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Monday, August 19, 2024

Pranayama: benefits & vigilance + 2 more


Pranayama: benefits & vigilance


To assimilate any thought in the mind, the first requisite factor is that the breath should be calm. For example, when anyone is running fast, they cannot think deeply or even answer simple questions because their breathing is very fast, in which case the mind is not concentrated. The formula is that when the breathing is fast, the mind is restless -- in which case the assimilation of any idea is impossible. That is why one should always approach any psychic or psycho-spiritual endeavour with a calm mind.

Special quality of pranayama

In our sadhana, one of the lessons is pranayama. The function of pranayama is to harness the mind by regulating the inhalation and exhalation of the breath, i.e. by slowing down the breath. That is, we are using the physical process of breathing to control the mental body. In contrast, in other lessons the approach is different. The approach is to harness the mind first and, in due course, the breathing becomes calm. Hence, we are using the mental body to control the physical body. For example, in first lesson, when one uses the mantra, naturally the mind gets concentrated and, as a result, the breathing becomes slower and slower. A similar process occurs in dhyana also.

Review: In pranayama, first the breathing is controlled, then naturally the mind becomes concentrated. Whereas, in other lessons, first the mind gets controlled and, in turn, the breathing gets slower and slower. In either case, with that concentrated mind, if anyone thinks something negative then its effect is disastrous. Just like how  avidya tantrikas harm others using their mental force. Whereas if a true sadhaka uses their concentrated mind to think of something positive, i.e. ideation on Brahma, that is very beneficial.

The universal science is: "As you think so shall you become". So, in human life, the ideas one cultivates are highly significant. If one’s thoughts are goaded towards the Supreme, one will become great. And if one is involved in debased thoughts, they will degenerate. 

Sadharana pranayama vs sahaja pranayama

In sadharana yoga pranayama-- the fourth lesson of AM sadhana-- the breathing is regulated: Breathing is done slowly without holding the breath at all; just one releases the breath naturally. And that is very beneficial for concentrating the mind because regulating the breathing helps to control the mind.

But in sahaja yoga pranayama-- i.e. the vishesh yoga pranayama or 7th lesson-- there are three steps: (a) breathing in, (b) holding or retaining the breath, (c) breathing out.  In this vishesh yoga pranayama-- or kumbhak pranayama-- by holding the breath for even a short duration the mind gets controlled. So this style of pranayama is highly beneficial for those who have maintained a proper ideation. But without proper ideation, it is very harmful. Therefore, it is very important that nobody should experiment with pranayama without getting proper guidance from a qualified acarya.

Pranayama helps dhyana 

In so many discourses, Baba guides us that in human life one should do sadhana and reach the Goal-- Parama Purus'a. To do this, Baba has taught us the lesson of dhyana. And He is always giving great importance and emphasis to do maximum dhyana. But proper dhyana is only possible when the sadhaka is fully established in pranayama. Otherwise, while doing dhyana, the mind is not fully concentrated so it runs hither and thither. In result, people  just waste their time while sitting in dhyana asana. Whereas, those established in pranayama can do better dhyana and reach a much more subtle state in their practice, by His grace.

Pranayama: caution

The common rule is that everything in this created universe has both a positive and negative effect. For example, an airplane can fly very fast, but if there is an accident there are rarely any survivors. Similar is the case with pranayama. The plus point is that if one does proper pranayama they can make great gains in sadhana. However, by doing negative pranayama, some may lose their mental balance entirely and become terribly harmed. And sometimes people are so selfish they just think of their own greatness when doing pranayama so they become arrogant and egotistical. And, not only that, by doing negative pranayama, avidya tantrikas harm others and invite their own negative samskara, and ultimately become degenerated. So awareness of the science of pranayama is highly essential for each and every sadhaka because of its extraordinary merits and demerits.


