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Saturday, November 12, 2022

Parents ruin the child + 2 more


Parents ruin the child


Baba guides us in Ananda Marga philosophy, “There are many parents who, due to miserliness or whatever reason, deprive their children of delicious food and drink. (If there is some reason for this deprivation, they do not explain it to their children.) They serve such food and drink to others in the presence of their children without explaining to them why they are being deprived. As a result, the children, under the pressure of circumstance, steal to try to satisfy their natural desires.” (1)

Some people keep their kitchen locked - especially the sweets. They unlock those sweets only when guests come. When children see the guests eating those sweets, then a tremendous desire arises in the child to have those sweets. And that desire multiplies when those sweets are again locked up after the guests leave. So when no one is around then children go and steal those sweets.

Fault lies entirely with the parents

Here the fault lies entirely with the parents - they are tempting the child and creating an intense desire in the child's mind by denying them those sweets. The child is young and cannot understand that there is a shortage and that is why those sweets are reserved only for guests.

Here are ways to address this situation:
(a) When the guest arrives be sure to give some of those sweets to the children.
(b) If the children are older - like a teenager etc - then try and convince them logically that there is only a small amount of sweets in the house. 
(c) The worst scenario is if all the adults eat those sweets and the children do not get any. 
(d)  Top of all if the kitchen is locked entirely and the children have no access to any food at all then that is more terrible for them. 

Tragically, we see similar things unfolding in our Ananda Marga - sometimes. Margiis bring large donations of sweets and those Wts and Lfts lock up those sweets. But instead of saving those sweets for guests or for special occasions. Those Wts eat the large share and give only a little away. And the most problematic scenario is if the kitchen is locked because then the children have no way to address their metabolic needs - i.e. they are hungry and there is no food available to them.

Locking kitchen creates irresistible desire in kids’ mind

That is why we can say that if some wt is keeping the kitchen locked then that is a sign that sweets are locked up and that Wt is eating those sweets alone. Children are aware when this is happening. So locking up those sweets creates an irresistible desire in the mind of those kids. In contrast, if those sweets are not around then the children are not gnawed by the persistent desire to eat sweets. But if they know the sweets are there and that those sweets are under lock and key, then that creates tremendous desire in the mind and that affects the child their whole life. It is a disease. 

And this is not an isolated type of incident - rather it is a systemic problem. That is why during dharma samiiksa Baba Himself intervened on this issue, and that scene has been recounted below.  The absolute worst part is that the whole kitchen is locked and there is nothing available for anyone to eat.

Baba story: greedy lft & children home kids

The below excerpt is from Dada Sarveshvarananda’s book: “My Days with Baba”.

About dharma samiiksa in 1981, I remember one [story] that touched me in particular. A young man about twenty-one years old came for his review. He looked quiet, smart and educated. After asking his name Baba wanted to know what work he did for the mission. Modestly, the young man said that he was working in an Ananda Marga primary school and children's home. His duty was to look after the four boys of the home.

After listening to what he had to say, Baba stared for a time straight at him. The analysis was thorough.

(Note: Baba witnesses all that goes on in this universe and beyond, that is why He is aware of each and every and every thought, word and deed. He is fully aware of all that transpires because this entire cosmos is within His mind.)

Baba said this little boy is a good chap; but after all, I (Baba) am sitting in my vyasasana. I have to keep watch over each disciple's life and weigh impartially both the good and the bad. Then I will decide what steps have to be taken."

Baba looked back to the young man, "So, my little boy, you are in charge of the children's home, isn't it? You teach some classes in the school. And if visitors arrive, you see they are well taken care of, I presume."

"Yes, that's so, Baba," the young man replied confidently.

"Well, do you remember about a fortnight back when some visitors came to the children's home in the morning?"

"Yes, Baba," came the prompt reply.

"I know that you looked after them well -- bought sweet and savory pastries from the market for them."

The young man nodded his head happy that Baba knew of the visit. "What kind of sweets were they, my little boy? Was it rasagolla? And some vegetable cutlets and singara, I think."

"Exactly, Baba."

"You sent one of the little boys to the market to buy the food?"

"Yes, Baba."

"You joined the guests while they were eating?"

"Yes, Baba."

"I think the refreshments were very delicious and the few of you ate everything, isn't it?"

"Yes, Baba," he said softly. Now the young man was beginning to get a hint of something more in Baba's line of questioning.

Baba continued, "Well were you aware that while you were enjoying the delicacies, the little boys were watching from behind the door? They were hoping that you would save a little for them after you had finished."

Kids grabbed plates & licked up sweet rasagolla juice

The young man could not speak. Silently he stood, his head hanging down.

"When you finished, you told those children to wash your plates and cups. Do you care to know what was going on in the minds of those little children? They are innocent little boys. Unable to resist the temptation, they fell upon those plates and licked up the sweet rasagolla juice left on them. Are you aware of that?"

"No, Baba," he said remorsefully.

Then the young man could only nod. He was stunned that Baba knew everything to the smallest detail.  The youth stood silently looking down.

Baba lovingly raised further points about defects in the young man's character and actions.

"Yes, Baba." Now he [the young man] was weeping. "Yes, I could, but I did not try to feel their misery. I am sorry for that."

Annoyed, Baba said, "Don't say 'sorry', say, 'I have committed sin."

Kid went to bed without food - could not sleep due to hunger

After a little pause, Baba continued, His voice calm. "It was only a few days ago that you suddenly returned to the school at about ten at night, after spending some days away. You asked the boys for something to eat, and they immediately brought you food. You ate a good dinner. Did you care to find out how the boys had arranged that meal for you? That food, in fact, was meant for one of the boys who, for some reason, could not eat earlier. It was kept for him. They gave that food to you, and the boy had to pass the night without food. He could not sleep for hunger."

"No, Baba, it did not come in my mind."

"Do you mean to say you forgot. Are you not in charge of the home? Don't you have the slightest love or affection for the boys? You failed to do your basic duty. Can you say that your conduct is highly commendable? It it? What does your conscience say?"

"It deserves condemnation, Baba." The youth now started weeping, tears rolling down his cheeks. Baba had spoken gently. He had neither rebuked him nor threatened him in any way, only exposed the Margii's past thoughtless acts one by one. Baba's affectionate tone had left a deep impression on his mind. He now felt great remorse for his misdeeds and wept without restraint."

Baba said, "Do you know, every tinniest detail of a person's life -- both external and internal -- are at my fingertips. I know completely both the dark and the light side of a person's life. That does not mean, however, that I focus only on the dark side in order just to humiliate him or her in the eyes of others. Rather, it is the good qualities that should be appreciated wholeheartedly.

"I (Baba) point out only those faults and evils which are absolutely necessary for one to be aware of for one's own good. When one sincerely becomes aware of those faults, repents for his or her misdeeds and the desire to change himself or herself is genuine, no other punishment is necessary."

The Margi was now sincerely repentant, and Baba's mood became very tender. Otherwise He might have continued exposing the youth's faults in public. Baba was very gentle with him and only did what was necessary to awaken his conscience.

He called the youth near. Affectionately, He asked, "Well, my son, who do you think these boys are? These children of our homes are only helpless orphans. Perhaps it does not matter if they are not dressed or fed well? The youth could only shake his head with tears running down his face. Now he wept not from remorse but from the touch of love. Baba had graciously blessed him by this whole experience.

Dharma Samiiksa was over. Prostrating himself before Baba, he left the room beaming. The divine inspiration he had received would remain an ever-burning lamp to guide him on this life's journey. 

The above excerpt is from Dada Sarveshvarananda’s book: “My Days with Baba”.

Children’s home: hungry kids

At xyz children’s home, the in-charge wt always keeps the kitchen locked - except during meal times. This Wt suffers from stomach problems so she rarely feels hungry. But those kids are young and growing and need to eat much more frequently. This Wt cannot understand so she is essentially torturing those children by keeping the kitchen locked.

And when she does open it then those children overeat for fear that they will not be able to eat again soon when they are hungry. By this way, the Wt is instilling a sense of greed in those children because in their mind they feel there is a perpetual shortage of food. So they eat whatever they can get their hands on. Sadly, this type of greed for food will scar those kids and the problem will remain with them their entire life. 

in Him, 
Didi Tripti

Research report: not giving children free access to the food is disastrous
Keeping ‘good stuff’ out of reach 

~ Courtesy of NY Times ~

Parents worry that children will binge on treats, so they often put them out of sight or on a high shelf. But a large body of research shows that if a parent restricts a food, children just want it more.

In another Penn State study, researchers experimented to determine whether forbidden foods were more desirable. Children were seated at tables and given unlimited access to plates of apple or peach cookie bars — two foods the youngsters had rated as “just O.K.” in earlier taste tests. With another group, some bars were served on plates, while some were placed in a clear cookie jar in the middle of the table. The children were told that after 10 minutes, they could snack on cookies from the jar.

