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Monday, May 23, 2022

Value of property + 3 more


Value of property

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


When margiis and sympathizers donate land to our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS), their intent is not for someone to sell that land and misuse the money - like some of our Wts are doing. Rather people donate land with a high ideal in mind - to serve humanity. That is what motivates them to give that which they so greatly treasure.

For local land who pays

They donate the land because it is for Ba'ba's mission. They donate their land with the great hope that this will be useful for AMPS social service work and that their offering of land will please Baba. Where there is no land donor, margiis save money for months and years to buy a piece of land with that same motive and hope.

In any place where we have land, a jagrti, or a social service project then, especially in India, that land or project is secured by local help - margiis and non-margiis. These properties are not constructed or purchased with monetary help from Centre. The local bodies pay everything.

It is not like Christian missionaries where local people pay nothing and their global national or global church headquarters or governing boards pay everything. That is the way the Christian church operates in poorer countries. So, for instance, in xyz place the local people may not mind if their church land is sold because they were not involved in acquiring that land in the first place. But that is not the way it works in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS).

Land sale ruins reputation of Ananda Marga

In Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, in most circumstances, Centre does not give one penny for such locally donated properties, i.e. for smaller projects. Rather margiis and non-margiis are emotionally and financially involved with that property. Those sitting at a distance have no idea how emotionally attached the local people are to that land.

Indeed, Centre has no role. Local margiis and locally posted Wts are the ones who make every effort for the land and development thereof. The land registration is done in the name of the General Secretary just because of the organizational system; it does not mean that GS Dada had any role in purchasing the land.

Any place where donated land is sold paves the way for this negative trend to continue - i.e. recurring debacle. For instance, if a jagrti is sold as a business maneuver, the surrounding population will always think that margiis are fake and have nothing to do with social service. The locals will think that, "We donated the land and they sold it and misused the money."

That gives one negative trend where in the future no one will want to give land to Ananda Marga as they will have read in the newspaper or heard stories that we are not really service-minded. People will make jokes and ridicule us, "They sold donated land and kept the money. Never trust these people." These types of stories will get circulated around and published by enemies. This will create harm - not just in that place, but all over. Word will spread how, "I have seen where I donated money and now that land is sold and the money is gone. These Ananda Margiis are fake people - do not trust them."

Land sale scare off future donors

Plus future historians will investigate and report how Ananda Margiis wrongly sold donated lands. They will dig up old newspapers and get the facts how a jagrti was donated by Mr So and So and inaugurated on such and such date. But they will see how that jagrti is now gone having been sold to some entrepreneur or capitalist for their business ventures - like a liquor shop, a strip club, or a gambling casino etc. All this, as well as other accounts, such historians will print and publish in their books and encyclopedias etc - recorded forever in the history.

By seeing all this, new people will not like to join. They will think we are preaching and teaching lofty ideals but inside we are hollow. Miscues and shady land dealings will damage the image of Ananda Marga in a recurring way for a long time to come. And indeed that is what we see happening right now. This will deter and scare off future philanthropic donors. You will never hear in India how a church, mosque or temple is sold.


   Ananda Marga educational philosophy states, “You people know that when clothes are woven white ants and mice try to eat them. So the cloth has to be saved from the destructive activities of white ants and mice. So whenever you make something, establish a protective fence to protect it from the evil forces.”
   “In days of old, when womenfolk used to prepare dried mango cakes, the young boys used to sit by the side to keep the crows away with a stick in the hand. Similarly you should be careful and alert always.”
   “From this very auspicious moment, you should take a vow to progress individually and collectively and build a new society on the planet Earth. We have come to build a new society, to construct and to remain engaged in constructive works throughout our life. This would be the greatest mission of our life.” (1)

AMPS properties should be used for its intended purpose, i.e. various social service projects. Selling land is a slippery slope. We should never allow this type of anti-social activity to happen. Nowadays, some opportunists holding the high post are selling AMPS properties and swallowing the money. We have to stop this. In this righteous work, we will feel Baba’s grace.

in Him,
Gunadiisha Sharma

1. Discourses on Neo-Humanist Education, Gurukul: History and Planning

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

By Your endless karuńá

"Shrit́i dhárá dháy tomári karuńáy, liilá racanáy tumi advitiiya..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3600)


My Parama Purusa, this flow of creation is moving ahead by Your endless karuńá. Because of You, everything is formed, nourished, and withdrawn back to its origin. This entire cycle of brahmacakra is nothing but Your causeless grace on everyone. In the generation of Your cosmic liila, You Yourself are unparalleled; You have no comparison. You are Alaks'yaca'rii, Cittaviharii, Sarvadukhaha’rii, my adored One.

Supreme Entity, there are many similarities between us - between You and I - even though I am 'unit' and You are 'Cosmic'. In Your vibration with the most charming aroma of candan permeating all around, and with Your beautiful Presence, my atoms and molecule, my entire being has started dancing in bliss.

Baba, You are so gracious, we are so close; there is no difference between You and I. My existence is depending solely on You. Because You are, that is why I am. My Infinite Entity, if You would not have been, then I would have floated away somewhere into the vast oblivion.

Baba, You are the nucleus of this vast cosmological order. Because of You, everything is existing and flowing around You in bliss. You have no equal...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #3600:

[1] Alaks'yaca'rii: This is one of the names of Parama Purusa and refers to His attribution as the Entity who always moves invisibly - secretly - around the entire universe. The following explains why He moves around secretly:

Ananda Marga ideology says, "He [Parama Purusa] can never be fully discovered; He has concealed most of Himself. If He were to express Himself fully, He would face many difficulties in carrying out His work and thus the collective interest of humanity would suffer. In the interest of human society, He will have to keep Himself secret." (Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, p. 30)

[2] Cittaviha’rii: This denotes one of the beautiful attributes of Parama Purusa whereby He lives in each and every unit mind, ensconced in His eternal bliss. In this divine & playful stance of His, Parama Purusa is called: Cittabiharii.

[3] Sarvduhkhaha’rii: This name of Parama Purusa represents His great compassion wherein He takes away & removes all the sufferings and pains from each and every being of this entire creation. In that role, His presence serves as a balm of bliss. That is why Parama Purusa is often called: Sarvadukhaharii, (Sarva= all; dukha= sorrow; Harii= He who takes).

[4] Candan: sandalwood.

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Sweep politicians out of office

Prout philosophy states, “Most political leaders are either physical or intellectual criminals. Common human beings have to be protected from the clutches of these criminals. Proutists have to fight against today’s party politics. Proutists are not against politics or political science, but they have to fight against professional politicians. Only Sadvipras have the right to engage in politics; other people should be swept out from the field of politics. Political leaders depend on physical power. Though they talk of non-violence, they are guarded by the police force. Physical power is the crudest manifestation of energy. Sadvipras will use intuitional power – intellectual and physical power will work as their slaves, to be used according to the indications of intuitional power. It therefore goes without saying that a sadvipra is stronger than a political leader.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

== Section 4: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest