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Saturday, May 28, 2022

Procedural Orders + 2 more


Procedural Orders


When Sadguru Baba founded Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha in 1955 it was just the start of organisational life. That’s to say, there were no explicit rules or codes etc. Step by step, as projects were undertaken and social service activities were started, the need for rules quickly arose. Guidelines needed to be established and problems needed to be addressed. Accordingly, Baba began issuing various dos and don’ts and sadhakas were noting them down.

For instance, one of the early rules to be implemented was that in order to get PC, one had to memorise The Supreme Command. Failing that, a sadhaka would not be allowed to get PC with Baba. And in this way, many practical guidelines were given and rules were made as those situations came to the fore.

Essentially, as the organisation grew in those early days, and even all the way up till 1990, Sadguru Baba would solve the various organisational issues that cropped up. And those solutions were noted down and they became rules. Slowly, slowly, these rules began to span all aspects of Ananda Marga life.

When we began undertaking social service projects and started schools, Baba detailed how a school should be managed, as well as specific rules related with pracara etc. Over time, as more activities came into form, then more and more organisationally-related rules were given by Baba. And these became known as Procedural Orders.

Two types of Procedural Orders

These Procedural Orders took birth in two key avenues:

(A) When Baba was introducing a new project or when Wts / margiis were carrying out Baba’s plans then Baba would present guidelines for how to do the work. That was one type of procedural order.

(B) In attempting to implement those projects, occasionally wrongs and negative acts were committed. In response, Baba issued preventive and corrective measures and stipulations. That is another category of procedural order.

So some procedural orders were given for constructing a new program or project, while other procedural orders were given to quell inappropriate conduct. For instance, suppose a Wt went to a village to carry out pracara activities and start a school. Initially that Wt was adhering to the various dos and don’ts, i.e. the existing procedural orders. But then, in an attempt to build a new school building, that Wt opted to take a huge loan. Seeing the situation, Baba issued a new procedural order banning taking loans for our schools and social service projects because Baba did not approve of going into financial debt for social service projects. Rather the finances should be collected and managed ahead of time. Basically, Baba issued guidelines according to the need of the hour. By this way, the scope and breadth of the Procedural Orders grew and covered all kinds of operating norms.
Here is another case example. When some Dadas were starting schools then they hired teachers and administrators, some of whom were of the opposite sex. And in working closely with those females, some Dadas got negatively involved with them. Seeing the situation, Baba gave a new Procedural Order stipulating that the staffing of our schools should not be coed. Those schools established by Didis would have all-female instructors and staff etc, and those schools started by Dadas would have all male teachers and support staff. In these instances, Baba gave Procedural Orders to stop the leak in the boat, i.e. to put an end to the degrading behaviours and establish a new set of norms for our educational institutions. In whatever field of life, Guru’s Procedural Orders became the law of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha.

Procedural Orders to protect AMPS

The overall approach was that Baba would orally deliver any new Procedural Order; COS would type it, and GS would sign and issue the actual order. This was the case in all the posting transfer orders and every Procedural Order. And it kept the organisation on the right track. All-knowing Baba knew exactly what directive was needed to build our organisational structure and improve the overall functioning of our AMPS. And those orders set in motion the best way to clean up, grow, and protect the organisation.

Deception in the name of Procedural Order

Now the climate is entirely different. Those at the helm have the sole motive to exploit margiis & Wts, and they bend the organisational systems for their selfish ends. In the name of Baba’s procedural orders they give all kinds of horrific commands and if anyone asks to see the actual Procedure Order then those top Dadas give some bogus and crafty excuse why the order cannot be shown. The real meaning is that in most cases there was no Procedural Order, just they are concocting rules to exploit others and increase their power. And in other cases, they grossly misinterpreted the letter and spirit of Baba’s original Procedural Order. An example of this is when Sarvatmananda ruthlessly expelled innocent Wts and margiis by falsely citing the Procedural Orders about Emergency with the aim of turning our AMPS into a virtual police state. Later on Nigamananda and Rudrananda misused various Procedural Orders to cheat others. And if anyone asked to see the original Procedural Order then they were unceremoniously told that only a few top “hooligans” can see them. Margiis and common wts are not allowed access. Such was their bogus justification.

Like: Hindu priests, Islamic mullahs, Catholic clergy, & Jewish rabbis

Indeed, Sarvatmananda adopted the age-old ploy used by religious exploitative Hindu priests, Islamic mullahs, Catholic clergy, and Jewish rabbis etc where they would falsely cite ancient texts as a means to manipulate and befool the common people and hoard their wealth etc. By this way, those religious exploiters always had a ready-made excuse why the general citizens could never see the actual order or edict.

Analogy of police

Think about this. Suppose the police come to your abode to arrest you without citing or showing you the law. And when you request them to show you the legal code, then they tell you that you have no right to see it. This is the same type of evasive, illegal posturing has been pervasive in our AMPS since 1991. Central workers imposed all kinds of rules in Baba’s name to exploit margiis. And they never show the actual Procedural Orders.

We should not allow Procedural Orders to be used as a weapon to exploit margiis and field Wts. And the way to combat this is to uncover those Procedural Orders so they are known to one and all. That will protect our AMPS from falling into some type of secret police state where innocent people are wrongfully charged in the name of “Procedural Orders.”


Baba has delivered Ananda Marga ideology to root out exploitation and dogma. But sadly, due to improper leadership, in the name of “Procedural Orders” some bad actors, and ruffians running the organisation are exploiting good people. And this cannot be tolerated any longer. When the full gamut of Procedural Orders are made common to one and all, then those the “thugs” occupying top posts will no longer be able to carry out their cheating and deception in the name of the Procedural Orders.

Here we have uploaded a small sample of 20 of the first 50 Procedural Orders for viewing:
And whatever we get more in future from our contributors we will file those online as well and inform you. As the library of Procedural Orders grows, you can continue to freely access them and become better educated about Guru’s organisational rules and guidelines - and save everyone from the exploiters.

In Him,
Ratan Saxena

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section: Important Teaching ==

Inevitability of surrender - 4

Ananda Marga ideology says "When people get fatigued, be they jiṋánis, karmis or bhaktas, they say, “There is nothing more I can do.” In such a situation they can only take shelter in Parama Puruśa. This is called “sharańágati.” Here shelter means one hundred percent dependence on Parama Puruśa to the exclusion of all other objects. “A” means “coming” and “gati” means “mobility”. When all mobility terminates in Parama Puruśa, it is called “sharańágati”. When sharańágati occurs, one is said to have accomplished the final attainment. You should remember this supreme truth." (1)

Note: In the life of a sadhaka on the spiritual journey, the first and foremost ingredient is surrender. In so many ways it is used. In the above quote, surrender is explained in a very simple way.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, Do Virtuous Deeds Day and Night – 2

== Section 3: Links ==

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