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Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Strict on duty + 4 more

Strict on duty


In the general society, people do not have a favourable impression of those who strictly adhere to religious codes. That just conjures up images of terrorists who are adamant to impose their rotten, irrational, religious doctrines. In result, people commonly think that any type of strict adherence to dogmatic religious codes is deadly. And on this point of religion, they are 100% right.

After considering the above, it is clear that fanaticism in rotten, irrational, religious doctrines and dogmatic religious codes is deadly. Unfortunately, some uninformed people apply this same theorem to good endeavours also, and they are wrong.

Being ultra strict is highly beneficial

If someone strictly adheres to a rational, scientific approach then that type of fanaticism is very good.

For instance:
(a) If a brain surgeon is extremely precise in following the codes of conduct and protocol of the operating room, then that doctor will be hailed as being highly competent and professional. And verily, if we have to have surgery, we want a doctor who is who fanatical in their medical work - i.e. someone who is very accurate and strict.
(b) If an airline pilot is meticulously careful in adhering to the rules and regulations, then that pilot will be lauded for his accuracy and safety record. And if we have to select a travel somewhere by plane, we want a pilot who is fanatical in their approach to aviation - i.e. someone who is extremely detailed oriented and a perfectionist.
(c) If a policeman is very keen to adhere to all protocol and guidelines in his policing endeavours, then that officer will be recognised for their composure and “by-the-book” professionalism. And if ever we need the help or protection of the police, then we would want an officer who is fanatical in their investigations and interventions.

In contrast:
(a) If a dentist is sloppy in their work and very lax in following the codes of dentistry, then that dentist might harm his patients and even lose his dental license. In that case, people will not choose him as their dentist because he is not meticulous and fanatical in adhering to the codes and regulations.
(b) If a gymnastics coach is absent-minded and disinterested in sticking to the safety protocols in their sport, then that coach will hurt many young gymnasts. In that situation, parents will not have confidence in that coach and will not want to put their children under his supervision because that coach is not fanatical in his approach.
(c) If a translator is inaccurate and not concerned about following the methods and stipulations of diplomacy, then that translator will offer a poor rendering of the political discussion. In that case, that translator will mislead diplomats, and he will be out of a job as those diplomats need a nuanced translation by one who is fanatical in their linguistic skills.

Misunderstanding of fanaticism

After considering the above, it is clear that the fanaticism of strictly adhering to a rational, scientific approach is highly beneficial; and, it is evident that the type of fanaticism where one is not strictly adhering to a rational, scientific approach is deadly. Moreover, the fanaticism associated with rotten, irrational, religious doctrines, and dogmatic religious codes is also deadly.

It is obvious every Ananda Margii should be fanatical in following the scientific teachings of tantra as given by Sadguru Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji. That sadhaka will be a true dharmika. Being ultra strict in the adherence to the ideals of Ananda Marga will be highly beneficial - both for the individual and the collective. Because the teaching of Ananda Marga ideology are wholly rational, logical, and dharmic.

Unfortunately, some uninformed people think, "Firm and strict adherence to Sadguru Baba’s teachings is also unfavourable and counter-productive.” They believe there should be some laxness in following Sadguru’s teachings. However, this outlook is wholly defective and harmful to our human society. Being firm in adhering to Baba's teachings / Ananda Marga ideology will yield a most positive outcome that is beneficial to all.

Here it has to be borne in mind that Ananda Marga is not an ism, but rather a scientific way of life. There is no need for moderation. Just as the astronauts of NASA are strict in following their scientific techniques, and Olympians are strict in following their training regimen, similarly we should be strict in 16 Points. It is not that being too strict will be harmful. Rather strictness in 16 points is that way to success. In that regard, the more strict the better.

Spiritual fanaticism is very good or bad

Here is an English summary of Baba’s Hindi discourse from: General Darshan, 30 December 1970 Patna

One, who claims to be a pandit (scholar) in twenty shastras (scriptures) and is Mahamahopaddhyay (i.e.highest degree of scholarship like D. Lit.) can never realize Parama Purusa (God), but an illiterate man who does not know even the alphabet ka, kh, (in Hindi) or alif, be, pe, te (in Urdu) can get Him.

So, for this, and you know, every work needs determination, not only good works but bad also. Those who are determined to do bad work become dangerous and create terror for the world. In contrast, those who are determined to do good work become treasures for the world; no one can prevent their progress. Hence, there should also be a determination to attain Parama Purusa: "I will get Him, certainly I will get Him," like this you will get success. So, one should have this type of determination, this is a type of spiritual fanaticism, not religious fanaticism. Religious fanaticism is bad as it leads to the formation of groups. Spiritual fanaticism (teaches), "I will do everything for the sake of universal ideology. Whether I live or to die for my universal ideology, it is the same to me. The most precious thing for me is my universal ideology." So, remember, only this type of determination is necessary.

