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Thursday, November 17, 2022

Gran bhakta


Gran bhakta


En Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, muchos presumen que son grandes bhaktas, pero no siempre es así. Algunos son grandes bhaktas, mientras que otros no lo son; y, hay varios grados en el medio. Es importante para nosotros poder medir y reconocer quién es un verdadero bhakta. Y la forma de lograr esto es adherirse a las directrices de Baba sobre el bhakti.

En la filosofía de Ananda Marga, bhakti significa amor por la Entidad Suprema; esa es la marca de un verdadero bhakta. Ciertamente todos tienen bhakti, pero muy a menudo los humanos desvían sus sentimientos internos hacia los placeres materiales.

Bhakti es la vida del bhakta

Para el bhakta, al involucrarse constantemente en el pensamiento de Parama Purusa, ocurre una transformación única: el bhakti se convierte en su vida misma.

Bhaktih bhaktasya jiivanam
Significado: Bhakti es la vida del bhakta.

En un resumen en español de Subhasita Samgraha - 24, “Bhakti, Mukti and Parama Puruśa”, Baba nos dice: Para un bhakta, el bhakti y su vida, su vitalidad, su energía vital, su existencia misma, son inseparables. (resumen en español)

Entonces vivir una vida espiritual es lo que sostiene a un bhakta. No es que a veces estén bajo bhakti y otras veces bajo asakti (apego mundano). Por el contrario, siempre están en ese flujo de bhakti, y eso es energizante para ellos, no algo tedioso, es el sustento de sus vidas.

La relación entre un bhakta y bhakti es como la de un pez y el agua. Los peces no se sienten agobiados por vivir en el agua. Para ellos, ese agua les proporciona toda su energía y vitalidad. Es su fuerza vital.

Los bhaktas siempre quieren pensar y vivir en ese flujo espiritual, permaneciendo en contacto con Parama Purusa. Ellos ven todo como la expresión de lo Divino. Los bhaktas siempre idean de esa manera. Y eso les da una energía tremenda; es el pulso de su existencia.

Así que bhakti no es algo extraño o algo agobiante. Más bien es su propia vida: Bhaktih bhaktasya jiivanam.

¿Quién es un bhakta falso?

Así que los bhaktas mantienen el vínculo más estrecho con Él todo el tiempo para poder servirle, directa e indirectamente. Este servicio ocurre en tres niveles básicos.

Nivel #1: Mientras viven en este mundo, los bhaktas indirectamente hacen seva a Parama Purusa sirviendo Su creación a través de los cuatro sevas: shudrocita seva (servicio físico), ksattriyocita seva (seguridad o servicio marcial), vaeshyocita seva (servicio económico) y viprocita seva (servicio espiritual). Servir a Su creación en una de estas cuatro formas es servicio físico a Parama Purusa. Eso significa ver todas y cada una de las expresiones como la manifestación de la Conciencia Suprema y ayudarlos de acuerdo con su mayor necesidad. Eso es servicio físico a Parama Purusa.

Entonces, si uno hace uno o los cuatro de estos sevas, entonces está realizando un servicio físico a Parama Purusa porque está sirviendo a Su creación manifestada. Por lo tanto, cada uno de los cuatro sevas antes mencionados realizados por seres humanos significa servir a Parama Purusa en un ámbito, es decir, la esfera física.

Niveles #2 y #3: Y en kiirtan, el bhakta canta amorosamente el nombre de Parama Purusa y lo llama a su corazón. Esto es servirle en la esfera mental. En dhya'na, el bhakta canaliza todo su amor y todos sus deseos hacia Su Ser divino y de esta manera está sirviendo a Parama Purusa en el reino espiritual.

En los últimos dos aspectos anteriores, dhyana y kiirtan, el bhakta está prestando servicio directamente a Parama Purusa. Por lo tanto, de todas las formas y en todo momento, los bhaktas están involucrados en servir al Señor, es decir, complacer a Parama Purusa.

Entonces, si uno no está sirviendo a la sociedad en una o más de las cuatro formas, no está haciendo servicio físico a Parama Purusa; y, si no están haciendo kiirtan, entonces no están haciendo servicio psíquico a Parama Purusa; y, si no están haciendo sadhana, entonces están fallando en servir a Parama Purusa en la esfera espiritual. Si alguien carece de alguno de estos aspectos, son bhaktas falsos porque no están sirviendo a Parama Purusa. Servirle es la medida del bhakti de uno.


