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Saturday, October 15, 2022

Bootlickers: culprits + 3 more


Bootlickers: culprits


Our Ananda Marga society is comprised of both family people and sannyasis, i.e. Wts. And Baba has given a unique role for each to play. These roles are revolutionary and unlike any of the dogmatic religions. In the various religions, family people are essentially treated as 2nd class citizens. They have hardly any role at all. The power is vested in the priest class. Family people just obey the orders of the clergy like sheep or slaves. Our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha is vastly different: Baba has given family people a meaningful role in the running of our Ananda Marga society.

Inferiority complex in some grhiis (family people)

The question arises then, when family people have been given a distinct role in our Ananda Marga way of life, why is it that some family people are always made to take a backseat to central Wts in running the organisation. Here Baba sheds light on the situation. In Ananda Marga philosophy, Baba describes different kinds of samskaras, one of which is an imposed samskara. And it is that type of samskara that is hurting us right now. An imposed samskara is when one gets indoctrinated into the dogmas and trends of the general society. That is what has happened in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha with regards to the relationship between central Wts and family margiis.

Since the religions are suffering from priestocracy etc, that same dogma has seeped into our AMPS organisation. Neither does the priest class - i.e. central Wts - want to empower the family people, nor do family people feel comfortable having a role. It is just like if you ask one so-called harijan in the remote village to sit on an equal chair, then bound by their inferiority complex they will say that, "I am comfortable on the ground." Here below Baba describes this type of mentality.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The headmaster of a Harijan school once asked a student to fetch him some drinking water, but the boy did not move. Instead he asked a non-Harijan friend in a low voice to do as the headmaster requested. But the headmaster intervened and asked the boy why he would not comply with the request. The student replied, “Sir, I am an untouchable by caste. How can you drink water touched by me?” This is an example of how repression can bring about a change in the psychic structure." (1)

In a similar manner, some of the family people in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha suffer from the same type of inferiority complex as those harijans. Unfortunately, some family people feel unworthy of a proper role. That is the dogma or imposed samskara that has been dragged into AMPS from various religions.

What are the two distinct roles in AM society

Baba has cleared up that situation and everyone should be aware of those teachings. Baba has given each a role to play: Family people and sannyasis. The duty of each has been allotted. We do not have any option. What Guru says we should follow. Sannyasis have only one family (i.e. the greater universal family) they have to do more sadhana and help others in Sixteen Points. They should keep away from all kinds of vices, indulgences, and allurement. And family people have two families (unit and cosmic) and should participate in organisational life and serve the society.

If either family margiis or central Wts do not pay heed to Baba's aforementioned guideline, then it means they have fallen from their dharma as they have not attended to their allotted duties. Practically speaking, family margiis should not exclusively engage in their unit family life and sannyasis should not fall prey to luxuries, material wealth, or selfishness etc. Both should adhere to their dharmic code and fulfill their responsibilities as outlined by Sadguru Baba.

What is the difference between family margiis and Wts

   Ananda Marga philosophy says,, "The only difference between them is as follows: householders have to care for two families whereas the renunciates have to care for only one. The householders’ two families are their own small family consisting of father, mother, brothers, sisters, husband or wife, sons, daughters, etc. and the larger human family, that is, the entire universe. The householders will have to maintain a balance between both these families."
   "The householders will have to look after the larger family as well, but for that they may take the assistance of the sannyasins. Sannyasins do not have a small family of their own – their family is the entire universe. In order to maintain that family they, in turn, may take the help of the householders. Therefore it is clear that manava dharma is the same for both the householders and the renunciates." (2)

Baba has made it very clear what our duties are. We are to follow our allotted duty and fulfill our human dharma.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "You see, as far as spiritual elevation is concerned, there is no difference between the householder or family man, and the renunciate. It is really a question of sincerity in spiritual practice. But the task of the family man is more difficult: he has to serve both his small family and his Universal Family. For the renunciate there is only the Universal Family to serve, but the family man must always maintain a balance between his small family and his large Family. He cannot neglect either one." (3)

The following paragraph is an English summary / rough translation of Baba's special teaching originally given in Bengali on the roles of (a) family people and (b) wholetimers in our Ananda Marga.

