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Monday, April 4, 2022

Speciality in India + 2 more


Speciality in India

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


There is a very bad and degrading tradition -- which they learned from the Britishers during the 200 years of being colonized -- whereby some are very prestige oriented. They do and die for name and fame. Verily, in the history of humanity, you will not see this to the extent it permeates contemporary society.

How some some glorify

Note: Across the planet many people are dying for prestige, but here it is done in a unique manner.

    (a) If you enter some Indian temples, on each tile you will see the donor’s name. The name of the donor is written on every wall and surface. In essence, the donor is giving money to the temple as a form of self-advertising. You will not see this to that high degree outside India.

    (b) This type of self-advertisement is not limited to temples. In any dharmasha’la’, inn, building, school, social service project, and even in cemeteries, those donors always highlight their name. This is done as self-promotion. This selfish and degrading tradition is well appreciated amongst some in our general society of India. If you see any social service project, it will always have the names of those who donated to it in lights, prominently displayed to advertise themselves. If they gave money to build a single room or just one tile in an orphanage then their name must be put in big letters for all to see in front of that orphanage for self-promotion.

“Look, I am not human”

    (c) Another example of self-promotion is that some educated persons like to put their name plate along with their professional credentials outside their own house. They will hang a shingle that says Ph.D, MBBS, or whatever degree they have to show their greatness. This type of placard expresses, “Look, I am not human. First and foremost I am a doctor, or an engineer, or a sweeper etc.” Here in India, you will not find any human beings, mostly you will find doctors, lawyers, cobblers, sweepers, etc, but not humans.

    (d) Here in India, the surname has great significance as it denotes one’s caste, whereas in other countries the surname or family name has less value. But in those lands, the disease of racism is very rampant around the world. While here in India, if xyz person belongs to a so-called great caste they must highlight it. Some might abbreviate the first initial(s), but never the last one as the family name gives tremendous value. Baba wants margiis to stop using their surnames.

The above are a few examples of how some are very prestige oriented. That goes against the basic fundamentals of Ananda Marga teachings. Self-glorification makes the mind smaller and smaller, and in that state there is no room for the sprout of bhakti. The advertiser is busy thinking about oneself, not Parama Purusa. That is why it is quite degrading and detrimental for spiritual progress. That is what Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us.

When a person becomes a sadhaka on the path of Ananda Marga, they selflessly offer their entire existence unto Parama Purusa. They are wholly committed to singing the glory of Parama Purusa and serving humanity. They will never glorify themselves. Unfortunately, from time to time, some lesser sadhakas outwardly look like they are busy working for the great cause, but if you see their actions it is clear they are third grade persons. Wherever they get the opportunity, they brag about themselves and sing their own glory. Note: Across the planet some people are dying for prestige but here it is done in a unique manner by some.

True sadhakas never glorify themselves

Prabhat Samgiita #0337 gives the guideline to never glorify oneself.

    “Kono avakáshe káháro sakáshe, nijere pracár karibo ná, ámi,
    nijere pracár karibo ná
    esechi karite tomár karma,tava váńii mor práńera dharma
    shayane svapane ninde jágarańe, tomá vai kichu smaribo ná ámi,
    tomá vai kichu smaribo ná” (Prabhat Samgiita #0337)

Purport #0337: O’ Parama Purusa, before anybody I will not glorify myself, I will not do self-publicity. I have come on this earth to serve all, and do the work which You have allotted me. Your teachings are my everything. In my wakeful state, dream, and sleep I will think about You only. I will not ideate on anything else. I will never glorify myself in any shape or form. I will sing Your glory, I will not do self-propaganda, O’ Parama Purusa….

The above song (Prabhat Samgiita #0337) teaches us that one should always propagate Ananda Marga ideology and sing the glory of Parama Purusa, and never glorify oneself.

Fake sadhaka: self-propaganda

For a sadhaka who has taken the vow to only sing the glory of Parama Purusa, this type of self-propaganda is a betrayal to Guru and a deviance from the path of Ananda Marga. The person who posted the below graphic is low grade as he is very keen in self-promotion.

Fake sadhakas beat drum of their bogus glory

When you see any sadhaka promoting their image on Facebook or social media then you can immediately understand that they are fallen sadhakas and degraded fellows. They are involved in those things Guru has barred and condemned. They are going against their vow of sadhakahood. They have taken the vow to glorify Parama Purusa, but they are exclusively involved in their own self-glorification instead. If you browse around social media sites you will see many degraded souls who contravene this rule and befool others and present themselves as an Ananda Marga sadhaka. Watch out for such persons. Inside they are greedy for name and fame, and outside they merely show themselves as being a sadhaka. 

