortion or pollution in one’s understanding, then the next medicine should be applied. That is, Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us all kinds of logic on any given issue. However, if due to a lack of understanding of Ananda Marga philosophy, one cannot form a definitive solution, then they should apply their sense of humanity.

For example, suppose an unemployed starving person breaks the law by stealing food then when we apply our sense of humanity it may be found that it was society’s fault that he committed the crime. In that case, our sense of humanity guides us that the person should get free food. On a case by case basis we can reach the final conclusion and act for the benefit of all humanity, and that will be the final step.

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Dirty relations

Common sense varies from person to person, even amongst sadhakas in our Ananda Marga. Because it is dependent upon one’s quality of mind. However, those whose common sense is firmly in line with Ananda Marga ideals will never fall prey to dogma.

Baba states: "When a dogma comes you should first apply your common sense." (5)

Here the point is that one’s common sense should be based on the ideals of Ananda Marga philosophy, i.e. bhagavata dharma. By that outlook one will be able to recognise dogma. When one’s common sense is based on something else like materialism, then problems will abound. In materialistic communities, people are openly encouraged to indulge in depraved relations, and they are respected accordingly. In morally upstanding communities, there is no scope for such debased dealings.

For Ananda Margiis, this matter is easily resolved. We know that human life is not for indulging in degrading / lower vrttis, so with our common sense we can understand that depraved relations is a dogma. If people use their sentiment, they will be swayed in all kinds of directions and they may not come up with the proper response. But if with a balanced mind, one’s common sense is applied, then an Ananda Margii can solve this matter using Baba’s above formula.

Polluted common sense

Let's take another example like homosexuality. Those familiar with Ananda Marga ideology understand well that human beings are to goad the mind toward Parama Purusa, not the indulgence of the lower propensities. With this common sense understanding, Ananda Margii will conclude that same-sex relations (gay, lesbian, homosexuality) are not supported by bhagavata dharma. Whereas those reared in the materialistic societies of the west view things like gay / lesbian relations as being progressive. Because in their areas, their common sense is based on the idea that degrading indulgences are very good, and things like homosexuality are openly accepted. Thus, by their common sense they support this animalistic practice. So for true margiis and non-margiis, their common sense is different. Indeed, the common sense of Ananda Margiis is not so common.

Generally, people think that common sense is the same all around the globe. But that is not the case. So the above is the explanation of why and how that relates with Guru's theorem for recognising dogma. At present dogmas are pervasive in all spheres of life. As Ananda Margiis, our duty is to root out all those irrational and illogical doctrines and misunderstandings that harm humanity.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Dogma no more, dogma no more." (6)

Yet it is not always so easy to decipher what is a dogma and what is not - nor how to advance when confronted by dogmas. Nowadays, there are so many controversial issues, and new dogmas are sprouting up every day. It can be difficult to know how they should be resolved. But Sadguru Baba has given the perfect theorem as outlined above. 

1. Yoga Psychology, Instinct and Devotion
2. Yoga Psychology, Instinct and Devotion
3. Problems of the Day, #36
4. Yoga Psychology, Instinct and Devotion
5. Yoga Psychology, Instinct and Devotion
6. A Few Problems Solved Part 4, Dogma - No More

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Garland of songs 

"Ga'ner ma'la' a'ma'r kan't'he toma'r parate ceyechi jiivan bhare..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2235)


O' Parama Pursua, I have prepared a garland of songs for You. I am always practicing these songs, and when You come close to me then I will sing them for You in a very tender and sweet manner. My life is passing in Your longing, but it seems You do not like to come close and that You do not like to be held. Otherwise, why are You not coming. O’ my Dearmost, how long must I wait in hope and hopelessness, wondering if you will ever come. Tell me, when You do not come close, how can I offer this garland of songs to You? 

O’ Lord, so many days and countless ages have passed in Your longing, anxiously waiting and looking toward the path. With this intense ideation, innumerable nights have been spent shedding tears. So many songs have been lost which I always prepared for You in the past. 

Baba, the songs which I lost and those tunes which dissolved in this vast infinity, only if You like can those songs come back again. And those songs will create resonance, encircling You. Baba, I have prepared a garland of songs for You, please grace me by accepting it...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Art for art's sake is bogus

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The creations or compositions of those who proclaim, “Art for art’s sake,” cannot be treated as sáhitya. Indeed, welfare which pertains to the mundane world is relative; its definition may also change according to changes in time, place and person. But the aspect of the term hita which leads human beings towards the absolute truth is one and the same for all ages and all countries.”

