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Friday, December 23, 2022

Socialism vs Prout + 3 more


Socialism vs Prout 


Prout, i.e. Progressive Utilisation Theory, is an entirely new, revolutionary, socio-economic system that is God-centered. With the demise of the USSR and the height of capitalism, the days of Prout are nearing and maximum pracara is needed. Shrii P.R. Sarkar guides us that merely mentioning the term Prout is enough to bring it to the fore. We should be adamant to raise the banner of Prout wherever and whenever possible.

Bear in mind that socialism / communism is fully antithetical to Prout. Shrii P.R. Sarkar denounces the ways of socialism / communism at every step. So we should be crystal-clear to present Prout as something distinctly different and entirely new - not linked with the dogmatic and oppressive ways of socialism / communism.

Following is an overview of the major defects of socialism from a Proutistic perspective. It is important to clearly differentiate Prout from socialism, as Prout does not advocate socialism or the policies of the socialist party as a response to the ills of capitalism. Prout has its own stand and we should clearly present Prout to the public. Prout is the need of the day and many good people are keenly interested.

Shrii P.R. Sarkar's critique of socialism / Socialist Party

Here we examine how the socialist system itself is communism. Because all the infamous communist countries had / have socialist governments and it was in this name that such communists did terrible harm to the society. At the time of delivering this discourse, all the below mentioned countries were firmly rooted in communism.

Prout philosophy states, "In Soviet Russia, China, Vietnam and Eastern Europe socialist democracy is the dominant [such] communism the political and economic system is imposed on society by party officials, causing untold human suffering and severe psycho-economic exploitation." (1)

The socialist name itself is negative. It is not the antidote to capitalism, and it is wrong to equate socialism with Prout in order to please those leftists who are dissatisfied with capitalism. When talking to people about Prout we should use the Prout term and never link it with socialism in any way. Here are more points for review that clearly highlight the stark difference between Prout and socialism.

Both socialism & capitalism are materialistic philosophies

In capitalism the whole profit goes to a few owners and investors, while in communism the whole profit goes to a few communist party leaders.

Prout philosophy states, "In socialist countries, economic power is concentrated in a small group of party leaders....a handful of people manipulate the economic welfare of the entire society.” (2)

So both socialism and capitalism are materialistic philosophies. Verily Shrii P.R. Sarkar states that communism / socialism is state capitalism. Because in these materialistic systems, i.e. socialism and capitalism etc, the money gets accumulated in the hands of a few greedy leaders. The stand of Prout is completely different. In Prout, the profit goes for the welfare of one and all, as money and resources are distributed in a rational manner based on need, utility, and consumption - not greed, avarice, and over-accumulation.

Important clarification

When Prout was founded then socialism was already in existence but the Propounder of Prout - Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar - did not want to associate Prout with the dogmatic philosophy of socialism as Prout was something entirely new. That is why Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar never used the term "socialism" to describe Prout. 

Here below is the proper translation of the key passage:

"The social system that will come into being, keeping parallelism and harmony with time, space and person, will be called “pragatishiila samaj tantra” [progressive social system]. Our Prout is that very “pragatishiila samaj tantra” [progressive social system]. Society will have to make provisions to ensure an increase in the living standard of every individual. When “pragatishiila samaj tantra” [progressive social system] is established within the framework of democracy, then democracy will be successful." (3)

The Propounder of Prout has given the phrase: pragatishiila samaj tantra. “Pragatishiila” means “progressive”; “samaj” means “social”; and, “tantra” means “system”, not “ism”. So Prout has nothing to do with socialism.

Problem due to wrong translation

Some Prout Wts cite this following quote to prove that Prout is progressive socialism and very close to communism. In their practical life, such Wts make very close relations with those communist leaders and their cadre; and, those Prout Wts praise their activities, as if Prout is a kind of communism.

All this happened due to the wrong translation. Please read the below teaching and pay attention to the green highlighted section from PNS-6, which has been wrongly translated.

The current translation in PNS-6 wrongly says, "The social system that will come into being, keeping parallelism and harmony with time, space and person, will be called progressive socialism. Our Prout is that very progressive socialism. Society will have to make provisions to ensure an increase in the living standard of every individual. When progressive socialism is established within the framework of democracy, then democracy will be successful." (4)

Here below is the correct version of the same passage. Kindly pay particular attention to the yellow highlighted section. 

"The social system that will come into being, keeping parallelism and harmony with time, space and person, will be called “pragatishiila samaj tantra” [progressive social system]. Our Prout is that very “pragatishiila samaj tantra” [progressive social system]. Society will have to make provisions to ensure an increase in the living standard of every individual. When “pragatishiila samaj tantra” [progressive social system] is established within the framework of democracy, then democracy will be successful." (5)

When one knows and understands the real meaning of Prout, i.e. “pragatishiila samaj tantra”, then it is quite consistent with all the teachings given by Shrii P.R. Sarkar. But when one is confused and wrongly thinks that “pragatishiila samaj tantra” means socialism, then they mistakenly think that Shrii P.R. Sarkar’s teachings are contradictory.


