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Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Story: direct grace + 4 more


Story: direct grace 


This is the story of how Baba eternally showers His divine grace and saves His bhaktas in all situations. Ac Parasattananda Avt was posted as DS at Sagar (Madhya Pradesh, India) from 1987 - 91. During Dadaji's time in Sagar, he was in an accident / collision with a military truck. Dadaji remained in the hospital for more than 15 days in a coma.

Doctors declare as dead 

When doctors refused to continue his treatment at Sagar, due to the non-availability of advanced medical facilities, he was shifted to Delhi. The doctors in Delhi - after treating him for a few days - said that he is no more and told to arrange his funeral pyre.
The same night that the doctors declared him dead, Ac Parasattananda ji was given a second life by Sadguru Baba, who appeared physically before him in the hospital. The details of this divine interaction are narrated below and were told by Dada Parasattananda ji when he returned back at Sagar.
It is worth mentioning that this accident occurred in the year 1991. Sadguru Baba had already withdrawn His form as Mahasambhuti. The doctors, as well as others, looking after Dada Parasattananda were awestruck when they saw him sitting cheerfully on his bed the next morning.
They declared it to be a CHAMATKAR, as a person in a coma for more than a month got cured all of a sudden. When he awoke from the coma, Dada was disoriented and wondering, "Why am I here in the hospital? What happened?" This much was only natural as his conscious mind had been inactive. Beyond that type of normal confusion, he had regained all his faculties. The doctors and medical staff were utterly amazed - and had no explanation for Dadaji's sudden and complete revival. Yet, as sadhakas, we know it was all due to Baba's grace.

Details of accident

Here now is more about this most dramatic encounter and special blessing from Parama Purusa Baba. Dada Parasattananda ji shared with me his following experience:
Regarding the actual accident at Sagar, Dadaji could remember only that a fast approaching military truck hit the very forefront of his scooter while he was driving it through the cantonment area. The point of impact was so strong that Dadaji, along with his scooter, was literally thrown nearly 15 feet away where he landed in the mud of a small pond by the side of the road.
After that Dadaji did not remember anything about his treatment at Sagar nor in Delhi as he was in a coma. Plus, as noted, he was quite disoriented when we awoke.

Baba's special arrival
But he did clearly recount that on the night that the doctors declared him to be dead, Sadugur Baba appeared in his hospital room where he was lying dead. All-loving Baba sat on one side of his bed. Dada also demonstrated to me how Baba sat on his bed keeping His right leg on the left and the left leg touching to the ground, and hands towards Dada's chest.
Then Baba lovingly told, "Parasattananda, tell Me where you feel pain?"
Before Parasattananda could say anything, then all-knowing Baba stated, "Yes, yes, the problem is here."
Dada recounts what happened next: Baba touched my chest and shoulders as if He was massaging me and all the while He is very sweetly telling me, "Now it is alright. Just follow some precautions. Take only light food in the beginning along with some dry fruit and milk. Soon you will be able to work as usual."
Dada said that after hearing Baba's loving words of assurance, he (Dada) was unable to speak. He was moved to tears and Parasattananda did sastaunga pranam.
As Baba was getting ready to go, He told Parasattananda to do as directed and get cured soon, so he can do more work. Parama Purusa Baba then blessed Dada by touching his forehead with His right hand and then disappeared. This was the way Dadaji recounted the story when he met me after coming back from Delhi.
at His lotus feet,
Dr T.R Sukul
Note: Dr T.R. Sukulji is a longtime, senior margii who resides in Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Parama Purusa blesses humanity by taking advent as Taraka Brahma. As the Eternal Entity He always remains along with and saves His bhaktas. It is a defective idea to think that Baba has gone away somewhere. To think in that manner - i.e. that Baba is far away or completely gone or that His great departure happened - is to undermine one's entire spiritual approach.
We should pay heed to Baba's below warning.
Dúrát sudúre tadihántike ca pashyatsvihaeva nihitaḿ guháyám.
Ananda Marga ideology states, “"Dúrát sudúre: If someone continually thinks, “Parama Puruśa is far from me”, then He will seem to be truly far from him...If in their ignorance people think that Parama Puruśa is far from them, then He may indeed remain for from them – so far that in future, even if one cries oneself hoarse, one’s cries will never reach Him." (1)
Wrongly thinking that Parama Purusa has gone away is utterly devastating for spiritual life. Then He will be so far that one will never be able to find Him. Whereas if one thinks that Parama Purusa is always with you then He is closer than close. He is so close that it cannot even be measured.
Ananda Marga ideology states, "And he who thinks He is here with him, for him He is ihántika – that is, “nearest point, that does not come within the scope of measurement”." (2)
When a bhakta thinks that Parama Purusa is close, then He is very close - seated in one's very I-feeling, the innermost self of one's existence. And in the above story that is what Baba is showing us - that He is always present and in one's darkest hour He is there to help and solve the problem. That is why He is the most precious and gracious One.