So in Baba’s unique General Darshan, 30 December 1970 Patna, Sadguru Baba guides us that we should be fanatical in adhering to the tenets of Ananda Marga ideology.

Must not deviate an inch

Baba has blessed us with a universal ideology and by following it strictly all kinds of great things will happen on this earth. It is wrong to think that we should be moderate and not fanatical about following Ananda Marga teachings.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Where the question of benevolence and malevolence is concerned we will not deviate an inch from our ideology, nor will we allow others to do so. One cannot promote human welfare if one bothers too much about public criticism, about the reaction in the papers or among the voters." (1)


As Ananda Margiis, we should absolutely be fanatical in following Sadguru’s teachings. There should not be any laxness or moderation in this regard. Because when any body of teachings or scientific protocol are wholly rational in all respects, then adhering to that code is highly beneficial. Ananda Marga ideology is completely 100% dharmic. That is why fanaticism in Ananda Marga is a great and noble quality.

Sadguru says, “Ánanda Márga alone is Dharma and all the rest are sectisms.” (2)

in Him,
Ac Devaduta

~ In-depth study ~

Strict adherence in morality & discipline

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Proper karma sádhaná means the strict observance of yama and niyama. The meaning of tapah is to bring comfort to others even by enduring hardship." (3)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "To take leadership in society you must be established in Yama and Niyama in just such a strict way." (4)

Ananda Marga ideology teaches us, "For progress in entitative flow, one is to lead a pure life, a moralistic life, a life based on moral principles. Do not do anything bad. What is bad? Bad is that which depraves human existence. Follow a strict code of morality. Live a pure life, a neat and clean life. Be strict in 16 Points. What will happen? Your entitative flow will get purified and will be in parallelism with your psychic wave." (5)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "The path of Tantra is one of strict discipline; the disciple will have to go through strict anushásana." (6)

Who will be messengers of the revolution

Ananda Marga ideology states, "The ácárya should give direction and guidance in every work, big or small. When he or she is to impart any duty to anyone, he should be strict, strong and exact, like a diamond." (7)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Strict, ideological sadvipras will be the messengers of the revolution. They will carry the message of revolution to every home in the world, to every vein and capillary of human existence. The banner of victorious revolution will be carried by them alone." (8)

Fanaticism in Sixteen Points

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "What is the best way to strengthen the mind? The best and proper way is to strictly observe the 16 Points. The more rigidly you follow the 16 Points, the more your mental strength will increase. It will increase so much that it will be more powerful than the collective mental strength of 100,000 people. In a psychic clash they will have to concede victory to you...So you must endeavour to develop your psychic strength - this is your bounden duty. The more rigidly you follow the 16 Points, the more psychic strength you will acquire. It will not take you long." (9)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "What comes from Parama Puruśa is ápta vákya. When the devotee is able to hear, feel, realize and understand the will of Parama Puruśa through having developed a relationship of love with Him, it is called ápta vákya. As devotees, you should follow only ápta vákya. You should remember that the Sixteen Points are your ápta vákya." (10)

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc: 14
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, The Call of the Supreme
3. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, The Highest Category of Devotion
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, The Conduct of an Ácárya
5. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, Man and His Ideological Desideratum
6. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 5, Don't Be Misguided
7. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, The Conduct of an Ácárya
8. Human Society - 2, Shúdra Revolution and Sadvipra Society
9. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, An Exemplary Life
10. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 2, The Excellence of a Bhakta

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

He has come today

“Niiviŕa nishiitha sheśe, aruńa prabhát hese, elo, elo, elo re…” (Prabhat Samgiita #1846)


At the end of the deep dark night, the crimson dawn is smiling. A new day is born: He has come, He has come, He has come. After prolonged tapasyá, the cimmerian darkness has been removed. In this moment, the skyscape has become vibrant and colourful. He has come, He has come, He has come.

Now, there is no more fear or catastrophe. No longer are there attempts to create distinctions and divisions amongst human beings. Today, moving ahead is the only work. With the decoration of light, the beautiful sun of the dawn has captivated my mind. He has come, He has come, He has come.

O’ bandhu, o’ my friends, do not sleep anymore - arise, awake. Open your eyes and look. Cast away that net of attachment to those old outdated ideas. Embrace the universal bond of neo-humanism. In bringing all together and pouring the sweetness of affection, the unknown Parama Purusa has come into our grasp today. He has come, He has come, He has come today...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Selfish forgiveness

This following teaching has two main parts:
(a) If someone harms you in personal life and their behaviour is rectified and they feel repentant then you should forgive them - highlighted in green.
(b) If some wrongdoer harms the society then you should force them to rectify themselves - highlighted in yellow.
Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “The faults of others should be excused as far as possibleIf you find that the conduct of an individual is antisocial, you should try to reform his or her nature by resorting to whatever severe measures may be necessary. Remember, he or she is not your enemy, but his / her conduct is the enemy of your society.” (1)

Note: In His various teachings, Baba says that it is bad to prematurely forgive someone, i.e. if the wrongdoer’s conduct has not changed. However, if the person is repentant and they have truly transformed themselves then, in our personal life, it is incumbent upon us to forgive them. And that forgiveness should be done in the proper spirit.

In the world, there are two types of forgiveness. One is real and one is pseudo. For instance, suppose there are two teenagers, Rob and John, and they get into an argument. Ultimately, Rob beats John and the police arrest Rob. For this crime Rob felt repentant and his personality changed. Seeing this transformation, John said, “I forgive you for beating me.” But if that John is just offering forgiveness to ease the hatred and pain in his own mind then that is just pseudo-forgiveness. Forgiveness is not done merely so one’s comfort and sense of relief. When forgiving anyone, one must have a genuine feeling for the next person’s welfare.

1. Caryacarya - 2, Society, point #19

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Danger of knowing past life

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Question: What is the scope of parapsychology?"

"Answer: Parapsychology links up the gaps between one life and another – it links up the gaps life after life. So, parapsychology is the science which links up our present life with our past lives."

"There are many instances where children remember their past lives. This is alright for children up to twelve or thirteen years of age, as their personalities are weak and still developing. After twelve or thirteen childrens' personalities become stronger, and if they still have memories of their past lives they will develop dual personalities. The mind will start to think, “Am I this person or that person?” They will fail to find the link in their lives. Their brains will not be able to adjust and they will die."

"The field of parapsychology is still very underdeveloped. It should be developed, but it is a very difficult field to develop. Why has the field of parapsychology not developed? Because it is spiritual in nature and it cannot be developed by non-spiritualists."

"Parama Puruśa knows everything. He can see into a persons past even ten thousand or twenty thousand years ago. For human beings to see into their past they need the help of their nerve cells and nerve fibres, but once they die their nerve cells are destroyed. So how is it possible for people to see into their past?"

"Parama Puruśa can link up all the past lives of people because He has supra-occult power. Only Parama Puruśa has this power and no one else. He does not need the help of the nerve cells or nerve fibres because everything exists in the Cosmic Mind. Therefore, Parama Puruśa does not need to link up all the individual minds – just by His will He can see all the unit minds." (1)

1. Questions and Answers on Psychology #11

== Section: Comment from 2020 ==

Re: Story: Rainjitananda’s dogmatic propaganda


Just a few points in follow-up: 

#1: Whenever any Dada / Wt recounts a travel story etc after dharmacakra that never comes under the purview of dharmashástra. Dharmashástra solely refers to the spiritual discourses given by Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji. See note 1 appended below. 

#2: When anyone reads one of Baba's spiritual discourses that is known as svádhyáya. After dharmacakra, svádhyáya is done. And if a Dada / Wt thereafter gives a talk on that reading, i.e. by giving a line by line explanation of Baba’s discourse, then that is a talk or discussion on that particular AM discourse.  

#3: If after dharmacakra a Dada / Wt narrates his travel experiences or life stories, then that is something totally different. So those Wts should be very clear and honest. And they should say, "Now I am going to recount a travel story etc."

#4: We should be clear that (a) AM spiritual scripture is known as dharmashástra, (b) the reading of Baba's spiritual books is svádhyáya, (c) discussion on Baba's teachings is known as a discussion on that AM discourse, and (d) a travel story is a travel story. 

In Him, 
(G. Roff)

Note 1: Ananda Marga philosophy states, "When the sole purpose of scripture, i.e. dharmashástra, is to establish the human beings in the stable, exalted position of spiritual ideation, it must be practical, rational, infallible and universal. It must be based on deep eternal truths. It must be áptavákya." (Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 4, Our Spiritual Treatise)

- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic: Story: Rainjitananda’s dogmatic propaganda

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