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Friday, January 20, 2023

Comparing oneself in negative way + 2 more


Comparing oneself in negative way


When some film star heroes wear pseudo-culture fashion, or smoke cigarettes in a special style where they release the smoke toward the sky in round circles, then young impressionable teenagers get attracted. They think that is a grand show and strive to emulate that. Without considering the matter, teenagers in their innocence succumb to those pseudo-culture fashions. While those who are more rational think that is deadly. In consequence good people never engage in competing with others in pseudo-fashions.

Comparing oneself with capitalists in the material sphere is a sort of blindness. Because it is commonly known that those who place too much importance on the physical sphere neglect or lag far behind in psychic or spiritual enhancement. Every sadhaka is aware that human life devoid of spirituality is just animal life.

Exploiting class imposes its values on the entire society

In this present era of extreme capitalism, the whole society is running after money and other material possessions. Because the vaeshyas are in power so materialistic aims like money and automobiles etc spell "success". In each and every age, the exploiting class imposes its values on the rest society whereby many people yearn for that "gold standard."

This theory is well known to every sadhaka; even then in our personal day to day affairs one must be careful not to get dragged into that flow. That means as sadhakas one has to exercise great caution when comparing themselves with others. Or, more precisely, one should not fall into the trap of comparing themselves with others exclusively on the point of materialistic gain.

Ananda Marga ideology says, “A person must not suffer from an inferiority complex, because that person and his or her friends and siblings are all the progeny of the same Progenitor.” (1)

The human personality is three-fold: physical, psychic, and spiritual. Those primarily engrossed in materialistic life often possess many things in the mundane realm, yet are bankrupt in the psychic and spiritual realms. Every sadhaka knows the special secret is to gain strength in the psycho-spiritual realm, and not become involved in materialistic over-accumulation. Whereas, many in the general society seek out maximum materialistic gain. So no sadhaka should compare themselves with those materialists on the point of money, material gain, etc. Just as a human should never compare themselves with a horse on the point of running. That would be a bad approach. Here the main idea is that sadhakas should not compete in mundane sphere with non-margiis. Rather one should compete in the realm of human values.

Why we should compare by Ananda Marga standards

Regardless of how much money one has, the common human tendency is to think that others have more, or people think that, "What I have is not enough - I need more." This type of outlook brings about an inferiority complex, especially so when comparing oneself with more material wealth. Then the tendency is to feel dejected. One may even fall into the depths that "Except me, everyone else has a very successful life". Because they have greater material gains such as their property, house, cars, clothes, luxury items etc. This happens to one regardless of how much actual wealth one has. When bound by the materialist mind-set, everyone becomes a beggar - all feel they need more. Their longing is limitless. So as sadhakas we should remember that we should not compete in the mundane sphere with non-margiis. Rather we should compete in the realm of human values and aim to progress in the psycho-spiritual realm.

In contrast, to compare oneself on the point of one's physical, psychic and spiritual potentialities, then surely as an true Ananda Margii one’s life is far better than those engaged in the ways of materialist. By Baba's grace, true Ananda Margiis have a more sentient mind than materialistic-oriented people. Because the basic aim in life is service - i.e. service to Parama Purusa and service to the society. And every sadhaka always tries to keep away from dogma. So surely sadhakas of the Marga are superior to those capitalists. And it is all due to His grace.

When comparing in the spiritual realm, then the difference is more stark. By Baba's grace, every true aspirant in the Marga is moving on the divine path of tantra sadhana. The Guru is Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji, the Taraka Brahma. When He accepts anyone as a disciple, He graces them and teaches them sadhana - in which case mukti (liberation) is guaranteed. So the spiritual life of each and every disciple of Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji is guaranteed success.

Psychic diseases in the west

In many discourses Baba says that western society is completely imbalanced.

Prout philosophy says, "The West is completely obsessed with physical seems to be the sovereign master of the water, land and air. But for all that, it is not socially content and miserably lacks spiritual wealth. Unlike the East, in the West plenty of wealth has created a crisis." (2)

In the west, so much attention has been placed exclusively on the physical sphere while the psychic and spiritual spheres have been neglected. That's why there is the prevalence of psychic diseases western nations, and wherever materialism reigns. Tragically, in western society, psychic diseases are rampant. What to say about aged people, even kids start suffering from psychic diseases. These days doctors are administering tranquilizing medicines even to young children because they are mentally imbalanced or depressed.

From kids to senior citizens, a higher percentage of people in the materially engrossed nations suffer from mental tension and psychic disease than amongst people in materially poorer countries.

Overall, the condition of sadhakas all around the globe is far better. Our duty is to show others the right path, not fall into their pit. If one throws themselves in competition in the mundane sphere, then the consequences and resultant will be completely negative. Which is why they are suffering from numerous psychic diseases and complexes. Throwing ourselves into that degenerated way will only invite disaster. So as sadhakas we should not compete in the mundane sphere with non-margiis for materialistic gain. Rather we should compete in the realm of human values.

Conclusion: True sadhakas have noble attributes

Here the central idea is that true Ananda Margiis have all sorts of noble qualities. Then why should any sadhaka feel inferior with others by seeing their money and property? And why should one throw themselves into their flow by competing with them in the mundane sphere only?

Rather one should train the mind to think that, "My path is not only in the physical sphere, but all round, in the physical, psychic, and spiritual spheres." Then surely, one will not suffer from an inferiority complex.

In Him,
Brahma Prakash

Once during reporting, one Wt saw a monkey, and he thought that is the best life, i.e. living as a monkey and jumping and swinging from one branch to the next. Later on, all-knowing Baba explained to those present that animal life is not good. No human should mistakenly think that animal life is ideal or that they would be happier as a monkey swinging from branch to branch. No one should cultivate such thoughts.

~ In-depth study ~

Right comparison needed

As a sadhaka, one should not compare ourselves with materialistic-minded persons, rather we should always look towards the cherished Goal.

Ananda Vanii states, "Don’t compare life to a pool of muddy, stagnant water. Life resembles an ever-flowing spring. Pushing aside the stones of obstructions and difficulties, marching on with vigorous speed is its Dharma. Hence it is clear that those who want to keep away from obstacles have lost the Dharma of life – verily they are dead. The graveyard, not the society should be their abode. " (3)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "As long as a human being lies inert in staticity, that is, remains engrossed in the worship of mundane things, it is said to be the Kali Yuga of that person’s life." (4)

The futility of worldly life

Ananda Marga ideology says, "The worship of Brahma should be done scrupulously, or else you will later regret and bemoan the futility of your life with the last drop of your tears at your last hour. You should make your life worthwhile through your Sádhaná. How much can your worldly friends and relations do for you? After your death your relatives may perhaps ask, “How much money has he left behind?” Your friends may go to the crematorium and indulge in flattering reminiscences about you. Your husband or wife may cry for you for about ten or twelve days and then regain their normal composure. Your lot will be only a profound sigh – a record of the futility and frustration of your life. So do not waste your time lest you later have to repent." (5)

Going against bhagavata dharma means animal life

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Human beings devoid of bhágavata dharma are just like animals. I have already said that if human beings lack bhágavata dharma they are actually worse than animals. Animals do not have a developed intellect or consciousness; human beings do. If human beings fail to utilize their developed intellect and consciousness, choosing to avoid the pursuit of bhágavata dharma, they are the enemies of humanity and a slur on the human race. Their actions, having no relation to bhágavata dharma, should be considered contrary to humanity and their innate characteristic. Their future is bound to be doomed, like that of a huge tree struck by lightning. The downtrodden masses who long to better themselves should embrace the path of bhágavata dharma. The easiest and most natural way for human civilization and humanity to grow is through bhágavata dharma. There is no other way. Hence, those who sincerely seek the welfare of humanity must uphold bhágavata dharma." (6)

The ideals of healthy competition

So the basic approach is that there should be competition, but not only in physical sphere. For healthy competition there should be physical, psychic, and spiritual competition - all together in a balanced way. And that competition should be based on the sentient ideals of service, sacrifice, and sadhana.