What is the objective adjustment of sannyasis [AM Wts]? To help family people in their all-round development. And what is the subjective approach of the sannyasis? To do more sadhana [in comparison to ghriis]. Sannyasi means one should immerse oneself only in the thought and service of Parama Purusa. Both have to follow their duties. Sannyasis should follow their duties; and, family people should follow their duties. If you adopt this approach, you will be able to make one ideal human society. I see that the role of family people is very significant in Ananda Marga. There is a great need of LFT's. Because of their family responsibility those who cannot dedicate themselves fully can do part-time service and become LPT. In that case they should dedicate at least 5 minutes every day for service. Only engaging in subjective approach [one's own sadhana] or only  engaging in objective adjustment [one's own family life] is not good. 

The above is an English summary / rough translation of Baba’s guideline originally delivered in Bengali.

How Centre changed the ACB

Advisory Committee & Boards (ACB): This singular body - comprised of senior margiis along with some central Wts - has been given by Sadguru as a major avenue for running AMPS organisation on various levels etc. This is the platform - where through a cohesive organisational body - margiis can suggest, advise, and steer AMPS activities and programs etc. However, since 1990, Centre has placed only their bootlickers on the ACB, while those margiis who have raised genuine points are kept aside. In that case, only passive-minded people have a spot. Any type of critical analysis is not allowed and is rather grounds for disqualification. Bootlicker margiis are the culprit. In the greed of post, they surrender their freedom given by Baba, just as traitor Indians handed over the freedom of India to the British East India company whereby for 200 years India became slave to the British empire.

Advisory Committee & Boards (ACB): This singular body - comprised of senior margiis along with some central Wts - has been given by Sadguru as a major avenue for running AMPS organisation on various levels etc. This is the platform - where through a cohesive organisational body - margiis can suggest, advise, and steer AMPS activities and programs etc. However, since 1990, Centre has placed only their bootlickers on the ACB, while those margiis who have raised genuine points are kept aside. In that case, only passive-minded people have a spot. Any type of critical analysis is not allowed, rather it is grounds for disqualification. And the crux of the matter is that bootlicker margiis are the culprits. Out of greed for the post they choose to surrender their freedom and autonomy given by Baba, just as traitor Indians sold out and handed over their freedom to the British East India company. And the outcome was that for 200 years India became enslaved by the British kingdom. And now that same thing is going on in AMPS due to those bootlicker margiis.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Sadguru Baba has made our Ananda Marga society in a unique way where both sannyasis and family people are empowered to serve and lead. At the same time both have their specialised roles. Our Wts are to work for the welfare of all as Wts have only the larger societal family while married persons are to serve both their unit family and the larger society. So both have important roles to play and we should not allow family people to be marginalised as happened in the various religions. Sadguru Baba has created the pathways for both Wts and family people to proactively lead and serve.

Wts: two families versus one family

Ananda Marga ideology says, "There must be an adjustment between the two. Sannyásins practise átmamokśárthaḿ jagaddhitáya ca. These sannyásins are not the ones living for their bellies alone. They are serving the society. Those serving this world do not strive for vidyá alone; they also serve the world. This should, in fact, be done not only by sannyásins, but by family people as well."

"What is the difference between the two?"

"The life of a householder is a little troublesome. Why is it? A householder has two families – small as well as big. What is the small family? It includes one’s parents, sisters, brothers, spouse, and other relatives such as aunts, uncles and so on. The Indian family is a [relatively] big one. In the Indian tradition, even the sisters of one’s father and mother are included in the family. This is one’s small family."

"And the big family is the whole universe and its suffering humanity."

"What does a householder have to do? He or she has to maintain a balance between the two families. One invariably has to look after and expend for the small family, and, simultaneously, work for the big family. If one devotes all one’s time and energy to the small family, totally ignoring the big family, one becomes a fallen and degenerated householder. Likewise, if one pays attention only to the big family and neglects the small family consisting of one’s parents, brothers, sisters, etc., then again one falls."

"Just see how difficult it is to keep adjustment between the two. A wife will be annoyed if a husband donates much money [to social service]. Therefore he donates twenty-five rupees with the wife’s knowledge and another twenty rupees without her knowledge, and thus establishes adjustment. Sannyásins need not establish adjustment."

"You know our workers have to collect [donations of] paddy, wheat, and so on for the children of our [children’s] homes. The workers say that if they visit the farmyard, the farmer donates a bigger quantity, but if they are delayed and have to collect from the farmer’s house, the farmer’s wife donates a little less. Thus the householder has to maintain adjustment between the two. But the sannyásin has only one family – the big family – so there is no question of adjustment there." (4)

Listen audio file

Role of Family People & Wts in Ananda Marga ==>

1. Prout Nutshell - 17, Suppression, Repression and Oppression
2. A Few Problems Solved - 4, Let History Be Rewritten
3. The Great Universe, The Family Man and the Renunciant
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 30, Self-Realization and Service to Humanity

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How vedas came into being

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The meaning of the verbal root rc is “to glorify” (through song or through ordinary language). Rk means “hymn”. In ancient times, with the beginning of civilization, the sages used to look upon the various manifestations of nature as the play of one God and they composed hymns for that god. When they used to sing in the name of Úśa, Indra, Parjanya, Mátarishvá, Varuńa, that singing was called sáma. At that time script had not yet been invented, so the disciples used to learn by listening to the verbal teachings of the guru. These were all words of truth, words of knowledge and since they were words of knowledge, since they elevated the uncultured human beings towards the light of culture, they were called veda, or knowledge." (1)

1. Shabda Cayanika - 2, Discourse: 11

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Sad trend: some wts -> negative microvita

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Those who were decent human beings and deeply spiritual, and used to collect money for a noble cause, but in the process of fund raising forgot Parama Puruśa and attached greater importance to their fund raising at the cost of Parama Puruśa – that is, they remembered Parama Puruśa as part of dharma sádhaná and collected money for a great cause, and although Parama Puruśa was the goal collecting money became the dominant desire – attain the state of yakśa devayoni after their demise. In feminine gender, yakśa becomes yakś the dominant spiritual sentiment became secondary, they are negative microvita.” (1)

Note: Some margiis and Wts collect money for various projects. By involving in the project they think about money, money, and money. And they forget Parama Purusa. In consequence, they become negative microvita. That is what is explained above.

To save oneself from this tragedy, money collectors should think, “This project is not my project. I am working for Parama Purusa Baba. It is His project and my duty is to serve Him. That is why I am doing A to Z.” With this type of thinking, the mind will not get degenerated by focusing on money, and they will get salvation. 

So one way of thinking makes the Wt turn into negative microvita and another way of thinking helps that sadhaka attain ultimate salvation.

1. Microvitum in a Nutshell - Disembodied Souls and Microvita – Excerpt B

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

तुम्हारी प्रेम भरी मुलाकात

प्रभात सङ्गीत  2129: तोमाय आमाय गोपन देखा, होबे प्रियो मनेर कोने...


इस गीत में मधुर भाव के सम्बन्ध में वर्णन किया गया है- जहाॅं भक्त और  परमपुरुष के बीच  बहुत ही निकटता और बहुत ही उच्च स्तर का प्रेम भरा सम्बन्ध होता है।


हे परम पुरुष ! हे मेरे परम प्रिय ! तुम्हारी हमारी निकटता भरी मुलाकात और हृदय के प्रेम का लेना देना, मेरे मन के एक कोने में होगा। कृपा कर तुम वहीं आना
,मैं तुम्हें वहीं मिलूँगा। मैं तुमसे वहीं  बात करूँगा और अपने हृदय की बातें धीरे से तुम्हारे कान में कहूँगा। वहाॅं न कोई हमें देखेगा और न ही कोई यह समझ पाएगा कि हमारे बीच कितनी अधिक निकटता है ।

हे प्रभु ! मेरे अनुमान से तुम मेरे हृदय में फूलों जैसी कोमलता की बाढ़ के साथ आओगे। तुम कृपा कर, फूलमालाओं से सजाए गए अपने आसन पर बैठोगे।  उस चन्द्रमा  की मधुर चाँदनी भरी रात में हम दोनों, मेरे मन के मधुवन में एकसाथ होंगे।

हे मेरे परम प्रिय बाबा ! मैं जो कुछ थोड़ा सा तुम्हारे बारे में जानता या समझता हॅूं वह विचार और भाषा के परे है। तुम ज्ञान और विचारों की अधिकता से पकड़ में नहीं आते। तुम इस सीमित दिखावे से बहुत ऊपर हो। कोई भी व्यक्ति तुम्हारा गुणगान नहीं कर सकता। तुम अखण्ड  हो। तुम सब चीजों की पहुँच से  परे हो। क्या यही कारण है कि तुम चुपचाप ही आते हो ?

बाबा ! हे परमपुरुष ! मैं तुम्हें अपने मन के मधुवन में मिलूँगा।  मधुरता और दिव्यता भरे कम्पनों से मेरे हृदय की गहराई में तुम आओगे। हे परम पुरुष ! अपनी अहैतुकी कृपा कर मुझे पराभक्ति दे दो ।

1. Sadguru Baba says (in GD, Delhi, 26 Feb 1984) that when writing a Prabhat Samgiita purport then very simple words should be used so that the common mass may understand. The above Hindu purport has been written according to that guideline.