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Saturday, May 27, 2023

How civilization passes away + 2 more


How civilization passes away


When any society is powerful, those inhabitants think their place at the top will last forever. For instance, those in Rome thought the Roman empire would last for the ages, same with those living in the Egyptian empire. Neither could conceive of their collapse. And that is the situation with all such cases, including today's western civilization. The basic rule is that those at the top think that their greatness will endure across time and space - indefinitely.

With that complacency comes indulgence. They think no matter what they do their place at the pinnacled point is reserved forever. Invariably, however, that situation changes. Their place at the top cannot last. With the rise of indulgence etc, it is not long before that society is struggling hard to lift itself off the ground after its hard fall into the crust of the earth.

We should look at the past and apply those principles to today's western society. For years - i.e. centuries - the west has been exerting its will, controlling others, and gaining a higher and higher stature. Yet, by examining Baba's precepts, it is quite apparent that the fall of western civilization is imminent.

Brief look to the past

In His discourse, "The Future of Civilization", Baba looks back at various civilizations that sat high up above all these others, yet they fell. This happened to the Arabs, the Egyptians, the Chinese, the Greeks, the Romans. They all met their waterloo. And, in His discourse, Baba points out the cause. They fell either due to internal demise, i.e. weakness stemming from their own society, or due to external influence, i.e. by attacks from the outside. Most often though it was a combination of the two.

In general, it is the advancement of science that puts a particular civilization at the top. This was the case with the Egyptians, and it is the case with today's western civilization as well. The Egyptians had the pyramids, mummies, and so many other engineering and scientific feats. They seemed unparalleled in so many ways - yet they fell; they were overrun by outsiders.

Similar is the case of the Romans. They had everything in terms of advancement and progress, but due to internal dissension they met their demise. Because of extreme social disparities, such as slavery etc, their society crumbled as there was massive unrest from within due to the "haves" and "have nots". At that point, they were no match for outsiders.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The Christian or Roman civilization was also considerably higher on the ladder of development. Yet they were lacking in social outlook. There were no feelings of fraternity and equality. The slave system was rampant and human feelings were on the wane. Furthermore, the lack of a proper socio-economic theory generated a kind of fascist mentality in them. Those rolling in luxury and adverse to labour became indolent. Naturally they were defeated by a stronger and more strenuous force." (1)

Baba's main point is that, either due to their own complacency or indulgence, ruling societies fall prey to outside invaders who are more vigilant and disciplined, or due to lack of social equality and social unrest a society implodes from within. Or it may be due to a combination thereof.

Another factor that comes into play is that of metamorphosis. This is when a ruling civilization slowly, even unknowingly, starts to adopt other ways until finally, over time, they have totally changed from the society they once were. In the past, so many ruling societies fell from power for these reasons. Nobody could imagine their demise, but it happened. The situation is strikingly similar to the west today.

All in vogue today in the west

To some or more degree, all of the above indicators are rampant in the west. Due to indulgence and complacency they are being beaten at their own game of capitalism; due to extreme disparity of wealth there is growing social unrest; and, little by little, the west is leaving their own principles of life and adopting eastern ways.

For all these reasons and more, today's western society is heading for a big fall. Those aware about Baba's teachings will not find this surprising, and they will be in the best position to help others.

Imminent fall of the west

The way things are headed in the west, either it will implode internally, be overrun externally, or a combination thereof, or metamorphose into something completely different. At present all these things are going on.

1) Due to extreme capitalism there is a vast disparity of wealth. This creates huge internal dissension. When the common people can no longer afford hearth and home, or food and drink, then that society is on the brink of disaster. This is what is happening in the so-called developed, advanced nations in the west.

2) The selfishness and materialism of the west is also ruining the mentality of the people. Now, more than ever before, there is a wave of psychic diseases and troubles, everything from extreme angst and frustration to depression, suicide, and mass shootings etc.

3) The west is losing ground to "developing" nations in all the realms that led them to the top. The financial debt to the eastern world is a huge burden and can easily lead to their being swallowed up by a severe economic collapse, in which case western nations will surely fall prey to others.

Note: The above points speak to either internal demise or external encroachment. And, if we analyse further the current conditions in the west, this list will grow by dozens and dozens of points. The above is a mere sampling of indicators.

4) This next point deals with metamorphosis. At present, Christianity is losing its influence in the west, especially with the youths. People are no longer the ardent followers they once were. Many are token Christians and are actually more interested in eastern ways such as yoga and Buddhism etc. They label themselves as Christian, yet all their life habits are slowly moving toward eastern life practices. This methodical transformation is well underway. So many Christian followers practice yoga or meditation and, not only that, the Christian establishment has come up with their own form of yoga. With this ongoing trend, the rituals and traditions of Christianity will only be an afterthought as the whole society has metamorphosed into something else. This will be a slow, gradual approach until the transformation is mostly complete. This radical change might occur in as short as two decades.

All the above presentations speak to the impending fall of western civilization as we know it. We should prepare ourselves so we are not a hapless victim of its fall, but rather a knowledgeable observer who can help and guide others.

Six spokes of social cycle

It is not that every society must fall. That is not the natural order. Baba has given the key ingredients needed in order for any society to flourish across time and space. So long as these six factors are present, then that society will continue to be a healthy, stable, and prosperous one.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The six factors which guide society, which make it vibrate in bliss and dance in bliss when its different entities realize the fullness of existence in every fibre of their existence, are the s'ad'ara'h sama'ja cakra [six spokes of the social cycle]." (2)

Those six are: (a) spiritual practice, (b) spiritual ideology, (c) social outlook, (d) socio-economic theory, (e) scripture and (f) preceptor.

Ananda Marga philosophy explains, "The entire social structure is dependent on these six factors." (3)

Thus, to the degree those six factors are present is the degree to which that civilization is stable. To the degree those factors are absent is the degree to which that society is prone to fall.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "About one thousand five hundred years ago, Arabs were very developed in science. But they were defeated by the Islamic wave, for they were lacking in the six aforesaid factors, while the latter had at least five of them." (4)

At present, western civilization is severely lacking in almost every category. The big fall that seems imminent in the west is not a surprise to those familiar with Baba's guidelines.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "In the future also, for want of the six factors of bhati (progress) the extinction of a concerned group of people is sure to happen." (5)

We should prepare ourselves mentally and be vigilant. Then we will be in the best position possible to help and serve others during this difficult time. If we too are swallowed up in shock, then we will be unable to render our social and moral duties and bring relief to the suffering.

At the same time that just because the west falls does not necessarily mean that there will be a great rise of the east. To succeed, one must not just defeat or take over another, but that society also must inculcate the six spokes. So it is not that the eastern hemisphere is necessarily set-up for a long and prosperous rule. Tragically, the east also is moving towards western values. So we should keep that in mind as well.

Life in AMPS

There is no question that the vacuum created by the fall of western civilization needs to be filled by the tenets of Ananda Marga. Baba has fully given all six spokes in our AM philosophy. There is no want - there is no lacking principle.

As His disciples, our chief and foremost duty is to follow Baba's divine guidelines and bring those into being in our individual and collective life. Failing that, we will meet the same fate as so many civilizations in the past. Whereas if we are able to inculcate the tenets of AM ideology, then it is sure that ours will be the path of success. 

Prout philosophy says, "Where these factors [six spokes of the social cycle] are present, there the movement is towards ananda or divine bliss, and due to this movement the chance of their elimination becomes nil. Such groups which have the six factors in their possession will be able to produce sadvipras." (6)


Baba has blessed us with all the teachings and abilities to bring about a thriving civilization. By adhering to His guidelines and following 16 Points, we will be able to lead humanity into that bright new era because the west, without making significant changes, will not last much longer.

Prout philosophy guides, "March ahead and wage war against all difficulties, every impediment. Victory is sure to embrace you. Difficulties and encumbrances cannot be more powerful than your capacity to solve them. You are the children of the great Cosmic Entity. Be a sadvipra and make others sadvipras also." (7)

At His feet,

For more information

To gain greater knowledge on this critical topic, it is highly advisable to carefully review and study Baba discourse, "The Future of Civilization", which is printed in Prout in a Nutshell part 6 and in A Few Problems Solved part 6. It is also available via the electronic edition of Baba's books. 

1. A Few Problems Solved Part 6, The Future of Civilization
2. Namámi Krśńasundaram, Párthasárathi Krśńa and Aesthetic Science (Discourse 26)
3. A Few Problems Solved Part 6, The Future of Civilization
4. A Few Problems Solved Part 6, The Future of Civilization
5. Prout in a Nutshell Part 6, The Future of Civilization
6. Prout in a Nutshell Part 6, The Future of Civilization
7.  Prout in a Nutshell Part 6, The Future of Civilization

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Vrindavan of my mind

“Eso maner madhu vrndávane, eso cit kamale…” (Prabhat Samgiita #3841)


O’ Parama Purusa, O’ Lord, please come to the sweet vrindavan of my mind, come to the lotus of my heart. I have spent so much time searching for You in the solitary woods and remote forests of this entire lithosphere. I also looked for You in the sacred rivers of innumerable so-called holy places. I have looked everywhere for You. 

In human life, there are countless rises and falls; there are so many enchanting moonlit evenings and stunning sunrises. There are so many cimmerian dark nights populated by clusters of stars. In all these places, and under all such conditions, I went on searching for You everywhere, non-stop, each and every moment, and even in the fractions of those moments. Even then, You could not be found. 

Then, amazingly, someone seemed to whisper in my ear: "The One whom you seek resides in your mind and heart always. After applying the collyrium of love into your eyes, look carefully and you will find that He is in all the molecules and atoms - everywhere.”

Baba, I traveled everywhere in hopes of getting You, and, in the end, I realised that all along You were in the very depths of my heart. This is nothing but Your causeless grace…

Note: In the above song, it is Parama Purusa Himself who comes and whispers in the bhakta’s ear. 

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