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Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Your nose design + 3 more

Your nose design


Almost sixty years ago, Sadguru Baba gave the key teaching how climate affects human anatomy. In particular, Baba explains how hot and warm climates affect the shape of the nose and the colour of the skin etc. It is not based on race etc. Just the body adapted due to climate. And now, in their research western scientists have drawn this same conclusion regarding the shape of the nose.

AM teachings far ahead of "modern science"

Prout philosophy states, “The nostrils of people in hot countries are comparatively large and the front of the nose is extended. Why does this happen? Because external heat makes the internal air heated. The body temperature having increased, the internal heat tries to force its way out rapidly. As a result of the rapid exhalation of heavy, hot air, the diameter of the front portion of the nose increases.” (1)

Prout philosophy states, “People who live in cold countries develop fatty tissues in their bodies...And though their noses are high, their nostrils are comparatively small because if a large amount of chill air enters the body it will inevitably affect the lungs and vocal chord. That is why nature has made the constitution of the inhabitants of cold countries so ideally suited as not to allow a greater than necessary amount of air to enter the body at the time of breathing.” (2)

And now see what some scientists have concluded.

“Researchers said using three-dimensional images of hundreds of people of East Asian, South Asian, West African and Northern European ancestry indicated local climate, specifically temperature and humidity, played a key role in determining the nose's shape.” (Reuters News)


So just now modern science is discovering what Baba told nearly six decades ago. Our duty is to propagate Baba’s teaching.

In Him,
Purnabramha Deva

~ In-depth study ~

The teachings of Ananda Marga philosophy will be proven to be 100% factual and indispensable for human progress. We are fortunate to have those dharmic teachings far ahead. Thousands of examples can be given from Shabda Cayanika and His various discourses where Baba has told something which the public is not aware about. We should propagate those invaluable guidelines to everyone, everywhere.

Here is one clear example: Ananda Marga philosophy propagates that ekadashii fasting without water is very essential for human health. But present day scientists have yet to reach this conclusion, but tomorrow they will. This is just one example of how Ananda Marga teachings are far ahead of the present-day society; thousands of such examples can be given. Indeed, in each and every sphere of life Baba has given revolutionary teachings that are far ahead of today’s current standard.

Here below is the article in full about the findings of those western scientists.

Breathe Easy: Nose Shape Was Influenced by Local Climate

~ Courtesy of Reuters ~

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The human nose, in all its glorious forms, is one of our most distinctive characteristics, whether big, little, broad, narrow or somewhere in between. Scientists are now sniffing out some of the factors that drove the evolution of the human proboscis.

Researchers said on Thursday a study using three-dimensional images of hundreds of people of East Asian, South Asian, West African and Northern European ancestry indicated local climate, specifically temperature and humidity, played a key role in determining the nose's shape.

Wider noses were more common in people from warm and humid climates, they found. Narrower noses were more common in those from cold and dry climates.

The nose's primary functions are breathing and smelling. It has mucous and blood capillaries inside that help warm and humidify inhaled air before it reaches more sensitive parts of the respiratory tract.

Having narrower nasal airways might help increase contact between inhaled air and tissues inside the nose carrying moisture and heat, said Penn State University geneticist Arslan Zaidi, lead author of the study published in the journal PLOS Genetics.

"This might have offered an advantage in colder climates. In warmer climates, the flip side was probably true," Zaidi said.

Our species appeared in Africa about 200,000 years ago and later migrated to other parts of the world. The researchers said people with narrower nostrils may have done better and produced more offspring than those with wider nostrils in colder, drier locales, driving a gradual decline in nose width.

The finding generally supports what's called Thomson's rule, formulated by British anatomist and anthropologist Arthur Thomson (1858-1935), that people from cold, dry climates tend to have longer and thinner noses than people from warm, humid climates.

Zaidi said most previous evidence regarding Thomson's rule came from skull measurements, while this study expanded on that by analyzing external nose shape.

The researchers studied nose width, nostril width, nose height, length of the nose ridge, nose tip protrusion, external surface area and total nostril area.

"What we have tested is a very simple hypothesis about the nose, which likely had a very complex evolutionary history. There's a lot we don't know," Zaidi said, citing the need to probe genes underlying nose shape.

"One can imagine how cultural differences in attractiveness could have led to some of the differences in nose shape between populations. For example, were wider noses considered more attractive in some populations relative to others?" (Reporting by Will Dunham; Editing by Sandra Maler) (Courtesy of Reuters)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 7, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 1
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 7, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 1

== Section: Important Teaching ==

What comprises dharmic scripture

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "It is universally true, for all ages and all realms, that dharma is the main current of human life. It is the impetus of living beings; it is also their source of wealth and the guidance for their journey through life. In the pervasive sense of the word, all objects, animate and inanimate, have their respective dharma: that is, dharma denotes the very existence of an object. In its narrow sense, dharma is less manifested in inanimate entities and more manifested in animate ones. In animate entities, the manifestation of the dharma of non-human creatures is instinctive and inborn. But the dharma of human beings is much more than this: it permeates and penetrates each and every sphere of life. Hence in the realm of dharma, the only true guide and controller, motivating force and protector of the people, is an excellent and comprehensive ideology which provides definite, clear-cut and bold directions for all aspects of human life – from one’s personal daily routine, to one’s social activities and collective motivation, to the spiritual inspiration which brings one closer and closer to God. A scripture which does not fulfil these conditions is not worthy of being called a scripture at all. Such a scripture does not contain the light of consciousness according to the definition Shásanát tárayet yastu sah shástrah parikiirttitah [“That which liberates through discipline is called shástra, scripture”]. We should also remember that in the realm of dharma there must be clear-cut injunctions in the form of dharma shástra [scriptural treatises], and simultaneously there must be strict guardians who during their lifetimes guide themselves as well as others according to those scriptural injunctions." (1)

1. Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 14)

 == Section: Important Teaching ==

Not a real person, just imaginary

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Many of you are aware of the fact that Ramchandra was not an historical figure, but a fictional one: he was an imaginary character to represent an ideal king. Maharśi Valmiki was the first person to give proper expression to that character. But the poet Tulsidas tried still harder, in the Mughal period, not very long ago, to accomplish this through the Rámacaritamánasa, written in the Avadhii language. The Rámacaritamánasa is not the complete Rámáyańa. Tulsidas described the character of Rama as he thought Rama should be; he delineated the character of Rama as he conceived of Rama in his own mind. Tulsidas was a truthful person. He did not name his book the Tulasiidásii Rámáyańa, he named it Rámacaritamánasa [“The Life of Rama As Conceived by Tulsidas”].” (1)

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya - All Bask in the Glory of Shiva – 1 (Discourse 6)

== Section: Comment ==

Re: Save your daughters

Namaskaram dada.

This orange robed Nabhatiitananda also had an affair with a young singer lady in Vishakhapatnam long back, when he was posted there. Late shrii shastriji brought this hot issue to the central body, then he was transferred immediately. This information can be cross checked with shrii Narayanji and brother tathagata also.

Jinana deva