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Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Hiding from margiis... + 4 more


Hiding from margiis...


Preview: An important 5-page section about the Semitic religions from the “Views of Other Faiths" discourse has been removed by the publishers. Sadguru Baba initially gave this section in the 1957 book - Tattvika Praveshika - but the publishers deleted it entirely from all subsequent printings of this discourse. 100% of that important section is now gone. The Tiljala Publications Dept thinks you are not qualified to read that section. Below please find scans from the original printing approved by Guru, as well as a detailed account of how the publishers systematically removed this section from all of Baba’s books.

The Chapter: "Views of Other Faiths"

With the advancement in communication now is the best time for the exchange of ideas. The entire world can assemble in one place psychically to discuss important global issues on one platform. Side by side, youths are giving up dogmatic religious beliefs; people no longer want to go in that direction. That is why the attendance in mosques, churches, and synagogues is dwindling day by day.

On numerous fronts, this is the best and most opportune moment to put forth Ananda Marga ideology before all. Ananda Marga ideas should be disseminated in various discussion groups, forums, seminars, meetings, debates etc. That is why interested margiis and Wts should arm themselves with the knowledge of Ananda Marga philosophy, otherwise the vacuum will be filled by unworthy teachings.

It is most unfortunate that important aspects of Ananda Marga philosophy have been retracted by the Tiljala Publications Dept. This letter investigates the tragedy of how common margiis are no longer able to read 95% of this discourse, which was once openly available to all margii readers etc. To compensate for this blatant distortion, we are presenting this banned material in the form of the below scans so every Ananda Margii has this vitally important discourse given by Sadguru Baba in its entirety.

Below scans: original discourse by Baba, deleted by Tiljala

For everyone's records, here following is how that same section of the "Views of Other Faiths" discourse was printed in Baba's original book “Tattvika Praveshika” (1957). The following are scans from the original section "Part II", of the "Semitic Faiths" chapter from the "Tattvika Praveshika" Book, pages 79 - 83.

Why this banned discourse about so important

The above section - that has been removed from the books by the Publishers - is very important because blind religious followers can only be convinced by logic and reasoning, not brute force. And in these missing pages, Sadguru Baba has comprehensively detailed and outlined the key arguments with regards to the Semitic religions, i.e. Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Every member of AMPS, every pracaraka, must be aware about these points to serve society.

But when the publishers of our own Ananda Marga books have removed the entire discussion about the Semitic religions from Baba's discourse, then how will we know about this. In which case, we will not be able to present the much needed logic and reasoning, given by Baba, in response to claims by these religions. Whereas with these points, every Ananda Margii will be able to properly address this important topic. It is sad to think that Tiljala Publications does not feel you are worthy to have these pages.

What Tiljala printed after deletion - about Islam etc

The above scans are the complete version of this section of the discourse, “Views of Other Faiths."

In contrast, the Tiljala Publishers deleted it all and kept only one, single sentence that is highlighted in yellow below. See what is present in the book nowadays:
  • The Publishers wrote, "Besides these, the following three religious groups belong to the Semitic faiths - Muslims, Christians, and Jews."
The above few words highlighted in yellow is all those editors of the Prout Book printed in the "Semitic Faiths" section of the discourse, “Views of Other Faiths". Those publishers categorically removed and deleted everything else, i.e. the other 5 pages.

Sadguru Baba's original Tattvika Praveshika book (1957) contains a comprehensive section about Semitic faiths, yet that is utterly missing from the Prout in Nutshell version, along with the other titles listed below, including the latest 2009 Electronic Editions of Baba's Books, which denies that such a section was ever given by Baba.

This very section about Semitic Faiths does not appear in the following books and publications:

(a) The Semitic Faiths section was deleted from Prout Nutshell part 3 printing of the "Views of Other Faiths" discourse;
(b) The Semitic Faiths section was deleted from A Few Problems Solved part 6 printing of the "Views of Other Faiths" discourse;
(c) The Semitic Faiths section was deleted from Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell part 3 printing of the "Views of Other Faiths" discourse;
(d) The Semitic Faiths section was deleted from the 7.5. Electronic (English) Edition of Baba's books;
(e) The Semitic Faiths section was not included in any other recent publication.

In all the above publications, the publishers have categorically removed the section about the Semitic religions.

Conclusion: why banned section about Jews etc is very important

Sadguru Baba’s book, Tattvika Praveshika, was published in 1957, and it contains the original chapter of “Views of Other Faiths.” Those days it was published in full for everyone to read. So this key chapter on the Semitic religions (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism) was accessible for margiis to read from the first line to the last line. It was only years and decades later that Tiljala Publications deleted 95% of that chapter from the book.

You can see still how they printed that distorted version of “Views of Other Faiths” in the Prout in a Nutshell series and in the series, A Few Problems Solved etc. But without that original and important section, it is not possible to have a logical discussion on the Semitic religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism). The information presented on these scans is very important. These scans make for excellent preparation for any type of philosophical debate on the three Semitic faiths (Islam, Christianity, and Judaism).

As we know, approximately three-fourths of the world’s population is affected by these Semitic religions. The fog will be removed from the mind of those Semitic followers (Islam, Christianity, and Judaism) when they rationally evaluate what Baba has given in this special chapter, “Views of Other Faiths”. For all these reasons and more, this chapter is very, very important. And it should be accessible and available to every Ananda Margii. Fortified with this information they will best be able to help and guide others onto the path of bliss. But it is so unfortunate that Tiljala Publications has deleted almost all of this very important philosophical discourse given by Baba on Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. Why have they done this?

In Him,

As the Sadguru, Baba has guided humanity onto the path of dharma and, side by side, pointed out all the existing societal ills, including those of the dogmatic religions. Here below in a series of unparalleled teachings, Baba has brought to light the defects, demerits, and limitations of the various religions and encouraged all to embark on the path of universal humanism and spirituality.

Blind faith must be removed through the application of science

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “It is apparent that religions engender hatred for others, blind faith, etc. in the minds of their followers. Through such religions it is next to impossible to establish unity in the society. Religious differences should be minimized as much as possible, but it should be remembered that blind faith in a religion cannot be forcibly eliminated. To strike at any type of sentiment will only cause that sentiment to grow stronger. Psychological methods will have to be employed to make people realize the irrational nature of blind religious faith. This requires a rational interpretation of philosophy through enlightened intellect. When the human mind is gripped by the fear psychology it gives indulgence to blind faith rather than logic and reason. If human fear is removed through logic and reason, the very basis for blind faith will be weakened. That is why human beings will have to be taught philosophical doctrines in a rational way. Furthermore, to remove the psycho-sentiment for a particular physical object, either the object itself should be removed or, by changing the very outlook through scientific and humanitarian reasoning, the person concerned should be separated from that sentimental object. For example, those who perform religious ceremonies in worship of the moon will find it difficult to continue their practice once, due to scientific advancement, they actually get the opportunity to walk on the moon. Blind faith must be removed through the application of science and humanistic appeals. People will have to be united under the common banner of Bhagavat dharma.” (1)

Confused people think spirituality and religion are synonymous

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Spirituality and religion are not synonymous; rather they are totally separate entities. Spirituality is an endless endeavour to link the microcosm with the Macrocosm, and this endeavour in individual life will stop when individuals come in closest proximity to Parama Puruśa. Human society will never attain Samadhi collectively. It is never possible to attain liberation or salvation collectively. So in individual spiritual life what is important is the feeling that human beings move collectively and help one another. In religion the feeling is that everything of mine is good and everything of yours is bad. While fighting over this people lose their natural judgement. Humanity should never be divided on the basis of such things.” (2)

How religion has done the most damage to humanity

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Anything else is not scripture at all. Religions create undue fear complex in the human mind. Utilizing the lure of heaven and the dread of hell they destroy nationality and humanity. Motivated by their own petty interests they create artificial divisions in the human society. Should intelligent people be bound by the serpentine nooses of such religions? No, they should not; they must not. If at all people allow themselves to be bound by nooses, it should be understood that they are intellectually bankrupt. In all countries of the world such people form separate communities. Perhaps religion has done the most damage to humanity. After all, it is in the name of religion that most human conflicts have occurred. Now the time has come to put an end to the conflict over religion forever.” (3)

So many wars have been fought in the name of religion

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “There are a variety of religions in the world formulated by different propounders. But instead of enhancing the spirit of unity in the human society, these religions have actually increased disunity and mutual conflict. How many wars have been fought in the name of religion? So, far from being a unifying force, religion should be seen as a cause of disharmony.” (4)

