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Tuesday, May 16, 2023

DMC story + 5 more

DMC story

The following humorous and loving interaction took place between our Sadguru Baba and those blessed bhaktas who were present that day. Specifically, a tandava competition was going to be held. Here we should differentiate between the ceremonial dancing of tandava at every DMC and a tandava competition wherein participants dance for a long period maintaining proper form. This was the tandava competition.

Verbosity & the use of flowery language by announcer

At this point in the program, the one family acarya - who himself was a bit obese and going to call out the directions for tandava - is now addressing the dancers in the DMC pandal. Baba is sitting on the dais and the pandal is full of thousands and thousands of margiis. The atmosphere was quite blissful and joyous.

It is also important to know a little about the mind-set and tendencies of the announcer. He was a family acarya who was inclined towards verbosity and the use of flowery language. He was the type of speaker who was quite pleased with his own oratory skill, and he had some ego about it.

In review:
1. The announcer was himself obese and a family acarya;
2. In his own home the announcer never did tandava;
3. The announcer had no desire to do tandava.

In this scene, in front of Sadguru Baba and surrounded by His bhaktas, there was no need for such a haughty display of grandiloquence. Even then, this family acarya was disposed toward the unnecessary use of flowery language.

Here the announcer begins speaking, "This is the start of our tandava competition. We should all try. You know that Baba is all-knowing. We should all try and everything will be fine. Tandava is good for the body and one's overall health. Tandava has immense benefits, so really we should all try and dance."

This type of endless flowery introduction was being given by the announcer. And he was going on and on, encouraging everyone to dance. Yet all the dancers were already inspired to do tandava in front of Baba. They did not need some type of superficial, flowery talk. They were internally motivated by Guru's divine presence.

Yet the announcer kept saying things like, "We should all try...we should all do...we should all try...We should all do...etc." All the while Baba was sitting on the dais and He caught hold of the phrase, "We should all do." Read furthermore and see what happens.

Baba’s hilarious joke

Baba motioned and the hall became quiet, everyone was silent waiting to hear what Baba would say . Then He directed His comment to the announcer, "When you say "we should all", that also includes you, doesn't it?"

By now, Baba was smiling broadly, and the announcer was speechless. The hall was filled with laughter. Everyone understood well the hilarious drama that was unfolding. Baba was still smiling broadly, and He began looking towards all the sadhakas in the pandal, scanning slowly from left to right.

Before moving ahead further with the story, we should again remind ourselves:
1. The announcer was himself obese;
2. In his own home the announcer never did tandava;
3. The announcer had no desire to do tandava.

Yet this same announcer family acarya was giving a long, flowery pep talk about how we should all be inspired to dance tandava. But in the remote corner of his own mind the announcer had no idea how to dance, and had no intention of dancing. He himself was not involved in tandava - he had no such practice. So his so-called pep talk was all a bunch of hot air and hypocrisy.

In that scene, Sadguru Baba then declared, "I will not dance - I cannot do."

Hearing this from Baba, there was uproarious laughter throughout the pandal. Baba's words were full of double entendre, or dual meaning. On the one hand, it meant that Baba is the Guru, and therefore He is not going to dance; on the other hand, it indirectly meant that the obese margii announcer is not going to dance. Everyone understood Baba's sublime humour. The family acarya announcer also understood, and he got the lesson that in front of Guru one should be simple and straight, and that it was his duty to practice tandava in his own home.


In various social situations, people resort to inflated speech, bragging, flowery words, and vain expressions etc. Indeed, day-in and day-out, we see speakers stand at the podium giving lofty talks about morality, values, responsibility, and duty etc, yet in their own life they are a big zero in those fields. This type of hypocrisy is common and even accepted in the general society.

But in the life of a sadhaka there should not be even the slightest bit of hypocrisy. The mind should be straight. When lecturing others on righteousness, then one should be sure that they themselves are doing more than what they are demanding of others. Then that talk will have a positive effect, otherwise not. Most importantly, when standing before Guru, one should be very simple, straight, and honest.