The culminating idea is that socialism is one horribly negative term that is utterly contrary to the ways of Prout. The glaring defects of socialism are readily seen. We should be extremely careful and never associate Prout with socialism. In Caryacarya Baba directs us that we should strictly avoid interacting with those negative parties and politicians such as socialist leaders because their agenda goes counter to Ananda Marga ideology.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Do not have any dealings with a party whose policies are opposed to those of the Marga." (6)

Because of the way some so-called Proutist presents Prout on the public platform, i.e. equating it with socialism, people will surely conclude that Prout is simply a rehashing of socialism / communism. That means good people, forward-thinking people, progressives, i.e. the very people we want to attract and bring into Prout, will be disinterested in Prout if they think it is another form of socialism / communism. That is the terrible outcome of this whole approach: good people will be drawn away from Prout. So we should be 100% clear, especially in overseas areas, that Prout is a new philosophy that opposes the oppressive ways of socialism / communism. 

In Him,
(Victor Lewis)

Unfortunately, some, in an attempt to define Prout, contrast it with the rapacious ways of capitalism and wrongly equate it with communist socialism. In India, there was a long-standing battle between communists and Ananda Margiis so the differences are well defined. But in overseas areas, various communist-minded persons have latched onto Prout as a critique to capitalism. This has muddied the waters, as some confused Proutists have repeatedly linked Prout with socialism, as if the two are synonymous or complementary.

Related teachings

Prout not only exposes the ills of capitalism and communism but our Prout platform gives the practical solutions to so many burning issues like migrating workers, use of resources, unemployment, wage disparities, distribution, language issues, money stagnation etc. Plus Prout advances many points that are entirely new and revolutionary like samaj theory, master units, cooperatives, etc.

There is a world of difference between Prout and the existing theories of the day; only Prout is the right approach for the humanity, not any materialistic philosophy like socialism / communism.

Unfortunately, some confused Proutists are very keen to link socialism with Prout, and they fail to claim that Prout is wholly against socialism. Indeed for decades some have been misrepresenting Prout in this way. More about this is below.

Socialism = communism

Prout philosophy states, "...the huge collective farms of the Soviet Union or China....One of the main defects of the collective farms in socialist countries is their unmanageable size." (7)

Everywhere it is known that socialism means communism. The full form name of the USSR is the United Soviet Socialist Republic. Thus those communists openly labeled themselves as socialists. The two terms - communism and socialism - are fully interchangeable.

In India, most margiis had to fight directly against the communists so they are not confused on this point. They understand that Prout should not be linked with leftists in any way. Thus it is primarily only a few of our western brothers who are confused.

Confused Proutist links Prout with socialism

See here how one Dada is branding Prout as a form of communist socialism. The Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela is evolving to find an appropriate socialism for the 21st century. For the last six years, one Dada, a monk, activist, and writer, has been director of the Prout Research Institute of Venezuela, which promotes “progressive socialism” or Prout, the Progressive Utilization Theory.

Good people will be drawn away from Prout

This is the negative and harmful manner they are propagating Prout. By this way, people will surely conclude that Prout is simply a rebranding of socialism / communism. That means good people, forward-thinking people, i.e. the very people we want to attract and bring into Prout will be disinterested in Prout if they think it is another form of socialism / communism. That is the terrible outcome of this whole approach: Good people will be drawn away from Prout. Prout has its own stand; socialism has no practical approach.

Wherever capitalism has spread its noose those capitalists employ one special technique: Influence the prevailing government and capture the political power indirectly. By this way their unbridled exploitation continues in new and newer forms. So only criticizing capitalists does not work, a practical plan is needed. Yet the leftist approach of socialism wholly lacks constructive ideals for how to lead society forward. Their sole method of the socialist party is to abuse capitalism. But that will not work.

Prout philosophy states, "The leftist groups are engaged in criticizing the capitalists, which is bearing no fruitful results, and capitalists have captured power by influencing the ruling party." (8)

The Propounder of Prout states, “I cannot support the attitude of those who denounce capitalism at every opportunity, because this allows capitalists to become alert and invent more scientific and devious ways to exploit the people. Those who lack a constructive ideology will never be capable of destroying capitalism, even if they speak sweet words, use threats, or create circumstantial pressure.” (9)

Prout has its own platform based on economic justice, samaj movements, God-centered philosophy, the formation of cooperatives, environmental balance, cosmic fraternity, and so many practical and poignant guidelines that truly revolutionize society. Indeed, within the Proutistic framework, Shrii P.R. Sarkar has pointedly given so many solutions to socio-economico-political problems created by capitalism.

Socialism / Communism: Just another form of materialism

In delivering His discourse 'Economic Dynamics", Shrii P.R. Sarkar exposes how communists - i.e. socialists, i.e. Marxists - are entirely materialistic in their worldview. Their manner is just a rebranding of materialism.

Prout philosophy states, "In capitalist economies, production is for the profit of the capitalist and the profit goes to individuals, groups and the state exchequer. In socialist economies or so-called communism, the profit goes to the state exchequer and a microscopic fraction of the profit goes to the actual producers. In both cases capitalism exists." (10)

In very strong language, Shrii P.R. Sarkar, the Propounder of Prout, completely rejects the approach of such socialists.

Prout philosophy states, "Both capitalism and communism have failed to provide the proper ideological inspiration and desideratum to human beings. In the interests of the welfare of humanity, these systems should be replaced. PROUT is against the exploitation by capitalism and the false dogma of communism as both are detrimental to the all-round progress of human beings. You have to fight against all sorts of corruption, meanness and so-called secularism if Parama Purus'a is the goal. Only then will you be able to maintain adjustment with this objective world." (11)

Who is this confused Proutist

To find out which confused Proutist is involved in all this clink on the link just above the references.


Prout is a progressive social system, not progressive socialism.

Here below are the details:

#1: The term “progressive socialism” only appears in one single discourse, i.e. Dialectical Materialism and Democracy. And that happened because the original Hindi term pragatishiila samaj tantra was wrongly translated as progressive socialism. When it should have been written as progressive social system.

#2: So the term “progressive socialism” has no place in our Prout vocabulary. And no one should think that Prout is a form of communist socialism or that communist socialism is related with Prout.

#3: In that Hindi discourse on page 155, Baba uses the term “pragatishiila samaj tantra.” And that means progressive social system. The term pragatishiila means progressive; samaj means social or society, and tantra means system.

#4: The term for socialism in Hindi is samaj vada. And in India the socialist party, i.e. communist party, is samaj vadii.

Related with the above topic

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Economic Democracy
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Economic Democracy
3. Prout in a Nutshell, Part 6, "Dialectical Materialism and Democracy"
4. Prout in a Nutshell, Part 6, "Dialectical Materialism and Democracy"
5. Prout in a Nutshell, Part 6, "Dialectical Materialism and Democracy"
6. Reference point 26b of CC part II, Society chapter
6. Prout in a Nutshell - 20, Farmers Cooperatives
8. Prout in a Nutshell - 4, Discourses on Prout, Point #2
9. Problems of the Day, Point #3
10. A Few Problems Solved - 9, Economic Dynamics
11. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, The Existential Value of Ideology

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

In this world, I have nothing

“Tumi, bolo ámáre bolo ámáre,kii diye tuśibo tomáre…” (Prabhat Samgiita #1235)


Parama Purusa Baba please tell me, by which type of offering can I please You.

Parama Purusa, the Creator of this great universe, whatever jewels, gold, emeralds, pearls, and gems that are there in this universe, You are the Maker of those treasures. Then what offering can I make that will satisfy You. Indeed what can anybody give to You when You are the Supreme Controller of this entire creation.

Supreme Entity, whatever intellect, intuition, knowledge, thinking capacity, and whatever exists in this universe, everything is on Your doorstep. All these are within You. How can I satisfy You when You are everything. Beyond this, what else is there. In this world, I have nothing then how can I serve You, please tell me.

Baba, I am surrendering unto You...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Making mind pure & shiny

Baba teaches us that the regular practice of sadhana is the special tool to make the mind resplendent and shiny. 

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “One must do sádhaná most regularly. As long as one has a body, one must go on doing sádhaná. You must have noticed that a shiny new lot́á [small metal vessel] will no longer retain its lustre and newness after a year's use. One has to clean it quite regularly with tamarind in order to maintain its shininess. The mind is like that – one has to do regular sádhaná to keep it neat and clean.” (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, The Dialogues of Shiva and Párvatii – 1

== Section: Comment ==

Re: One may see Baba’s image beside lurid trash


Here is another plea for margiis to stop posting Baba and the Pratik on social media.

“You shall protect, in all respects and at all costs, the dignity of your treasures and the sanctity of your flag, of your emblem, and of the pratikrti [photo] of Márga Guru.” -  Shri Shri Anandamurtiji, From Ananda Marga Caryacarya

Devotees, please stop posting Baba’s picture on social media (such as Facebook and Youtube). The Pratik as well… Baba said very clearly that we are to respect in all respects and at all costs, the dignity of our treasures… Images of Baba include video. Baba didn’t say that. Did He have to? Baba didn’t say, “Please don’t play with my image and the image of the Pratik in Photoshop.” Did He have to say that? Do acaryas meditate in front of an image of Baba in the cosmos? Baba’s picture is cosmic enough. Please, everyone, stop playing around with Baba’s pictures and the Pratik.

This is just one among many things. But it matters to me. I hope it matters to you. Baba expressly told us, basically, not to tamper with our treasures. One might as well put up flyers all over the world with pictures of Baba and the Pratik because that is basically what we are doing when we post His image and the Pratik on social media.

Nobody cares. Everybody does it. Ouch! Not only heal Baba, but me and you as well…all margiis and acaryas.

If we want to “see” Baba, we should work for it. Posting Him on social media is not “working for it.” Creating libraries, private, sacred places for our sacred treasures…that is work. Join me in this effort to save the dignity of our precious Guru and our Pratik.

Baba's Grace,

Note: Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic - One may see Baba’s image beside lurid trash

== Section 3: Links ==

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