En innumerables discursos y en numerosas shlokas, Baba ha dicho supremamente que el bhakti es el tesoro más grande y que si uno tiene bhakti entonces lo tiene todo.

Es interesante entonces saber: ¿Qué tiene el camino del bhakti que lo hace tan especial? ¿Cómo es que el bhakti difiere del camino de los placeres materiales, etc.? y, ¿por qué la gente común en la sociedad no pone un ápice de énfasis en el bhakti mientras que Baba le da máxima prioridad?

El mensaje general es que todos tienen bhakti, todos los seres humanos e incluso algunos animales. Pero su bhakti está mal dirigido; corren hacia las cosas mundanas. Por eso nunca están satisfechos. Su deseo nunca se apaga. Nunca sienten una sensación de saciedad verdadera y duradera. Solo su anhelo cambia de un objeto a otro. Ellos no son verdaderos bhaktas. Desvían su bhakti hacia algo material y no lo incitan hacia la Entidad Suprema.

Con verdadero bhakti, es decir, bhakti, donde el anhelo de un sadhaka apunta solo hacia el Supremo, solo entonces uno puede sentir Su gracia y sentir saciedad. Sólo esa Entidad Suprema ilimitada puede satisfacer el infinito anhelo humano. Todos deben entrar en el camino del bhakti; hasta ese momento, su anhelo nunca será satisfecho.

Aquellos que son afortunados se vuelven bhaktas y los menos afortunados pierden su tiempo y al final se arrepienten. Baba nos indica que bhakti lo es todo.

A Sus pies de loto,

~ Estudio en profundidad ~

En un resumen en español de Subhasita Samgraha - 1, “Bhaktitattva”, Baba nos dice: El amor y la pasión son tendencias mutuamente antagónicas. El apego por una cosa finita es una expresión de energía extrovertida, mientras que la atracción por el Infinito es una expresión de energía introvertida. Es por eso que estos dos nunca pueden coexistir. Por lo tanto, el aspirante tiene que transformar hábilmente la pasión en amor. ¿Amas a tu hijo? No, no, no amas a tu hijo. Amas a Brahma en la forma de tu hijo. Amando a tu hijo como tu hijo no puedes amar al Señor. Donde hay sentimiento de hijo, no hay Señor y donde está el Señor, no hay hijo. Donde tú existes, Él no existe y donde Él existe, tú ya no estás. (resumen en español)

Los verdaderos bhaktas ven el mundo como una expresión de Parama Purusa

En un resumen en español de Subhasita Samgraha - 1, “Bhaktitattva”, Baba nos dice: Los verdaderos devotos aman el mundo, la sociedad y todo lo que los rodea porque perciben todas y cada una de las manifestaciones de la astuta Prakrti con un espíritu universal. También aman lo finito, ya que también es una porción de lo Universal. Perciben los placeres mundanos como dicha divina que varía según el tiempo, el lugar y la persona. Mantienen su materia mental absorta en las corrientes eternas del flujo divino. Tales aspirantes devotos son los únicos disfrutadores verdaderos o rasika y su objeto de disfrute es el Supremo Brahma.

"El Veda dice: Rasah vae sah"

En un resumen en español de Subhasita Samgraha - 1, “Bhaktitattva”, Baba nos dice: Solo el conocedor del Néctar Supremo es el disfrutador. Si la dicha divina se ve con un motivo egoísta y vil, se convierte en veneno. Si se la ve con una visión ampliada, entonces se obtiene en términos de dicha divina. Aquellos que disfrutan el Supremo Eterno son solo los verdaderos disfrutadores, los verdaderos aspirantes. (resumen en español)

En un resumen en español de Subhasita Samgraha - 1, “The Base of Life”, Baba nos dice: Oh, seres humanos, en ese estado, ningún objeto finito puede colorear vuestra mente. Estaréis más allá de todos los colores o Varńátiita. Entonces podréis dar el trato adecuado a cualquier ser finito con el que podáis entrar en contacto. Tienen que darle el trato adecuado a la expresión de Brahma en la forma de tu padre sirviéndolo y prestando atención a sus comodidades. Dale el trato adecuado a la expresión de Brahma en la forma de la tierra cultivándola y aumentando su fertilidad. Si tratas de esta manera a los diferentes objetos, no podrán degradar tu mente. Esto se llama verdadero Vaerágya.
   Vaerágya no denota renuncia, abandono o huida a los Himalayas después de dejar a su cónyuge, hijo y familia. Ananda Marga se opone firmemente a tal mentalidad escapista. Según Ananda Marga, la práctica del Dharma por medio de Vaerágya es parte de la vida familiar. (resumen en español)

Baba nos indica que el bhakti lo es todo; de acuerdo con la vara de medir dada por Baba, cada uno puede evaluar por sí mismo hasta qué punto es un verdadero bhakta o no.

- Here is a link to the original English posting: Great bhakta

- Here are more Spanish postings

- Here is a link to Spanish Prabhat Samgiita

Save from brain disease + 3 more

Save from brain disease


Around the globe, the average citizen is more health conscious than ever before. People are trying to eat right, exercise regularly, and engage in health supportive activities. Plus medical science continues to advance, including surgeries to replace organs. This is all very positive for humanity.

Even then, one stark problem has multiplied. The incidence of brain related diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and dementia is on the rise in the so-called developed world. Then there are other diseases related with the central nervous system like multiple sclerosis etc.

This presents a puzzling perspective: People are more health conscious than ever before yet suffering more from brain related diseases. Why is that and what is the solution? Can any of our Ananda Marga dharmic practices correct this situation?

The suffering of brain-related diseases

Brain related diseases are some of the scariest conditions on earth. Such patients may have strong bones, good teeth, proper mobility, but their brain has become diseased. In that case - with people living longer than ever - they may pass the final 15, 20, or even 30 years of their life in a desperate and pitiful state.

It happens in two basic ways. Sometimes the brain disease may render that person as 100% incapacitated in the psychic realm. They do not know their name nor who they are. And they live like that for decades. They have a body that works but their brain is defunct. This happens with Alzheimer's disease and other brain disorders.

Then there is a second group of brain diseases which severely compromises the use and function of one's motor organs, in which case one quickly becomes physically incapacitated. One becomes wheelchair bound (possibly), loses control of their bowel movements, and cannot manage their life on a day-to-day basis. It is a really miserable situation. This is what happens in Parkinson's disease.

In either case, brain related diseases put one in a terrible predicament and impose a huge stress on the family. Because once one gets consumed by a brain related disease like Alzheimer's etc, then one loses all kinds of psychic faculties. They became mere skeletons of who they once were. Those suffering in this way cannot recognise their own family members, perform basic tasks, nor recall how they spent their life or who they are. They become fully handicapped - a burden to their family. Indeed, they have zero control of their emotions and tempers. Those patients torture their family. No one wants to end up like this. Yet the incidence of such cases is on the rise.

Special technique in AM to prevent brain diseases

When this has become such a horrifying and tragic outcome that is only growing, what is it that we can do to help both ourselves and society. And the answer is: Ananda Marga dances. Baba has given dances that will prevent brain ailments for the whole humanity. Baba has re-introduced the tandava dance and created kaoshikii. Both serve the brain.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Ta'n'd' an all-corporal exercise, an exercise for the entire body, including the brain. (There are intellectual exercises for the brain, but hardly any physical exercise. In fact, ta'n'd'ava is the only physical exercise for the brain.) And among all dances it is the best." (1)

By practicing tandava and kaoshikii, one can minimize the aging of the brain and increase its stamina and vitality. That means even if humans are living longer, the brain will maintain its integrity and proper functioning for one's entire life. That is the big boon these dances offer. One will be saved from the horrifying effects of brain related diseases. Here Baba explains more how tandava keeps one mentally sharp.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Now, all dances do not equally exercise all glands, and there are some glands which are not at all influenced by dances. In the absence of the proper exercise of those glands, people lose many capacities at an early age – especially the capacities of deep thinking and of sustained recollection – and there is no process for restoring them. Considering all this, Shiva invented a unique and perfect dance: ta'n'd'ava." (2)

Our dances in Ananda Marga are a great panacea and a special practice for preventing brain diseases. By doing these dances daily, one will have an acute capacity to think and remember throughout their entire life. These days many in the general public are practicing yoga to benefit their health, but only those who know and practice these dances can truly exercise the brain, thereby preserving its health. We should propagate these dances to the maximum and save people from the dreadful defects and debility of brain diseases.


Human life is getting longer and longer. All kinds of operations can be performed to save the skin, lungs, heart, ankles, thyroid, liver, pancreas, appendix, teeth, tongue, hips, knees, eyes, nose etc. The public spends huge money and resources on both cosmetic and involuntary surgeries. The longer they live the more surgeries are needed. But one thing is sure: There is no surgery to replace the brain. Replacing the brain means changing the human persona entirely.

The only way to exercise and strengthen the brain is through our Ananda Marga dances. No one should be lazy or remiss in this regard. One should not only live long, but one should be healthy - with a strong body and a sound mind. Who wants to live a long life wherein they lose all their psychic and / or physical faculties due to complications with the brain.

We should all be vigilant to practice our dances and encourage others to do the same. Baba has given all the teachings and dances for a healthy, long, and successful life. We should be ever active in practicing and propagating them.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

How to practice

Like everything else in yoga, we can only get the benefits of the Ananda Marga dances by practicing them. Knowing or reading about them is not enough. Both kaoshikii and tandava are meant to be done twice daily, vigorously. That means not just 30 seconds but rather multiple rounds of several minutes each. The heart should be pumping strong. Kaoshikii can be done for as long as 15 or even 20 minutes non-stop. Baba implemented dance competitions so we would learn to practice for longer periods. Then we can get the benefit. If one just does the dances lazily just to say they did it, then they will not get the benefit and they will not be protected from those horrifying brain diseases. Here is one special tip about the practice of tandava.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "As long as a dancer remains above the ground, he derives much benefit; when he touches the ground, then those benefits are assimilated by the body. That is why in ta'n'd'ava there is much jumping, because jumping requires the practitioner to remain off the ground for a fairly long period of time." (3)

More about these dances

Baba says, "Hands placed at 90° indicate the strength of the arms of the dancer. Ta'n'd'ava expresses the spirit of strength and vigour. They are straight, meaning thereby that they are ready to fight death. One hand, holding a skull or fire or a snake, represents death, while the other hand is holding a dagger, represent the spirit to fight death." (4)

Baba says, “Kaos'ikii: The two hands when upraised and folded together represent, “Now I am trying to establish a link with Parama Purus'a.” Both hands bending to the right indicate, “I know the right way to request You.” The bending of the body should be at a 45° angular projection. The leftward movement represents, “I know how to fulfill Your demands.” The movement of bending in front suggests complete surrender. The backward bending represents, “I am ready to face all troubles that may come,” The last ta', ta' represents, “O Lord, I repeat Your rhythm.”” (5)

Sadguru Baba says, "I invented kaos'ikii on September 6th [1978]. This dance is both an exercise, and a medicine for twenty-two diseases. It is a sort of panacea for almost all female diseases, and for many male diseases in younger boys. It is a medicine for most liver diseases. It assures safe deliveries for women, and also checks the advent of old age. It is a medicine." (6)

Here below Baba gives the all-around benefits of kaoshikii and He describes how the dance helps the brain by vibrating the mind in the psycho-spiritual plane.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "It is found that human beings are sometimes affected by various diseases; and frequently they are faced with various difficulties with respect to their sa'dhana'. These impediments many or may not be major. For instance, small diseases like liver trouble may cause problems from time to time, and to remove these types of hindrances, I invented the kaoshikii dance on the 6th of September 1978. This dance serves as an antidote to twenty-two types of diseases. All these are primarily meant to first of all vibrate the ectoplasmic stuff (citta'nu) which in turn is concentrated at a certain point touching the point of the soul, where Parama Purus'a resides." (7)

Incidence of brain diseases in so-called developed nations

Health conscious living is quite high in the US. People run, bike, swim, take mundane yoga classes, and so much more yet the greatest incidence of Parkinson's is in USA. The prevalence of Alzheimer's is expected to increase to 11.3 - 16 million cases in America by 2050. The incidence of dementia in the US is 368,320 per year, 30,693 per month, 7,083 per week, 1,009 per day, 42 per hour.

Here the point is that despite efforts for people to live in a more healthy manner - vegan, organic foods, exercise, asanas etc - there has been an increase in brain related diseases. Then there is the aspect of non-healthy people. They are living longer due to all kinds of organ transplants (liver, kidney, heart etc) but they too are more susceptible to brain diseases. Because while the other parts of the body can be replaced, the brain cannot.

Everything in this world ages: The brain also gets old and science does not have any answer. There is no such thing as a brain transplant. That would change the entire human personality. It cannot be done. The brain is linked with the mind and is associated with a certain set of samskaras. Changing the brain means changing the person.

The overall perspective is that brain related diseases are quite debilitating and awful. They should be averted at all cost. Can you think of anyone who wants to live a long life wherein one the entire mid to later years are dominated by brain diseases. The dances of Ananda Marga are a special remedy for brain diseases. These are Baba’s gift to humanity and we should practice them sincerely and teach others.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 6, The Cosmic Father Has a Special Responsibility
2. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva – the Focal Point of Everything (Discourse 3)
3. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva – the Focal Point of Everything (Discourse 3)
4. The Dance of the Expansion of Mind – Excerpt D, May 22 1979, Hannover
5. The Dance of the Expansion of Mind – Excerpt D, May 22 1979, Hannover
6. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 6, The Cosmic Father Has a Special Responsibility
7. A Few Problems Solved - 3, Song, Dance and Instrumental Music

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Prout revolution & sentiments

Prout philosophy states, “Revolution always takes place around a sentiment. If there is no strong common sentiment, a revolution cannot take place. Sentiment is always stronger than logic.”

“Communism propagates sentiments like workers of the world unite. Initially, people were attracted to such sentiments, but after some time they discovered that they were hollow, consequently intellectuals became dissatisfied with them. Communism is now unable to fight against the local sentiments that are coming up in different parts of the world because these sentiments are stronger than communist sentiments.”

Prout philosophy states “PROUT is based on a universal sentiment which is applicable for the whole cosmological order, and it is systematically moving towards the implementation of this sentiment. Who will make the local people conscious of their local sentiments keeping universalism in mind? Only PROUT can do this. Communists have no such idea. Only PROUT can tackle all local sentiments and lead everyone in the world to universalism by gradual stages.”

“Revolutionaries must be well-versed in arousing the sentiments of the people and channelizing the sentimental legacy of the society towards universalism. During the preparation for revolution, unstinting effort must go into arousing the sentimental legacy of the people, because sentiments inspire popular support for the cause of revolution, and infuse the revolutionary workers with tremendous power and conviction.”

“According to PROUT, there are two types of sentiments – positive sentiments and negative sentiments. Positive sentiments are synthetic in nature. They unite society and elevate humanity, enhance collective interests and encourage progressive development. Negative sentiments are narrow in scope and divide society.”

Prout philosophy states “Some important positive sentiments include anti-exploitation sentiment, revolutionary sentiment, moral sentiment, cultural sentiment, universal sentiment and spiritual sentiment. Some negative sentiments include communalism, patriotism, nationalism, provincialism, lingualism and racism.”

“Negative sentiments should never be used to divide people into castes and communities – to create artificial fissiparous tendencies in society. Rather, they should always be used to bring unity amongst people. Hitler used racism in an effort to unite the German people and he succeeded in the short-term, but because he used negative sentiments only and had no positive sentiments, his approach resulted in a world war and the near destruction of Germany. The path of negativity is extremely dangerous and harmful for society. Positive sentiments are the real weapons to build society. This must never be forgotten under any circumstances.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Nuclear Revolution

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Analogy of chariot & sadhaka

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "The mind of the man whose consciousness or discriminating judgement is awakened-- whose power of judgment is intense, always remains wedded to the 'Buddhi'. That is to say, his rein (mind) remains constantly under the control of the charioteer (Buddhi or discriminating intellect), and so, quite naturally, his organs remain loyal to the Buddhi. Random rambles of the organ-like horses (organs) will cut no ice with him. But in a case like this if the horses (organs) be bad and untrained, i.e. the organs are faulty, it becomes impossible for the charioteer (discriminating intellect) to get the desired result. Hence for the right functioning of the chariot (body), well-trained horses (organs) are indispensable. A sadhaka (spiritual aspirant) also should train himself likewise. His mind, body, intellect, and organs should be directed towards the Blissful Spirit (Shreya)." (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life in a Nutshell Part 5 , The Chariot and the Charioteer

== Section 4: Links ==

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