Vák Vaekharii shabdajharii
Shástravyakhyana Kaoshalam,
Vaedushyam Vidusam
Tadvat bhuktaye na tu muktaye

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Only big and euphemistic words can’t serve humanity. This is only a word trammel in which one entangles oneself. Such persons knowingly or unknowingly throw themselves away from the path of salvation." (1)

at His lotus feet

More about the event

The above humorous and loving interaction took place between our Sadguru Baba and those blessed bhaktas who were graced to be able to attend the DMC in Bettiah on 23 January 1984. This particular DMC marked the first time that a tandava competition was held in Bettiah, so it was a landmark occasion.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 19, Salvation and Devotion

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Dry heart

PS Intro: Here the writer is describing what happens in the severe summer season. It can also be equated with bad or difficult times in one's spiritual life. When the sadhaka is feeling out of their normal spiritual flow then the mind is dry like a desert. The softness and fulfillment of the mind withers away. Everything becomes dreary and lifeless. The sadhaka's heart of that dark time is reflected in this song. So here the summer season means that state of mind devoid of bhakti.

“A'mra vaner madhu jhare ja'y, vasanteri haoa' digante ha'-ra'y…” (Prabhat Samgiita #3003)


The summer season has come. The nectar of the mango grove has dried up. The unrelenting sun is baking and cracking the earth. The vernal breeze has gotten lost in the horizon. The hot summer wind is blowing.

The nectar of the mango grove has dried up.

The burning heat of summer makes the cuckoo bird forget its song. It has stopped singing. The world has lost its beauty. In the greenless flute groves, there is no resonance. The lush vegetation has lost its vitality. Not seeing the monsoon clouds, the peacock is half-dead and lifeless. The unbloomed flower buds have withered away in summer's scorching heat. Everyone wishes for the arrival of cool, refreshing rain. O' Parama Purusa, devotees long for the showering of Your grace and devotion in their melancholic heart.

The nectar of the mango grove has dried up, and the hot wind is blowing.

Because of the intense summer heat, the green grass has become yellow - as if it is facing a terrible ordeal. Whatever suppressed and painful feeling was in the heart became one with the hot desert storm. This entire scene of the floar and fauna in the summer season is similar to all the agonies and pain of the heart which was unexpressed in my mind. Now it is taking form by this summer storm. Inside and outside are the same. O' Lord the suffering and pain of not getting You is expressed by this summer storm.

Baba I want You...

Notes for Prabhata Samgiita #3003

[1] The flute is made from the cane plant, that is why cane plants are also known as flute groves.

End Note: One key point to be aware of in this ongoing translation work is the danger of being overly literal. For instance, in Bengali it is said, "jal kha'bo" literally meaning "Will eat water"; whereas the better translation is "I will drink water." Whenever and wherever possible, a good translation will aim for the spirit of what is being said, and not the bare, literal meaning.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Who stole margii rights 

Ananda Marga ideology states, "In that [Mahábhárata] period, it was the rule that the country head was held responsible if a person died of starvation. Not merely this, if there was an early death, if a child of five or so died, people regarded it as a flaw in the ruling structure." (1)

Note: In His above teaching, Baba is revealing the fact that leaders are directly responsible for all the existing problems in society. And nowadays our AMPS is riddled with all sorts of problems. Margii rights have been curtailed, and the Bhukti Pradhan system has been rigged. Groupism is rampant.

The key responsible person is the long-time B group leader, Sarvatmananda. Secondly, the fault lies with Rudrananada, 
First it was Dada Sarvatmananda who incited and introduced all these horrific problems. And then it was Rudrananda, etc who adopted all these exploitative policies of Dada Sarvatmananda. Such leaders are most definitely responsible for their own misdeeds like derailing margii rights etc.

1. Discourses on the Mahábhárata, Planning for the Mahávishva

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Who does not follow Cosmic brotherhood

WT Conduct Rule: “You will always think in terms of Cosmic brotherhood and act accordingly without fail. Any sectarian view or narrow mindedness such as casteism, provincialism, nationalism, or communalism will not be tolerated.” (1)

Note: In the above rule, Sadguru Baba is giving one golden teaching. Unfortunately, nowadays because some are not following this guideline – and instead falling into the trap of groupism – the present situation has developed. If those entrapped by these diseases of narrow mindedness etc are using saffron dress then they are just fake WTs. We should judge the calibre by seeing the conduct. And these conduct rules are the measuring rod.

