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Thursday, February 24, 2022

Why “moment of silence” is bogus


No VBM videos / photos uploaded


Every Ananda Margii should be keenly aware it is strictly forbidden to upload varabhaya mudra videos and photos onto public platforms like Youtube etc. Those who contravene this rule will surely face the condemnation by Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji.

in Him, 

== Section 2: Main Topic ==

Why “moment of silence” is bogus


Some wrongly calculate that the unit soul will be benefited by observers taking a moment of silence. But this is obviously not true. That is against AM teachings. So margiis oppose this idea of bringing peace to the deceased by observing a moment of silence.

Why “moment of silence” is pure dogma

Actually this dogma of a moment of silence is based on the common irrational approach shared by the major religions that one can help the deceased who is just wandering around. That is why ignorant, dogmatic people think that, “Since Mr X has died then I should help him for a moment so he will feel at peace.”

Actually, some margiis who are not aware of Ananda Marga philosophy think, “What is the loss in doing a moment of silence for the dead - it will just take a minute. Let everyone just close their eyes and help the person who died.” Sadly those dogmatic and confused margiis cannot understand that by doing this they are validating the dogma of crafty priests that the deceased can be rescued and saved from suffering. They think that by thinking of the deceased they are consoling that soul and taking him out of trouble. And as Ananda Margiis we must not indulge in this dogma - not on any level. It is very clear: No living person can help or hurt the deceased. In order to exploit the deceased’s family, crafty priests invented this exploitative tool, i.e. dogma of securing the future of the deceased. In various religions it has different names but the overall theme and import is the same.

Dogmatic people observe a “moment of silence” to bring peace to the deceased, whereas in AM philosophy once the person dies there is nothing anyone can do for them.

Q & A What is the best solution

The question then arises - “What is the best solution?”

Answer: The ideal solution is to follow dharma. Do not care who is happy or frustrated - don’t try to appease anyone, just follow the dharmic code. In result, in due course, all will be satisfied. That is the beautiful outcome when one adheres to and implements dharmic practices.

In Him,

No benefit for the deceased

Here below Baba guides us that our own dharmic shraddha ceremony is for the comfort of those in mourning and has no bearing on the deceased. Therefore, it is quite evident that a dogmatic ritual like “a moment of silence” has not an iota of effect on the welfare of the deceased.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “The departed soul does not get any advantage from the shráddha ceremony [memorial ceremony].” (1)

We cannot help dead people

Next Baba guides us that we can only serve other living beings, not those who have died.

Ananda Marga ideology states, ‘As long as a man is here in our society we have a social responsibility for him. Human beings are social beings, we have a social responsibility for them. And when they leave this world and go to the other world, they go beyond the scope of our responsibility. We cannot render any service to them. Our social responsibility is over as soon as the cremation is done.” (2)

1. Caryacarya - 1, Shraddha Ceremony
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, Shraddha

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Misnomers & truths about peace

Prout philosophy states, “The cry, “Peace! Peace!” has become a craze in the world today. Can anything be achieved by such cries? There is no way to establish peace except to fight against the very factors which disturb peace. Even in the personal life of every human being, there is a constant fight between the benevolent and the malevolent intellect, or between vidyá and avidyá. At times vidyá triumphs, while at other times avidyá wins. In social life, too, this fight between vidyá and avidyá continues."

"Vidyá has to fight avidyá, and in this fight wherever and as long as vidyá remains triumphant, there is a special type of peace which may be called sáttvikii shánti [sentient peace]. Similarly, wherever and as long as avidyá remains victorious in this fight, there, also, a special type of peace prevails which may be called támasikii shánti [static peace]. Thus we find that peace is actually a relative factor." (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #15

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Degenerating artists are liabilitie

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The youth of a country are attracted to artists; it is therefore the duty of society and the state to monitor these artists ideals and character. Otherwise they may exert a harmful influence on young men and women who are the future hope of society. For this reason it is essential for artists to have impeccable conduct, a healthy lifestyle and strength of character. If those whom youths respect as ideal men and women possess an ideal character, the characters of those whom they influence will no doubt also be positively affected. In addition, ideal artists and actors who have a strong character will be able to express their artistic brilliance more sweetly and completely. Characterless, drunken or greedy artists will be considered liabilities by their fans and society." (1)

In materialistic societies, the visual and performing arts (movies, pop songs, theater, dance, drama, paintings etc) become a primary vehicle of degradation. That is because degenerated people become the stars and the youths emulate what those degrading artists do. In this way, from one generation to the next, baser values are inculcated. It is a self-perpetuating cycle of steeper and steeper decline until all art forms essentially become lewd displays. A key way to positively affect society is to harness this art and entertainment industry and goad it towards sentient pursuits. Artists should not be allowed to go against the strict moral code of yama and niyama. That is the only way to save society from a torturous fall. If degraded artists become venerated stars in society, that will surely ruin those impressionable youths and bring about the downfall of society. That is why Baba has given this strict warning: Artists must be of impeccable character. 

1. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations

== Section 4: Links ==

Acción silenciosa y los matones


Acción silenciosa y los matones


Cuando aquellos que saquearon y usurparon el poder no permiten protestas pacíficas pero significativas como la acción silenciosa o la firma de peticiones, etc., eso abre la puerta a terribles desastres. Eso es lo que sucedió en nuestro Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha después de 1990. Esos trabajadores oprimidos y explotados no tenían forma de expresar sus quejas y, como resultado, aumentaron las tensiones, estallaron luchas en Ananda Nagar, Wts (acaryas) fueron heridos y asesinados, y toda la organización se fracturó.  Que todo podría haberse evitado si caminos como el de la acción silenciosa fueran honrados y recibidos con un corazón puro. La acción silenciosa en sí misma es parte de nuestro sistema de controles y equilibrios para garantizar que todos tengan voz y que la organización funcione de manera adecuada. ¿Qué es la acción silenciosa?

Medida preventiva que vela por la honestidad

En un resumen en español de Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, “Silent Action”, Baba nos dice: Si la conducta de personas mayores, o táttvikas o ácárya/ás o avadhút/ikás, va en contra de los Dieciséis Puntos, entonces debes actuar en silencio. ¿Qué es la acción en silencio? Supongamos que hay un ácárya/á que da sermones sobre lo que se debe y no se debe hacer, y emite diferentes decretos. Pero supongamos que él o ella hace algo que amerita la crítica de la sociedad... usted puede emprender acciones silenciosas contra esta persona. (resumen en español)

En un resumen en español de Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, “Silent Action”, Baba nos dice:  ¿Qué es la acción silenciosa? Supongamos que hay una queja contra un ácárya/á y sabes con seguridad que es válida. La Junta de Acárya puede tardar dos meses, cuatro meses o un año en tomar una decisión sobre este ácárya/á. Pero, ¿por qué deberías esperar tanto por la decisión? En tales circunstancias, debes actuar en silencio, es decir, no aceptar como ácárya a la persona. Es una cuestión de derechos humanos... (resumen en español)

En un resumen en español de Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, “Silent Action”, Baba nos dice: Actúas en silencio contra el ácárya/á ofensor. ¿Y cuál será la naturaleza de esta acción silenciosa? Desautorizarás a la persona como ácárya/á; no aceptarás a la persona como ácárya/á Yo [[te concedo]] esta autoridad a ti. Nunca buscaré ninguna explicación de ti sobre por qué has repudiado a la persona. Los seres humanos ganarán honor si exhiben una conducta ejemplar. (resumen en español)

Por lo tanto, la acción silenciosa es una medida preventiva que garantiza que las fechorías no se conviertan en problemas sistémicos. Es una herramienta para limpiar la organización. Naturalmente, si no se permite esa herramienta de limpieza, es decir, la acción silenciosa, entonces el cuerpo de la organización se manchará. Rápidamente se convierte en una situación en la que todos pierden. donde se produce un desastre paso a paso. Eso es verdaderamente lo que hemos presenciado desde 1990.

Conozca sus derechos: aplique la acción silenciosa

Baba ha dado un hermoso sistema para manejar la situación si alguien no está siguiendo el código de conducta, es decir, las enseñanzas del bhagavata dharma Ananda Marga. La mayoría de las veces, esto sucede cuando varios acaryas o trabajadores superiores están involucrados en tratos negativos y sus subordinados se sienten extremadamente incómodos al ver esos errores e injusticias. Entonces, en una situación tan delicada, Baba ha dado una herramienta especial para aplicar la presión psíquica necesaria y así resolver el asunto. En Sus enseñanzas dhármicas del 15 de octubre de 1978, Baba graciosamente ha dado un camino especial para ejecutar esto en un discurso único, 'Acción Silenciosa'.

En un resumen en español de Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, “Silent Action”, Baba nos dice: Aquí tengo que decir algo especial. Si la conducta de las personas mayores, o táttvikas o ácárya/ás o avadhút/ikás, va en contra de los Dieciséis Puntos, entonces debes actuar en silencio. ¿Qué es la acción en silencio? Supongamos que hay un ácárya/á que da sermones sobre lo que se debe y no se debe hacer, y emite diferentes decretos, pero supongamos que él o ella hace algo que amerita la crítica de la sociedad... usted puede actuar en silencio contra el partido... debes actuar en silencio, es decir, no aceptar como acarya a la persona. (resumen en español)

Entonces, el método de señalar mediante la acción silenciosa es parte integral de nuestro sistema integral de autolimpieza, nuestro sistema incorporado de controles y equilibrios, mediante el cual nuestra sociedad Ananda Marga se volverá más refinada, mejor y mejor.

en Él,

- Here is a link to the original English posting: Silent Action & Thugs

- Here are more Spanish postings