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Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Spiritual intoxication + 3 more

Spiritual intoxication
Those days in DMC Baba was showering His divine blessing on all. That created a very strong spiritual vibration. Everyone was drenched in His cosmic grace.

Tears streaming down & others making humkara sound

All who attended DMC became immersed in Baba's love and spiritual ecstasy. No one remained unaffected. All were deeply ensconced in that Brahma bháva, i.e. bhakti ideation.
Here, I am not saying that those who came were highly elevated sadhakas, and that is why they were having mystical experiences. Rather, that was exclusively Baba's grace. Many who came those days also left AMPS entirely. So, truly speaking, Baba was showering His divine grace during those DMC programs. Those who attended were inundated in His bliss. What is described in Ananda Marga literature about bháva and samadhi, we would see and feel regularly those days. Whereas, later on, those types of experiences became much less common during collective programs.
Those days, many were visibly crying, with tears streaming down; while others were making the humkara sound. All the signs of deep spiritual engagement and samadhi were in full force, due to His unfathomable grace.
Ananda Marga philosophy says, "These occult feelings are basically of eight types: stambha (astounding), kampa (trembling), sveda (sweating), svarabheda (hoarseness of voice), ashru (tears), romáiṋca (horripilation), vaevarńa (change of colour) and pralaya (fainting fit). There are other feelings associated with these major feelings. For examples, nrtya (dancing), giita (singing), viluńt́hana (rolling), kroshana (weeping), huḿkára (roaring), lálásráva (salivating), jrmbhańa (yawning), lokápekśá tyága (indifference), at́t́ahásya (bursting into laughter), ghúrńana (whirling), hikká (hiccoughing), tanumot́ana (relaxation of the physical body) and diirghashvása (deep breathing)." (1)
In Baba's presence, all the above "pious expressions" were prevalent those days. The scene was unparalleled. Non-margiis observing these behaviours naively thought that these people (i.e. Ananda Margiis) were psychiatric patients. But that was the way things were going on those days. Baba's was creating that deeply spiritual and loving environment, and so many were falling into samadhi and various bhávas.
Not only that, when it was time for Baba to travel to the next place and take leave of the margiis and general workers etc, then He would increase the pull of bhakti, and these symptoms would escalate. Baba would give more vibration and the whole environment would become spiritually super-charged. The vibration was palpable.
Floodgates of bhakti let loose

The DMC in Kota (28 Jul 1966) was exceptional. Every day there was such a strong vibration of bhakti. Around 70 - 80% of the margiis present were crying and dancing, enthralled with Baba's love and oblivious of the mundane world around them. At this point, our Baba Nam Kevalam kiirtan had not yet been given, even then so many were dancing, purely inspired by Brahma bháva.
And, on the culminating day, it reached an even higher pitch. During the farewell, before going to the next place, the scene broke all barriers. The floodgates of bhakti let loose. As per His custom, on the last day of His stay, Baba held general darshan, and there was even more of an overflow of bhakti. Baba was infusing a deeply spiritual vibration, and the sadhakas did not want Him to travel to the next place. Margiis did not want to be away from Him. Due to a strong flow of bhakti, they were feeling such intense longing, and so many were crying. That was the scene.
In the mundane sphere, we can equate this with when a close loved one is going away and you are seeing them off at the airport then you feel a burst of emotion and an uncontrollable melancholic affection inside the heart. Merely thinking of Baba's travel to another place was unbearable for bhaktas. It is just like if the one you love very much was going away then you feel like your heart is being separated. In that state, margiis started crying uncontrollably.

Margiis were crying, dancing, and jumping around

Then an unbelievable thing happened. In that spiritually-charged environment, one absolutely incredible event took place. In Kota, the day after DMC, Baba was holding a farewell general darshan (described above) just prior to His trip. This gathering was being held on the roof of the first floor. All the margiis were crying, dancing, and jumping around.
One margii brother from Nepal, Bahadur, was crying uncontrollably. It seemed like he just lost control of his body. Bahadur was jumping and bouncing around out of a deep yearning to hold Baba. Then suddenly in one swift moment, he inexplicably jumped from the roof of the first floor and landed on the next level down, i.e. on the roof of the ground floor.
Here it has to be understood that the roof of the ground floor was 100% cement, i.e. hard as stone. There was no padding whatsoever. Plus the vertical distance from the first floor roof to the ground floor roof was 14 feet. Yet in that highly-charged environment of bhakti, Bahadur leaped down.
I was shocked to see this, and thought he would die. Immediately, so many margiis rushed towards him to see if he was ok. But to our utter amazement he was fine. Bahadur did not injure himself in any way. It was exclusively Baba’s krpa. Under normal conditions Bahadur would have shattered his knees or had some other serious injury, even death. But Bahadur was unharmed. Not only that, he was still in that deeply mystical bháva, crying and shivering.
Seeing this incredible feat, I concluded that when one is in bháva samadhi etc, then their body becomes light. Otherwise, how could Bahadur have jumped from the roof without getting hurt. It was Baba's causeless grace - just unbelievable.
Sadguru Baba always watches over bhaktas and protects them and saves them in all circumstances. Those whose lives are filled with bhakti are truly blessed.
at His lotus feet,
The above story recounted by Sri Mangal Bihari ji is quite inspiring on many levels and leaves us with much to consider.
Margii brother Bahadur was the family assistant of LC Anand of Mumbai. Bahadur had gone to Jamalpur with his family. From Jamalpur, Bahadur traveled with SS Goenka of Mumbai to attend the Kota DMC. (Note: After that DMC, Bahadur returned to the home of LC Ananda in Mumbai to attend to his duties and work.)

~ In-depth study ~

Difference between bhakti (cosmic affection) & asakti (mundane affection)
You know there is a vast difference between (a) the melancholy related with mundane attraction and (b) the strong melancholic yearning for Parama Purusa. Externally, it may look the same because in both cases the person is crying, but internally in the realm of bhakti, it is painful, but at the same time there is overflowing bliss. Whereas with mundane melancholy, pain dominates. In asakti (mundane longing), there is sukha (happiness), while in bhakti (divine longing) there is anandam (bliss). For those who do sadhana properly, experiencing anandam is a regular phenomenon, whereas for others it is a distant dream. But according to Baba, if one tries sincerely in Ananda Marga sadhana for a few days one can reach that state.

Rush towards Puruśottama and merge in Him

Here following is Baba's divine teaching how those who deeply yearn for Him cannot think of anything else and ultimately become one with Him.
Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "All the created objects are revolving around Puruśottama. Some are rotating at a greater distance with a long radius, and some are moving at a shorter distance with a short radius. The nature of the ideation and inherent saḿskáras of entities varies from one to another, and accordingly the physical structures of individual entities also vary. And all the entities with their respective mass and wonts are revolving around the nucleus. This movement continues as long as they think, “I and my Lord, I and the Universal Father are separate entities.” As soon as they think, “No, I and my Lord are not separate entities – just as the ocean and its drops of water are not separate entities. The drops of water are part of the ocean”-then they are no longer misguided. They rush towards Puruśottama and merge in Him." (2)
Once again we should reflect upon what happens to those who come into that higher spiritual bháva, by His grace.
Ananda Marga philosophy says, "When the mental flow of a spiritual aspirant moves along the introversial phase of Macrocosmic meditation, one’s animative force, having the potentiality of divinity itself, rises above all tendencies – all saḿskáras – and proceeds towards Eternal bliss. In this state the mind is vibrated with Cosmic feeling. The unexpressed divine qualities of the higher glands find expression and the resonance of the mind vibrates the nervous system. This gives rise to pious expressions in the physical body. In the case of those people whose occult feelings are not physically expressed due to causes associated with the nerves, the mental vibrations cause certain radical changes, in the various glands within the body. These occult feelings are basically of eight types...There are other feelings associated with these major feelings." (3)
In that state of mind margiis could not think of anything other than Parama Purusa. It was impossible for them to manage normal, everyday life along with their worldly duties - what to say of doing any social service to the greater society. That is why Baba slowly, slowly reduced giving that special vibration during DMC and other collective gatherings. Those experiences became more limited to going to His room for PC and receiving those bhávas and samadhi experiences on an individual level.
After 1977, in DMC etc, there was not as strong a vibration as earlier. And it was obvious that if margiis remained in that state they would not be able to do any work. That is why, I think, Baba chose to give that bháva on an individual level, not collectively, according to His wish.
History: bhakti seva

Some who do not know the entire history of Baba's spiritual grace think that before 1966 Baba was in the role of Vraj Krsna and He became Parthasarathi after 1966. But this is nothing but a short-sighted view.
Because Baba gave emphasis to social service work since the inception of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. In Jamalpur, in the very beginning, those in AMPS were lovingly punished for not doing social service work. Everyone was held accountable. Baba used to compassionately scold them, give social service work targets and reports, and make them take atonement for their misdeeds and sins. By this way they became purified, by His grace. Even before the creation of Wts, all this was going on. Family acaryas were the workers, and reporting was in full force. That was all going on before 1966.
And His showering of bhakti continued throughout, far after 1966. Up through 1990 itself, Baba was calling and attracting countless individual margiis on a case by case basis for personal contact and mystical experiences. And even those sitting in far distant lands were feeling His sweet touch in sadhana. There are countless stories; and, verily, still today if one does proper sadhana they will feel that spiritual nectar and receive the highest spiritual samadhi and realisation..
So there is no credence to the theory that Baba's existence was split like that of Vraja Krsna and Parthasarthi Krsna. Rather, from the very beginning, Baba was and is one singular supreme Personality.
Note: The correct spelling is bháva. That means spiritual ideation. When it is written as bhava then it means collection of all kinds of reactive momenta that leads to one’s rebirth.
1. A Guide to Human Conduct, Iishvara Pranidhana
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, Supramundane Heritage and Supramundane Desideratum
3. A Guide to Human Conduct, Iishvara Pranidhana

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Sadhana: how children properly develop

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “When children are five years old and attain some awareness, the parents, brothers, sisters or any guardian may initiate them in Náma Mantra [the preliminary process of meditation]. They should be taught to sit in padmásana [lotus posture], but instead of interlocking the fingers, they may rest one palm upon the other; and keep the spine erect. They will then be instructed to feel or imagine that everything around them, and whatever they visualize, is Brahma.” (1)

Note: Sometimes, unknowingly, parents or acaryas teach their children to do meditation in the wrong way by telling them to interlace or interlock their fingers. According to Guru’s guideline, children should learn the proper method of placing their palms on top of one another. Side by side, every child should learn meditation at the age of 5. Any delay in this regard is harmful. A child who starts practicing sadhana at the age of 5 will get the requisite scope to properly develop all their human potentiality. And they will remain under the shelter of Guru. So there should not be any procrastination in initiating children into the practice of meditation, i.e. spiritual sadhana.

1. Caryacarya - 1, The Process of Initiation

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why our acaryas do not dance at RAWA programs

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "An a'ca'raya or purodha' cannot actively participate in any acting." (1)

Note: Keeping Baba's above guideline in view, see the standard of certain Wts (acaryas and purodhas) who have acted on stage at various retreats and seminars. Every margii should be aware of the rules so that when something like this occurs they can come forward and help rectify the situation - thereby upholding Baba's teaching and the code of Caryacarya. Some purodhas were violating this rule in the past by singing and dancing rap music etc on stage at the annual overseas retreats etc - hopefully they have since mended their ways.

1. Caryacarya - 1, Social Relationship between Men and Women

== Section: News from 5/27/17 ==

Alert: don't give moneyLatest on Ranchi sit-in, fictitious court case about attempted kidnapping & murder


You must have read the news that Rudrananda has filed a fictitious attempted kidnapping and murder case against one Wt and two important margiis of Ranchi. If you missed that news, click here.

Now Rudrananda's sycophants are pressuring and ordering all the Wts to give money for the court case. And they are saying that margiis will not give you money for this new case, so collect money in the name of various AMPS projects & social services. Then give that money for the court case to incarcerate those margiis and Wts who are opposing us. This is the planning of Rudrananda and his sycophants.

So everyone should watch out. If you are giving donations for AMPS projects then your money is going in that sinful direction. And you will also be incurring sin.

  • Do not give money for any social service project until...
  • Do not give if a stooge, yes-man, or spineless BP, UBP is managing the money. They will be coerced and robbed of the money by stooges and it will be misused.
  • Only donate materials for social service projects after you know those items are not being resold in the market.
  • Only give if local margiis with a spine are in charge of the finances of those social service projects. 
  • Only give if margiis are supervising the project.
  • Until you are sure about this, donating is detrimental to the peace and tranquility of AM society. 
  • Remember, in due course, with your donated money you will be persecuted in the very near future, just like these three people.
in Him,
Nirbhay Pandey
For more detail communicate with: 
Mantracetanananda: 91 82103 42722 // 91 94534 00232
Jitendra91 99390 01799

Declaration by Ac Mantracetanananda Avt

Courtesy of WhatsApp - STO Forum:  It is obvious that this below news is not original content by Ananda Marga Universal Forum.

रुद्रानन्द ग्रुप  ने आचार्य चंद्रनाथ जी​ के​ ​परिवार के दो सदस्यों​ ​(श्री हेमंत एवं श्री बबलू)  को PP दादा जी , GS दादा, एवं अन्य सेंट्रल वर्कर की हत्या, किडनैप, एवं बाबा क्वार्टर को कब्ज़ा करने के  आरोप SDO की कोर्ट में लगा दिया।  मुझे तो इसमें जरा भी आश्चर्य नहीं। हुआ। कियोकि जिसने बाबा को नहीं छोड़ा।  वोह रुद्रानंद उर्फ़ रामेश्वर पांडे, CBI इनफॉर्मर ,गृही मार्गियो को क्या छोड़ेगा।  मुझे  विश्वास है कि सेठ जी के सपने की तरह, रुद्रानंद उर्फ पांडे का , PP बनने का सपना इस जीवन में तो पूरा नहीं होगा।  STO, रुद्रानंद उर्फ़ रामेश्वर पांडे को चैलेंज करने का सहास करता है,  कि STO के धरने को रोक कर दिखा दे।  STO , लीगल तरीके से धरना करेगा ही।  जिस तरीके से,  सबके बीच में रुद्रानंद उर्फ़ पांडेय ने फोबिया क्रिएट कर रखा है। उसी तरीके से STO भी , रुद्रानन्द उर्फ़ पण्डे को सोते , जागते , STO रूपी फोबिया देखेगा।।   STO को जरूर तकलीफ हो रही है, कियोकि STO को एक इन्फॉर्मर, से पाला पड़ा है जो अपने आपको (रुद्रानंद उर्फ़ पांडेय) कलयुग का चाणक्य समझता है,  ।आप लोगो को जिस  मुंवमेंट की सफलता का इंतज़ार हे।  वह बाबा जरूर पूरा करेगा। बस थोड़ा  सा इंतज़ार करने की कृपा करे।  सबसे पहले इस मुंवमेंट की यही सफलता हे। कि पूरे विश्व  की नजर आपके ऊपर हे। जो लोग आनन्द मार्ग के सदस्य, गृही मार्गी या सन्यासी भाई, बहन, इस माफिया ग्रुप(रुद्रानंद ग्रुप) के भय एवम टॉर्चर के कारण सामने आने का सहास नहीं दिखा पा रहे हे ,में उनका भी आभार व्यक्त करता है।
- Mantracetananda

Courtesy of WhatsApp - STO Forum:  It is obvious that this above news is not original content by Ananda Marga Universal Forum.

For more detail communicate with:
Mantracetanananda: 91 82103 42722 // 91 94534 00232
Jitendra91 99390 01799

== Section 3: Links ==

Upcoming Festival: Ananda Purnima - 05 May 2023
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