Spirituality is the summum bonum of human life. That is the main aim so sadhana is essential. And pranayam is an integral practice as it harnesses the mind and enables one to delve more deeply and more fully in dhyana. So maximum effort should be made in pranayama as it will help make their life successful. 

Ananda Marga ideology guides us:

   "We must remember that actual progress can be made only in the spiritual stratum. There cannot be any progress in the physical stratum, or the physico-psychic stratum, or even in the psychic stratum..."  
   "Always remember, human life is very meaningful, and human beings can make it more meaningful through their own efforts. You have got human life. By dint of your actions and your sa'dhana' you will increase the value of your human life. Why should you live like ordinary humans? Become extraordinary! Extraordinary people ultimately raise themselves to divinity. That is, humans become devata's [gods], and devata's become Parama Brahma."  
    "As you have got a human body, utilize it at every moment." (1)

In Him,

Warning: fake meditation

Nowadays, it has become the fashion to do meditation. But most of these bogus meditation techniques taught by fake yoga teachers are utterly devoid of cosmic ideation. That is why they invite their degeneration of mind. Because when they focus the mind they are submerged in crude thoughts. They may be thinking about money, food, the opposite sex, gambling, or some other mundane allurement. So those who are doing fake meditation will suffer the ill effects as they will become even more crude.

The universal science is: "As you think so shall you become". So, in human life, the ideas one cultivates are highly significant. If one’s thoughts are goaded towards the Supreme, one will become great. And if one is involved in debased thoughts, they will degenerate. 

1. Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 24, Incantation and Human Progress

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Loss of trust


Here is one teaching from Baba that is highly related with present-day humanity. The following is an English summary of Baba’s original Hindi teaching.

Give each person an aeroplane – very good. "I shall make efforts for each person to have an aeroplane." Happiness in collective life is very good, but in personal life there should be sacrifice. If there is no sacrifice in personal life, there can never be joy and happiness in collective life. If one person possesses one crore (10 million) rupees and others do not have even sattu (*) there can never be universal well-being in that society or country. One should renounce all luxuries in personal life - all should live happily together. All are the children of the Supreme Father, all should live happily. (1) (English summary)

(*) Sattu: Flour made from roasted gram (also called chickpea or garbanzo) or sometimes roasted barley or maize (corn).

Why people have lost trust in one another

In His above guideline, Baba is teaching us that wherever there is (a) a great disparity of wealth, (b) economic exploitation, (c) the huge gap between haves and have-nots, and (d) the gross gulf between those in rolling in luxury while others scrounge to get a morsel of food, there will never be peace and harmony in society. Rather there will be rampant thievery, robberies, and a high crime rate.

Nowadays, in this era of extreme capitalism, security has increased multifold because people have lost trust in one another. There are cameras and surveillance systems on every corner, the police force has become huge, border agents secure all national boundaries, passports and identification are needed to go from place to place, and verily security has been heightened in all levels of society. There is always a camera watching what you are doing. In short, there is a blatant lack of trust in all directions. Everyone thinks the next person may harm or steal from them.

In the past, perhaps 40 - 60 years ago, such steps were not necessary. Because in those days, the wealth disparity was not so huge. But now when people think money and material wealth are everything, then they will do anything to accrue more wealth. That brings widespread distrust. What to think of the rich not trusting the poor, people do not trust their neighbors, and parents do not trust their children. Because when material wealth itself is finite and limited, then people become suspicious and fearful: They think that if they do not grab the wealth then someone else will. In this materialistic era, all other human values have become lost; they are but a distant memory. Money reigns supreme.


In such a condition where a privileged few hoard most of the wealth, and money is looked upon as everything, there can never be peace, safety, and security in society. Social harmony and happiness only come when importance is given to human cardinal values - and only when the rich renounce their wealth and live alongside the common people. Only when there is a rational distribution of wealth and the principles of Prout are in place will we have a true human society where all live cooperatively as children of the Supreme Father.

In Him,

1. Summary of Hindi Discourse: Swastika Jhanda

== Section 3: Links ==