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Saturday, March 11, 2023

More love, more punishment + 2 more


More love, more punishment


On one particular day while taking report from a supervisory worker for the welfare of one Wt, Baba suddenly became quite serious and demanded that a specific worker be brought before Him. Right away that worker came forward and did sastaunga pranam to Baba. Then GS Dada told the worker to give report. As this Dada began giving his report then all-knowing Baba started pointing out and lovingly scolding this worker for not properly following various aspects of 16 Points. Sadguru Baba was telling that this worker is not practicing all the lessons of sadhana.

That time many in attendance were feeling surprised that Baba was only pointing out this Dada. Because those days a number of workers were not properly doing all their lessons of sadhana. Due to their extreme busyness, they were negligent in this regard. Yet here, on this occasion, in front of all, Baba was only pointing out and lovingly scolding just this one Dada. No one else was directly getting benefited by this liila of punishment on that occasion. Naturally, they were wondering why this was happening.

Baba's liila of punishment is His special blessing

Thereafter it was discovered that the worker being punished was previously suffering from a serious disease - i.e. tuberculosis - and that since receiving this blessing of punishment from Baba, all signs and symptoms of that disease had completely disappeared. This was the amazing development. By that way, some understood that all-knowing Baba's liila of punishment was His special blessing on that particular Wt as that worker was permanently cured of his ailment.

Side by side, they got the clear-cut message that it was mandatory and very much needed to practice all the lessons of sadhana - in each and every sitting. This was Baba's universal teaching that day. And veritably speaking, this was a regular theme in countless sessions of reporting with Baba: All sadhana lessons are to be done properly and regularly.

How much can humans understand

In this magical and unique manner those reporting sessions were unfolding. By lovingly punishing workers and watching for their welfare, Baba was showering His divine grace - and simultaneously He was giving an eternal teaching for all to follow. Ultimately, all we can really say is that Baba's display of punishing sadhakas was His unfathomable liila. Baba is Parama Purusa; and, we human beings cannot fully explain how or why He was doing everything.

Reason behind His way of “punishment”

Those who are fortunate and received Baba’s punishment know this was so-called punishment as it was really His divine blessing. After such so-called punishment, one experienced tremendous progress in all realms - physical, psychic, and spiritual. In 100% of the cases there was tremendous positive change.

Some may then ask what was the need to do this drama. After all, this same effect could have been achieved in a very quiet, soft, and loving manner, without any remnant of scolding or punishment. But then so many worthless people would have come and those qualified sadhakas would have been pushed aside. So Sadguru Baba created this system and all the while unworthy people were keeping themselves at bay due to their imagined fear. If you have not experienced this personally you can find someone who got this direct blessing and ask them.

Conclusion: 16 Pts brings welfare in all spheres

The moment Sixteen Points and sadhana become a dominant factor in anyone's life then automatically everything will become better and better in each and every sphere of one's existence. And one central way for the Guru to keep the disciple on the path of Sixteen Points is through showering His grace, and displaying His liila of so-called punishment as well.

Once established in the discipline of Sixteen Points, in all regards and in all circumstances, that sadhaka will be met with success - on all the levels from their personal life to their dharma pracara activities etc. Then their whole existence will grow and shine in a positive and sparkling way. This is Baba's grand blessing and ultimate guarantee.

Ananda Vaniis states, "...In order to march ahead on the road of human welfare, we will have to strengthen ourselves in all the arena of life. The complete seeds of welfare in all the spheres - physical, mental, moral, social and spiritual - are embedded in the sixteen points. Hence be firm on the sixteen points." (1)

In Him,
Tapas Deva

Real Guru loves & blesses by show of punishment

 Ananda Marga ideology states,  "Hitárthe shásanam anushásanam – that is, “Anushásanam means that degree of rectificatory punishment which will be conducive to one’s well-being.”"
   "A spiritual guru must be well-acquainted with all the processes of sádhaná, must have the capacity to convince others, must possess complete knowledge of the scriptures, must know many languages, and must have comprehensive knowledge and intellect, plus some extra qualifications. What are those qualifications? Nigrahánugrahe shakto gururityabhidhiiyate – “the guru must possess the capacity both to punish, and to love, or bless, his disciples.” Punishment alone, without love, is not good. Love and punishment should go together, and the degree of punishment should never exceed the degree of love. Then only can one be called a real spiritual guru." (2)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "The first class guru is one who gives the teachings, certainly, and keeps track of his disciples as well, but who also lets them know that he will punish them to set them right. This is the first class guru. How is it? Nigrahánugrahe shakto gururityabhidhiiyate. One who loves very much, who loves with all their heart, but who meets out strict punishment when he sees impropriety or mindless action, is the true guru. Here the shloka is talking about this best class of guru, not the middling or lowest class of guru." (3)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "The preceptor must also be nigraha (capable of inflicting punishment) and anugraha (capable of bestowing grace). One who punishes only or who bestows grace only is not an ideal preceptor." (4)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “The quantum of punishment must not exceed the quantum of love.” (5)

Love & drama / punishment are both required

   Ananda Marga teachings guide us, "Today human beings must be inspired and motivated, and thus discipline is essential. To impose discipline is not bad. It has been said in the scriptures: Hitarthe shásanam ityarthe anushásanam. “That discipline which leads to the welfare of all human beings is called anushásanam.” Society requires enforced discipline. In the scriptures it is also said: Nigrahánugrahe shakto gururityabhidhiyate: “One who is capable of punishing or rewarding one’s followers is called a Guru, a true teacher”. Only one who can discipline as well as love a person, can be called a Guru."
   "One who only punishes a person is not a Guru, and one who only loves is also not a Guru. Rather he or she is an enemy, for excessive love and affection spoils a person. Only one who does both these things is a real Guru. That is why people should be trained with both love and liila of punishment. Where love fails, punishment helps. Medicine is not necessarily always sweet; sometimes bitter medicines are necessary as well. Patients often refuse to swallow bitter medicines; they cry in protest. But the ideal physician will force the patient to swallow the medicine. This is the proper way." (6)

Ananda Marga ideology qualifies that "The guru teaches us to follow a methodical way of life. To love is not the only work of the guru. One who only loves you is your enemy, and one who only punishes you is also your enemy. But the one who both loves and punishes in a balanced way is the real guru." (7)

1. A'nanda Va'nii #45
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 21, The Criteria of a Guru
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 9, The Primary Causes of Success
4. Ananda Marga Ideology Way of Life - 9, Tantra and Sadhana
5. Ananda Marga Caryácarya Part 2, Society, Point #39c
6. A Few Problems Solved - 5, Shravanii Purnima
7. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, The Cult of Spirituality – the Cult of Pinnacled Order

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Eternal Saviour

“Tumi, dúr ákásher dhruvatárá, path khunje páy tomár kripáy, jiivane je jan path hárá…” (Prabhat Samgiita #0555)


Parama Purusa, Baba You are the Polestar of the distant sky. Those who fix their vision on You never lose the path of Supreme Blessedness. Their life’s journey is assured. But when they focus on something other than You and adopt things like name, fame, money, and wealth as their goal, then they fall. Even then, for those who have lost their way, if they again fix their vision on You, they will regain the path, by Your compassion. If those plunged in dogma and drowned in narrow sentiments surrender to You, they will rediscover the path of neo-humanism. By Your krpa, they will again come onto the path of dharma and tread the path of divinity. 

Baba, when, due to stormy winds in the forest those terrified birds  flying fearfully in the vast sky and lost the path; due to stormy winds, the boat is rocking violently on the sea, by Your supreme kindness in all situations, and all regain the proper path. It is exclusively Your infinite prema. Supreme Entity, regardless of the circumstances, You save everyone. When due to the onslaught of materialism and the storm of mundane attraction, the sadhaka falls from the path of enlightenment and adopts the ways of sin, in that dire situation, You rescue them. You shower them with samvit shakti and bring them back onto the path of divinity, onto the right path. Forests and mountains all want Your blessing.

Baba, Parama Purusa, when the mind is tormented by sorrow and grief and loses the path in the boundless ocean, by Your mercy, it finds the shore. Seeing their trouble, You come closer with Your exquisite smile and soothing touch and quickly remove their sorrow and fill their life with bliss. Without Your love and guidance, nothing is possible. 

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #0555:

[1] Samvit Shakti: "Samvit means spiritual consciousness, spiritual awakening. A man engaged in bad things all of a sudden feels that “No, I shouldn’t do all these things. No, I should be a good man henceforward.” Such an idea all of a sudden comes in his mind. And this thing, this change of mental tendency, is brought about by samvit shakti of Vidyámáyá. Do you follow? This is what is called samvit shakti. “No, henceforward I must be a good man. No, henceforward I must be a spiritualist. I must not encourage any depraving idea.” Samvit shakti." (1)

[2] Those who keep Parama Purusa in their forefront never drift from the path. They make their human life successful. Whereas, those who fail to keep Parama Purusa as their Polstar waste their time accepting mundane things as their goal of life. They destroy their potential. Ultimately, in the end, they die in misery and hopelessness. 

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Brahma Cakra

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Feasting after death

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Shráddhánna: Shráddhánna (food offered at a memorial service) is neither priityanna nor ápadanna, hence it is not to be taken.” (1)

Note: In the wilderness when an animal dies a natural death then vultures come and eat that corpse. But humans are civilised, and after the death of a family, friend, or colleague etc, they should not host a feast. Unfortunately, uncivilised people do so mindlessly. If somebody dies and the deceased was the sole breadwinner then those children will suffer a lot. In that case, if the tradition is to host a grand feast at the time of death, then that penniless widow and those impoverished children have to give up their food in order to feed those vulture brand humans, i.e. so-called friends and relatives who coerce the family of the deceased to arrange a feast for them. That is why the dogma of feasting after death is not only inhumane but cruel also. 

This nasty uncivilised way is rampant across the various religions. Since the birth of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha it was a non-issue, but unfortunately started after 1990 by some opportunistic, crafty enemies of AMPS. Their actions are prohibited by Caryacarya. Those participating in the annual death day feast are committing unpardonable sin. 

1. Caryacarya, part 2, Society chapter, point #37

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Special technique: ideate throughout the day


In spiritual life, ideation on the Great is very important; Cosmic ideation is the main thing, but all too often human beings forget the Supreme Entity in the course of their daily duties. In His discourse, Baba has given a very simple method for sadhakas to remember their Guru mantra. Baba’s guideline is that to remember anything then one should associate it with a particular physical action.

For example, when entering or leaving the home then it is important to repeat Guru mantra. But often we forget, while only sometimes we remember. The solution then is to employ a physical action and that will trigger your memory to recite Guru mantra. So when leaving or entering the house, then do namaskar mudra before touching the door. And this namaskar mudra will automatically alert the mind to recite Guru mantra. So the first step is to cultivate the habit of doing namaskar mudra before touching the door. Once this habit is established, then you will be regular in repeating Guru mantra when entering and leaving the house. And the operative point is the use of the namaskar mudra as a reminder for doing Guru mantra.

Naturally, this same technique can be instilled at various junctures throughout the day such as when getting on a bicycle, taking food, going to sleep, answering the phone etc. When a physical action like namaskar mudra is done before those engagements, then one will automatically recite Guru mantra. Try this in your own life and see how it goes.

Without the use of a physical reminder, then most of the time sadhakas forget their Guru mantra. And that is a problem because imbibing the mind with Cosmic ideation is the main essence in the life of a sadhaka.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Namaskára is done by bringing the palms together and touching the ájiṋá cakra [the mid-point of the eyebrows] with the thumbs.” (1)

In Him,
Viniit Deva

1. Caryácarya Part 1, Methods of Salutation

== Section 4: Links ==
Recent postings
Other topics of interest

Bad sádhaná + 3 more

Bad sádhaná


This is a topic that applies to everyone. Every human being. Without thinking, the mind will no longer exist. We all think. People think about so many things - good and bad, knowingly and unknowingly. In essence they are ideating.

But what people fail to understand is that their negative and positive thinking - or negative and positive ideation - completely dictates their future: One will actually become or be reborn as what they were thinking about. This has an absolutely dramatic and disastrous effect. Let's take this entire topic step by step.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "As you think so you become."  (1)

Our tantric approach is that one should ideate on their Is't'a mantra cent-per-cent of the time. This theory is not new to anyone practicing Ananda Marga sadhana. But how seriously does a person truly consider the consequences of not doing this.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "If the mental force is directed towards finite and crude objects, then the person is ultimately converted into crudeness. As you think so you become." (2)

Your thoughts determine your rebirth

As stated above, everyone thinks; everyone holds an idea and image in their mind. The irony is that often people do not keep their highest ideal in mind, but rather something else. For instance, some think about their hatred for a particular group. Likewise, some think of their enemies in the world. They think intensely in this manner, with vivid imagery and with strong emotion. And do you know what happens? Such people actually are reborn as those whom they were thinking about. Same is the case with members of a group or clan who despise a rival party etc.

So it is not just limited to a particular human group etc. Any person will turn into whatever they are thinking about - and again everyone thinks. At present, some on this earth are immersed in the practice of negative ideation, unknowingly. And they are wholly unaware of the severe ramifications. In His above teachings, Baba pointedly warns us and categorically states that a person will become a ghost or money, or verily anything, even a hog, a worm etc - if that is what they think about. So everyone should be made aware of the horrors of doing negative ideation.

Those who think who intently think about their mule or dog will be reborn as a mule or dog. Indeed whatever it is that one loves or hates - or whatever one thinks about - that is what they will become, either in this life or the next. Those who mentally curse their enemy and think about their enemy day and night will be transformed into their enemy. They will be that one day.

Transformation occurs over time

One other thing should be said. This entire phenomenon is not like one magic show, as in "poof" all of a sudden one becomes a frog. It happens gradually. For instance, if one thinks about their rival and their rival is someone who gets angry easily, then that negative vrtti of anger will soon take shape in their mind as well. And then due to that continued negative ideation, in that very life or the next, they may become exactly like that rival, in all the ways - physically, mentally, etc. So little by little people acquire the qualities of whatever they are thinking about. Here is another example to consider.

In the west, people may not be afraid of so-called ghosts, but they may be scared of so many other imaginary things. They may be paranoid that nobody loves them, and then sadly over time that becomes their living reality. They truly think and feel that really nobody loves them. This becomes their reality, even when others really do love them.

This negative ideation probably accounts for a huge number of the cases of depression and related mental diseases in the so-called developed, materialistic nations. People harbor a negative thought in mind and ultimately they become a living representation of that thought or fear. It is our duty to warn and teach others about this. They must know about it, lest they destroy themselves - ruining this life and making their future dark.

As you think so you become

All of the above applies to Ananda Margiis as well. Just because someone has been initiated into tantra does not mean they cannot fall onto that path of negative pratisaincara. So some sadhakas have fallen. One must be cent-per-cent involved in sadhana, ideate, and do dhyana on Him.

Unfortunately, some may be doing negative ideation on their "enemies." They may pass their days planning and plotting against their rivals. In that case, they will acquire those very characteristics; they will become like that. Then there are some who are so fascinated with their tools and gadgets they will become converted into that lifeless object.

Ananda Marga Ideology says, "The mind becomes so infatuated with its crude objects that ultimately it becomes converted into matter. It follows the path of negative pratisaincara." (3)

Because whatever direction in which the mind is coloured is the direction in which it will grow. Whether it be money, fame, prestige etc, whatever a person ideates on will become their living reality. This is the natural law. If one is involved in all kinds of mundane thoughts and longings, then that will certainly affect their future. Thus sadhakas should not get caught in the trappings of doing any type of negative ideation.

Conclusion: ideate on Parama Purusa

The question that invariably arises is how to proceed. Here Baba gives the answer.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Whenever any thought arises in the mind, it should be immediately channelled towards Parama Purus'a. You should say: “O Parama Purus'a, Thy will be done“." (4)

The only way then is to direct all thoughts and energies towards Parama Purusa and serve Him in all respects, always. This demands strong sadhana and proper use of Guru mantra. Then one will be cent-per-cent safe.

This entire topic of doing negative ideation is a slippery slope. People the world over, non-margiis certainly and some margiis too, get verily caught in this negative approach and it ruins their future. All should be warned accordingly and be extremely cautious and careful about how they ideate in life. No one should allow mundane or crude thinking - i.e. negative ideation - to be part of their mental flow, lest they wish to destroy their future.

In Him,

Sin of over-accumulating

In materialism, people point their minds towards matter, which leads to their horrific degeneration as they will be reborn as an animal or piece of metal etc. Secondly, their avaricious, matter-based approach creates a terrible disparity of mundane wealth and untold suffering on the collective level. 
  • The world's 2,153 billionaires have more wealth than 4.6 billion people combined, Oxfam's latest report on inequality found.
  • The richest 1% are more than twice as wealthy as 6.9 billion people, or nearly 90% of the human population, the report estimated.
  • A key driver of the wealth gap is that women and girls put in 12.5 billion hours of unpaid care work every day, the Oxfam researchers argued.
  • Their recommendations include investing in national care, passing laws to protect and pay care workers, and ending extreme wealth.
(Courtesy of Markets Businessinsider)

Fate of materialists

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "They say, “Why should I bother about such subtle things. I’m quite happy as I am.” Such people, engrossed as they are in materialism, are bound to be reborn in crude material bodies." (5)

Human life is rare and all have been blessed with the power of cognition. We are to utilise this in the best way possible and realise Him.

