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Saturday, April 16, 2022

Way of sadhaka + 5 more


Way of sadhaka


One of the most unique aspects of our Ananda Marga is that spirituality is the base of life. That is the essence. Each and every margii has their own inherent, inner link with Parama Purusa. In this God-centered approach, every thought, word, and action is prefaced by a spiritual ideation or spiritually uplifting practice: singing kiirtan and / or Prabhat Samgiita before beginning any type of meeting, and practicing madhuvidya etc. This is the special system which Baba has implemented.

All those who attended any reporting, or general darshan, or various kinds of meetings know that Sadguru Baba always insisted on a Prabhat Samgiita before starting. This is radically different from the current trends in the common society.

Prabhat Samgiita: incorporated into any activity

Baba has beautifully laid down the system that kiirtan or Prabhat Samgiita or any spiritual reading should be done before any mundane activity or worldly work. Even before starting His own reporting sessions Baba would ensure that everyone would sing Prabhat Samgiita. Similarly, before our political meetings or even during our Prout rallies we sing Prabhat Samgiita and kiirtan. Every activity starts by encouraging that sweet, spiritual flow (rasa). That is our Ananda Marga style. So our spiritually elevating practices like Prabhat Samgiita are not limited to any time or place. Rather, Baba instructs us that we are to incorporate them in our each and every phase of life.

Part of our Ananda Marga nitya karma

Here Baba explains here how spiritual practices are part of our  Ananda Marga nitya kriya' or nitya karma. That means sadhana etc is a requisite component of human life - and cannot be skipped. Just as the regular intake of food is needed to maintain one’s existence, similarly spiritual practices are equally necessary for our survival. Without them, we fall into the depths of degeneration-- animal life.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Kriya' is of two types: Nitya kriya' and naemittik kriya'. Those actions which are essential for the preservation of human existence are nitya kriya', whereas those which are occasional and done with some other purpose are called naemittik kriya'. For instance, eating, bathing, resting, spiritual practice are nitya kriya' because without food, drink, bathing and rest, etc., physical human existence become endangered, and in the absence of spiritual practice human psychic degeneration is unavoidable. Hence, in the daily lives of human beings, spiritual practice is indispensable." (1)

Spirituality from birth to death

In contrast to the ways of materialism, in Ananda Marga upon wake-up we immediately begin our Guru Sakash and ideate on Parama Purusa - bringing in a rush of spiritual feeling and vibration. Then comes Prabhat Samgiita at the time of paincajanya, followed by kiirtan and sadhana. And the rest of the morning is filled with completing our  Ananda Marga sadhana lessons, bathing according to the system and bath mantra, performing asanas, doing svadhyaya and then moving on to our other daily duties. Even then, throughout the day, second lesson is done before each and every work.

So in our Ananda Marga, everything is infused with His divine, spiritual vibration - from our birth all the way up to one's death. From our Ananda Marga practice of jatakarma up to carrying the dead body to the cremation ground we sing kiirtan and do dharmacakra etc. In our tantric system, every step is filled with the baseline of bhakti. The fragrant aroma of spirituality envelops all our activities.


Our spiritual practices including Prabhat Samgiita have tremendous scope and play a huge role in life. By the all-encompassing, permeating nectar of our spiritual practices, the collective vibration will rise up and our human society will blossom. Such a God-centered approach will bring smiles on the faces of one and all. This is the inherent beauty of our Ananda Marga: Bringing bliss to everyone by His grace.

In Him
Prem Svarup

~ In-depth study ~

Life is short: practice sadhana

In His following teaching, Baba emphasizes the grand importance of spiritual practices. And by His grace our  Ananda Marga is infused with this divine approach.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Human beings often attach less importance to the spiritual aspect of nitya karma and more importance to the physical aspect. This is detrimental because one should not forget that human life is short. From the very moment of birth one slowly and steadily advances towards death with every passing moment of time. This short period of time from birth to death is human life. Human beings have come from the world of invisibility and at the end of this short span of time will return to the land of invisibility. Those people can be called intelligent who utilised every moment of their short life engaged in spiritual practice." (2)

Sadly, those in the general society have no such approach. Rather they start their day by engaging in mundane, worldly pursuits. They have no higher system - just they follow the norm of materialism. This is how they begin their day, and it continues like that up to their sleep. This is their unfortunate plight. And it is our duty to do maximum pracara so they may rise up onto the path of spirituality.

Spiritual practices done always

Baba guides us to fill any gaps in time by doing mantra japa, Prabhat Samgiita, or Kiirtan etc.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "If you have even only one minute's time, do kiirtan for one minute." (3)

So whenever we have a moment's time we should do our spiritual chanting and singing etc. And on this point, there is no rule with regards to place or venue. Kiirtan can be done anywhere.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "In Kiirtan there is no restriction regarding time, place, or person...So do Kiirtan, sing Kiirtan, chant Kiirtan, whenever and wherever possible." (4)

And not just kiirtan but all or any of our Ananda Marga spiritual practices can be done anywhere or anytime. If we are waiting for the bus we can do Guru dhyana or svadhyaya. Or when walking to a meeting we can repeat our Ista mantra. According to Baba, this is proper use of our time. In this regard, in our  Ananda Marga we do not suffer from any superstitions or dogma. We do not cling to the outdated belief that once a week we should go to a building like a temple, mosque, synagogue or church etc. Rather, for Ananda Margiis this entire universe is the thought-projection of Parama Purusa, and each and every place is suitable for spiritual ideation or bhakti singing etc.

1. Tattva Kaomudii - 2, Nitya Karma and Naemittik Karma
2. Tattva Koumudii - 2, Nitya Karma and Naemittik Karma
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 22, Serve the Supreme by Kiirtana
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 22, Kiirtana – the Panacea for All Afflictions

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Human form but animal life

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Human beings should die a glorious death, a death worthy of a human being. They should never give indulgence to the crude animal propensities. “Svadharme nidhanaḿ shreyah”. It is better to die a glorious death than to continue living a life of carnal pleasure. “Paradharmo bhayávahah.” It is dangerous to follow the characteristics which are only fit for non-humans." (1)

Note: This guideline and critique is indirectly aimed at the lesbian, gay, and bi-sexual community and the sexual culture of materialism that indulges in sex for sex sake. Such persons live like animals - plunged in degrading propensities. Although they are in human form they are following animal dharma. Their future is not bright. Such an existence is not befitting a human being. Human longing is infinite - instead of indulging in degrading, finite pleasures, one must contemplate the Great. So one is to adopt an ideal human life goading the mind towards Parama Purusa. That is manava dharma, or human dharma.

In His below teaching, Sadguru Baba guides us that the marriage system in our Ananda Marga specifies that marriage is between a man and a woman for the expressed purposes of society building. 

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Male members of the Marga can marry females outside the Marga, but it will be better to marry a female member of the Marga to a male member of the Marga, as far as possible. If a suitable match is available outside the Marga, the marriage may be solemnized, but efforts should be made to initiate him into the Marga without delay.” (2)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, The Ten Characteristics of Dharma
2. Caryacarya - 1, Marriage Ceremony

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Proper seated posture protects head

Ananda Marga ideology, ““The demonstration further showed that while the samádhi experienced remains in the subconscious, sádhakas may manage to keep some control over their bodies; they may stand in the beginning and sit later on without help. But the unconscious helps only slightly and indirectly in the subconscious mind; therefore, once the subconscious fully gives way to the unconscious, the control is lost and the body falls. That is why sádhaná has to be performed sitting in a firm ásana (posture) and on a blanket or other protection, so that, should the body fall, there may be the least possible injury to the head.” (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 33, Sálokya, Sámiipya, Sáyujya, Sárúpya, Sárśt́hi

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Purchased intellectuals befool the people

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Powerful people have exploited sáhityikas [writers/ speakers/ artists]in various ways, taking advantage of their indigence. This has been going on since ancient times. In those days even kings and emperors encouraged court poets, giving them gifts of tax-free properties, and in that way bought their head and their hands. Talented sáhityikas or artists frequently had to do uncongenial jobs under circumstantial pressure for the amusement of their patrons. To satisfy the whims of their licentious patrons, they had to compose obscene poems and sculpt obscene statues and images. To make their patrons’ enemies look contemptible, they had to besmirch their names with scandals and calumnies. To extol the dress, colour, family, caste, class and ancestry of their patrons, they had to resort to lies and fraud and cite the revelations of the gods as substantiation. The same condition has continued even today. With very few exceptions, most sáhityikas belong to the lower stratum of society. In spite of their desire to work independently, most of them have pawned themselves, from the grey matter of their brains to the very tips of their fingers, to particular people and organizations. Even those who appear from their writings to be bold and spirited, have, under circumstantial pressure, become the playthings of political parties.” (1)

Note: In His above teaching, Baba is pointing out how throughout history those in powerful positions have exploited and purchased writers, intellectuals, and artisans etc. Due to pressure of circumstance, those writers and artists had to use their talents to promote the agenda and glories of those in power. Sadly, nowadays, we see a similar trend in our AMPS. Those at the top force the hand of good Wts whereby those good Wts are coerced to publicly praise certain top Wts who are steeped in sin. By this way, those good Wts became agents to cover up the nefarious dealing of their bosses / in-charges etc.

1. A Few Problems Solved - 1, The Practice of Art and Literature

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

Path of your individual and collective survival

“The entire universe has to be brought within the realm of your mind and made wholeheartedly your own. This indeed is the way to benediction, the way to all-round prosperity and success. This is the only path of your individual and collective survival.” (Ananda Vanii #31)

Note 1: True Ananda Vaniis have a number whereas Fake Ananda Vaniis do not - just as a fake car license plate has no number. By this way, you can easily recognise a Fake Ananda Vanii.

== Section 3: Links ==