“In order to communicate with people at different stages of development who have different ideas, the same concept of welfare has to be expressed through different branches of knowledge. The grand, benevolent flow of ideas with the common people on one side and the state of supreme bliss on the other, is called literature; for in every particle, in every rhythmic expression of this benevolent thought process, the supreme bliss is lying dormant.”

“Art for art’s sake” is not acceptable; rather we should say, “Art for service and blessedness”

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Thus literature is that which moves together with society and leads society towards true fulfilment and welfare by providing the inspiration to serve. The statement “Art for art’s sake” is not acceptable; rather we should say, “Art for service and blessedness.””

“In every expression, in every stratum of this universe, however crude or subtle, only one recurring theme occurs, and that theme is the attainment of bliss. In the artistic movement towards welfare both the attainment and the bestowal of happiness find simultaneous expression. When sáhityikas dedicate themselves to the service or sádhaná [sustained practice] of literature, they have to let their creative genius flow in this stream; they have to purify all that is turbid, all that is impure in their individual life in the holy waters of their universal outlook and then convey it sweetly and gracefully to the heart of humanity. In this lies the fulfilment of their service, the consummation of their sádhaná.” (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 1, The Practice of Art and Literature

== Section: Hindi Quote ==

स्वर्ग कहाँ ? 
“सप्तलोक क्या है ? एक ही साथ है, कोई अलग-अलग दुनिया नहीं है | सप्त लोक में निम्नतर लोक जो भूर्लोक, physical world | ऊर्ध्वतम लोक, जो सत्य लोक, वह तो परमपुरुष में स्थित | और, इन दोनों के बीच जो पञ्च लोक हैं, वही है पञ्चकोष | मानव मन का पाँच कोष, पाँच स्तर | भुवः, स्वः, महः, जनः, तपः, सत्य | भुवः है स्थूल मन, जो प्रत्यक्षरूपेण शारीरिक कर्म के साथ सम्पर्कित | और स्वः लोक है सूक्ष्म मन | मानसिक मनोमय कोष, मानसिक जगत्‌ | मुख्यतः सुख-दुःख की अनुभूति होती है कहाँ ? स्वर्लोक में, मनोमय कोष में | तो, यह जो स्वर्लोक है, इसी को लोग स्वर्ग कहते हैं |
[यह प्रवचन-अंश, बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया है । बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्दमार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं हैं -- बंगालीकरण (बँगलाइजेसन) के तहत उनकी बर्बादी की गई]  (1)

1. [MD,may 19 varanasi,v19-02-(H)

== Section: Bangla Quote ==

পৃথিবীতে নেমে আসেন

“যখন মানবিক স্বার্থে, মানবিক কল্যাণের জন্য, এমন কিছু তৈরি করতে হয়, যা সহজে হয় না, যা ক্বচিৎ কখনও হয়, যা মানুষ জাতিকেই ঢাক্কা দেওয়ার জন্য যে অস্তিত্বের বা যে ভূতি অত্যাবশ্যক ৰলে গণ্য হয়, সেই সময়ে পরমপুরুষ কি করেন ? না, তিনি নিজের সৃষ্ট ক্ষণিকটা পাঞ্চভৌতিক উপাদান সঙ্গ্রহ করে নিয়ে একটা শরীর নিয়ে নেমে পড়েন | দিই ধাক্কা, দেৰ ধাক্কা, ধাক্কা দিয়ে এই মুমুর্ষগুলোর মধ্যে প্রাণ জাগিয়ে তুলৰ, প্রাণের চাঞ্চল্য এনে দেৰ | এ ভাবে কুড়ে নিয়ে, এই ভাবে, অলসতার মধ্যে তাদের মূল্যবান মানব জীবনের অপচয় হতে দেৰ না | তিনি যখন এই ভাবে নিজেরই মানস সৃষ্ট ক্ষণিকটা পাঞ্চভৌতিক উপাদান, ক্ষিতি, অপ্‌, তেজ, মরুৎ, ব্যোম নিয়ে, নিজেই পৃথিবীতে নেমে আসেন, মানুষ সমাজে, ভাবের জোয়ার আনৰার জন্য, সেই অবস্থাটাকে ৰলা হয় মহাসম্ভূতি |” (1)

1. ১৫ জানুয়ারী ১৯৮০, v17-15

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