1. Point 4 of ‘Fourteen Points’

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

बाबा, जो लोग तुम्हें बहुत चाहते हैं उन्हें भक्ति से क्यों रुलाते हो

प्रभात संगीत 557 धारा दिते चाओ  ना जखन , तबे केनो लीला करो ...

नोट - जो लोग साधना के छठवे पाठ को अच्छी तरह नहीं करते हैं वे इसे नहीं समझ सकते।

हे परमपुरुष ! जब तुम मेरी पकड़ में आना ही नहीं चाहते हो और मेरे अपने नहीं होना चाहते हो, तो फिर मेरे साथ इतनी लीला क्यों करते हो ? तुम बार बार पास आकर फिर बहुत दूर क्यों  चले जाते हो? जो लोग तुम्हें बहुत चाहते हैं उनकी आॅंखों में तुम इतने आॅंसू क्यों भर देते हो।

बाबा, उस भक्त को, जो रोज पूर्व दिशा में सूरज के उगने और शाम की लालिमा में अस्त होते समय बड़े  ही भक्ति भाव से तुम्हारी पूजा करता है, जो सुबह शाम प्रतिदिन सच्चाई से साधना करता है और दिन भर आधी साधना करता है, उसको तुम अपने पैरों से ठोकर मारकर अधिक दूर क्यों ढकेलते जाते हो? तुम उसके मित्रों , परिवार और समाज के साथ अधिक से अधिक विरोध पैदा करा देते हो, जिससे उसकी साधना में बाधाएं आ जाती  हैं । हे परमसत्ता ! तुम साधकों के लिए तो बिलकुल भी दयालु नहीं हो।

हे परमपुरुष बाबा ! मैं तो तुम्हें पाने और तुम्हारे पैर छूने की आशा में ही जी रहा हॅूं। मैं तो हर क्षण, हर रोज इस अविद्या माया के अन्धेरे  से संघर्ष कर रहा हॅूं। इस संसार के आकर्षण मेरे मन को नीचे ले आते हैं और तुम से दूर खींच लेते हैं । मैं फिर भी उनसे लड़ते हुए  तुम्हारी ओर दौड़ता जाता हूँ। बाबा ! मैं जानता हॅूं कि मेरी, तुम्हें पाने की यह चाहत झूठी आशा नहीं है। मुझे पूरा विश्वास है कि एक दिन यह अन्धेरा दूर हो जायेगा और तुम्हारी कृपा से मैं तुम्हें पा ही लूँगा । तुम मेरा जीवन सफल बना दोगे।

1. Hindi purport translated by Dr. T.R. Sukul from original English purport by Ananda Marga Universal.
2. Sadguru Baba says (in GD, Delhi, 26 Feb 1984) that when writing a Prabhat Samgiita purport then very simple words should be used so that the common mass may understand. The above Hindu purport has been written according to that guideline.

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

Render the service by ascribing Náráyańahood

Original Ananda Vanii states: “All human beings are to be served with the same steadiness in all the three strata – physical, mental and spiritual – and you have to render the service by ascribing Náráyańahood to the served. Remember that your service does not oblige the Supreme, rather you are obliged because you have such a chance to serve the Supreme in the form of living beings.”  (Ananda     Vanii #28)

Note: Sadguru Baba has assigned a number to all His original and true Ananda Vaniis. In contrast, Fake Ananda Vaniis do not have any number. By this simple formula, one can easily recognise which is a true Ananda Vanii and which is fake. For the upcoming occasion of January 1st 2017, all Ananda Marga units should use one of Baba’s original and true Ananda Vaniis, not a fake one. By this way, one will surely get His blessing.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Yoga beneficial for back care

Ananda Marga philosophy says: "When calcium builds up and gets deposited in the back it becomes hard. That is why when people are very young then their backbone is quite flexible but due to an accumulation of calcium over just a few years then by the time they are teen-agers already their spinal column has become stiff and rigid." (1)

"Doing noakasana, utkata paschimottanasana, and shalabasana etc eliminates the possibility of developing a hunched back. So those doing hard manual labor that demands bending the back for extended periods of time should do these aforementioned asanas on a regular basis. That will prevent them from suffering from hunch-back in the future." (2)

1. Shabda Cayanika - 8
2. Shabda Cayanika - 8

== Section: Downloads ==


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== Section 4: Links ==

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