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Monday, August 15, 2022

Need economic democracy + 3 more


Need economic democracy


Nowadays, in most countries of the world, people hold high hopes that the next democratic election will set things right, alleviating economic distress and political confusion. Time and again people get duped into this false belief that political democracy is great. Mostly because they think that the victory of their candidate or party leader will end today's misery.

People continue to live in false paradise by thinking that the answer lies in the next election and the victory of their chosen candidate. But not any election within the realm of political democracy can bring an ounce of relief to the people's woes. Because today's democracy (i.e. political democracy) - and its inherent flaw of economic centralisation - means the rich get richer, and the people get poorer. Plus political democracy brings on so many other ills.

The needed change to solve all this lies not in the capitalist or communist approach of political democracy, but in Prout's way of economic democracy. Only economic democracy can lead the humanity in the proper direction.

Political democracy is prevalent nowadays

These days political democracy, in one form or another, exists in most of the world's nations. And the mere mention of the term 'political democracy' brings a smile to people's faces. Constant booming by the capitalists has brainwashed and sold the population on political democracy.

Prout philosophy says, "In all countries where [political] democracy is in vogue today, people have been deceived into believing that there is no better system than political democracy."  (1)

Thus the myth and false hope about political democracy is just about everywhere, yet it is reaching its soaring peak in some places as people sit with bated breath waiting for their chosen candidate to come onto the scene. That said, political democracy is quite prevalent now on this earth.

Specifically, as Baba tells us, democracy (i.e. political democracy) has two distinct branches: liberal democracy where capitalists have all the money like in the US, and socialist democracy where the state has all the money like in China. And one or another nation follows one of these two pathways.

Prout philosophy states, "Liberal democracy has been established in such countries as the USA, Great Britain, France and Canada, while in China, Vietnam and Eastern Europe socialist democracy is the dominant system." (2)

So political democracy is all over and only spreading. Tragically, the gullible people gleefully embrace it, thinking that it is great, not knowing that political democracy will bring their demise.

The pitfalls of political democracy

With their tall talks of freedom, their backwards policy that all (even uninformed people) can vote, and so many other so-called progressive proclamations, political democracy promotes itself as being the grand solution. Yet, political democracy means economic centralisation and political centralisation-- both of which spell disaster for the people.

Prout says, "In all the democratic countries of the world, economic power is concentrated in the hands of a few individuals and groups. In liberal democracies economic power is controlled by a handful of capitalists, while in socialist countries economic power is concentrated in a small group of party leaders. In each case a handful of people – the number can be easily counted on one’s fingertips – manipulate the economic welfare of the entire society." (3)

From an economic perspective, political democracy consolidates the wealth, ruins the purchasing capacity of the people, turns most people into mere tools for the ruling capitalists, and ultimately causes a world-wide financial depression. And from the political side, political democracy is equally harmful.

Prout teaches us, "Today in most democracies, people of dubious character and those with vested interests are elected to power. Even bandits and murderers stand for election and form the government." (4)

Thus from both an economic and political perspective political democracy is a mess, yet people all over, especially in election years, embrace the myth that political democracy is the ideal solution.

Prout philosophy says, "Political democracy has become a great hoax for the people of the world. It promises the advent of an era of peace, prosperity and equality, but in reality it creates criminals, encourages exploitation and throws common people into an abyss of sorrow and suffering." (5)

Candidates are eternally promising "an era of peace, prosperity and equality" yet the people will not taste one ounce of these things once any candidate is elected. That will never happen. Because capitalists, political scammers, and special interest groups have the whole affair skewed in their favour. And those manipulators, including the candidates themselves, hide behind the facade of political democracy.

So it is our duty to break down the aura of political democracy and lead the people into a new era of economic and political justice by raising their social consciousness. The current democratic structures will only lead the people deeper into hell. Even then, people foolishly dream that the next democratic election will bring all the solutions. That is the prevalent myth of the day.

Key difference between economic & political democracy

In an economic democracy, all financial power rests with the people, not with an elite class of capitalists as happens in a political democracy. In political democracy one has voting rights, but forfeits any power over economic decision-making. The masses fully hand over those rights to political leaders. The common people are befooled into thinking that since they have the power to vote then that is everything, and they lose sight of getting economic power.

Why economic democracy is better

Prout philosophy says, "Political democracy cannot fulfil the hopes and aspiration of people or provide the basis for constructing a strong and healthy human society. The only way to achieve this is to establish economic democracy." (6)

The question then is why our Proutistic vision of economic democracy is so much better. Here is a comparative analysis:

1. In Prout's approach of economic decentralisation, the economic power lies with the people. That means job stability, increased purchasing capacity, and so many other financial benefits for the general citizens because the money is not being hoarded by a few capitalists.

2. Prout also advances the guarantee of minimum requirements to all. Democratic capitalism never preaches this and certainly cannot fulfill it as the only goal is to make more and more money at the expense of the common people.

3. Prout puts political power in the hands of moral leaders who watch for the welfare of the people, while political democracy gives rise to political leaders who are but stooges of capitalism and suck the blood of the people.

4. Prout also advances the idea of a local economy where resources stay within that region and get manufactured there as well bringing in money to the local people, as opposed to those same resources getting dragged to other places so big capitalists can earn money from other those very raw materials.

5. Prout is sensitive to the earth's ecological and environmental balance as each and every samaj gets developed in a sustainable manner that takes into consideration the well-being of animals, plants, and inanimate resources, whereas today's political democracy allows all those corporate giants to wreak havoc on this earth in every way imaginable so that they can make a bigger profit.

6. Finally, Prout ensures that every citizen gets ample opportunity for psychic and spiritual pursuits.

For more information about Prout's view of economic democracy, please review the section, 'Requirements for Economic Democracy' from the discourse "Economic Democracy" of June 1986, Kolkata.


The very practical methods of Prout will soon be implemented, bringing economic justice, political dignity, and social equality to each and every land.

Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar says, "Prout's slogan is: 'To end exploitation we demand economic democracy, not political democracy'." (7)

in Him,
Niirava Deva

~ In-depth study ~

Capitalist money pouring onto the political scene

Every year greedy capitalists are pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into the various political conventions because such capitalists are anxious to perpetuate the current era of exploitation under the mask of political democracy. Such corporations and capitalists have a huge interest in this, and it is for this reason that they are giving truck loads of cash in support of these political parties, not because they want to cure the ills of the people. Those corporations are not being generous in giving aways millions, rather they are only doing so in order to bankroll billions within the favoured system of exploitation known as political democracy.

More of Prout’s teachings on this topic

In His below teachings from His discourse, 'Economic Democracy', Baba perfectly point out the ills of today's democracy and also shows how Prout alone has the answer and solution for the humanity. Anyone interested in this topic should read Baba's entire discourse.

Prout says, "Political democracy has...snatched away the right of economic equality. Consequently, there is gross economic disparity between the rich and the poor, immense inequality in people’s purchasing capacity, unemployment, chronic food shortages, poverty and insecurity in society." (8)

Prout says, "The prerequisites for the success of [political] democracy are morality, education and socio-economico-political consciousness. Leaders especially must be people of high moral character, otherwise the welfare of society will be jeopardized. But today in most democracies, people of dubious character and those with vested interests are elected to power. Even bandits and murderers stand for election and form the government." (9)

Prout says, "The farce of [political] democracy has been likened to a puppet show where a handful of power hungry politicians pull the strings from behind the scene. In liberal democracies, capitalists manipulate the mass media such as the radio, television and newspapers, while in socialist democracies the bureaucrats lead the country to the brink of destruction. In both forms of democracy, there is little scope for honest, competent leaders to emerge in society, and virtually no possibility for the economic liberation of the people." (10)

Prout says, "In economic democracy, economic and political power are bifurcated. That is, PROUT advocates political centralization and economic decentralization. Political power is vested with the moralists, but economic power is vested with the local people. The principal goal of the administration is to remove all the impediments and obstacles which prevent the economic needs of the people being met. The universal aim of economic democracy is to guarantee the minimum requirements of life to all members of society." (11)

1. Prout Economics, Economic Democracy
2. Prout Economics, Economic Democracy
3. Prout Economics, Economic Democracy
4. Prout Economics, Economic Democracy
5. Prout Economics, Economic Democracy
6. Prout Economics, Economic Democracy
7. Prout Economics, Economic Democracy
8. Prout Economics, Economic Democracy
9. Prout Economics, Economic Democracy
10. Prout Economics, Economic Democracy
11. Prout Economics, Economic Democracy

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Lotus of every heart

"Ghor tamasáy ese chile, áloy bhuvan bhariye dile..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2749)


Parama Purusa, You came in cimmerian darkness and filled the universe with the illumination of bhakti. Society was in a state of deep slumber, and there was the extreme blackness of dogma all around. You came and filled this cosmos with Your exquisite effulgence of universal love. Baba, You created the vibration and established dharma. You looked towards humanity, kindled the flame of prema, and spread the bond of love amongst one and all. In the past, humans were fighting between groups and clans. Now society is moving towards Parama Purusa.

My Cosmic Entity, in the rhythmic waves, You filled everything with melodies. In the past, people did not have sentient songs, ballads, or tunes; they did not even know how to speak properly. You gave us everything: a new language and a meaningful voice. You made the lotus of every heart bloom and smile vibrantly on this dusty earth. 

Baba, Your coming here in this mortal world is Your divine karuńá. You have filled the mental sky with the colour of spiritual yearning and made everything radiant. Whether small, big, meager or vast, all started dancing in the soft breeze with flow of bhakti due to Your august arrival.

Baba, this entire creation is filled with Your brilliance; it is Your grace...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

New & unique food guideline

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Pramitáhárah: to maintain the physical body, you require physical food, air, water, light. But physical food is not simply for the physical body. It has got its effect on the spiritual body. The cells of your physical body are created from the cells that you receive from your physical food, and your psychic body is also influenced by these cells. So while taking food, you should be very careful. You should always try to take sentient food, and on rare occasions you may take mutative food. You should never take static food. Not only that, but your diet should be balanced. You must not take too much or too little. The food should be substantial. When it is balanced or measured, and, at the same time, substantial, that type of food is called Pramitáhára in Sanskrit. The sixth factor is Pramitáhárah. The sixth requisite factor is balanced and substantial, sentient food." (1)

Note: The  above point of pramitáhára is the sixth factor of the seven secrets of success. This is a revolutionary teaching given only by Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and is not known to others, neither in the east nor in the west. As Ananda Margiis, it is our duty to practice and propagate this special science about food to people the world over.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 14, Seven Secrets

== Section 4: Links ==

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