Ananda Marga Ideology guides us, "When one’s goal of ideation is Parama'tma', one attain absolute progress. As one’s psychic object is subtle and expansive, one’s psychic body becomes subtle and expansive, too, and finally becomes one with the Macrocosm." (6)

~ In-depth study ~

Reborn as a hog or a worm

Ananda Marga Ideology says, "It is the natural wont of the mind to take the shape of its object of meditation. If the object of worship is crude, say money or any crude thing, the mind takes the shape of that crude thing in the course of time. Hence the proverb “As you think so you become.” For instance, when someone constantly thinks of a ghost, he actually becomes a ghost one day. One then starts behaving in an abnormal way. Again, someone concentrates upon dollars, one day the person will become an actual dollar. Hence human beings should be very, very cautious in what they ideate upon, in their objects of contemplation." (7)

Ananda Marga Ideology says, "One acquires a physical body according to the nature of one’s sam'ska'ras [unmanifested mental reactions]. Hence it is not at all impossible for a human being to be reborn as a hog, a worm, a tree, or even a piece of stone." (8)

Like a chameleon

The following guidelines from Sadguru Baba are highly related with this entire topic.

#1: Ananda Marga Ideology guides us, "When a microcosm accepts something as the Supreme Desideratum it becomes identified with its desideratum. For instance, when a cockroach constantly thinks of a káṋcpoká in fear, its body gradually takes the form and colour of káṋcpoká. When a chameleon thinks about the colour of a leaf on which it sits, its own colour becomes the same as that of the leaf. This is called natural camouflage." (9)

#2: Ananda Marga philosophy says, "As one thinks, so one becomes.” There is a certain insect that eats cockroaches. When that insect appears before a cockroach, the cockroach becomes mortally frightened. Due to the fright its nerve fibres cease to function, and when the fright becomes more intense, its nerve cells also cease to function. The severe fright creates a picture of that voracious insect in the cockroach's mind, and due to that persistent image a transformation of its nerve cells gradually sets in, which then extends to the nerve fibres, and at the end of this process the cockroach will appear to that insect to be a member of its own species. The insect actually thinks that the cockroach is a member of its own tribe, so how can it eat the cockroach? If human beings take the Cosmic ideation, they will also become one with the Cosmic Entity." (10)

Every thought is an action

#3: Ananda Marga philosophy says, "No one can ever exist without doing some action or other. Even when sitting quietly, one is performing an action; the physical body may not be exerting itself, yet the ever-active mind is not still. The mind even without physical action engages itself in actions by thinking or imagining. A person may be thinking evil of someone, may even be planning to kill him; or may be thinking of ways and means of helping others in their distress. All this is action and does not need any physical exertion or movement. Even physical action is only a further projection of mental activity. It was explained earlier that all action is performed by mind and the ten organs (indriyas), which are only a further extension of citta that translate mental actions into physical activity. All actions can be classified as physical or mental. Actions performed by the mind with the help of the organs (indriyas) are physical, while those performed without their help by mind alone are mental actions. Both these actions will cause distortion in the mind, and as a result of the restoration of the mind to its normal state, they will cause a reaction which will have to be experienced. Hence any action, whether mental or physical, will make the doer experience the reaction (karmaphala)." (11)

#4: Ananda Marga Ideology guides us, "The subject of today's discourse is “Macropsychic Conation and Micropsychic Longings.” The microcosm cannot remain without thinking – to remain at a standstill is not its nature. Think it must." (12)

#5: Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The first mental faculty is that the mind thinks: the mind discovers and invents newer modes of thinking, the mind thinks with concentration, that is, the mind meditates. Regarding this faculty of thinking, if it is done in a methodical way, the result is certainly positive: a negative result is achieved only in certain rare cases. But if it is not done in a methodical way, the general result is negative: only in very rare cases do we get a positive result. So our students, our boys and girls, our ladies and gentlemen should be taught how to think in a methodical style, otherwise there will be wastage of mental potentialities. We do not want such wastage to take place in this age of science." (13)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 1, Spiritual Practice and the Cosmic Science (Sádhaná and Madhuvidyá)
2. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 1, Spiritual Practice and the Cosmic Science (Sádhaná and Madhuvidyá)
3. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 9, Cognitive Force
4. Namami Krsnasundaram, Disc: 23
5. Prout in a Nutshell - 4, Cosmic Attraction and Spiritual Cult
6. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 8, Cosmic Attraction and Spiritual Cult
7. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, Dances and the Path of Vidyá
8. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, Form and Formless
9. Ananda Marga Ideology Way of Life -10. Cognitive Faculty and the Supreme Desideratum
10. Discourses on Tantra -2, Yoga and Tantra
11. Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy, What Is My Relation with the Universe and the Cosmic Entity?
12. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, Macropsychic Conation and Micropsychic Longings
13. Yoga Psychology, The Mind Grows in Magnitude