Religion is for exploiting people entrapped in the snare of blind faith

Ananda Marga philosophy states,” One thing should be remembered: Dharma and religion – or “Imán” and “majhab” in Arabic – are not synonymous. Throughout the ages, Dharma or Imán has been propagating teachings to unite humanity. Religions are many, but Dharma is one, and that Dharma is Manava [[Human]] Dharma – a system for the attainment of the Supreme. Based on practical wisdom and logical faith, Dharma is a rational approach for the realization of Absolute Truth. External paraphernalia are not required for the practice of Dharma: the only prerequisite is a unit mind. Within Dharma there is no room for exploiting people entrapped in the snare of blind faith, and no scope for self-aggrandisement or the pursuit of group interests. Love, freedom and equality are its foundation stones.” (5)

Example of a ridiculous thing in religion

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Many people consider their temple to be the only sacred place of worship. But the funny thing is that the builders who construct temples are unholy people or untouchables, and are thus barred from entering their premises. Each religion has its own scriptures. Some scriptures are worshipped with such reverence that they are treated as deities. But the paper on which the scripture was written, and the printing and binding of the book were perhaps done by people of other religions. But once the book is complete it is transformed into a holy scripture and those who made it will not have the right to even touch it. In fact, not only the holy scriptures, but all books are considered as a symbol of the goddess of learning. To pay obeisance to the book by repeatedly touching the forehead with it is apart of religious observance. Many people spend huge sums of money to make an idol of clay only to immerse it in a river with pomp and ceremony to conclude the religious festival. But if the people of other religions happen to break even a finger of that idol terrible bloodshed will ensue. Thus, those who advocate the formation of countries on the basis of religious faith will cause irreparable damage by fragmenting human society.” (6)

Religion vs dharma

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Not everyone follows the same religion, nor is religion a common factor in human society. Rather, the opposite is the case, and very often it divides human society. The Arabic word for religion is majhab whereas dharma in the etymological sense means “characteristic” or “property”. In fact, if dharma is understood in the true sense of the term, it is one and indivisible for the entire human race. Dharma is a psycho-spiritual faculty. It gradually brings out the latent divine qualities of the human heart, and helps human beings attain oneness with the Supreme Entity. It has nothing to do with material objects. On the other hand, religion is a psycho-sentimental factor. It is a collection of physical and ritualistic observances. There may be many religions, but dharma is one.” (7)

Kneel down and stand up a specific number of times

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Religions always prescribe various ritualistic observances like lighting lamps in a particular way, holding candles in a specified manner, sitting one way or standing another way, counting beads a certain number of times, etc. Only approved people are supposed to worship particular deities, fixed sacerdotal fees are to be charged, prescribed animals are to be sacrificed to the deities, altars are to be built in a particular way, and so on. While following such rituals, the mind is engrossed in religious rites and material objects, so how can it move in an ideational flow to a devotional goal? Those who follow a particular religion are supposed to kneel down and stand up a specific number of times, so naturally they are always counting their movements, consequently their minds cannot be withdrawn from physical movements and external activities.” (8)

No exploitation in the name of religion!

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “All human beings belong to one race! All have equal rights! All are members of the same human family!” Only these sadvipras can warn the exploiters in a thunderous voice: “No exploitation of one person by another! No exploitation in the name of religion!” Such sadvipras will become the guardians of society. Sadvipras will never stop the ongoing class struggle which manifests according to the laws of the samája cakra [social cycle]. They will only ensure that the rulers do not exploit society; thus they will rule the rulers.” (9)

Religions want to thwart the intellectual progress of human society

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “So it is seen that in the absence of nityánitya viveka the propounders of religion want to thwart the intellectual progress of human society at large. They knowingly refuse to understand that any observation regarding the spatial, temporal and personal factors, from whatever person it might come, is bound to lose its relevance in a transformed situation.” (10)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “A religion or an “ism” is created in a certain age which itself is a product of the three factors of time, place and person. However, the religion does not recognize the necessity of adjustment with the change in social life. It refuses to realize that the old rules and regulations of the previous age are now only mere historical records, having lost their relevance in the present dynamic society.” (11)

Why religion refuses to give up old, outdated rules & regulations 

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “In the name of psycho-spiritual approach, in the false name of religion, disparities are created in the human society, differences are created between human beings. In the name of religion so many sanguinary battles were fought in the past, and even now people belonging to one religious group cannot rely on other groups, or pay credence to other groups. Thus one should remember that only the pinnacled Entity, the apexed Entity is our Saviour – He is the only goal of our life. This is the panacea for all psychic ailments.” (12)

Religion preaches: listen to others is a sinful act

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "It is very difficult to persuade religious bigots to follow the path of logic because according to them even to listen to others is a sinful act. This is nothing but mere sentiment. According to some religions beef eating is forbidden but the killing of deer and goats is permissible. This is totally irrational." (13)

March along the path of spirituality

Ananda Marga ideology states, You know that Parama Puruśa exists in all the entities of the universe – the sun, moon, planets, satellites, nebulae and innumerable celestial bodies, the countless atoms and molecules – in His individual and collective association. That is why, as long as there is a speck of dust under your feet, as long as a single star twinkles over your head, you should remember that you are not helpless, that you are not alone. You need not have any fear or apprehension about this under any circumstances. Just keep moving along the path of spirituality.” (14)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 2, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 2
2. A Few Problems Solved - 3, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 3
3. A Few Problems Solved - 3, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 3
4. A Few Problems Solved - 2, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 2
5. A Few Problems Solved - 2, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 2
6. A Few Problems Solved - 2, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 2
7. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, How to Unite Human Society
8. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, How to Unite Human Society
9. Prout in a Nutshell - 5, Social Defects in Gandhism
10. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, The Five Kinds of Conscience (Viveka)
11. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, The Five Kinds of Conscience (Viveka)
12. A Few Problems Solved - 7, Renaissance in All the Strata of Life
13. Prout Nutshell - 7, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 2
14. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, You Are Not Helpless

== Section: Comment ==

समाज आन्दोलन और सर्वात्मानन्द की ठगी

 मेरे बाबा की बगिया में अनेकों फूल (समाज) हैं जिन्हें बंगालीवादी अहंकार के अकरुण झंझावात ने झुलसा दिया है। कहां गए परमप्रिय बाबा द्वारा अन्य समाजों के उत्थान के लिए दिए गए फील्ड नोट्स ? सिर्फ बंगाल में दिए गए नोट्स का प्रकाशन क्यों किया गया ? जिनलोगों (AMPS Publication dept) पर मेरे बाबा ने विश्वास कर अंगिका, मैथिली, मगही, नागपूरिया एवं अन्य समाजों के प्रति अपने असीम स्नेह की धरोहर (गाइडलाइंस) सौंपी थी, वो तो बड़े धोखेबाज निकले ! सीधे भगवान को ही ठग लिया ! सबको दूलारने वाले बाबा भले इन पापियों को क्षमा कर दें, परंतु प्रकृति कभी माफ नहीं करेगी। हमलोग भी इसी प्रकृति के अंश हैं, कब जागेंगे ? एक धृतराष्ट्र के आंखें बंद करने से अठारह अक्षौहिणी सेना का नाश हुआ था। यहां तो इन पापों को नजरंदाज करनेवाले असंख्यों धृतराष्ट्र हैं। क्या इन अंधों को यह अकरुण झंझावात नहीं झुलसाएगी ?

in Him,
A. Priyadarshii

- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic: Bias of Sarvatmananda Dada

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Disputed lands: Tibet, Kashmir, Palestine etc

Prout philosophy guides us, “While PROUT advocates that all people have the right to settle anywhere in the universe, it may be questioned whether the Chinese infiltration of Tibet can be supported on this ground. The reply is definitely “no” because this is an intentional infiltration – it is an expansionist move.”

“Similarly should one support Nepalese expansion in the eastern states of Sikkim and Bhutan? If we trace back through history we find that the Nepalese migrated from Nepal because of famine and for no other reason. Hence, this migration should not be criticized. However, recently a few persons have started a “Maha Nepal” movement. The propagandists of Maha Nepal are neither the friends of Nepal nor of India. The reaction to this movement will go against the interests of Nepalese settlers. By using the same logic as these protagonists India may also claim the Bhojpuri, Maithili and Bengali speaking areas of Nepal Terai. But such a situation would certainly be undesirable.”

“The case of the Jews who expanded into Palestine is similar. Palestine originally belonged to the Jews and the Arabs drove them out.”

“Likewise, the Pakistan infiltration into India cannot be treated as a justified move. The planned way in which this infiltration is going on indicates that it is motivated by expansionism.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

== Section 2: Links ==