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Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Jail story + 3 more


Jail story


I remember well those days when we could visit Baba in jail. Here are some of the details which I recall. Indeed it was impossible to note down or remember exactly what Baba said. Moreover, because of His fasting, sometimes He did not speak at all and instead just wrote on one simple, small piece of slate.

What it was like to visit Baba in jail

When margiis or workers would arrive at the jail to visit Baba, then, first of all, they were met and searched by a plain-clothes policeman. At that point, any visitors for Baba would have to leave behind any recording devices, pens, paper, and various other things. All those types of items were held by officials at the gate or the reception area of the jail. It was only after totally emptying your pockets and bags did the jail officials allow you to enter the facility to visit Baba.

Then once with Baba, the plain clothes policeman would remain just 4 feet away - very close. If you were fortunate to arrive on a day when Baba was talking, then His talk was extremely quiet - like a whisper. That was because He was extremely weak from undergoing that epic fast. Furthermore, because the policeman was close by, Baba kept His voice very low as He did not want the policeman to hear what He was saying. Thus to hear Baba, you would have to go very close to Him and turn your head so your ear was lined up with His mouth. It was like He was just whispering in your ear, and it was very difficult to decipher all His words. Even if one could hear, one may also have misunderstood the idea that Baba wished to convey. So there were multiple issues involved.

Then of course, on many occasions, Baba was not speaking at all. He was just too weak. In that case He would just give hand signals or use chalk and a small piece of slate. Really the slate was only big enough to write 1 or 2 words. Obviously then, His communication under such circumstances was extremely limited.

So there was just no way to receive a full discourse or even a short talk or teaching from Baba while He was in jail. The communication was extremely limited for all the aforesaid reasons.

Supposing one did arrive on a day when Baba spoke in greater length and in a more full voice - which rarely, if ever, happened - but supposing it did, then there was one more hurdle. The human mind is simply incapable of recounting each and every word of a sentence, let alone a paragraph or more. It is impossible. Remember, no pen or paper was available, so one would have had to perfectly memorize whatever Baba spoke and then keep that in mind until one could write it down. Forget about a page or a paragraph, humans could hardly remember even one sentence properly. So it was a struggle.

His magnificent grace

One other element to bear in mind is the following….

When bhaktas would arrive to see Baba during those jail visits, it was not a normal event. Sadguru Baba is the Parama Purusa, and He exudes an infinite amount of charm. Bhaktas became completely spiritually intoxicated by His presence. By His grace, those sadhakas wholly forgot their own existence and could not keep track of the passage of time. Their mind became fully ensconced In His overflowing love. And that is what has been explained in His teachings from the book, Namami Krsnasundaram.

And in the mundane level also, people become infatuated with one another and forget about their surroundings. And with Baba being the Parama Purusa, the source of all charm, the degree of attraction is exponentially and infinitely more. Sadhakas became 100% immersed in His exquisite beauty and krpa. In that case, during those visits, they forgot all facts and figures, and could not recall any type of mundane info.


That is why no printed article based on jail visitations are official discourses or considered verified accounts. With their zeal and love, margiis tried hard, but those accounts are just not accurate. That is why the book - Supreme Expression I - is not credible or accepted by our Publications Dept as legitimate.

I hope this helps people understand why the merge-in-mission quote is bogus and unsubstantiated.

In Him,
Ram Dayal

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

A panorama of colours

“Raunga beraunge sabáre sajáyecho, tomár manomata sáj je diyecho...” (Prabhat Samgiita #0338)


My Parama Purusa, You have decorated all of creation with a panorama of colours, given everything new splendour, and granted decor according to Your wish. Some You made as inanimate objects, and others as plants, animals, and human beings. You anointed each shape and form according to Your desire.

Baba, You coloured and dyed the refulgence of the dawn, and in a flash spread it across the horizon of the Milky Way and other galaxies. You have applied greenness to the creepers and trees, filled my mind with peace, and satiated my soul with this green vegetation.

Parama Purusa Baba, You have infused sweetness in the human mind and heart and filled the human psyche with love, affection, bhakti, and sacrifice. With the stroke of Your colour and brush, You have brought the humans very close to divinity, and blessed and elevated them to the status of veritable gods…

== Section 3: Important Topic ==

How to avoid arrogance in service

Ananda Marga ideology states, “When you perform acts with the ideation that the person served is Náráyańa, there is no possibility of arrogance or the desire for fame growing in your mind. Then you will realize that through the grace of Náráyańa you have been given the opportunity of serving Náráyańa. Our hands and feet are not ours, they are His, and by serving Himself with those hands and feet, He sports with Himself. Such an action is an action without attachment. Only in this way can one attain salvation from the bondage of Karma. You must feel that the person served is Brahma. The person served is a finite manifestation of Him. Never, even by mistake, take the object as a human being.” (1)

According to the teachings of Ananda Marga philosophy, for every action there is a reaction. Good deeds yield positive reactions, and bad deeds yield adverse reactions. When serving an infirm person, you should not think that, “This person has done something wrong, and that is why I am serving them.” If one thinks like this then their entire attempt at service is for naught as there is no ideation of Narayana. One should think that, “Narayan is before me in the form of a sick person; He is playing His liila and I have been blessed with the opportunity to serve Him.” This is the proper approach.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, Yajiṋa and Karmaphala

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Just a cause of disharmony

Ananda Marga ideology states, "There are a variety of religions in the world formulated by different propounders. But instead of enhancing the spirit of unity in the human society, these religions have actually increased disunity and mutual conflict. How many wars have been fought in the name of religion? So, far from being a unifying force, religion should be seen as a cause of disharmony." (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 2, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 2

== Section 4: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest