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Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Altered photo ruining dhyana + 3 more


Altered photo ruining dhyana

To practice the 6th lesson of sahaja yoga sadhana, an authentic photo of Mahasambhuti Baba is needed. An altered photo of Baba will not suffice. Rather, practicing with an altered photo will be counterproductive and harmful. 

Altered photo: as negative as idol worship

Firstly, an altered photo drastically diminishes the overall vibration. Secondly, an altered photo of Baba is as gravely detrimental as idol worship. Just as an idol is born from an artist’s limited psyche, similarly, an altered photo is the brainchild of a particular artist. That is why it is just as negative as idol worship.

In those days of old, in the hoary past, during the time of Lord Shiva and Lord Krsna, material science was not sufficiently developed to create a photo or clear image of those Mahasambhutis. In that vacuum, dogma was able to rear its ugly head. The long term outcome is that nowadays the images of Lord Shiva and Lord Krsna are not accurate depictions. Rather, those images have veered far from reality. Because of these altered images, those followers could not properly practice dhyana. So the unaltered, clear photo is a veritable need for all sadhakas.

Without proper photo, dhyana not possible 

In contrast, we are fortunate that Sadguru Baba has provided us with a very clear photo of Him that can be passed down from generation to generation. According to Baba, devoid of a proper photo, dhyana will be impossible. So the unaltered, clear photo is a veritable need for all sadhakas.

It is a very sad and painful situation that the alteration of Baba’s photo is going on these days at such an alarming and accelerated rate. Those regularly seeing these altered photos are slowly getting degenerated; their minds are polluted by these altered photos. By meditating upon, ideating on, thinking of, or looking at such altered photos, the subconscious mind becomes crudified. Tragically, this is happening with many sadhakas - i.e. any who use such adulterated photos. Just as an idol is born from an artist’s limited psyche, similarly, an altered photo is the brainchild of a particular artist. That is why it is just as negative as idol worship.

in Him,

Special AM teachings for dhyana

 Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Prátah means “in the morning”. … . Shirasi means “at the topmost point” – that is to say, in the Guru cakra. Shukle means “in a white”; abje means “in the lotus”; shuklébje means “in or on a white lotus”. And you have to meditate on the Guru who is dvinetra [endowed with two eyes] and dvibhuja [endowed with two hands]. In what posture is this Guru endowed with two eyes and two hands? In varábhaya mudrá [the gesture imparting fearlessness and bestowing grace]. He is your well-wisher and your benefactor.”
   “Whatever words you use mentally to address the Guru at the time of dhyána or Guru dhyána, should also be used at the time of this Guru dhyána. You should always address the Guru for an extended period. This is Gurusakásha.” (1)

Passed down from generation to generation

In those days of old, in the hoary past, during the time of Lord Shiva and Lord Krsna, material science was not sufficiently developed to create a photo or clear image of those Mahasambhutis. So the rsis and advanced sadhakas made the dhyana mantra of Lord Shiva and Lord Krsna. And with the help of those dhyana mantras, bhaktas of later generations were able to imagine, to some degree, what Lord Krsna and Lord Shiva looked like. Otherwise, without that it would have been impossible to do dhyana those days.

Sadguru Baba has provided us with a very clear varabhaya mudra photo. Moreover, the process has been neatly written and compiled in Acarya Diary, and that can be passed down from generation to generation. In addition, Baba has given all kinds of explanations about abhidhyana in the various discourses of the book, “Namami Krsnasundaram”. All that said, regardless of what other information might be available, devoid of a proper photo, dhyana will be impossible. So the photo is absolutely key.

1. Yoga Psychology, Under the Shelter of the Guru

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

According to Your wish

"Moder dhará rúpe peyeche, tomár rúper sáje..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0324)

Note: Only those bhaktas who feel a devotional vibration in their heart can understand this song in the depths of their core.


My Supreme Entity, this world has become beautiful because of Your infinite charm. That is why I behold You everywhere - in all Your variations. When I look at any expression then I see that You are there. You are manifesting Yourself in that form. Parama Purusa, You are presenting Your grandeur in the rupa of all these entities - animate and inanimate. You are One but Your disseminations are many. You show Yourself in innumerable shapes. You are hiding within Your creation.

Divine One, You are present everywhere - in all the flows. Nothing is outside Your mental arena; everything is within the purview of Your mind. That is why nothing is ever lost. Baba, I am in Your domain and I do according to Your desire. This entire universe is in Your mental vision and I am one part of that, working according to Your wish. Because all is Your thought projection.

Baba, You are present in each mental conception. Whatever human beings think is known to You since You are the Witnessing Entity of that very psychic process. You are extremely vast: all are encapsulated within You. You are so small and present in everyone's mental arena. You are more tiny than the most miniscule and more grand than the biggest. Even by mistake I do not think that besides You anything else exists. You are the totality.

Prabhu, I always think that You are the quintessence, it is Your grace...

~ Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #0324 ~

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Neohumanism includes within its scope not only human beings and animate creatures, such as plants and animals, but all inanimate entities as well, for the scope of Neohumanism extends down to the smallest particles of sub-atomic matter...Why should the love and affection of developed human minds be restricted to human beings only? Why should it not include all living beings, including plant life? This is the new explanation of humanism - neohumanism - for within neohumanism the entire animate world is included...And that golden day is sure to come when that perfect stage of structure, that is, unit existence in the intra-atomic world, will be reached, when human intuition will realize that the essence in the sub-atomic world is pure Consciousness." (1)

Note: Materialists think that everything comes from matter while Ananda Marga philosophy states that everything comes from Brahma. This then is the fundamental difference between the static world view of materialism and our spiritual outlook. Needless to say, our spiritual perspective changes the whole view of this universe as well as our relation with it. Materialists think that the world is for their self-satisfaction only whereas in Ananda Marga we think that we have come to this world to serve others since all are the expression of Parama Purusa.

More about Prabhat Samgiita #0324: This is a neo-humanistic song given on 10 March 1983. This same theme was evident in the RU address and DMC discourse of 28 and 29 May, respectively. In both those discourses, this same type of idea was given but in greater detail. In that RU address, the idea was that everything is the expression of Parama Purusa, and that Parama Purusa is expressing Himself throughout this manifested universe.

1. Neo-Humanism in a Nutshell - 1, The Status of Inanimation in the Philosophy of Neohumanism

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Be wary of prestige

In this teaching, Ananda Marga philosophy graphically describes the state of one who desires prestige.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Pratiśt́há – the desire to make oneself known. A person influenced by [the desire for] pratiśt́há expects respect from everyone, and hankers after name and fame. This mental state can be easily compared with the mental condition of a beggar. The beggar asks money from others, while the person craving for prestige begs others to give him respect. [The person desires something that] is really meaningless and possesses no value, something that has been fitly compared to the excrement of a pig." (1)

Sadguru says, "Human beings are made of flesh and bones. If their heart or lungs stop functioning, in that case they will be lifted onto the shoulders of 4 other people in order to get thrown onto the funeral pyre. When this is the situation of human beings, where is the scope for self-glorification?" (2)

1. Ananda Vacamrtam Part 23, Safeguards against the Defects of Jiṋána and Karma
2. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 11, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle

== Section 4: Links ==

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