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Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Sin: Baba photo in newspaper + 4 more


Sin: Baba photo in newspaper

Note: In the concluding section of the spiritual aspect of the Junior Ac Diary, Sadguru Baba has given the order that His photo will not be given to anyone who does not practise sadhana. For this reason, we  do not post Baba’s photo in mailings. That way unauthorized persons cannot see it.


It is our duty to protect and preserve the sanctity of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji. His image must never be compromised – ever. That means Baba’s photo must never be printed in the newspaper or on the internet (IN) etc.

Our stipulation to newspaper editors

Every newspaper and publication must abide by certain ethics. So when they wish to print Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha news, or when we submit one of Baba’s discourses for publication and the editors ask for Baba’s photo, then at that point we must deny their request and point out that it goes against our spiritual cult to have Guru’s photo printed in the newspaper. We must firmly stipulate that under no circumstances should they print Baba’s photo. And we should appeal to their business interests: They want all their customers and clients to be satisfied and happy.

We can then suggest that if they need an image they can use a photo from one of our service projects or AMPS banners etc. This should satisfy those newspaper editors, and they will still be able to supply their readers with the material they desire. So we should be able to come to an easy agreement with newspaper staff members. Because, as stated, they are a business, and they do not want to do anything that would rile their customer base.

Stand firm on dharmic principles

We have been born to follow Baba’s order and establish His revolutionary principles and not give in to the degrading or prevailing norms of the day. We must safeguard His image and ensure it is not printed in the newspaper or on the internet (IN) etc. On this point we must be cent-per-cent strict. No Baba photo should ever appear in the newspaper, or similar type of publication, or on the internet (IN) etc.

As Ananda Margiis, it is our duty to abide by Sadguru Baba’s wish. We must adhere to His word, follow Caryacarya and get His grace.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “You shall protect, in all respects and at all costs, the dignity of your treasures and the sanctity of your flag, of your emblem, and of the pratikrti [photo] of Márga Guru.” (1)

In Him,

Note: In the concluding section of the spiritual aspect of the Junior Ac Diary, Sadguru Baba has given the order that His photo will not be given to anyone who does not practise sadhana. For this reason, we  do not post Baba’s photo in mailings. That way unauthorized persons cannot see it.

Related point

The following is a first-hand account from Ac Raghunath ji.

I, Raghunath, can never forget going on fieldwalk with Baba. I was blessed by Him to be part of His entourage one day. On fieldwalk we came across a statue of Mahatma Gandhi. It was covered in bird feces. Seeing this, Baba told us in a gentle voice that we should never erect a statue of Him.

All of us present that day understood the inner spirit of Baba’s decree. Namely, that we should never allow the sanctity or reverence of Ista to be compromised in any way, not to any degree. We must not allow His image or likeness to be degraded or neglected in the public arena. And naturally, in our individual lives we are to uphold this tenet as well.

Ongoing Issue for Many Years

On - 12 July 2014 - the Jagruk Times newspaper of Mumbai published Sadguru Baba's photo in an article. The photo appeared just beneath the second headline. For dharmic purposes, we are not reproducing it here. This is not the first time this has happened. Now it is critical hour to abide by Guru's guidelines and be strict on this matter and right the course. That is our dharmic duty. Otherwise this dirty and sinful approach will be handed down to the next generation(s).


Unfortunately, one of our avadhutas - Dada Divyachetanandji - is unaware about this point regarding the sanctity of Guru's image. Dadaji is quite pleased that Guru's photo has appeared in the newspaper and he is spreading it all around. All are requested to kindly contact Dada Divyachetanandji and inform him about this important matter - - otherwise Dadaji will make similar mistakes in the future also.

1. Caryacarya, Part 1, Treasures of Ananda Marga

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Keep calm in face of danger

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "The greatest quality of a person at a meeting or debate is the capacity to convince others. The highest quality in the battlefield is 'yudhi vikramam', or valor in the battle. While in danger, one's great quality is patience." (1)

When in danger, some become paranoid and some remain patient and calm. Depending upon one’s reaction, a person displays their weakness or their greatness. When danger arrives if one becomes paranoid or if a person loses their wits, they will not be able to solve the problem. Rather they become a liability. In that case, they are not a dharmika because they are missing the first point of dharma - i.e. dhrti  (patience). In contrast, if one's rational brain is keen and sharp when in grave danger, and that person is able to properly evaluate the situation and take the right course of action, it means that individual is a dharmika.

