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Friday, March 10, 2023

Reasons for demonstrations + 4 more

Reasons for demonstrations


There are many reasons why Sadguru Baba was performing demonstrations on sadhakas:

(#1) Tantra is a science and science always has two parts: theory and practice. Both are significant; one is not enough
(#1a) Baba had already given His grand theory of Ananda Marga spiritual philosophy and these demonstrations were His way of providing empirical proof of His lofty teachings and guidelines.

(#1b) By His demonstrations, Baba practically displayed so many spiritual concepts: all kinds of samadhis, samskaras, bhavas, omkara sound, stages of bhakti etc.
(#1c) Without an experiential demonstration of His spiritual philosophy, skeptics would have thought that those concepts were merely myths. By giving demonstrations, everyone clearly understood that Baba's spiritual teachings were something very real and practical.

(#1d): By those demonstrations of samadhi etc, even those with a very skeptical mind were convinced that Baba’s spiritual teachings are real. To this end, Baba did  thousands of demonstrations to provide a palpable context of Ananda Marga spiritual philosophy. For instance, the subtlest microvita cannot be felt by a normal mind but through His demonstration everyone got the realisation that microvita really exists.

(#2) Baba wanted to prepare sadhakas physically, psychically, and spiritually so they could best serve suffering humanity. To this end, He graciously blessed sadhakas, cured their diseases, and purified their mind so they could help others.

Baba cured their disease

Baba's demonstrations were performed regularly from 1955 onwards. Those demonstrations were of various types. Some were samadhi related; some were related with seeing one’s past lives, removing their samskaras, or purifying their cakras; and other demonstrations cured a person of their illness etc.

For instance, upon seeing a sadhaka, all-knowing Baba automatically understood that person’s ailment and accordingly He cured their disease. This was His grace. Yet with the introduction of the term and concept of microvita in 1986, often Baba would say how the sadhaka was cured through the application of positive microvita. This was standard for any type of demonstration from 1987 and thereafter. This was part of His liila. All the while, everybody understood that behind this display and reference to microvita, it was truly all due to His causeless grace.

Many margiis had such experiences in their personal contact with Baba also. Baba removed their negative samskaras and made them promise to "utilise their body, mind, and existence for the great cause." The sense is that ultimately Baba wanted to teach bhaktas that their physical strength will be used for serving suffering humanity. So Baba would cure their disease, and by this way, everyone got the greater lesson on how to utilise their strength while living in this world.

Baba would bless them to do service

This was the regular theme of Baba's different demonstrations: To bless sadhakas so they could fulfill the mission - self-realisation and service to humanity. By this way He empowered them to do social service in a grand way. After all, how can one do service if they themselves are suffering from disease. So in that way Baba blessed His bhaktas. And in turn those sadhakas got the teaching how they should utilize their lives. This was the one theme behind His demonstrations.

Side by side, Baba wanted people to come forward and help society. To do that, they also needed some psychic force and inspiration. In His various demonstrations, Baba graciously freed people of their psychic complexes and mental weaknesses etc. By this way, they could become worthy media for implementing His ideals and doing social service.

So as Mahasambhuti, Sadguru Baba graced His disciples by curing their ailments: physical, psychic, and spiritual. His demonstrations were not for His own prestige or show. And the proof is that He never displayed such demonstrations in the open public. And He never engaged in cheap, showy, presentations like creating gold from the thin air, or fetching sweets from invisible places with His own hand while sitting on the dais. This type of degraded magic avidya tantrikas usually do for their prestige.

Baba blesses His disciples in countless ways on a regular basis with His grace, either face to face or from across the planet or beyond. But those daily occurrences are not what we mean by demonstration. In this letter, by the term demonstration, we are only talking about those specific occasions when it was announced beforehand that a particular demonstration was going to be done.

All can get samadhi

After long, arduous years of sadhana, a person may be fortunate to get nirvikalpa samadhi or various other types of samadhi. This can seem intimidating to many, and the resign themselves to the fate that, “I will never get that type of realisation.” To dispel this myth and eradicate this defeatist complex, Sadguru Baba would call Tom, Dick, or Harry and He would infuse them with the power and concentration to get samadhi. Seeing this practically occur before their very eyes, normal sadhakas people understood how this was possible. Not only that, after the demonstration Baba would suggest to all those present in the room that attaining the state of samadhi is not difficult.