Ananda Vanii guides us, “It is action that makes a person great. Be great by your sádhaná, by your service, by your sacrifice.” (7)

By getting Parama Purusa, I have everything

One should always think, "Parama Purusa is mine. So I have everything because the Creator and Controller of the universe is always with me. He always takes care of me. So I am most fortunate in this regard." Everyone should think in this way then naturally any and all complexes will be washed away, by His grace. The main idea is that one should not compare themselves with animals in human form. Our goal is Parama Purusa.

Will you now lie in the corner of your house

Ananda Marga ideology states, "O human beings, you are fortunate. The clarion call of the Universal has reached you. Not only has the call come, but you are hearing it and it is vibrating in every cell of your body. Will you now lie in the corner of your house as an inert being and waste your time by clinging to old skeletons and bemoaning them? The Supreme Being is calling you in the roar of the ocean, in the thunder of the clouds, in the speed of lightning, in the meteor’s flaming fires. Nothing good will come from idleness. Get up and awake the clouded chivalry of your dormant youth. It may be that the path is not strewn with flowers and that inferiority complex will be attempting to hold fast your each advancing step, but even then you have to proceed onwards tearing the shroud of darkness. You will tear the thick darkness of despair as you advance in the racing chariot radiant with the Sun’s brilliance towards the attainment of the Supreme state." (8)

Throw one into the darkness of despondency

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Whatever is finite is limited by nature. The attraction for finite entities is káma, and the attraction for the Limitless Entity (Brahma) is prema. Those who are preoccupied with preya are guided by the small “I” – their mental expansion remains a far cry. Many so-called scholars are obsessed with their petty prestige, but one day that sense of prestige will crumble into dust. But shreya is infinite. It has no beginning and no end, it is an unbroken flow of pure and serene bliss stretching from beginninglessness to endlessness. This is the Bramha of the sádhaka. People who are under the illusory spell of avidyamáyá leave the benevolent path of shreya and rush headlong towards the deceptively alluring preya. But preya, after giving them only temporary happiness, like a flash of light, will throw them into the darkness of despondency, and they will stand like the scorched shell of a tree struck by lightening in the desert lamenting the endless drought.” (9)

People who accompany you to the burning ground

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Is anybody a bandhu in this world? No, there is none. After death even the people who accompany you to the burning ground return to their respective homes once the cremation is over, they shall not go with you. Hence there is no bandhu in this world. There is only one bandhu and He is Jagat-Bandhu.” (10)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 30, Hara's Seven Secrets
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, Talks on Education – Excerpt C
3. Ananda Vanii #6
4. Subhasita Samgraha - 21, Dhruva and Adhruva
5. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration, Form and Colour
6. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 10, Bhágavata Dharma
7. Ananda Vanii #20
8. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 2, The Call of the Supreme
9. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 5, Integral and Non-Integral Outlook
10. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 5, Bandhu, Suhrd, Mitram and Sakhá

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Unique aspect of AM

Baba says in an older edition of Caryacarya that Ananda Marga is the path of human beings. The greatest excellence of this Marga is that, after knowing the needs of human beings and understanding their feeling, this "marg" (path) has been propounded. About this, that is the most significant thing. That's all. (1)
Note 1: The above is an English summary of Baba's own handwritten Bengali guideline.
Note 2: Baba’s above teaching is present in many old editions of the Bengali, Hindi, and English versions of Caryacarya - II.
Note 3: In contrast, the various religions are based on a selfish outlook whereby they infuse dogma and exploit followers and the common people.
Note 4: If someone is not aware of some of the rules of our Ananda Marga such as why a particular rule has been formulated then the answer is embedded in seed form in Sadguru Baba’s above guideline. For example, suppose someone does not know why we always wear our pratik on the body 24 hrs per day, or why we repeat Guru puja and samgacchadhvam 3 times and not 2 or 4, the answers of these types of questions are also hidden in the above guideline.
Note 5: In our Ananda Marga nothing is dogmatic, but nowadays a few people are trying hard to establish or implement various dogmas such as: (a)  PP is an angel, (b) so-called mahaprayan, (c) Fake Ananda Vaniis, (d) fake holy lands, (e) tiirthas etc, and other types of things which do not have any logic to stand upon.
1. English Summary of Caryacarya - 2 (Bangla), just after copyright page

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