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Monday, April 10, 2023

Dangerous jinaniis + 2 more


Dangerous jinaniis


Materialistic, greedy people collect huge wealth. And if they utterly lack any service mentality, such persons become veritable demons and harm others with their power and money. They use their advancement to exploit the common people. Bearing this in mind, kindly read the following. 

As aspirants, our ethic is to lead a life based on service and sacrifice; everything we do must be imbibed with those principles. That means that whatever knowledge we gain in the intellectual sphere must be used in service to and for the welfare of others. Where this ideal is absent or where the motive is something else (i.e. personal prestige or worldly gain) then such persons will become dangerous. And this theorem of advancing in order to help others applies to the spiritual sphere as well.

Those who pursue spiritual gain devoid of any service mentality will become a threat to the society. 

Bearing this in mind, kindly read the following. 

This letter is about jinanis and politicians as defined below:

#1: Jinanis: This refers to those cunning persons with above-average intellect who use their psychic faculty to exploit others physically, psychically, or spiritually - i.e. in one or all of these ways. Such persons are cunning bhakti-less intellectuals and that is what is meant by the term jinanis (i.e. priests, rabbis, mullahs, Buddhist lamas, talk show hosts, and communal writers) in this letter. In contrast, if anyone uses their developed intellect for the common good or universal welfare, they do not fall in this category.

#2: Politicians: Here in this letter politicians are those who use their grandiloquence, knowledge, money, and tactics to befool others. They want power to advance their own selfish agenda. Externally, they say they are going to serve, but internally they have their own devious agenda. That is what is meant by politicians in this letter.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Where there is knowledge but no bhakti, then those people try to establish their specialities. And, this endeavour to establish the speciality becomes more important than to find out the truth, than to find out the veracity.” (1)                  

Cunning bhakti-less intellectuals & politicians praised by common people

Yet, in the society, these two groups move around the globe drawing huge praise and respect from the people. So many politicians and so many bhakti-less intellectuals draw thousands to their halls when they step up to the microphone. These people get huge respect and prestige in the society. The people essentially fall at their feet, yet these are the very ones who are the cause of so much injustice in the world. Presidents, ministers, and religious priests are often the cause of so much exploitation. That is the irony of it all. Verily, it is not always easy to recognise such cheats. Especially the common people get duped by the tall talks of these opportunists: cunning bhakti-less intellectuals and hypocritical politicians. That is why on countless occasions Baba warns us to be careful with these two types of people.

AMPS is not impervious

Unfortunately, we cannot think that all these problems are only going on outside Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. In our AMPS, there have been so many dogmas imposed by such jinanis: mahaprayan, Fake Ananda Vaniis, distortion of scripture, and dogmatic tiirthas etc. Moreover, some have wrongly claimed that all Baba's books are from the "original Bangla". Indeed, so many false ideas have been thrown around our Ananda Marga society, such as how some Dadas claim that Baba favours Bengal and all Ananda Marga books should be based on the Bengali edition, i.e. treat Bengali as the mother copy even if the discourse was originally given by Baba in English or Hindi etc.

In addition, the infighting of groupism is just the result of the political shenanigans of a few power hungry factional leaders. The common margiis and field workers have no desire to fight in this manner. Even then they are pushed into conflict, by the verbal goadings of some politicians and cunning bhakti-less intellectuals. So just as the common society has suffered at the hands of such bhakti-less intellectuals and politicians - by issuing false edicts about women etc and by pitting one side against another. These same antics have occurred in our AMPS as well.

To build up a proper Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha and deliver welfare to humanity, our eyes must be keen to the ways of such bhakti-less intellectuals and politicians. That is Baba's repeated warning. Only then will we be able to accomplish the goal of delivering peace on this dusty earth. So such types of persons must not be trusted - neither outside nor inside AMPS.


Is there any hope for such jinanis and politicians? Can these people be taught to be well-wishers and true leaders for the society? Basically, after taking power out of their hands and exposing their defects to all so that they cannot hurt humanity any further, the only way to rectify them is if they dedicate themselves to Parama Purusa and cultivate a feeling of neo-humanism. Then and only then can they become assets to society. Failing that, they will always be the source of terrible division and suffering.

So there is hope for such cunning bhakti-less intellectuals and politicians, but we must be super careful. First we must make these troublemakers naked in the eyes of the people so that the common citizens are no longer in awe of and duped by them. For this to be reached, tremendous education is needed. That is Baba's teaching, and only by this way can we build a bright new humanity.

By Baba's grace, we will be able to undo all the horror and harm committed by these cunning bhakti-less intellectuals and politicians and create that brilliant new human society.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Renaissance people will have to raise their voices against this, and they will have to do it now – they will have to do it immediately. And I also desire that you all should move on the path of Renaissance, which is fully supported by rationality, from today – from this very moment. Let victory be yours." (3)

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Cunning bhakti-less intellectuals inject disease into human life

   Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "For example, some say that the moon was split by the incantation of mantras. Others say that someone put black spots on the moon. Others say that an old woman is sitting on the moon spinning yarn – that is why the moon has black spots. Still others say that the black spots are there because a hare is sitting on the moon's lap – and so one name of the moon is Shasháunka. Those who accept these stories as authoritative and propagate these ideas, disregard even their own eyes. And thus finally they end up becoming the slaves of dogma. Those slaves of dogma, sometimes knowingly, sometimes unknowingly, submerge themselves in the mire of falsehood. They create obstacles to the spread of knowledge, and may even destroy the spirit of inquiry in others."
   "The influence of so-called authority exercises a greater spell on those who are averse to study, those who are disinclined to increase their rationalistic outlook, and those who have put a seal on their innate faculties of thinking and recollection. It is true that authority has to be accepted, as I have already said, but nothing in this world of relativity should be given undue importance or accepted as revelation or as unalterable, unquestionable truth…."
   "By glorifying an irrational doctrine which has been created by personal caprice, like a red balloon of imagination flying in the sky, and then imposing that doctrine on millions of people, they destroy the universal values of human beings. By declaring inert and insensate matter – which is actually the slave of humanity – to be the supreme and absolute goal of worship, they cause the decay of all human treasure and spiritual wealth, and thus throw individuals and collectivity into an eternal whirlpool of lamentation."
   "Regarding the rather foolish proponents and followers of these doctrines, Shiva warned that they not only lead the people to ruin in the mundane sphere and cast them into the darkness of frustration in the spiritual sphere, in the psychic sphere also they inject severe mental diseases – and thus fill the entire existence of humanity with anguished suffering. On the path before humanity stretches a murky fog, as dreadful as death. Shiva has strongly denounced them saying, “They are lokavyámohakárakáh” [“Their only work is to inject disease into human life”]." (4)

How bhakti-less intellectuals & politicians prey on society

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The caste system is a creation of the cunning intellectuals of the Medieval Age. In the Vipra Era they wanted to perpetuate their privileged position for their descendants. To achieve this end, those cunning intellectuals wrote thousands of books and compiled thousands of God-centred verses only to show that the caste system is a creation of God. This was a psychological way of infusing the illogical idea [of casteism]." (5)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "The cunning intellectuals of the past imposed the importance of blind faith on the minds of their gullible followers. They told them to obey the teachings, rational or irrational, otherwise there would be no respite from the endless suffering of human life, no other path to take them to the eternal bliss of heaven." (6)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Politicians want to accomplish everything through their grandiloquence. By identifying the weaknesses in others and by resorting to bombastic language, they incite one section of people against another so that they can usurp the seat of power and cling to it. Human beings will have to remain vigilant against persons of this type." (7)

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "Politicians are of no use to society because they are engaged in the business of mudslinging and nothing else...The motive of the politicians is only to capture power. They befool the public with high-sounding words. Therefore it is necessary that the public should be politically educated, because in that case politicians will not be able to cheat them." (8)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "It is a mere interpolation arising out of the fertile brain of an opportunist Vipra or intellectual, it can never bring real knowledge to people, but will sow seeds of disharmony and dissension in the human society. For instance, the scripture of a certain community states that the earth is fixed and the sun in moving around it. This assertion is of course absolutely wrong scientifically. If an erudite scientist points out this mistake, the orthodox followers of the scriptures will brand him or her an atheist. The scriptures of other communities proclaim that only the followers of their religion are the favourite children of God and others are damned heathens. To kill them is not at all a sin, rather one will attain a permanent place in heaven after their death. Such scriptures are very detrimental to human society." (9)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam 1-2 (Pure), The Secret of Dharma Lies Hidden in the “I” Feeling
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam 1-2 (Pure), The Secret of Dharma Lies Hidden in the “I” Feeling
3. A Few Problems Solved - 7, Renaissance in All the Strata of Life
4. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc: 9, Shivokti 2
5. Prout in Nutshell - 5, Discourses on Prout
6. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 7, Form and Formless
7. Problems of the Day, Point #26
8. Prout in a Nutshell - 5, Discourses on Prout
9. Prout in a Nutshell - 4, Prápta Vákya and Ápta Vákya

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Waiting for You 

"Path ceye base chinu yuga dhare, ele áji ghan varaśáy..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3226)


My Parama Purusa, since ages I have been waiting for You looking toward the path of Your arrival - hoping to have Your darshan. All the good days have passed by, yet now, in the pouring rain, You have taken a lot of trouble to come to me. You are so gracious. In this rainy season, the misty pollen fragrance of my ketakii flower is floating all around. Its aroma is permeating throughout this cloudy rainy season. 

Parama Purusa, with deep yearning in my heart, in the refulgence of the day, I have sought to find You. I have looked for You in the pitch dark night, in the stars, planets, nebulae, everywhere. Baba, I have searched You in every nook and corner of the deep blue sky. In which unknown place were You hiding. I could not get You anywhere.

Through the scorching heat of the daylight hours, I hunted for You until the day was over. Then, in calling and longing for You, the tired night finished and the new dawn arose. In this way, ages have gone - and still I don’t have a trace of You. Parama Purusa Baba, in the course of waiting for You, in that long span, the garland which I prepared for You has become dry and withered away. Now only the thread is in my hand. Finally, in this late hour, You have come. How shall I honour You and decorate You, my Dear One?

Supreme Entity, in this situation how will I receive You. Now in this pouring rain You have taken advent next to me. Baba, it is Your infinite grace. I surrender at Your lotus feet...

Notes For Prabhat Samgiita #3226:

[1] Ketakii flower: The screw-pine flower or tree is part of the Pandanaceae family or genus Pandanus. This tree has dagger-like leaves and is commonly found throughout SE Asia. This flower is known for its charming fragrance. It flowers especially in the rainy season and the strong aroma permeates the air for miles around. In addition, the plant contains many thorns.

[2] Bhor: After a long span of life, when much time has passed then finally the awaited moment arrives. Hence, the literal meaning is early morning or dawn, but the poetic idea is that of having passed a long time in waiting for the time to come.

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

False hope: gain virtue by holy dip

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Very often, ignorant of real spirituality and goaded by religious dogma, people undertake long and hazardous journeys to places of pilgrimage, sometimes even selling their earthly possessions such as houses and cultivable land to make the trip possible. They hope to attain virtue by taking a holy dip in sacred rivers. Needless to say this not only causes a loss of energy, time and money, but also causes much trouble and brings no spiritual gain." (1)

1. Pramá – 1, Dynamic Equilibrium and Equipoise

== Section 4: Links ==

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Other topics of interest