The idea was that if anyone was sincere in sadhana then surely they will get samadhi. He told this over and over again to encourage them that samadhi or the highest grade of bhakti, vaeragya, or god realization is within their reach. Baba did not want people to think that in the hoary past great sages in the Himalayas could realise spiritual truth, whereas now in this modern age nobody can realise these things. Baba removed this dogma and He infused the feeling to one and all that any sincere sadana can realise various samadhis etc.  And these types of demonstrations helped. And He assured one and all that if they are sincere then surely He will help them in the future - forever.


Baba's demonstrations were for:
1. Teaching the practical side of tantra philosophy of Ananda Marga.
2. Blessing His disciples to become physically, mentally and spiritually strong to become worthy media to help the suffering humanity at large.
Alas, Parama Purusa does all kinds of liilas; and, liila means that human beings do not know the cause etc. So there may be many more reasons which we do not know.

In Him,

Sadguru Baba says, “I know one is sure to get divine help. And I know further that one is getting divine help. And I know still further that in future, for infinite time and infinite space, one will be getting this divine favour. And you are all sádhakas. You will certainly attain that supreme stance and enjoy that divine blessedness. You are sure to enjoy it, my sons and my daughters.” (1)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Hence the spiritual aspirant must not run after these inconsequential occult powers, although while prasticing spiritual cult they may develop. You must not forget that all your achievements must maintain adjustment with the main propensities of the mind, and in the process of adjustment, all these eight types of occult powers present themselves to the spiritual aspirant.” (2)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “While practising spiritual cult, it should be remembered that spiritual aspirants must not practise in order to acquire these occult powers. The goal of spiritual practice is to realize the Supreme Entity. To search for any other thing is wrong. Occult powers are just like the dust on the roadside. The attraction for Parama Puruśa is the most valuable object – all else is only the dust of the earth.” (3)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Stages of Samádhi
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, Cult, Inference and Propensity
3. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, Cult, Inference and Propensity

== Section: Important Teaching ==

When overthrowing corrupt regime

Ananda Marga philosophy states “Devils, demons, black-marketeers and [[adulterators]] joined the gang of demons in large numbers. But even among them, a few felt the pangs of conscience; they repented their own misdeeds and joined the group of humans. But most of the bribers and big officials, police officers and military officials, ticket-collectors, goods-officers and ticket checkers and many others – and along with them those who had mixed sand with sugar, mud in cement, dust of tamarind seeds with flour, and poison in medicine – all ran to join the gang of demons. However, all were not of the same mentality, and of course all the officials of the Demon Kingdom were not corrupt. Those who were honest joined the group of humans.”

“The struggle grew serious. What a grim struggle it was! No one had ever seen such a struggle. In that fight, land, water and sky – hydrosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere, and stratosphere shuddered. People were fighting without even sufficient food to eat and wearing tattered clothes. The soldiers of the demon, on the other hand, were getting good food and plenty of fine clothes. But in spite of all these hardships, the smiles of the human beings had not abated and their songs never stopped. They constantly upheld the sublime ideal of life, singing:”

“We are all brethren in this universe,
We will equally share all pleasure and pain.”

“Building up many small squads of soldiers, the youths fought on, singing:”

“Proceed on and on!
The sky above is resounding with the sound of drums
And the earth below is waiting expectantly to welcome the
glorious dawn
O the Youths of the crimson dawn
March ahead! March ahead!”

“Then the youths raised slogans: “Equal rights for all humanity! One nation for all people! Tyranny will no longer be tolerated! No hypocrisy in the name of religion! All people of the world, unite!””

“More and more youths joined the humans, singing unitedly, “Victory is ours! Victory is ours! This beautiful earth is for the humans, not for the demons!””

“The struggle became very grim. Such a struggle was not fought even at the time of the Ramayana or the Mahabharata. The demons had powerful bombs – dangerous arms capable of killing many people at a time, and lethal weapons full of poisonous gas. But they could not use them because both the humans and the demons would fall victim by their use, as both of them were the inhabitants of the same earth.”

