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Monday, January 16, 2023

Deportes peligrosos


Deportes peligrosos


Es muy desafortunado que solo los aspectos "gloriosos" de los deportes sean muy promocionados: cosas como recompensas, campeonatos, fama, dinero y poder de estrellas, etc. Sin embargo, se dice muy poco sobre la gran cantidad de atletas que se rompen, se quedan atrás, pasados por alto y dados por muerto. Ahora está surgiendo un número cada vez mayor de casos de suicidio, pero siguen siendo ahogados por la avalancha de historias impulsadas por las estrellas.

Los niños y los estudiantes de hoy escuchan principalmente sobre las historias gloriosas de esas superestrellas. Obtienen un retrato de un solo lado; no obtienen los hechos, es decir, la imagen completa. No es sorprendente que corran tras ese estrellato, sin darse cuenta de las abrumadoras probabilidades en su contra y de las muchas trampas en el camino.

Sueños destrozados y la vida es un desastre

Para los jóvenes, las recompensas de ser un atleta estrella son grandiosas. Por eso se enamoran tanto de la idea. Sin embargo, no saben acerca de los millones que resultaron heridos y despreciados al tratar de convertirse en una estrella. Por cada All-Star, hay cientos de miles que quedaron atrás, lisiados o incluso destruidos. En ese proceso sus vidas se arruinaron: Sus cuerpos están quebrados; sus sueños se hicieron añicos; su facultad psíquica permanece subdesarrollada (falta de educación) o dañada (conmoción cerebral, etc.).

La objeción principal es que la gente común no está al tanto de las historias cotidianas de atletas que son lastimados, abusados y utilizados. Sucede dentro y fuera del campo. Tantos atletas dotados que dedicaron gran parte de el tiempo que era para su educación al deporte y no pudieron tener éxito. Fueron ignorados por los maestros en la escuela, los entrenadores les prometieron el arcoíris en el gimnasio y los agentes oportunistas los engañaron en la calle. Sus vidas se convirtieron en un lío y al final se quedaron con un cuerpo enfermo, sin educación y sin autoestima. Esta es la trágica historia que nadie escucha. En cambio, la gente solo piensa en los elogios otorgados a las estrellas y cómo son adorados como héroes.

Las empresas y los principales capitalistas ganan mucho dinero con el talento de un jugador. Al tratar de encontrar esa estrella, esos mismos capitalistas destruyen la vida de innumerables aspirantes. Ese es el panorama general del que todos deben ser conscientes.

Como sufren las mujeres

Luego está la cuestión del género: hasta el momento de la pubertad, las niñas y los niños tienen capacidades físicas bastante similares. Al llegar a la pubertad, las mujeres experimentan cambios que son muy diferentes a los de sus contrapartes masculinas. Su destreza física disminuye y ya no pueden correr tan rápido como antes. Baba describe este fenómeno en Sus discursos sobre biopsicología.

Sin embargo, las mujeres aún aspiran a competir en deportes diseñados para hombres. Es por eso que en deportes como el baloncesto, el fútbol (fútbol) y el hockey, etc., las mujeres experimentan una gran cantidad de lesiones. A pesar de que están compitiendo contra otras mujeres, no hombres, sus cuerpos no pueden soportar el castigo fisico de esos juegos. En particular, las mujeres sufren un número excesivo de huesos rotos, así como un alto grado de daño en los ligamentos. Sin embargo, en este sistema capitalista dominado por hombres, se alienta y empuja a las mujeres jóvenes a sobresalir en los deportes, lo que deja a muchas mujeres jóvenes con lesiones y cicatrices que comprometen su vida.

La mayoría están heridos, rotos y olvidados

Los padres y tutores deben comprender la situación y lo que está en juego; además deben educar y advertir a los jóvenes que son fácilmente impresionables. Todos, especialmente los estudiantes, deben ser muy conscientes de la gran cantidad de personas que se lastiman gravemente en el atletismo. Se vuelven discapacitados físicamente e incluso mentalmente comprometidos, como cuando una conmoción cerebral arruina la capacidad de concentración de una persona. Debido a repetidos traumatismos craneales, muchas estrellas retiradas sufren depresión crónica, enfermedad de Alzheimer e incluso se suicidan. Una vez que las personas son plenamente conscientes de todas las ramificaciones, pueden tomar decisiones más educadas y responsables con respecto al atletismo.

Es cuando la gente ignora este problema y los medios de comunicación sólo propagan las glorias que los jóvenes obtienen, y dejan una impresión terriblemente sesgada sobre los deportes y el atletismo. Entonces piensan que solo se trata de ganar dinero y ser una estrella. Los anunciantes y los gigantes corporativos se alimentan de este frenesí para ganar millones y miles de millones con los deportes. En todo el mundo, los deportes son una empresa de miles de millones de dólares donde los derechos de televisión y los contratos son astronómicos. Hay mucho, mucho dinero por hacer. Entonces, los poderes fácticos encubren el lado oscuro para criar más atletas estrella. Sin embargo, en ese proceso, tantos jóvenes inocentes e idealistas se estrellan y se queman, abandonados a su suerte sin nadie que los aliente.

Es como la lotería. En la televisión solo anuncian al ganador de la lotería y no cuentan la historia de las muchas masas de personas que gastan su dinero en la lotería. No representan a esos perdedores, quienes sufren decepciones y suicidios. Esa oscura historia no se cuenta. Los deportes siguen este mismo patrón. Se necesita educación para que los jóvenes puedan aprender las muchas trampas, peligros y muertes que ocurren cuando la gente común compite en deportes y juegos competitivos.

La forma física es clave

Sin duda, el ejercicio físico es un componente necesario para llevar una vida sana. Entonces uno puede utilizar su cuerpo y mente para servir a Parama Purusa y Su creación. Para ejercicios seguros, Baba ha dado kaoshikii, tandava y asanas. En esos ejercicios hay pocas posibilidades de lesiones y un tremendo alcance para el desarrollo físico, psíquico y espiritual. Sadguru Baba ha designado asanas, kaoshikii y tandava como las principales prácticas para ejercitar el cuerpo físico. En varios discursos, Baba ha declarado claramente que las asanas y las danzas prescritas en Ananda Marga ejercitan las glándulas, manteniendo así tanto el cuerpo como la mente llenos de energía vital y espíritu positivo. Además, como todos sabemos, Baba recomienda caminar a paso ligero todos los días.

En un resumen en español de Yogic Treatments, “Appendix E”, Baba nos dice: Camina al aire libre... Si el cuerpo no suda lo suficiente, entonces debes saber que no has tomado el aire adecuadamente. (resumen en español)

Deportes y juegos en AM: participación, no elitismo

Los juegos y los deportes también se fomentan en Ananda Marga.

En un resumen en español de Problems of the Day, “Point #9”, Baba nos dice: Podrán dedicar mucho tiempo a actividades como deportes, actividades literarias y prácticas espirituales. (resumen en español)

Por Su enseñanza anterior, es claro y muy evidente que Baba otorga un gran valor a los deportes. Pero ese valor es radicalmente diferente de la forma en que se valora el deporte en la época actual. Baba pone énfasis en la máxima participación en juegos y deportes para que todos puedan obtener el beneficio. Por el contrario, la comercialización del deporte se basa en destacar a los deportistas de élite que juegan mientras el resto de la sociedad observa. Baba no aprueba este último método.

Durante el darshan general y el DMC, Baba seleccionaba y permitía que todo tipo de personas hicieran tandava y kaoshikii. No seleccionaría solo a las mismas personas una y otra vez. No es que sólo se exhiban los mejores bailarines. Baba quiere que todos participen en su rutina diaria personal; y durante el darshan general y DMC, Baba agradecería la participación de cualquiera. De hecho, rotaría a nuevas personas en el ciclo. Porque la directriz clara de Baba es que el kaoshikii y el tandava son para todos, no solo para la élite. Su objetivo es animar a todos a participar.

Por el contrario, para participar en deportes en la sociedad competitiva de hoy, como para un equipo escolar, por no hablar de los deportes semiprofesionales o incluso profesionales, uno debe entrenar durante todo el día para ser lo suficientemente bueno para jugar. De esa forma, solo un pequeño porcentaje compite en deportes mientras que la mayor parte del llamado mundo moderno se ha convertido en una sociedad de espectadores. Se asombran al ver competir a atletas altamente entrenados y piensan que su trabajo es sentarse, mirar y gastar mucho dinero en boletos y recuerdos. De esa manera se pierde el tema y la esencia del deporte. El deporte se ha convertido en una industria o empresa capitalista.

“Físicamente en forma, mentalmente desarrollado y espiritualmente elevado”

Baba advierte claramente que los deportes y los juegos son para la participación de todos al ciento por ciento. Además, Baba quiere que practiquemos asanas, mudras y bandhas. En la vida individual, todos deben hacer esto regularmente, es decir, dos veces al día. Al mismo tiempo, a nivel colectivo, Baba aprecia la sana competencia con respecto a los deportes y los juegos. Es por eso que hay competencias de kaoshikii y tandava donde Baba incluso distribuiría premios en DMC. Además, en los campamentos de SSAC, se organizaron juegos y deportes en forma de torneos y competencias.

Sin embargo, todo el tiempo, el mensaje principal que Baba ha dado es que todos deben hacer ejercicio y mantener su cuerpo físico en buenas condiciones mientras luchan por el desarrollo psíquico y psicoespiritual.

En un resumen en español de Prout Nutshell, part 21, “Nuclear Revolution”, Baba nos dice: Tienes que estar físicamente en forma, mentalmente desarrollado y espiritualmente elevado. (resumen en español)

Entonces, el mensaje de Baba es que todos deben hacer ejercicio regularmente y mantener su cuerpo físico sano y libre de enfermedades. Los juegos y los deportes son para todos, no solo para los atletas de élite, como ha sucedido con la comercialización de los deportes en esta era capitalista.

Otro beneficio claro de los deportes es lo que a menudo se denomina "intangibles", es decir, los beneficios no físicos de los deportes. Estas cualidades incluyen el trabajo en equipo, el liderazgo, el espíritu, la perseverancia, la amistad y mucho más. Estas cualidades no se encuentran en el libro de reglas ni se pueden medir tangiblemente, pero también se destacan como un aspecto importante y un beneficio de los deportes. Cualquier entrenador, manager o locutor te lo dirá. Por esta razón, Baba también alienta a todos, especialmente a los jóvenes, a participar en deportes y juegos, tanto individuales como de equipo.

Principal problema del deporte hoy

Como se indicó anteriormente, la tragedia es que en el mercado comercial excesivamente competitivo de hoy en día, los deportes se han convertido en una avenida principalmente para la élite donde muchos se caen, se lesionan y mueren. El entrenamiento es intenso y los grandes patrocinios corporativos están más preocupados por el lucro que por la salud y el bienestar de los atletas. Desafortunadamente, esta mentalidad defectuosa incluso ha invadido nuestros deportes de nivel secundario. Entonces, en el entorno actual, los deportes a menudo se han convertido en un peligro. Sin embargo, esto no es lo que generalmente se informa en los periódicos y en línea; más bien, la mayoría de los titulares glorifican a las principales estrellas y generalmente pasan por alto a aquellos que sufrieron lesiones, enfermedades, discapacidades e incluso la muerte. Esto ha durado décadas y décadas. Otro cuento oscuro que sale a la luz es el de los esteroides. Pero incluso entonces solo etiquetan a esos usuarios como tramposos. Rara vez resaltan los problemas de salud. Por lo tanto, muchas personas toman esteroides con la esperanza de que nunca las atrapen, sin darse cuenta de los muchos peligros y riesgos para la salud que implican.


Baba con Su gracia ha recetado el sistema perfecto para vivir una vida sana y equilibrada. Baba nos guía que nuestra personalidad humana es triple: física, psíquica y espiritual. No debemos descuidar ninguna esfera; no debemos descuidar el ejercicio físico. Si seguimos el sistema de Baba y hacemos asanas, kaoshikii y tandava, y nos mantenemos en sintonía con Sus otras pautas, como caminar, etc., entonces podremos servirle mejor y propagar los ideales de Ananda Marga. Entonces nuestros cuerpos no quedarán lisiados e incapacitados a una edad temprana o incluso tardía.

En Él,
Dharma Jyoti

~ Estudio en profundidad ~

En un resumen en español de Ananda Vanii “#45”, Baba nos dice: ... Para poder marchar adelante en el camino del bienestar humano, tendremos que fortalecernos en todos los ámbitos de la vida. Las semillas completas del bienestar en todas las esferas: física, mental, moral, social. y espiritual – están incrustados en los dieciséis puntos. Por lo tanto, sé firme en los dieciséis puntos. (resumen en español)

En 2015, 5376 peatones y 818 ciclistas murieron en choques con vehículos motorizados (Administración Nacional de Seguridad del Tráfico en las Carreteras, Traffic Safety Facts). Estos dos modos representaron el 17,7 por ciento de las 35.092 muertes totales en EE. UU. ese año.

En EE.UU. más de 3,5 millones de lesiones cada año

~ Cortesía de Medicina Hopkins ~

En los EE. UU., alrededor de 30 millones de niños y adolescentes participan en algún tipo de deporte organizado, y los participantes experimentan más de 3,5 millones de lesiones cada año, lo que provoca cierta pérdida de tiempo de participación. Casi un tercio de todas las lesiones sufridas en la infancia son lesiones relacionadas con el deporte. Con mucho, las lesiones más comunes son los esguinces y las distensiones.

Obviamente, algunos deportes son más peligrosos que otros. Por ejemplo, se puede esperar que los deportes de contacto, como el fútbol, provoquen una mayor cantidad de lesiones que los deportes sin contacto, como la natación. Sin embargo, todos los tipos de deportes tienen el potencial de causar lesiones, ya sea por el trauma del contacto con otros jugadores o por el uso excesivo o incorrecto de una parte del cuerpo.

Las siguientes estadísticas son de la Campaña Nacional NIÑOS SEGUROS y la Academia Estadounidense de Pediatría:

Injury rates:
  • More than 3.5 million children ages 14 and younger get hurt annually playing sports or participating in recreational activities.
  • Although death from a sports injury is rare, the leading cause of death from a sports-related injury is a brain injury.
  • Sports and recreational activities contribute to approximately 21 percent of all traumatic brain injuries among American children.
  • Almost 50 percent of head injuries sustained in sports or recreational activities occur during bicycling, skateboarding, or skating incidents.
  • More than 775,000 children, ages 14 and younger, are treated in hospital emergency rooms for sports-related injuries each year. Most of the injuries occurred as a result of falls, being struck by an object, collisions, and overexertion during unorganized or informal sports activities.

Types of sports & recreational activities

Consider these estimated injury statistics for 2009 from the Consumer Product Safety Commission:
  • Basketball. More than 170,000 children ages 5 to 14 were treated in hospital emergency rooms for basketball-related injuries.
  • Baseball and softball. Nearly 110,000 children ages 5 to 14 were treated in hospital emergency rooms for baseball-related injuries. Baseball also has the highest fatality rate among sports for children ages 5 to 14, with three to four children dying from baseball injuries each year.
  • Bicycling. More than 200,000 children ages 5 to 14 were treated in hospital emergency rooms for bicycle-related injuries.
  • Football. Almost 215,000 children ages 5 to 14 were treated in hospital emergency rooms for football-related injuries.
  • Ice hockey. More than 20,000 children ages 5 to 14 were treated in hospital emergency rooms for ice hockey-related injuries.
  • In-line and roller skating. More than 47,000 children ages 5 to 14 were treated in hospital emergency rooms for in-line skating-related injuries.
  • Skateboarding. More than 66,000 children ages 5 to 14 were treated in hospital emergency rooms for skateboarding-related injuries.
  • Sledding or toboggan. More than 16,000 children ages 5 to 14 were treated in hospital emergency rooms for sledding-related injuries.
  • Snow skiing or snowboarding. More than 25,000 children ages 5 to 14 were treated in hospital emergency rooms for snow boarding and snow skiing-related injuries.
  • Soccer. About 88,000 children ages 5 to 14 were treated in hospital emergency rooms for soccer-related injuries.
  • Trampolines. About 65,000 children ages 14 and under were treated in hospital emergency rooms for trampoline-related injuries.
(Courtesy of Hopkins Medical Library)

- Here is a link to the original English posting: Bleak sports

- Here are more Spanish postings

- Here is a link to Spanish Prabhat Samgiita

Dead theories

Dead theories


In His teachings from His discourse on Social Justice in Human Society part 1, Baba explains that in the past, while fighting against capitalism or dishonest capitalists, the common people adopted one of three main avenues:

Three flawed approaches

1. Appealing to human sentiment like Gandhism;
2. Applying brute force like communism;
3. Stealing and pillaging from the rich and giving to the poor like Robin Hoods.

But the aforementioned avenues do not work; such approaches were impotent and unable to prevail against the immoral capitalists.

Why Gandhism died

Those appealing to Gandhism do not get success because those greedy dishonest capitalists are notoriously callous and remain unmoved by those Gandhian humanistic appeals.

For instance:
(a) When those adherents of Gandhism plead, "Do not collect huge wealth which you cannot use", then those immoral capitalists simply pay a deaf ear.
(b) When those Gandhi enthusiasts proclaim, "Share your wealth and feed the poor", then those dishonest capitalists merely look the other way.
(c) When those proponents of Gandhism say, "Build sheds for the homeless", then big corporate executives nod their head and then continue counting their net worth. 
(d) When the followers of Gandhi demand, "Donate a few pennies for hungry", then the immoral capitalists remain unmoved and continue to hoard huge wealth and extravagant personal amenities.

In short, dishonest capitalists simply ignore the humanistic appeals made by Gandhian activists. Such vaeshyas do not mend their ways.

Prout philosophy states, "No matter how much importance was given to the benevolence of the human mind by the Gandhian and Bhu’da’n movements, or how saintly their propounders may have been, selfish and mean-minded people [dishonest capitalists] will never accept their principles." (1)

The Gandhian theory can only be effective in some far-off dreamland, not in the hard realities of the world. Gandhism died while Gandhi was still alive; now only hypocrisy remains.

Prout philosophy states, "The philosophy of Gandhi died before India got independence – it died long before Gandhi died." (2)

Gap: rich and poor increasing

Thus we see that the wealth disparity is only growing. Poverty and slums are spreading fast across this earth as capitalists exponentially grow their wealth. There are more billionaires now than ever before, and it is for this reason that large populations of people are homeless or living in the slums and shanty towns.

Communism is state capitalism

Those resorting to the brute force of communism do not get success with those immoral capitalists either because they are unable to root out the seed of capitalism—they are unable to goad the mind in a proper moral or spiritual manner. Theirs is also a materialistic approach and the result is either the greed of individual or state capitalism.

Prout philosophy states, "Those who aspire to establish communistic systems either through legal methods or at bayonet point without changing the hearts of the people, without implementing development programmes and without introducing moral and ideological education to reform people’s bad habits, are also bound to fail." (3)

The communist leaders themselves are very wealthy. Actually there is not much difference—from an economic perspective—between communism and capitalism.

Prout philosophy states, "Capitalism and communism are fruits of the same variety." (4)

Communism is merely state capitalism where the government hoards all the money and the people are very poor; and capitalism means private ownership that creates a huge disparity of wealth between the economically elite and the common people. Thus, both harbor the safe defective mind-set: I.e. materialism.

Nowadays, we see that communism has basically failed.

Safety net is not the way

Some of the top capitalist exploited countries are India, China, and Russia. In such places there is very little safety net. Those without jobs, food, housing and medical care are basically left to struggle on their own or die. Yet in those same places the number of billionaires is increasing everyday.

In places like the US and Europe there is a bit of a safety net. The laborers fight dishonest capitalists, and, in turn, there are governmental services and subsidies for the poor etc. But in China and India where the common people have no such unity or power, capitalism is swallowing all.

Even then, it has to be admitted that the mere pittance given to the poor in the US is not enough to right the wrongs or quell the situation. So that also is not the answer. This just leads to a society of beggars where the poor have barely enough to survive and the rich continue to hoard huge wealth without restrictions. This leads to a static society based on indolence and inertness. What is needed is the development of cooperatives where the wealth is rationally distributed among all members.

Here below is the response to the US and other countries that set-up social programs that offer small monies to the poor, thus ensuring they remain impoverished.

Prout teachings guide us, "It is true that in Great Britain some of the minimum requirements of life are being provided to the people, but how great the difference is between rich and poor! Clearly their social system is capitalistic. The exploited and disgruntled people are given a small amount of sympathy to appease them. They are given a small taste of the dainties and delicacies, but their stomachs are never full." (5)

So the safety-net set-up by capitalistic nations does not solve the problem. And with regards to communism, we can conclude that communism failed to change the psychic pablum of the people and leaders. Instead of fighting or correcting capitalism, they themselves became dishonest capitalists.

Always Robin Hoods get killed

This brings us to the third and final defective methodology outlined in this letter: Robin Hoods. For those not aware—in a phrase—Robin Hood is a legendary character who loots from the rich and gives to the poor.

Prout philosophy states, "Those that used to think it pious to loot the rich and distribute the spoils among the poor. The Robin Hoods of that era thought that their methods alone could do away with the social disparity." (6)

Such Robin Hoods think that by looting and pillaging they can bring social equality.

Prout philosophy states, "We have seen the advent of such Robin Hoods more or less in every country of the world. But this does not lead to the solution of the problem...Capitalism cannot be destroyed merely by pillaging the capitalists, for robbery and plunder may deflate the bloated capital of the capitalists, but it cannot kill the potential of the seed of capitalism." (7)

So these Robin Hoods too fall short of the mark. Immoral capitalists are not swayed or changed by such looting. Rather such dishonest capitalists come up with greater ways of protecting their wealth—i.e. increased security. The answer is—capitalist’s infinite desires must be diverted towards Parama Purusa.

Prout philosophy states, "The capitalists are suffering from a sort of mental ailment, and it is our foremost duty to radically cure them by diverting their physical thirst towards psychic and spiritual pursuits." (8)

History of Robin Hoods

Some examples of Robin Hoods that we've seen in the recent and distant past include:

(A) Mafia & Drug Cartels: The mafia and drug cartels are often embraced by the local people because those big crime bosses soak up huge piles of money  and then donate and spend lavishly so locals feel benefited by their presence. A NY crime boss John Gotti built new stadiums and facilities for the local high schools and the drug kingpin El Chapo in Mexico provided grand resources for local peasants. In result, both crime bosses were lauded by the people. 

(B) In centuries past and even as recently as this year, pirate ships around the world would loot passing vessels, especially the boats of the ultra wealthy—and often share the booty back ashore with local peoples.

(C) In the late 1880's in the US, horsemen would derail and loot luxury trains as they crossed the vast open spaces of the western US. And then they would provide for the common people. In this way those robbers became folk heroes. 

(D) And if you investigate, you will come across numerous examples of looters around the world.

With their subterfuge, such Robin Hoods try hard to knock off the immoral capitalists—as some communists also attempted—but in the end they are killed.

Prout philosophy states, "Violence only invites violence. So these blood sucking [capitalist] cannibals take recourse to yet bigger conspiracy in time to come and the half-witted robbers ultimately meet their destruction at the hands of such capitalists." (9)

Here again Baba reveals how such Robin Hoods get beat by the dishonest capitalists.

Prout philosophy states, "The amount of punishment meted out to the [capitalist] bloodsuckers by the robbers falls far short of the mark when compared to what they themselves [the looters] got at the hands of these [capitalist] blood-suckers." (10)

Thus in all such cases, the looters invariably meet their demise at the hands of such immoral capitalists. The answer is that the capitalists’ infinite desires must be diverted towards Parama Purusa.

Prout philosophy states, "The capitalists are suffering from a sort of mental ailment, and it is our foremost duty to radically cure them by diverting their physical thirst towards psychic and spiritual pursuits." (11) 

Prout: only way to end capitalism

When Gandhism, communism, and the ways of those Robin Hoods all fail, then what is the proper approach to root out capitalism.

Prout philosophy states, "Those who lack a constructive ideology will never be capable of destroying capitalism, even if they speak sweet words, use threats, or create circumstantial pressure." (12)

The only way to win the war against dishonest capitalists is to educate the common people about the ills of capitalist economic exploitation. This brings a collective rise in consciousness where people stand up to such capitalist exploiters. Thus we see the rise of vikśubdha shúdras, or the awakened masses, who are ready to bring revolution forward.

In this case the masses are fortified with the teachings of Prout: They understand they are being exploited and have a rational approach for moving ahead.

In Prout, our aim is to bring about the all-round welfare of humanity where through circumstantial pressure people adopt the path of psychic expansion and spirituality. Then all their energy will not be spent on accumulating more and more physical wealth.

Prout philosophy states, "Our approach should be to adopt a constructive ideal, and we should wage a ceaseless and pactless struggle against all anti-human and antisocial factors. We are to fight capitalism and not the capitalists. We are to wipe out this ism from human society because this ism is paralysing humanity. The capitalists are suffering from a sort of mental ailment, and it is our foremost duty to radically cure them by diverting their physical thirst towards psychic and spiritual pursuits." (13)

Only solution
One of the key operative lines in the above teaching is: "fight capitalism and not the capitalists."

Thus the Proutistic method is to combat the diseased mentality of capitalism and not engage in a war with immoral capitalists. Rather those dishonest capitalists are to be educated about the ills of capitalism. They are to be taught that the human mind has infinite desires and that finite material wealth can never satisfy human longing. Side by side, while this education is going on, pressure and stipulations need to be implemented that keep people from hoarding wealth; rather wealth is to be rationally distributed.

So the Proutistic method aims to defeat the "ism" of capitalism and not the immoral capitalists per se. That is the road to victory.

But this fact is lost upon Gandhism, communism, and Robin Hoods. The proponents of Gandhism simply make gentle appeals to immoral capitalists without addressing the central problem of capitalism; the communists themselves adopt a materialistic, hoarding psychology similar to capitalism; and the Robin Hoods engage in warfare against the dishonest capitalists, but not capitalism. And in this fight they will lose as dishonest capitalists invest more and more funds into creating weapons for defeating such Robin Hoods. At present, the dishonest capitalists hire soldiers who sit in the safety of isolated rooms and carry out drone strikes around the globe that systematically destroy those Robin Hoods. That is how so many terrorist leaders are killed regular basis—and verily such attacks are going on always.


So all three—Gandhism, communism, and Robin Hoods—fail to rise to the challenge. Their defective approaches fail to derail the train of capitalism.

Thus, only Proutistic teachings are the way for eliminating capitalism and bringing forth a new human society. And this is done by rationally monitoring the accumulation of wealth and forcibly goading the minds of those immoral capitalists towards the psychic and spiritual realms.

In Him,
Candra Shekhar

~ In-depth study ~

Why human appeals do not work

Here below Prout philosophy explains very clearly and in more detail why those adopting Gandhian measures can never gain success in fighting the immoral capitalists.

Prout philosophy states, "Nothing would be better, if it were possible, than the eradication of capitalism by friendly persuasion and humanistic appeals. In that case the peace of the greater human family would not be much disturbed. But can it be guaranteed that everyone will respond to this approach? Some people may say that a day will come when, as a result of repeatedly listening to such appeals and gradually imbibing them over a long time, as well as through proper mental and spiritual education, good sense will prevail among the exploiters. This argument is very pleasant to hear. Such attempts are not reprehensible. But is it practicable to wait indefinitely for good sense to prevail among the exploiters? By then the exploited mass will have given up the ghost! Though the humanistic approach works in some cases, in most instances it does not produce any result; and even where it does work, it takes a very long time. So, wherever necessary, capitalism must be forced to abandon its ferocious hunger by taking strong measures." (14)

Only Prout is the solution

Prout philosophy states, "Both capitalism and communism have failed to provide the proper ideological inspiration and desideratum to human beings. In the interests of the welfare of humanity, these systems should be replaced. PROUT is against the exploitation by capitalism and the false dogma of communism as both are detrimental to the all-round progress of human beings." (15)

Prout philosophy states, "PROUT is the panacea for the integrated progress of human society. It aims to bring about equilibrium and equipoise in all aspects of socio-economic life through totally restructuring economics. Without PROUT, socio-economic emancipation will remain a utopian dream. Only PROUT can save the world." (16)

Slums everywhere

The slums of Rio de Janeiro, Hong Kong, Manila, Johannesburg, Mumbai, Buenos Aires, and Cairo are filled with hoards of people lacking the basic necessities like running water, toilets, sewage lines, and electricity yet in those very same cities a select slice of the population is living like kings and queens in ritzy apartments with grand luxuries. But it is not even countries like Brazil, China, Philippines, South Africa, India, Argentina & Egypt that suffer from this vast disparity of wealth.

The homeless problem throughout the US is a notorious and growing phenomenon: "Close to one million Americans, equivalent to a city, are homeless, according to the latest national estimate." Plus the homeless population is burgeoning throughout western Europe and especially in Paris.

Thus in places where capitalism is thriving (China, India etc) as well as in places where capitalism has long been established (USA & Europe), there are serious issues with the disparity of wealth. And in all such areas Gandhian appeals do not even begin to address the problems. Rather,  immoral capitalists blatantly disregard their appeals.

So the ways of Gandhism do not work. The dishonest capitalists never give in to such demands.

1. Human Society - 1, Social Justice
2. Proutist Economics, Defects of Communism – Excerpt C 
3. Human Society - 1, Social Justice
4. Prout Nutshell-16, Decentralized Economy – 2
5. Human Society, The Vipra Age
6. Human Society - 1, '87 Edn, p.45
7. Human Society - 1, '87 Edn
8. Prout in a Nutshell - 4, Discourses on Prout
9. Human Society - 1, '87 Edn
10. Human Society - 1, '87 Edn, p. 45
11. Prout in a Nutshell - 4, Discourses on Prout
12. Problems of the Day, Point #3
13. Prout in a Nutshell - 4, Discourses on Prout
14. Problems of the Day, Point #2
15. Prout Nutshell - 15, The Existential Value of Ideology
16. A Few Problems Solved - 9, Economic Dynamics