The above story about Dada Parasattananda’s recovery guides us that Baba has not departed and gone to some great wonderland etc, rather He is always with us. So those who think and believe that He is present then He is ever-ready to help them. And indeed that is what He graciously did in the case of Dada Parasattananda. Baba granted him new life. So all should be careful and think again about the veracity of MPD.
in Him,
Divyamurti Dev

Parama Puruśa Baba is always with you
Ananda Marga ideology states, “When people know in theory that Parama Puruśa is always with them, that He is their nearest and dearest one, and yet He does not come without their personal realization, this is called spiritual bondage. For such people Parama Puruśa remains confined to the abstract striptures, and does not become a living realization. Spiritual aspirants must liberate themselves from this bondage by dint of their sádhaná.” (3)
Ananda Marga ideology states, To think that Parama Puruśa and nothing else is one’s own is therefore the cleverest thing to do. That is why it has been said “mamatá”: everything becomes full by His mamatá. Everyone will feel His closest proximity and receive the same treatment from Him as His nearest ones. He will take everybody on His lap, saying, “Don’t worry. I have come to help you”. This is the second characteristic of Iishvaraprema. “Bháva sa eva sándrátma budhaeh premanigatyate”. To look upon the world with an all-encompassing vision, seeing everything as an expression of Parama Puruśa is called “prema” by those who are wise. Prema is one of the qualities of a devotee.” (4)

What is meaning of Baba

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Just to concentrate your mind during your occult practice, you must dance and sing kiirtana, because kiirtana is the best purifying agent. It purifies the mind, and its meaning is also very good. Its meaning is, “O Father, I am to take your name and your name only.” Bábá means “the nearest and dearest one”.” (5)
1. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, The Secret of Dharma Lies Hidden in the Mind
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 34, There Is Oil in the Sesame
3. Relativity and the Supreme Entity, 23 November 1971 DMC, Calcutta
4. Relativity and the Supreme Entity, 23 November 1971 DMC, Calcutta
5. Everything Comes from Something 2 June 1979 evening, Lyon


It is the accepted international standard and Baba's system not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:

1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).

2) Countless stories of bhaktas need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever. So watch out for story thieves, and kindly help them not to steal by posting on social media in their own way. If you want to forward this story then attach the following yellow section with the story: 

“Courtesy of unknown bhakta via Ananda Marga Universal (”

This will be treated as the standard protocol.

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

That evening

"Vanoma'jhe giye path ha'riye se sandya'y a'mi kendechi, tumi ja'no..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2584)


Baba, that very evening when I went to the forest and lost the path, I was sitting there crying constantly for Your grace and guidance. You are well aware about all this. My Dearmost, I tearfully requested You again and again to please give me some direction and guide me as to what I should do. I am depending on You completely and have deep love for You. You are omniscient - the Knower of everything - so You are aware about all this.   

Baba, that night under the tree where I was sitting it was so dark; the moon's light could not even pierce through the branches (sha'kha') of the trees nor through the leaves and flowers. On that occasion, black clouds were also in the sky. All around me there was darkness (a'ndha'r). In that cimmerian darkness, the lamp (diip) which I had in my hand also got extinguished. That made it pitch black all around. With no hope in sight, on that fearful night I was shouting for Your help - repeatedly again and again I was calling: “Baba, please listen and help me get out of this frightening situation.”
Baba, ultimately You graced me, came close, and removed all those branches and leaves which were blocking the moonlight. You forcefully blew away those black clouds to some far distant place in the sky and made everything refulgent. You graciously came very close, gently held my hand, and lovingly wiped away all the dilemmas and confusion from my mind. You are ever-gracious and Love-Personified...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #2584:

[1] Branches (sha'kha'): In this metaphor, the branches of the tree represent dogma since they are blocking the moon's effulgence - i.e. Baba's divine teachings. The sense is that to whatever extent dogma remains in the mind, to that same degree the mind remains away from the path of spirituality (effulgence). Because in that blinded condition - overcome by a dogmatic mind - one cannot understand or receive Baba's divine guidelines, i.e. dharma.

[2] Darkness (a'ndha'r): In the above song the darkness represents a sadhaka's own confusion about how to move ahead in life. Because of their own dogma, the sadhaka is completely unsure about which direction to proceed or how to advance. When dogma is in the mind, then side by side ignorance and confusion are also there.

[3] Lamp (diip): As we know a lamp gives light amidst all the darkness. In the above Prabhat Samgiita, the bhakta entered the forest with his lamp. This sadhaka had been moving along the path of righteous - i.e. he was following Baba's teachings like 16 points, yama and niyama etc. Yet when difficulties arose in his life, then in his confused state that sadhaka immediately forgot about all those good things. That's to say, when trouble began the sadhaka became overwhelmed and left his dharmic practices due to his own bondages, internal enemies, and shortcomings. That is why the song says that his own lamp got extinguished: because the sadhaka stopped practicing Baba's teachings.