“Ultimately the demons began to retreat. Finding no other alternative, the Strange Demon surrendered to the humans.The youths said, “Punish them! Give them capital punishment!” But the prince said, “No! We have accepted the real meaning of non-violence (Ahimsa). Not to use arms against harmless people but to fight the exploiters or those who torture innocent people – this is true non-violence – the sacred duty which we have performed. Those who are now captive in our hands, those demons, they are also our brethren. We should try to rectify their nature.” So the prince formed a new government and advised that government to build a good number of rectification centres where those demons would get every facility for their mental and spiritual upliftment.” (1)

Note: To overthrow any exploitative regime, the exploited mass rebels against them. But not everyone in the regime is not bad. There are many officials or cadres within the regime who were following the demon's orders under pressure. In the above story, it is described that when revolution starts then many good people defect from the demon’s party and support the revolution. They should be welcomed by the revolutionaries. This is the usual strategy happening around the globe. And Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar also approves this. For example, suppose someone from Rudrananda’s team defects and comes and joins those exposing Dada R’s hypocrisy. Then that person should be appreciated and welcomed, and his past demerits should be overlooked. 

1. The Golden Lotus of the Blue Sea

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why margiis & Wts leave the Marga

Ananda Marga ideology says, "It is a fact that the force of Avidyá disturbs a spiritualist more than it disturbs an ordinary person. Various situations arise in life such as material difficulties, family unrest, abundant wealth, tremendous reputation, acute financial distress, or extreme humiliation. Sádhakas will have to bravely confront these mundane situations as a test. They must never think in terms of retreat – it would be fatal, for the Avidyá force would stab them as soon as their backs were turned. In all circumstances one must continue the process of sádhaná to gradually enhance one's latent psychic and spiritual power.” (1)

Note: In this world, if you do bad things, then vidya maya will come and try and disturb you. If a new thief tries to commit a robbery, the vidya create fear in your mind that you will be arrested and sentenced to jail. And if you do good things, then avidya maya will come and disturb you more fiercely. If you do sadhana then avidya maya will become furious and attack you in one or more of the below mentioned ways:
  • material difficulties
  • family unrest
  • abundant wealth
  • tremendous reputation
  • acute financial distress
  • extreme humiliation
The work of avidya is not limited to the above listed points. There are numerous ways in which it can attack you. Avidya maya wants that you should give up your sadhana. That is why we see that in the aforesaid situation, 99% margiis run from the field of battle and avidya maya stabs them in the back, i.e. they leave their sadhana. Verily they are defeated by avidya maya.

So the only way is to fight back. If a sadhaka gets a lot of money or prestige, or undergoes acute financial distress, then they should be vigilant that this is the trap of avidya maya. And they should be more strict in Sixteen Points. By this way avidya maya will be defeated and will no longer harass that sadhaka. But we see before our eyes that so many sadhakas after facing the above situations become pseudo-margiis or leave AM entirely. If you watch carefully, you will see that various people come into Ananda Marga and run away due to material difficulties, family unrest, abundant wealth, tremendous reputation, acute financial distress, or extreme humiliation, as well as other related reasons.

in Him,

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 8, The Supreme Question – 1

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Examples of false history being taught around the globe

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, “If the chronicles of history merely describe who succeeded to the throne and when, who plundered the neighbouring countries or kingdom, and who became a minister, they will be of no importance whatsoever, nor, indeed, of any interest to the common masses. If human beings are to profit from the study of the annals of history, they must reflect the weal and the woe, the hopes and aspirations of the masses.”
   “The annals of human history should show which communities brought about which amount of progress and prosperity in which area of social life and in which part of the world – only such significant events are worthy of being recorded. History should also maintain special records of the trials and tribulations which confronted human beings, how those trials and tribulations were overcome, how human beings tackled the numerous obstacles to effect greater social development, and so on. Only such history would I call the complete history or complete cultural history of the human race.” (1)

Note: Around the globe, false history is mostly being taught. For example in India 50 years ago, kids were taught that Columbus discovered an uninhabited land. The truth is that Columbus was an aggressor who destroyed the native populations. But instead they were propagating a false history in India about Columbus. 

Similarly, in the southern part of the US, still today they are teaching a false history regarding the US Civil War. In the south it is propagated that the cause of the war was economic. When in truth, slavery was a major issue and a key cause of the US Civil  war.

In India, they do not teach that MK Gandhi divided the country; rather they treat him as a hero. But the real history is that Gandhi was a coward and a villain who divided the country. But still today in India, false things are being taught to kids in history class with regards to MK Gandhi.

Betrayed Ananda Marga ideology & spread dogma

Likewise in our Ananda Marga, many false things are being taught. For example, they propagate the notion that the first PP, i.e. Dada Shraddhananda, was the divine incarnate. When in truth PP Dada Shraddhananda was a coward and who destroyed the organisation. And at present also, many margiis are brainwashed and wrongly think that the current PP Dada is the spiritual head. But the truth is that PP Dada is ordinary human, pp is bound by maya. For instance, PP cannot give varabhaya mudra, or create any new Ananda Marga scripture. PP cannot become Guru. So it is utterly false to lay claim that PP is the spiritual head etc.

All in all, in His above teachings, Sadguru Baba guides us that a proper account of history should be rendered. The story will have to be told how those purodhas and avadhutas etc became so selfish, and betrayed the ideology by implementing the dogma of mahaprayan. In addition they expelled so many innocent and righteous sadhakas, and broke the organisation into pieces. This entire history will have to be recounted. Their names and black deed will be documented and explained in our AM historical record.  So it should be written how from 1955 up to today our Ananda Marga society moved forward with all kinds of trials and tribulations. That history would be quite interesting. That will be the true history of Ananda Marga.

in Him,

1. A Few Problems Solved - 4, Let History Be Rewritten

== Section ==

बेसहारा पर ज़ुल्म करता है तो सजा मिलेगी 

Collective body में भी, आठ, दस, बीस, पच्चीस, दस-बीस लाख, दस-बीस करोड़ आदमी भी बैठकर कुछ अनुचित काम करता है, बेसहारा पर ज़ुल्म करता है, निर्बल पर अत्याचार करता है, परमपुरुष देख लेंगे | यह बात छिपी हुई नहीं रहेगी | तो, जो कुछ भी देख लेंगे, उनके विधान के अनुसार वैयष्टिक जीवन में जैसा पाप का प्रायश्चित्त करना पड़ता है, सामूहिक जीवन में भी वैसा करना पड़ेगा | आज अगर दुनिया के एक मद्गर्वी कौम एक निर्बल कौम पर अत्याचार कर रहा है, परमपुरुष तो देख लिए | इसलिए उस पाप का प्रायश्चित्त atonement उन्हें करना पड़ेगा”

[यह बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया, बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्द मार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं] (1)

1. V22-22 इस विश्व में कोई अकेला नहीं, कोई असहाय नहीं, EGD 21 March 1984 Gwalior]

== Section ==

তার শুধু মন নয়, তার সমগ্র সত্তাই স্থূলে matter-এ

“স্থূল থেকে সূক্ষ্মের দিকেও মন যায়, আর সূক্ষ্ম থেকে স্থূলের দিকেও যায় | যদি স্থূলত্বের দিকে মানুষের গতিটাকে উত্সাহিত করা যায়, তার শুধু মন নয়, তার সমগ্র সত্তাই স্থূলে matter-এ, জড়ে পর্য়বসিত হয়ে যাৰে, পাথর হয়ে যাৰে | অহল্যা পাষাণী হয়ে যাৰে | স্থূল থেকে সূক্ষ্মত্বের দিকে গতিকে যদি উত্সাহ দেওয়া হয়, সাধনা মার্গের ক্রম অনুয়ায়ী মানুষ এগিয়ে চলে তাহলে তার সমগ্র সত্তা, সামগ্রিক অস্তিত্ব কি হৰে ? সূক্ষ্মত্বের পর্য়বসিত হয়ে ভূমা মনে একীভূত হৰে অথবা চরম জ্ঞা-সত্তার সঙ্গে সারূপ্য লাভ করৰে |” (1)

1. “১ জানুয়ারি  ১৯৮৬, কোলকাতা, আস্তিত্বিক গতিধারা ও তার চরম লক্ষ্য, চরম পরিণতি”

== Section 4: Links ==

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