Here the point is not that if someone else's house burns down and you keep calm, then you are a dharmika. That is not the idea. Rather, the objective is to keep your rational mind functioning when your own house is burning down. If you can manage to keep your own mind balanced in a dangerous situation, you can resolve that issue in the best way according to circumstances. That is the quality of a true dharmika.

Normally it is difficult to gauge who is a dharmika and who is not. Everybody will try and claim that they are a great dharmika. If any problem comes that is the time to measure if one is a dharmika or not. If one becomes paranoid at the time of misery then that person is not a dharmika. And if they are calmly trying to resolve the issue then that person is a dharmika.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4, The Ten Characteristics of a Dhármika

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Danger: fake yoga is rampant

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Suppose, one is a great Yogii but if there is no love for his goal, then those suspended propensities will finally be converted into crude matter. That is, the subtle human existence becomes like iron; it becomes like wood; it becomes like sand. What a deterioration! What a downfall! This particular type of yoga where a yogii does not bear love for the Supreme Entity is called 'Hatha Yoga' in Samskrta. It is dangerous for human elevation." (1)

Note: Nowadays, all around the globe and especially in the west, in the name of teaching yoga certain pseudo-yoga people are becoming entrepreneurs and selling their unholy ways to the public by opening so-called yoga and meditation centres. But in those places, they do not do bhakti yoga; theirs is not a God-centered approach. Rather they teach bogus lessons such as misguided pranayama etc. Sadly, when the goal is not Parama Purusa then that type of fake yoga, meditation, and pranayama ultimately bring terrible degeneration. Neither is the unassuming public aware nor do these culprits realise what dangers they are inviting. It is our duty as far as possible to warn everyone for their welfare.

1. Ananda Vacanartam - 2, Love – the Essential Prerequisite

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Essence of true surrender

Here is an English summary of Baba's Hindi teaching (धर्म और प्रगति, Dharma aor Pragati, NP, DMC 1 January 1963 Patna).

When human beings feel that, ‘Parama Purusa is my everything’, then that is called as sharan (shelter). No entity can come under the sharan (shelter) of two different things. Then what is the meaning of sharanagati (surrender)? When living beings give up their ‘I-feeling’ by withdrawing the mind from any other object and feel that Parama Purusa alone is my everything. Up to the time when living beings are thinking that they are working with their own strength, then you should understand that the feeling of sharanagati has not yet come in them. And when human beings think that, ‘I am doing the work only with His strength’, it means the feeling of sharanagati has come in their mind. So when living beings start thinking that, ‘Whatever work I am doing, I am doing with His strength’, then they have the feeling of sharanagati.

True Ananda Margiis will take their sick baby to the hospital. According to their God-given capacity and strength, they will provide all kinds of nursing, medicine, medical care, and whatever is needed. And side by side, they will go on thinking: "O' Lord, with the strength given by You, I am trying, but without Your grace nothing will happen. Your are the real Doer. I am fully surrendering unto Your sweet will. Let Your desire be fulfilled. "

Bhaktas think one should use all their inherent abilities to solve any crisis and cultivate the idea that, “It is His strength and that He is supplying the energy - and without His energy, I cannot do anything. If He wishes then only will I be rescued - it is fully depending on Him.” Whatever strength God has given must be utilised remembering that He is the final doer. This is the ideal way of surrender.
1. धर्म और प्रगति, Dharma aor Pragati, NP, DMC 1 January 1963 Patna

Humans Are Free Or Chained

"Q. 24 – Is the freedom that human beings possess absolute or is it something like “Dominion Status”?"

"Ans.: – You cannot call it absolute freedom. The reason is that humans are dependent on the grace of Parama Puruśa each and every moment of their lives. All their activities, whether noble or ignoble, are confined to a limited sphere. Absolute freedom is impossible without the unification of unit consciousness with Cosmic Consciousness." (APH -3, Some Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy – Excerpt B, #24)

== Section 3: Links ==

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