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Ancient history of Ananda Nagar

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “In the distant past, some areas of India did not exist: There was neither northern India, nor D’aba’k nor Samatat’ areas of Bengal, but there was Old Gondwana. That was about 300 million years ago. At that time, the major parts of Sind, the Punjab, U.P., Bihar and Bengal did not exist. They were all submerged under the vast oceans. The Himalayas also did not exist. But the Vindhya mountain range and its sister ranges, Sa’tpura’, Sahya’dri, Rajmahal and Ra’mga’r’h did exist. These mountains were very high, and always snow-covered.” (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 3, The History of Bengal – 1

== Section: Important Teaching ==

AMPS hijacked into the ways of religious opportunists

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The vipras [religious leaders ] have invented and are still inventing new ways of exploiting different communities of people in different parts of the world. In some places they have lured people with the prospect of eternal heaven, injecting into them at the same time the fear of eternal hell. By claiming the doctrine of some particular vipra leader to be the word of God, they have blocked the natural expression of the human intellect and made people intellectually bankrupt. With the intention of permanently securing for themselves an exalted position in the eyes of the ordinary people, some vipra leaders have declared themselves to be the incarnation or the appointed prophet of God. Through their own so-called scriptures, they have indirectly let the common people know that no one can achieve the same proximity to God as they – so that an inferiority complex will remain forever in the minds of the masses, and due to this inferiority complex the masses will always follow their teachings, either out of fear or out of devotion. That is why even intellectual people have fallen into their trap and have been compelled to say, Vishváse miláy vastu, tarke vahu dúr ["The goal is achieved not by reason but by faith"] or Majhab men ákl ká dakhl nahii haen ["There is no room for reason in religion"]. (1)

Note: The above historical teaching given by Baba about the Middle Ages / Dark Ages is also true today in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. The handlers of PP Dada give him a divine status so they can inject a complex in the minds of Wts and margiis that PP Dada is between Baba and margiis. Without PP’s blessing, marriages will not be successful. Whatever PP Dada says everyone must follow blindly. Don’t use your brain - PP has special powers and a direct connection to Baba. These are the types of dogmas the handlers of PP are injecting. Various rituals have been implemented to show that PP is almost equal to Baba. That is why PP is not raising the Jai slogan or attending dharmacakra etc. Unfortunately so-called intellectuals also became trapped: Because of their post they are blindly following this dogma. That is the sad state of affairs. Now is the time for right-thinking Wts and margiis to come forward and oppose this dogma.

1. Human Society - 2, The Vipra Age

== Section: Hindi Quote ==

बुद्धिमान मनुष्य जागतिक प्रतिष्ठा के लिए चेष्टाशील नहीं होंगे | क्यों ?

मानव की अभिव्यक्तियाँ भी तीन तरह की हैं | वे  क्या हैं  ? जागतिकमानसिकऔर आध्यात्मिक | जागतिक अभिव्यक्तियाँ जैसे : अर्थसामर्थ्यनामयशजागतिक प्रतिष्ठायह है | यह किस तरह की है ? यह अभिव्यक्ति इसकी क़ीमत कितनी है ? जल-रेखावत्‌ | अर्थात्‌, पानी में अङ्गुली डुबाओऔर उसी पानी से तुम लिखो एक श्लोक---

उद्योगिनं पुरुषसिंहमुपैति लक्ष्मी,
दैवेन देयमिति कापुरुषाः वदन्ति
दैवं निहत्य कुरु पौरुषमात्मशक्त्या
यत्ने कृते यदि  सिद्ध्यति कोऽत्र दोषः |

"दोषःलिखते-लिखते, "उद्योगिनं"-वाला मिट गया | क्यों ?  यह क्या होता है ? पानी से लिखने से ? श्लोक का last word लिखते-लिखते क्या होता है ? first word मिट जाएगाहवा में मिल जाएगा | यही होता है पानी से लिखने से ? तोजागतिक प्रतिष्ठा जो मनुष्य की हैवह जल-रेखावत्‌ | जल से लिखने सेउस लेख की जितनी क़ीमत होती हैउतनी ही क़ीमत है | इसलिए बुद्धिमान मनुष्य जागतिक प्रतिष्ठा के लिए चेष्टाशील नहीं होंगे | क्यों ? उस प्रतिष्ठा की कोई क़ीमत नहीं है |

तुम लोग समझ रहे हो ?”

[मार्गी लोग---"हाँबाबा !"]

[यह प्रवचन-अंशबाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया है  बाबा का यह असली प्रवचनअमृतोपदेश है। आनन्दमार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैंअसली नहीं हैं -- बंगालीकरण (बँगलाइजेसनके तहत उनकी बर्बादी की गई]  

1. तीन प्रकार के गुरु और शिष्य,Tiin Praka'r Ke Guru aor Shis'ya (Manus'ya kii Saccii Pratis't'ha'),V29-15(H),EGD, 16 October, 1971 Delhi

== Section 4: Links ==
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