The researchers found that restricting the cookies had a profound effect: consumption more than tripled compared with when the cookies were served on plates. Other studies show that children whose food is highly restricted at home are far more likely to binge when they have access to forbidden foods. The lesson for parents? Don’t bring foods that you feel the need to restrict into the house. Instead, buy healthful snacks and give children free access to the food cabinets. (Courtesy of NY Times)

1. Human Society - 1, Justice

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Unique point about kiirtana

Here below is an English summary of Baba’s Bangla teaching from Shabda Cayanika:

The following describes how and to what degree human beings are aware about their own unit consciousness (Shiva'tma). As well as how they come in contact with their shiva'tma.

For example, it is just like when one looks in the mirror then one does not see their real self, but rather a reflection of that. Or it is similar to when one awakens from a deep sleep then they can recall only part of their dream, and some aspects of their dream they cannot remember. Or perhaps, more precisely, they can only remember a reflection of their dream-- and not the dream itself.

In contrast, there are other occasions where one looks at their own reflection in the water and they can clearly see their reflected image. But still that is not one's entire being. It remains but a reflection. Just like if one sees a reflection of a mango in the water then that is just a reflection and not the real mango.

In reality only we come in contact with our unit consciousness when we sing kiirtana and some bliss comes. Then we come in contact with our shiva'tma.

So in the spiritual field one comes in contact with their own unit consciousness after singing spiritually vibrated music like kiirtana or bhajans. For this reason, such types of devotional chanting or singing is highly essential in the life of a sadhaka. And when one comes in momentary contact with their own unit consciousness while singing kiirtana this is known as Gandharva loka. One can only feel the bliss of kiirtan when their mind reaches into Ghandharva loka. (1)

1. English summary from Shabda Cayanika - 26 (B)

== Section ==

~ बाबा, हे परमपुरुष! मेरा तुम्हारा गोपनीय मिलन होगा मेरे एकांत मन-मधुवन में ~

प्रभात संगीत
 2129 तोमाय आमाय गोपन देखा, होबे प्रियो मनेर कोने.....

परिचय- यह गीत मधुर भाव को प्रकट करता है जब कि भक्त प्रेम से परम पुरुष के बहुत निकट होता है। सभी भावों में से मधुर भाव सबसे उत्तम है। इसमें मन का भाव इतना उच्च अवस्था में पहुंच जाता है कि भक्त परमपुरुष के अत्यंत निकट पहुंचकर अत्यधिक आनन्द का अनुभव करता है। परम पुरुष की रचना में कोई भी चीज कड़ुवी नहीं है वे मानसिक संसार में तुम्हे प्रेम के बंधन में बाॅंधे हुए हैं ।

हे परमपुरुष! हे मेरे परमप्रिय! हमारी प्रेम की बातें, हमारे हृदयों के आदान प्रदान मेरे मन के बहुत दूर कोने में घटित होंगे। वहीं मैं तुमसे मिलूंगा, वहाॅं कोई भी हमें नहीं देख पायेगा, कोई भी नहीं जान पायेगा, इतना ही नहीं वहाॅं मेरे मन में क्या भाव चल रहा है यह भी कोई नहीं समझ पायेगा।

हे परमपुरुष! तुम मेरे हृदय में फूलों की कोमलता और मधुरता के साथ आओगे, और मेरे द्वारा माला पहिनाये जाने के बाद अपना आसन ग्रहण करोगे, और मधुर चंद्रमा के प्रकाश  में हम दोनों मेरे मन के मधुवन में एक साथ होंगे।

हे बाबा! मैं जो कुछ समझ पाया हॅूं या जो कुछ भी जानता हॅूं वह यह है कि, तुम सभी प्रकार के विचारों और भाषा के परे हो। तुम अखंड हो और इन सीमित साधनों से नहीं पाये जा सकते। मेरा तो केवल यही निवेदन है कि कृपा कर मेरे हृदय में चुपके से आ जाओ।

हे परमपुरुष बाबा! मैं तुम्हें अपने मन के मधुवन में---मधुर और आध्यात्मिक तरंगो से अभिभूत मेरे हृदय के एकांत कोने में मिलूंगा । बाबा मुझे पराभक्ति देने की अहैतुकी कृपा करें।

== Section 3: Links ==

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