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Saturday, January 21, 2023

True approach & adjustment + 3 more


True approach & adjustment


One of Baba’s teachings is subjective approach and objective adjustment. 

(a) Some ma’rgis say that, “After dharmacakra one should finish asanas and remaining lessons before taking food.” 
(b) Whereas other ma’rgis say that, “No, that is not the right approach, rather one should have subjective approach and objective adjustment, that means when such situation arises, then one should leave asanas and remaining lessons, and take food with others.”

Question: Which of the above two approaches is proper? Which one should be followed? To come to the right answer we have to investigate the true meaning of subjective approach and objective adjustment.

What is subjective approach & objective adjustment

In Ananda Marga there is a principle, “Subjective approach through objective adjustment”. There is a word “through” in between “subjective approach” and “objective adjustment”. The meaning of subject is Parama’tma’; He is the Supreme Subject. If one reads any Ananda Marga discourse, either directly or indirectly, it is stated that the goal of life is Parama’tma’; everything else is temporary. For instance, one’s existence as well as every object we see has a beginning and an end. So one’s approach should be the subject, Parama’tma’. This world has been created through the process of saincara, and we are in the phase of pratisaincara, so that we can merge in Parama’tma’. One should never forget the Goal of life, Parama’tma’. He is the polestar. This approach should be kept in mind, always. If one forgets it then there is no purpose in life. So the approach should be subjective.

Shankaracarya’s dogmatic approach is subjective but has no objective adjustment. Everything is subjective, and there is nothing such as objective adjustment: eko Brahma dvitiya na’sti (Brahma alone exists and nothing else). But Ananda Marga philosophy differs and denies this. The approach should be subjective, but to do this one has to live in this world and perform various tasks such as taking food, bathing, wearing clothes, working, doing activities, etc. By living in the world and engaging in the society, the approach should be subjective. One does not need to leave this world. There are a lot of people who leave to go to the jungle to advance their subjective approach, but Baba says one has to be in the world, not leave it, rather being in this world one has to adjust so that the approach is subjective.

For example, one has to take benefit of being in this world, so that one’s body is ready to do sadhana. One should lead life in such a way that one’s mind is always directed towards Parama’tma’. Whatever one does such as speaking, eating, sacrificing, singing, obeying yama, niyama, and with everything else one does, one has to think how to adjust in this world such that one can advance toward one’s Goal. The Goal is fixed, and we have to reach the goal by being in this world, we have to utilize the facilities and adjust with our surroundings in the world to direct ourselves to reach that Goal.

How objective adjustment is misutilized

The meaning of adjustment is not that if many colleagues at the workplace smoke, then I will also smoke because I will be with them. When one is in such a situation then one has to understand that smoking has such effects that will decelerate and even destroy the movement towards Parama’tma’. One’s health will not be proper and death will come prematurely; so this so-called adjustment of smoking cannot be called as adjustment in the true sense as it does not align with the Goal. Rather adjustment will be such that by being in the world, in the family, society, community, we can move ahead towards our Goal.

A number of rules come under adjustment: following Caryacarya, yama (satya, ahimsa, brahmacarya, asteya, aparigraha), niyama (shoca, santosa, tapah, svadhyaya, iishwara pranidhana) means adjustment. If someone is not adjusting, it means one is not following the rules of Caryacarya, yama, and niyama.

Be engaged in world & keep mind on Supreme Entity

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “You are all human beings. You are all dignified human beings. Forget all fissiparous tendencies that sometimes function within human mind. Remember, you are the loving children of the Parama Puruśa, and your goal is the Parama Puruśa. Your goal is the Supreme Entity. Yours is a subjective approach through objective adjustment. Your movement is towards the Supreme Entity. But while moving towards the Supreme Entity, you are to do all your worldly duties in social, economic and all other spheres. That is, your hands should be engaged in worldly duties, and your mind moving towards the Supreme Entity. (1)


There are a number of people (including wts) who follow this theorem in a flip-flop manner: “objective approach with subjective adjustment”. For example, name, fame, prestige, higher post etc are their goals of life. When we interact with people, by their conduct we can see what their approach is. When the approach is objective, then the goal is worldly. So we should always be keen to follow Baba’s teaching of subjective approach and objective adjustment. That means one needs to engage all 24 hours in such a way that the movement is towards Parama’tma’. Objective adjustment is that which helps in subjective approach. That is the guideline Baba has given. Doing it in a reverse manner will lead to one’s downfall.

The approach should always be subjective--- towards God, and by adjusting with the objects in the world in such a way that one moves towards Him in a better way.

In Him, 

Never only objective adjustment

Ananda Marga ideology states, "On all other days they are to remain balanced between objective adjustment and subjective approach. On these days of fasting, however, on these days of upavasa, one remains in closer proximity to the Lord than to one's mundane duties." (2) 

In Baba’s above teaching He is giving us two basic pathways. First, He is guiding us that in our daily life there should be a proper balance between our worldly duties and spiritual life, i.e. subjective approach through objective adjustment. And second, on days of upavasa, Baba’s directive is that one should primarily focus on sadhana, i.e. subjective approach. There is no third approach. That means there are no days where we exclusively focus on worldly dealings, i.e. objective approach. So Baba’s above teaching wholly refutes the notion that one should “adjust” with the mundane world by compromising on one’s spiritual values. There is no scope to ever give up the subjective approach - i.e. God-centered outlook.

1. A Few Problems Solved Part 4, Subjective Approach through Objective Adjustment
2. Ananda Vacanamrtm - 6, Upavása

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Not here for long

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Human beings come onto this earth for a very short period, and within this short period they are required to complete everything. So there is a great deal of work to be done, but the time is very short. Thus intelligent people make the best use of every moment of their time - wasting one's time is the height of foolishness. Why? Because no human being will remain on this earth for long, and the very goal of human life is to attain Parama Purusa, the Supreme Stance. Human beings, while moving forward towards that Goal which is fixed before their minds, will have to perform many worldly duties. That is why it is said, 'Keep one hand on the feet of Parama Purus'a, and with the other hand do your mundane duties'." (1) 

1. A Few Problems Solved - 4, Let Chattisgarh Have a Brilliant Future

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Very important WT rule

WT conduct rule states: "We are all the children of the same Father, we are all the members of the same family. By fighting against all kinds of evil forces, we will establish the glory of our Father and the glory of our family." (1)

Note: A few bad Wts are going astray from this fundamental rule by spreading the poison of groupism and creating division throughout our AMPS and the greater society - all of which is against the ethic of neo-humanism. This is all happening due to greed, lust of power, desire for prestige etc. Unfortunately, such persons are still walking around in WT garb and continuing to harm His mission. Such is the effect of their divisive ways. They have destroyed the sanctity and unity of the family. Now is the time for ideologically-minded margiis and Wts to rally and rectify such workers, thereby building a monolithic AMPS.

Note 2: Those who are sincere margiis adhere to this above cited rule since the spirit of this conduct rule is common to one and all.

1. Point #13 of '14 Points', WT Conduct Rules

== Section 4: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest