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Monday, June 24, 2024

Implementing AM: huge progress + 2 more


Implementing AM: huge progress


These days some margiis may be wondering, “When are Ananda Marga teachings going to be established?” They say things like, “Baba has come as Mahasambhuti, and He has given all the plans and programs for the entire society to progress, but I do not see it happening.” When people think in this manner they become frustrated. However, the reality is something vastly different because, behind the scenes, something great is going on: Ananda Marga is getting established - everywhere. There has been tremendous positive change throughout society, and the table has been set for this to proceed with much greater speed.

Baba has created conducive environment

So no one should feel depressed, forlorn, or frustrated in this regard. We should see the true reality of how things are going in a positive direction - and how that pace shall hasten. What Baba thinks is actually taking shape and being expressed in all realms of life: physically, psychically, and spiritually. He has already set the wheels in motion. His AM teachings are being implemented. 

When Taraka Brahma comes in human form, He not only gives His divine philosophy but also creates a parallel vibration which suits the philosophy. It is just like how a farmer does not plant good seed in the sandy, burning desert; instead, that farmer plants the seed in a place where the soil is fertile with ample rainfall. So a proper environment is always needed. And that is exactly what Baba has graciously done. In His role as Mahasmbuti, He created the ideal environment for establishing AM teachings.

AM ideology getting established - Part I

When Baba founded AMPS and gave His dharmika guidelines, He simultaneously changed the vibration of the entire universe to be receptive towards AM ideology. When AMPS started, we were struggling to remove various dogmas from the society and countless violent clashes happened; the public was not ready to listen to or accept any of our views. Rather, the public created huge problems for our organisation. Yet, by looking around now, one can see what a drastic change has occurred in the whole collective psyche. 

Those days Indian casteism was so strong and deeply entrenched in the society, but now many more are daring to speak out against the dogma of casteism - and some disregard it altogether. When Sadguru Baba gave the slogan, “Ek manav samaj” (One human society), it created such a unique wave all around wherein the collective psyche changed. And from that moment onwards, people began to question the ills of casteism.

Here is another example. When Baba initially gave Prout in 1959, non-margiis were questioning Baba's teachings. They were in utter disbelief of Prout’s position that  democracy is a foolocracy. But now many people are criticizing the weaknesses of democracy. Although they recognize that authoritarianism is far worse, at least the general public has understood that democracy is not the ideal system.

Here, the key notion is that these are not isolated examples of Baba's secret working system whereby He creates the vibration and positive change results. Rather, wherever we look, we can easily see His ideas taking shape. Verily there are innumerable movements - vegetarianism, ecological balance, fasting, women’s rights, fair trade, social equality, animal rights, spirituality etc - that have sprouted and grown because Baba has created the conducive environment. 

AM ideology getting established - Part II

So, by surveying the scene, it is apparent that Baba's teachings are naturally being implemented. In those days, people felt shy and embarrassed to talk openly about yoga and / or sit for meditation.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Those who are reared in the cradle of materialistic ideologies feel shy or ashamed at first to sit in meditation in the presence of others. Overwhelmed by the influence of avidyá, they think, “People may perhaps think that I, an ultramodern boy or girl, am emulating the pre-historic mode of worship!”" (1)

But now take a look around: Meditation has been greatly accepted by society on the point of wellness, mental clarity, and even spirituality etc. Today, people openly sit in padma'sana (full lotus) and other yoga postures to show that, “I am doing meditation / yoga etc.” Previously, doing meditation was very difficult as the general populace thought that meditation was some sort of old, outdated or quacky activity, or even witchcraft or voodoo. But the landscape has been wholly transformed. Now, all over the globe, it is a source of great pride and prestige to say you practice meditation.

Thus there are many examples of how AM philosophy has been commonly accepted or is in the process of getting established. So no one should think that AM ideology will not get implemented, or that it will only come to the fore in the distant future. AM ideology has already begun to spread its wings. The establishment of ideology is going on, just a proper vision is needed to see it unfolding. Below is one story to make this point clear.

Bridge story: progress invisible to villagers

In one so-called developing nation, there was a very large river that was around 10 km wide and 50 meters deep. So hundreds of engineers, technicians, and labourers etc. were hired to construct a large bridge. The work went on for years and huge work had been done. But most of the local villagers could not understand what those engineers and builders had been doing, until one day the villagers could no longer contain their curiosity and the leader of the village approached the chief engineer.

