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Saturday, April 27, 2024

About devayonis

About devayonis


Every sadhaka is aware about devayonis, i.e. different types of microvita beings. And here we take a look at where these luminous bodies fit in the cycle of creation, or srsti cakra. The following points address this query as well as other related topics about devayonis.

How people become devayonis

(A) We have all read in our AM Elementary Philosophy book how the process of pratisaincara (the 2nd half of brahmacakra) starts with the plant and animal kingdoms and progresses towards human life and life divine. There it explains that neither plants nor animals become devayonis directly. Rather, it is only after one has first attained the human form that one can then take rebirth as a devayoni. It is wholly dependent on a human being’s conduct and mental inclination that will lead them to become a devayoni. Accordingly, with regards to the cycle of creation (a.k.a srsti cakra), all devayonis fall within the realm of pratisaincara. 

(B) Some might ask how or why one becomes a devayoni? And they might follow-up that query with: Is this good or bad? Essentially, when a human being develops their mind in a particular avenue to an extremely advanced stage in any faculty, but wholly forgets about Parama Purusa, then they degenerate and become a devayoni. This type of degeneration into microvita is precipitous, and it may take that person a very long time to again get human life.

They are under punishment

(C) Devyonis are under punishment, and that is why they are missing the solid and liquid factors. Verily, they only have three factors: luminous, aerial, and ethereal. And when their samskara is exhausted then they may / might get human life. So only after burning their samskara can they again attain human form. And then they have to successfully navigate human life, get onto the path of sadhana, and practice intensively. Then and only then might they get mukti / moksa. So theirs is a multi-layered journey, and they have a long way to go. 

(D) When one becomes a devayoni / microvita being then that is merely a temporary assignment, though it might be for as long as 100 million years or more. However, it is not that one will suffer in that manner permanently or up to eternity. It is not the equivalent of the Semitic notion of eternal damnation. Rather, that entity has taken the form of a devayoni in order to burn a particular type or samskara. And when that samskara is fulfilled, they may again get human life.

Reborn as microvita

(E) Those human beings that err and get reborn as microvita had a subtle mind. They were not pashas (animals) in human form. They were developed beings who misused or pointed their aim towards an extremely advanced stage in any faculty, like knowledge or beauty, instead of goading their mind towards Parama Purusa. 

(F) Devayonis are positive microvita, and pretayonis are negative microvita. One can become either one; it all depends upon their actions.


The main thing for a sadhaka to remember is that human life is for sadhana and the attainment of Parama Purusa. The only way to avoid this precipitous downfall of becoming a devayoni is to always yearn for Him and surrender at His lotus feet. 

In Him, 
Prema Prabhu

~ In-depth study ~

Here below are some of Baba’s key teachings on devayonis etc. 

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Although there are seven varieties of pretayonis – that is, negative microvita – there may be some other pretayonis besides these. Similarly, there are seven varieties of devayonis – that is, positive microvita – and besides these there may also be other varieties of positive microvita. The seven varieties of devayoni are yakśa, kinnara, gandharva, vidyádhara, prakrtiliina, videhaliina and siddha.”

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Devayonis are positive microvita. Though siddhas are elevated human beings, those who have some aesthetic attraction for physical objects like money, ornaments, etc., become kinnaras after their demise. As spiritual aspirants they are elevated to some extent, and as human beings they are decent, but they prayed to Parama Puruśa for beauty instead of for Parama Puruśa Himself. Such people, after their demise, attain the status of kinnara devayonis.”

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Devayonis are composed of three fundamental factors – ethereal, aerial and luminous. The solid and liquid factors are left on the earth after the death of the physical body.” 

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Those who want Parama Puruśa but worship crude matter out of misguided devotion attain the state of prakrtiliina after they die. These disembodied minds are transformed into bricks, stone, wood, etc. Those who pray to the idols made of clay, metal or wood out of misguided devotion can never attain Parama Puruśa because one can never attain supreme knowledge through this type of worship. The state of prakrtiliina is very miserable indeed because human beings who are endowed with a developed consciousness get transformed into crude matter like stone, wood, etc.”

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “If one sits for meditation in that particular place where these devayonis exist in the form of stone or wood in ardent expectation of their emancipation, positive microvita will help a spiritual aspirant. As they are devayonis, they do not harm anyone – rather they assist spiritualists.”

1. Microvitum in a Nutshell, Disembodied Souls and Microvita – Excerpt B
2. Microvitum in a Nutshell, Disembodied Souls and Microvita – Excerpt B
3. Microvitum in a Nutshell, Disembodied Souls and Microvita – Excerpt B
4. Microvitum in a Nutshell, Disembodied Souls and Microvita – Excerpt B
5. Microvitum in a Nutshell, Disembodied Souls and Microvita – Excerpt B

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The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Enthralled with garbage

“Tomár tare anek ghúre, bhávlum kotháo jábo ná ár…” (Prabhat Samgiita #3431)


My Parama Purusa, after wandering around all over the place desperately looking for You, I finally decided that I will no longer go anywhere in search of You. Now You will have to meet me on the banks of the mental river of bhakti.

Baba, on the path of my spiritual journey, and in the source and depths of my ideation, I shall be spiritually intoxicated for You and remain focused at Your rosy feet.

Baba, I have observed countless dogmatic penances, ritualistic festivals, and religious commemorations; I visited too many so-called holy places like Ananda Nagar, Tiljala, and Jamalpur. And I also went to Puri, Mecca, and Jerusalem, and ventured into the forests, and the top of the Himalayan mountain ranges etc. By doing all this, I created gross differences based on high and low, and divided one universal human society into various groups and sub-groups. Misconstruing those things for dharma, I was actually running after dogma. Mistaking them for gold, I was enthralled with garbage. In this way I wasted my life. Now I am searching You within my mind.  Baba, You will have to come to me on the flow of the river of bhakti…

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Like dog chewing dry bone

   Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Under the influence of avidyá, people become so infatuated that they forget the difference between pure and impure; and so greedy that they eat rotten meat, choose to forget that alcohol is bad for health, and even try to prove the unholy as being holy by force of logic. Some people claim that eating meat and drinking alcohol are a part of dharma sádhaná; and some state they eat meat to maintain their health and strength."
   "Lost in blind pursuit for finite objects, people fail to realize that the pleasure they derive will actually bring more sorrow in the future. An alcoholic does not understand that heavy drinking severely damages the liver: an opium addict does not understand that the temporary pleasure derived from the drug gradually benumbs the nervous system. This mistaking pain to be pleasure is caused by the influence of avidyá. Those who succumb to this influence can be likened to a dog chewing on a dry bone in a burial ground. The dog thinks that the blood oozing out of its jaws comes from the dry bones and greedily bites even harder, further damaging its jaws. The poor animal wrongly thinks sorrow is happiness." (1)

Note: You might have come across how even some proper humans get degenerated and indulge in all kinds of vices. The root cause is their free will and avidya maya. The way avidya maya binds humans it does not do to animals. Humans have freedom / free will and they are therefore more prone to be bound by avidya maya. So avidya maya allures them and pushes them into the deep, dark chasm. And they degenerate. That is the sorry state of affairs. That is why sometimes you see that even those who were once great monks end up leading a degenerated life. If the noose of avidya maya is very strong then they do not realise their downfall either. They cannot understand that they are so degenerated, just like most of our purodha ji maharajas.

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 8, The Macrocosmic Stance and Human Life