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Monday, September 26, 2022

Similarity + 3 more


In an LFT meeting in 1988, Sadguru Baba explained why communist leaders do not leave their political post until they die. Those communists leaders hold the post lifelong. But that is not the case in capitalism. Capitalists do not want to sit in the chair and hold a political post. Thus, communists and capitalists harbour two opposite approaches, yet their goal remains the same.

The question stands, "Why is it that communist leaders are unwilling to leave their post?" The answer - which Baba gave in the LFT session (1988) - is below.

"Their seeds are the same"

To begin, let's explore the basic nature of capitalism and communism. Firstly, Baba states that capitalism is rooted in materialism where people do anything and everything to gain material wealth.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "In capitalism the psychology of the acquisition of material wealth, be it land, money, metal or other property, strongly predominates. Such crude psychic urges and psychic pabula remain unchecked and unbridled in capitalism and turn into a hungry profit motive in the market system." (1)

Next Sadguru Baba says that communism is also based on crude materialism.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Communism is also a socio-economic-political theory based on materialism. In communist society people’s psychic urges and psychic pabula instinctively run after material acquisition and crude enjoyment." (2)

In both capitalism and communism, the main goal of life is 100% materialistic: To lust for and acquire mundane wealth and hold onto that wealth for their personal enjoyment for as long as possible. Baba concludes then that both capitalism and communism are born of the same seed.

Prout philosophy states, "Capitalism and communism are the same internally. Fruits of the same variety may have different colour skins, but their seeds are the same. Capitalism and communism are fruits of the same variety." (3)

Why communist leaders do not leave the post

Capitalists acquire their economic empire by exploiting the masses - by riding the backs of the common people. Capitalists use their massive, ill-begotten wealth to finance and send their chosen people (stooges) into the political fray. With their millions and billions of dollars they purchase all kinds of politicians and even entire political parties. By this way those capitalists bend the rules of the land in their favour. Such capitalists hoard material wealth without occupying any political post.

In contrast, in communism, those political leaders hold onto the post for as long as they possibly can - right up until their death. They never leave their position. The question is: Why do they not leave their post?

In one LFT meeting, Baba told the answer. He explained that the reason communist leaders do not want to leave the post is that they do not want to part with their wealth. And the only way they can keep their wealth is to be a leader of the state. In communism there is no "personal wealth"; the state owns everything; Baba calls it "state capitalism".

When those communist leaders leave the post they will have to give up their luxurious lifestyle. Because in communism all the wealth is the property of the state. To be wealthy and live in the lap of luxury one must be controlling the state. The common people do not have anything in communism.

Since the goal in communism is material wealth, those greedy leaders hold onto their post to satisfy their desires - to hoard all the resources. It is for this reason that they occupy the chair right up till their death. That is the answer given by Baba in that LFT meeting of 1988.


Here the central idea is that neither capitalism nor communism has any higher ideal in life. For them, matter is everything. In order to acquire material wealth, capitalists follow one approach and communists adopt another. They are diametrically opposite in their style. Yet both share the exact same goal: Crude wealth.
Unfortunately some naive and foolish people think that capitalism and communism are two totally different philosophies. When in reality, they are different in only the most superficial of ways. Truly speaking they both share the same aim; their ultimate goal is the same.

In Him,

Baba has removed so many illusions about communism and capitalism that are prevalent in the general society.

~ In-depth study ~

Real owner vs man-made owner of wealth

Now let's just take a comparative look.

(A) In capitalism, the basic concept is that the wealth belongs to individuals; capitalists own all the movable and immovable property.

(B) In communism, all the material wealth belongs to the state. All the gold, all the food, all the luxuries - it is all in the hands of the state.

(C) In our Proutistic approach we see things in a whole different light. We think that everything belongs to Parama Purusa - the Cosmic Father.

Prout philosophy says, "None of the movable or immovable property of this universe belongs to any particular individual; everything is the common patrimony of all, and the Father of all is Brahma." (4)

Keep chair until their death

Both the communist and capitalist philosophies are false. The true owner of all these material possession is neither the individual nor state, but Parama Purusa. He has created this entire expressed world in His mind. So He is the owner. That is why the communist and capitalist philosophies are both dogma.

In this letter we have discussed how communist leaders do not leave the post until their death, and here are a few examples:
  • Fidel Castro (Cuba): In true sense he did not give up the post before death; he never became a common man.
  • Kim Jung-un (North Korea): He is the third generation leader of this communist regime.
  • Mugabe (Zimbabwe): Although technically a democracy, he wanted to rule until his death but he got kicked out at 93 years of age.
  • Hugo Chavez (Venezuela): Although he could not establish a one-party system he remained in the post until his death.
  • Putin (Russia): Putin has employed communist-style leadership that keeps him in power.
  • China: In this mixed political climate, these leaders rule on and on and never become common citizens.
  • Jyoti Basu (West Bengal, India): He ruled his left front party in West Bengal for 33 years. The Left Front ruled the state for seven consecutive terms 1977–2011, five with Jyoti Basu as Chief Minister and two under Buddhadev Bhattacharya. This rule ended after 33 years only because he was ruling a state and not the entire country.

USA: billionaires sell politicians, governors, presidents in the market

In capitalism the puppets, like senators and members of congress, govern the country but from behind billionaires are ruling by sitting on the cash box. They openly purchase, buy, and sell politicians in the market. These puppets come in the form of governors, presidents etc, and if they do not fulfill demands of the donors they are kicked away and capilatis purchase a new stooge to contest and win the election. If capitalist tycoons see that their puppets are subservient to them those billionaires will support those political stooges and keep them in the post from one election to the next. Western style democracy is the ideal example of all this, whether it be in India, Europe, or the US etc.

When the common mass understands the ideas discussed in the letter then the bell of revolution starts ringing loudly and viksubdha shudras destroy capitalism and a new social cycle starts. That day is coming in the very near future.

Types of exploitation

Prout philosophy states, “Psycho-economic exploitation is the latest form of dangerous and all-devouring capitalist exploitation. It is a special type of exploitation which first weakens and paralyses people psychologically in various ways, and then exploits them economically. Some of the methods of psycho-economic exploitation include, first, the suppression of the indigenous language and culture of local people; secondly, the extensive propagation of pseudo-culture, exemplified by pornographic literature which debases people’s mind and particularly undermines the vitality of the youth; thirdly, the imposition of numerous restrictions on women, forcing them to be economically dependent on men; fourthly, an unpsychological education system with frequent political interference by vested interests; fifthly, the negation of dharma in the name of secularism; sixthly, the balkanization of society into numerous castes and groups; seventhly, the damaging of society by the use of unnatural and harmful methods of birth control; and eighthly, placing the control of different mass media, such as newspapers, radio and television, in the hands of capitalists. Both intellectual exploitation and psycho-economic exploitation are great dangers to the human race today.” (5)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 8, The Transformation of Psychic Pabula into Psycho-spiritual Pabulum
2. A Few Problems Solved - 8, The Transformation of Psychic Pabula into Psycho-spiritual Pabulum
3. Prout Nutshell - 16, Decentralized Economy – 2
4. Problems of the Day, Point #1
5. A Few Problems Solved - 9, Capitalism in Three Spheres

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Everything is filled with Your beauty

"Ainjan enke dáo ánkhir pare, ákásh vátás suśamáy bhará..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1432)

Note: If you are at the dinner table talking to your close companion who is seated next to you and looking directly at you, already you have their full attention. In that case, you need not address them by saying “O”. If you say “O” they may get irritated. So prefacing an appellation for God with “O’” such as in O’ Lord is not appropriate in our Ananda Marga. Saying “O’ Lord” signifies that that Divine Entity is far away - i.e. in the 7th sky or heaven - and that one must cry out to reach them. And that goes against the spirit of bhakti. The exception to this rule is melancholic songs. 


Baba, kindly place such a spiritual ointment, collyrium, in my eyes and grant me vision so I can see You all around, everywhere. Please open my optical nerve of bhakti in the realm of prema, so I can see Your universal expression and gaze upon You to my heart's full satiation and contentment. Now the sky, earth, and breeze  - everything is filled with Your exquisite beauty.

My Supreme Entity, You have filled this entire cosmos with Your sublime spiritual vibration and spread Yourself in all directions: In the blueness of the firmament, in the longitude of the mountain ranges, as well as in the leaves, flowers, fruits creepers, shrubs, trees, far and wide. Parama Purusa, today please let me realize this. Baba, please apply that unique collyrium of bhakti in my pupils so I may see look upon You in every iota of this universe.

My Parama Purusa Baba, You have mingled and interwoven Yourself in various forms ubiquitously: from the nectar of flowers to the distant moon, planets, stars, body of the nebulae, and all those celestial bodies, to the light and darkness, to every nook and cranny, far and wide, near and far, high and low, 'here, there, and everywhere'.

Baba, please bless me with divine sight so I may see Your all-pervading form...

Note: In our Ananda Marga, we know that Parama Purusa is watching us always. He is never far - always He resides in the heart witnessing all we think, do, and say. Hence there is no need to call out to Him using the phrases, “O’ God”, “O’ Lord etc.” One may simply address Him in a natural manner without the “O” preface and He will certainly listen to your call. The exception to this rule is melancholic songs. 

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How the terms sin & devotion fail to convey the real meaning


1. In the following teachings noted below, Baba is talking about patakiis - not mahapatikiis who commit the worst sin that has a recurring negative effect on society.
2. With the fire of sadhana, i.e. practicing regular sadhana, one’s sin is burned, bit by bit. The rate depends upon how committed one is in their sadhana. Those who are very sincere in sadhana can exhaust all their samskaras in approximately 20 years. That is what Baba has described in one discourse.

3. Just as the fire of sadhana can burn one’s samskaras, one can also burn their samskaras by sincerely singing kiirtan.
4. Sin and papa are not the same thing. Sin means going against the fundamentals of the Bible, and pa’pa means those actions which harm others. So sin and papa are not the same. However, as the term pa’pa is not so well known, sometimes Baba uses the term sin. But He has given the direction that step by step over time the term sin should be changed to papa in Ananda Marga philosophy.

5. This is similar to the case of bhakti and devotion. For example, you may have devotion towards your spouse or pet, but it would be a gross mistake to say that one has bhakti for their spouse or pet. Unfortunately in India, due to lack of knowledge, people misuse the term bhakti, and they created the word desh-bhakti, meaning patriotism. But that is preposterous. Because the term bhakti means service to God. The root itself is spiritual. That is why it is wrong to use bhakti in the context of one’s motherland. Whereas the term devotion has a different origin. It means commitment and has no spiritual foundation. That is why Baba rejects the term devotion in favour of the word bhakti, and He wants His discourses updated accordingly. That is what He has described in a general darshan at Bhagalpur DMC in 1987.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "One is seized by a feeling of repentance when one realizes (either from within or with the help of a second person) the impropriety of one’s action." (1)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Someone might have committed a pátaka [sin of commission], but after that wrong action feels repentance, and compensates for the harm his or her action caused. After such repentance and compensation, the action is no longer a sin. Suppose someone has stolen a thousand rupees from someone else. If after this theft the thief feels compunction and returns the money – better, however, with the inclusion of interest thereon – and begs forgiveness, that will mean that the person’s sin has been washed away. The person should no longer be called a sinner." (2)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "If, knowingly or unknowingly, you have committed any mistake or any sin, then your repentance and your singing kiirtana, wholeheartedly, will free you from all sins. So, your future is always bright, never dark, never dark." (3)

In Him,

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 8, The Acoustic Roots of the Indo-Aryan Alphabet
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 9, "Take Refuge in Parama Puruśa with Unswerving Attention"
3. Ananda Vacanartam - 12, The Real Value of the Human Entity

== Section 3: Links ==

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