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Thursday, April 7, 2022

Dying for groupism + 3 more


Dying for groupism


The strategy of convincing and motivating followers to die for a narrow-minded cause is not limited to the AMPS. We see such maneuvers in the Islamic world as well as in various nations. There are many examples of this around the world.

One may think that this is only going on outside Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha - but unfortunately since 1990 this has been a recurring theme. No doubt, within AMPS, there is an established history of doing and dying for dharma. There is a history of the sacrifice of human life for ideology and neo-humanism. But that is not what we see going on nowadays. Ideology has been swapped out for groupism. So in the name of dharma and ideology, some leaders convince others to do and die for their own petty group affairs. There have been countless attacks made in this way including murder. Yet, these persons are supposedly the torch-bearers of "neo-humanism" etc.
We have a number of people living under the canopy of groupism, thinking that they are doing and dying for ideology. When in fact, their efforts are all going into the hands of a few groupist leaders - i.e. those marred by factional agendas. So this issue is tragically in vogue in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha.

Fight for ideology not narrow interests like groupism

Here is Baba's call that we should do and die for the dharmic ideals of Ananda Marga ideology:

Ananda Vanii states, "Fight for your Ideology. Be one with your Ideology. Live for your Ideology. Die for your Ideology." (1)

Ananda Vanii states, "Life represents Ideology. Life should be sacrificed for Ideology." (2)

Those involved in selfish aims like groupism and personal power are in clear violation of Baba's teachings. Can such persons really be thought of as dharmic guides and neo-humanists?


We are now living in the era when grossly duplicitous leaders are pushing their group, political, religious interest on the heads of the common people.

Now is the time for consciousness raising where people can escape the glare of dogma and sentiment - and not lose their life to those groupist schemes - and instead embrace the path of bhagavata dharma.

In Him,
(Lauren Kendall)

Ghost leaders manipulate the masses

Here below is an excerpt from Baba's story - "Under the Fathomless Depths of the Blue Sea." In the kingdom of darkness where ghosts are at the helm, they use slogans and strategies to manipulate well-intentioned students and the common people etc.

"That evening Tarun Kumar and the chief ghost decided to stay in the leader’s house to observe his behaviour. You must have realized that he was not a man but a ghost, like all the others. His feet were twisted around like any other ghost."

"During the evening some visitors arrived at the house to conduct a secret meeting. Before starting they closed their eyes and chanted the name of “bhut” (“ghost”) with deep reverence and then smoked some intoxicating herbs."

"The first visitor said, “Sir, the speech you delivered today was truly unique and has created considerable agitation and unrest among the students.”"

"The second visitor said, “I’ve never heard such a speech before in my entire life. It will certainly ensure your election victory. Moreover, the students will organize your publicity campaign.”"

"The third visitor said, “I think we should have called the election by now to take advantage of the students’ present sentiments.”"

"The leader said, “Don’t worry about that. We shall organize a huge procession a few days before the election. After exciting the students with rousing speeches we shall put them with the ladies at the front of the procession. If the police start using force to control the unruly mob, we shall announce that our opponents have killed women. And even if the ladies flee away in fear of the police, all those students who were roused by my speech will remain. They will surely not run away. If one or two students die at the hands of the police, we shall raise the slogan that the police have killed innocent students. This slogan will help our work; the students will labour heartily for our cause.”"

The kingdom of darkness (cont)

"Tarun said to the chief ghost, “Friend, what are all these terrible things I’m hearing?”"

"The chief ghost replied, “There’s no need to be so alarmed. Always remember the name of this kingdom, brother, always keep it in mind.”"

"“We couldn’t even imagine such atrocities in our Kingdom of Light,” said Tarun. “By the way, those leader ghosts also have sons and daughters. Won’t they also be killed by the bullets?”"

"“Don’t you know,” said the chief ghost, “that those with children studying in schools and colleges would never excite the students in such a way. And even if they did, they would keep them safely at home.”" (3)

This story shows how certain leaders give big lectures on ideology to inspire others to fight and die for a petty while they themselves remain in power. Let others spill their blood - and in this way naive followers are destroyed. In today's group fight, people have lost their limbs and life, but nothing happened to the leaders - they kept themselves at a safe distance. They always give lectures to others to go and die. Remember bin laden forced others to become suicide bombers, but he himself never liked to do the same.

1. A'nanda Va'nii #14
2. A'nanda Va'nii #15
3. Under the Fathomless Depths of the Blue Sea

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Baba, You are all-pervading

Note: Only those bhaktas who feel a spiritual vibration in their heart can understand this song in the depths of their core.

"Maner májhe lukiye ácho, man khunjiyá ná páy..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1224)


My Parama Purusa, You are hiding in my mind, yet my inner “I” is unable to find You. You are the Goal of meditation for everyone; You reside in the hearts of all bhaktas..

Parama Purusa, Baba, so-called tiirthas can’t bind You. I went to the supposed holy-places of so many villages, towns, and cities with the hope of having Your darshan. I went to the various so-called tiirthas of Rome, Jerusalem, and also to Ananda Nagar, Tiljala, Varanasi, Puri, Mecca, and Jamalpur in search of You. But You were not there; those sites were unable to bind You. You are all-pervading. Your grandeur is infinite. Nobody can sing Your glory with tune and melody. You are beyond the gunas. The unperceivable Entity who can't be realized by the motor or sensory organs, You are beyond this world. Supreme One, You swing the creation with the sway of Your liila. You reside in the core of all sadhakas.

My Parama Purusa Baba, You are present in all living beings, in all thoughts and ideations. From unit to Cosmic, You are equally expressed in all and the Ever-new Divine Entity. You are everywhere, from a blade of grass to the Creator Brahma. Taraka Brahma, with sadhana and Your grace, the human intellect and I-feeling loses itself and merges in Your Cosmic mind...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Consequences of unemployment

Prout philosophy states, "For the all-round welfare of human beings, society needs to follow some fundamental socio-political principles. Without the firm foundation of such principles, disunity, injustice and exploitation will flourish."

"First people should not be retrenched from their livelihood unless alternative employment has been arranged for them."

“In India during the time of the British, many small kingdoms were ruled by rajas and maharajas. When India became independent, these kingdoms merged into India, and the Indian government decided to pay the former monarchs a stipend. However, this scheme was not a good idea, because many former monarchs wasted money and lived luxurious, sycophantic lifestyles. After a particular leader became prime minister, the scheme was abandoned at short notice. This caused economic hardship for some of the less well-off recipients who were unable to make alternative financial arrangements. Some old people in particular found it difficult to adjust. While the government should not have adopted the scheme in the first place, having adopted it, the government should have withdrawn it gradually and taken the responsibility for looking after the elderly people on humanitarian grounds.”

“Now you understand the consequences of retrenching people without arranging a suitable alternative livelihood for them.” (1)

Note: Here it should be understood that the term retrenchment means losing one's job. The worker has been dismissed, fired, or let go whereby they no longer have a job. The term retrenchment is commonly used in Australia and South Africa. People from other regions may not be familiar with this usage of the term. 

1. Prout in a Nutshell-16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

== Section 4: Links ==