The village leader asked, “What are you doing? Why are you wasting your time and resources and dropping valuable resources into the water? We have been watching for the past few years and do not see anything happening. These are all costly materials (metal, concrete, steel etc) worth millions, and you are throwing those valuable commodities into the water. If you do not stop this nonsense of destroying local and national wealth, we will start a protest movement.”

The spokesman for the engineers softly replied, “Much progress has been made beneath the surface. Our work is soon going to rise above the water. Most of the work has been done. Within a relatively short time, the bridge will be ready. We needed to make numerous pillars and platforms in the riverbed because the bottom is very soft like quicksand. Each pillar is very deep. So please understand all the resources are being well utilized. The work is quickly advancing, but it is not visible to the common person. Rest assured that it is visible to the engineers.”

AM ideology getting established - Part III

Just as in the above bridge story, for the last many decades, the common people have been unable to detect the spiritual waves of Parama Purusa. Many ideas which the majority of the public was not ready to accept, and was even opposing, have now been wholeheartedly embraced. Many are knowingly or unknowingly propagating key aspects of Ananda Marga teachings: revolutionary marriages, world government, economic justice, gender equality, race relations, and many more etc. All these points, to varying degrees, have been accepted by the general society.

If one looks back 50 years, it is clear from the newspapers of those days that the psyche of the general public was quite different from the present-day outlook. A drastic change has happened, and this metamorphosis did not come out of the blue. Baba's spiritual waves influenced the collective psychology in accordance with AM ideology. 

Remember, communism did not just collapse suddenly like some spontaneous plane crash. Rather, for many years something was going on beneath the surface. The cosmic waves of Parama Purusa were working, and when the proper time came, communism fell. In the same way, many unseen developments are going on at present, and our duty is to move on the path of dharma and promote those grand ideals - and the public will come to accept them.


The vibration of our Ananda Marga has been infused into the core of each cell of this entire universe, and, gradually, AM philosophy is being established. Taraka Brahma Baba has created the vibration whereby AM ideology will be implemented everywhere - across the entire cosmos.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Utilizing the vibrations created for eternal time by Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji through januspharsha and varábhaya mudras, take yourself and the entire universe ahead along the path of welfare. Omn Shanti!” (2)

At His feet,

One human society

Baba has graciously laid down the foundation of one human society by giving the philosophy of Neo-Humanism which is for the welfare of all beings without differentiation of gender, class, race, nationality, colour etc. Baba has given AM ideology to make one universal human society throughout the globe. That is the great need of the present humanity.

Prout philosophy states, "This is not the age of big animals and small countries." (3)

So Baba clearly tells us that at present on this globe the survival of small nations and big animals is very difficult, or even not possible. Rather, a unified human society is the need of the day.

Nowadays, with the development of technology, communication has multiplied exponentially, and people are sitting at their computers and have the whole globe at their fingertips. So now conscious people feel the necessity and urgency of creating one human society free from factionalism and exploitation. Maintaining the existence of different religions and nations or groups is not possible these days. So AM ideology is sure to be a beacon light to all and guide humanity into the bright future.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Shreya & Preya
2. Caryacarya – 1, Concluding Words
3. Prout in a Nutshell Part 17, The Coming Ice Age

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

On the path of anandam

“Tumi na’ bole esechile, a’j na’ bole cale gele…” (Prabhata Samgiita #1327)


Baba, without saying anything You came and appeared before me, and now today without telling anything You just left – disappeared. I was lying in the dust on the path, and with the showering Your karun’a’ You lifted me up and put me on Your lap with deep affection. You have done everything.

Baba, my dwelling was old and tattered – broken down. Not only that, I was also bereft of intellect and conscience. My condition was so pitiful that I did not have even one morsel to put into my mouth. With Your love and kindness, You bestowed everything - fulfilled my needs physical, psychic, spiritual  and also taught me everything from A to Z.

My nearest One, I was not understanding the dharma of human life – how human beings should act, and what are the dos and don’ts, my duties and responsibilities. I was living like an animal, just eating and sleeping. To get You, I did not do any sadhana. Even then You graced me, taught me sadhana, and blessed me with perfection to move forward on the path of anandam.

My Supreme Father, Baba, previously in my existence I was not even up to the standard of a human being. All the teachings I had been given were full of dogma. My mental plate was polluted, it was like land drenched in salty waters. You have poured the sweetness, given me a voice, and lifted me onto Your Divine lap. You have done everything.

My most Intimate, You have arranged everything for me. Baba, Your mercy is unforgettable…

== Section 3: Links ==