Ananda Marga ideology says, "“Kiirttaniiyah sadáharih”. Kiirtana should be done on Hari and on no other entity. One should not praise oneself or any other person. There are many people who are very fond of praising themselves by telling everyone what wonderful things they have done, but, as mentioned in this sloka, kiirtana is not for one’s own self but for Hari. Even though people are taught to do kiirtana for Hari, they still make the mistake of praising themselves too much. Sometimes their self-praise is so intense that others are obliged to say, “Please stop praising yourself so much.” They forget that their self-applause is rather boring for others. Human beings should realize that no one likes to hear the self-praise of others." (1)

In Him,
Amal Kumar

~ In-depth study ~


If any sadhaka wishes to promote Baba’s teachings that is most welcomed. They can make artistic creations, put Baba’s teaching in quotation marks, write the proper reference (book, chapter, discourse, date etc), and use His appropriate name - either Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar or Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji, depending on the book. But, top of all, one should never put their own name in the presentation. Otherwise, that will pollute the sanctity. It is just like if you put one drop of sewage gunk in pure spring water. Bhaktas follow the proper protocol whereas lowly people stick their name at every opportunity. By seeing their so-called art, anyone can understand that the person is merely using Baba’s quote to advertise himself.

Dying for prestige

Baba says that prestige and ego are like the dung of swine. We should know that lust for name and fame is a mental weakness. But the most appalling aspect is to project oneself in such a way that by seeing this show people laugh at how you are really dying for prestige. Some like to show themselves as great bhaktas, but in the end they just expose their own depraved and lowly mentality. That is why this is a sad episode. Note: Across the planet some people are dying for prestige but here it is done in a unique manner by some.
Now see how this below tourist is glorifying himself, as is commonly done these days. A person may visit New York City and have his photo taken in front of the Statue of Liberty so he can show everyone, "Look, this is me at the Statue of Liberty." 

In the above photo, the tourist is only trying to glorify himself. That was his sole motive in taking this picture.

Very important

Imagine if when garlanding Baba people were attaching their own personal placard in bold letters so that the placard hangs over Baba’s chest when the garland is draped around his neck. That way everyone will be able to see who was the one who gave that garland. Or imagine if someone embroiders their own name on a shirt  before donating that to Sadguru Baba as a gift. That type of mean-minded and lowly sadhakas were absent those days. But in the present day, you will find some people with such a mentality. This letter has exposed that mindset. 

Fake sadhaka: self-propaganda

For a sadhaka who has taken the vow to only sing the glory of Parama Purusa, this type of self-propaganda is betrayal to Guru and a deviance from the path of Ananda Marga. The person who posted the below graphic is low grade as he is very keen in self-promotion.

In the below image, brother Arvind Kumar Lal (AKL) has put his own initials front and center, the same size as Baba’s name. So this individual is glorifying himself by putting himself on par with Baba. AKL is posting this below quote on his social media account to show the world what a great bhakta he is. However, lost in his desire for praise, he fails to realise that he has exposed his true colours, i.e. that his main agenda is to propagate himself. And that he is merely using Baba’s quote as a crutch.

In posting the above graphic, brother Arvind Kumar Lal is glorifying himself by placing his own initials in big letters along with a Baba quote. If he wanted to share Guru’s teaching then he may do so. But what was the need to stick his own initials in big, block letters for all to see. Just he is calling attention to himself, sadly.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtram - 8, The Lord Should Always Be Praised

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Terrible stormy night

Note: Only those who sincerely practice the higher lessons of sahaja yoga meditation can understand this song in the depths of their heart. 

Prabhata Samgiita Intro: This song reflects A-grade bhakti. The sadhaka was intensely involved in contemplation, and Parama Purusa was present in a close and intimate manner. But then Parama Purusa left the bhakta’s mental plate. In that desperate and painful condition, with deep melancholic longing, the sadhaka is yearning for Parama Purusa to come back. From the depths of the bhakta’s heart, this song has emerged. 

"Varaśár ráte niirave nibhrite, bandhuá giyáche more phele, more phele o go more phele..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0360)


On a torrential rainy night, silently my Bandhuá deserted me, O' how He has deserted me, O' how He has deserted me. That very time, in the midst of rain-filled clouds and menacing lightning, before leaving, my Bandhuá was coaxing and cajoling me with various excuses. He was trying to convince me that He would come back soon. 

My Bandhuá, my pearl-necklace, has deserted me. He has left me, wringing my heart to its core. What a tragedy has befallen me. Today, amidst lightning strikes, what a calamity has unfolded before my very eyes. It is a great disappointment and tragedy. My Dearmost has disappeared in the midnight hour of this terrible stormy night torched by lightning bolts and left me all alone

He has gone, devastating my heart. Day and night, every moment, I think of Him – always I meditate on Him. O’ tell me, whether He will return again? 

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #0360:

[1] Torrential rainy night or stormy night: This refers to a time of worldly tragedy or a period of bad sadhana.

[2] Bandhuá: বঁধু, বঁধুয়া - ban̐dhu, ban̐dhuẏa - [ban̐dhu, ban̐dhuẏā] n (poet.) 

In the above song, the bhakta is expressing how his Divine Entity has left him. Yet, all the while, the very entity the bhakta is communicating with is Parama Purusa. But the bhakta is unaware because Parama Purusa has come to Him in a disguised manner. The bhakta is referring to Parama Purusa as Bandhua - a very intimate relation.

== Section 3: Links ==