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

My hidden tales

Intro to PS: In this song the bhakta is innocently sharing his inner heart feeling about that most loving Entity, Parama Purusa. Yet, unbeknownst to him, the very Personality whom he is communicating with is none other than Parama Purusa Himself. So that is the unique aspect of this song.

"Ámár gopan kathá jene niyeche..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1272)


He knows all my secret thoughts: the vibrations of my mind and the feelings of my heart. He has the pulse of my inner self, is aware about everything, and understands the pain and longing of my core. He perceives what is good and bad for me, along with what is for my welfare and what I should and should not do. All this He perfectly comprehends. Parama Purusa is my Savior. My entire existence is within His mind. It is all at His fingertips. He is aware about everything related with me. My Parama Purusa is my most close and most dear; He is surrounding me in all the ways; I remain under His eternal shelter.

Due to shyness, whenever I try to hide my emotions from Him, they cannot remain hidden - ever; every vibration always comes to light. He is aware about even my secret tales. Whatever I think, He knows. Nothing can be kept from Him. It is all within His reach. He inherently has it all within the periphery of His awareness. I am never alone; He is with me always.

He resides in the depths of my being and saturates my soul with the sweetness of His grace. My whole inner world gets enchanted by His divine presence. He is my most dear One who whispers sweet, loving words into my ears and touches the deepest parts of my soul.

Parama Purusa is living within me and sees the entire landscape. He is more aware about my existence than I am. He is with me always and eternally guides me and keeps me under His loving care and shelter...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Who does not appreciate His liila

   Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "If the actors in that drama think: “I am merely playing a part,” “I am only acting” they will never be disturbed by undue pain or pleasure. Those who play the role of Sah jahan shout, jump or try to escape from prison. But the persons playing the part of Sájáhán know very well that they are only acting in a drama. They know that after having played their role they will go home and eat rice and curry. But on this universal stage, however, those people, those jiivas, who act in the drama, forget that they are mere actors, that their real home is elsewhere, that this universe is only a stage – a platform and that they will go home and eat rice and curry. While taking part in the drama they think that they are actually the characters of the drama – the real Sájáhán. And as a result they either suffer from too much pain or enjoy too much pleasure. Sometimes out of too much joy they lose their equilibrium – their common sense. In Bengali parlance it is said that when people are puffed up with pride they spurn the world. But why does this happen? It happens because the jiivas forget they are playing a role, acting in a drama. In a drama some play a tragic role – others a joyful role. If those who are sádhakas are constantly aware that they are merely playing a role as an actor, they will never be overcome by sorrow or overwhelmed with joy."
   "Before the creation of this universe, Parama Puruśa was in His Nityánanda stance – He was enjoying Himself. He was overwhelmed with His own ánanda. After the creation of the universe, He had His Nityánanda and also His Liilánanda. To play with lesser jiivas is His Liilánanda. Now the jiṋániis and the karmiis will declare – “Oh, what a terrible game, what a terrible liilánanda our Parama Puruśa is playing with us: He enjoys His liilánanda but we can hardly tolerate it any more. We have to earn a living and buy a house – there are so many problems to face in life. Yet He is playing His game of joy and sorrow with us.”" (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 6, Nityánanda and Liilánanda

== Section: Important Teaching ==

First Democracy is 2500 years ago

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The first written constitution was framed by the Licchavi Dynasty of Vaeshali (in northern Bihar) in ancient India over 2500 years ago. Prior to that, the words of the king were law and kings ruled according to the advice of their ministers. The first republican democracy was established by the Licchaviis. The Licchavi Republic comprised some portion of Muzzaffarpur, portions of Begusharai, Samastipur and Hajipur between the Gandaka and Kamala rivers, all in the present state of Bihar. It was the first democratic state and they had their own written constitution." (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 12, p.45

== Section 3: Links ==

AMU Youtube Channel 
Recent postings
Other topics of interest