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Saturday, February 19, 2022

Danger in marriage + 3 more

Danger in marriage


Here Baba has given a key guideline about marriage eligibility.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "At the time of marriage the bride and bridegroom should not have any direct relationship three generations above and three generations below. If this condition is not met, the marriage should not be solemnised." (1)

And in Caryacarya Baba has given a similar directive.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The guardians should not allow matrimony between persons connected with each other either on the paternal or the maternal side for three generations, ascending or descending." (2)

Three generations, ascending or descending

In His above teachings, Baba has given strict mandates for members of the general society regarding marriage. The rule of no direct relation three generations up means that there must not be any blood relation between the parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents of the bride and the groom. That is the meaning of three generations up. And three generations down means that the bride or groom must not marry any blood relation from their children's generation, their grandchildren's generation, or their great-grandchildren's generation. In large, extended families, such events do happen within certain communities, but this is not allowed in Ananda Marga.

For instance, suppose the young boy of one family wants to marry the granddaughter of his uncle then such a marriage would not be allowed. Similarly, if the bride and bridegroom are planning to marry but if the great-grandfather of the groom was the cousin of the great grandfather of the bride then such a marriage must not be permitted. So in Ananda Marga, for a marriage to be approved one of the distinct conditions is no direct relation three generations up and three generations down.

Some religious communities - inbreeding

Around the globe there are various clans, countries and religions which do not follow the above mentioned rule. Instead they arrange marriages where the bride and bridegroom have direct blood relations. For instance, a Muslim man may marry any girl so long as the girl does not have the same mother as he does. Thus if his father has 3 or 5 wives, he can marry the daughter of any of his father's wives, but not the daughter of his own mother. This leads to a lot of inbreeding. And verily there are many communities that encourage such types of marriages where there is a direct bloodline between husband and wife.

So in Islam, their only restriction on the point of marriage is that the mother's milk must be different between the bride and the bridegroom. If this requirement is met then they can marry. But this creates huge problems. Because many Muslim men have 4 wives. In this way the male and female offspring of the same father often marry each other. In such marriages birth defects and diseases like cerebral palsy are rampant. This is not only the case with Muslims but also with orthodox Jews, Mormons, indigenous people, tribal communities, Bible believers, and various other sections of the population around the globe.

Basic cause of birth defects

The outcome of this type of inbreeding is disastrous. It causes brain disorders, genetic abnormalities, onset of chronic diseases like cancer, and so many other problems. This is a well-documented medical fact. Everyone knows that Baba's guidelines are deeply meaningful. Regarding this particular point of marriage, there are serious health issues; that is the main reason why this rule has been given.

In today's materialistic society, there are numerous cases where couples get married solely on the basis of infatuation; they are oblivious of the inherent danger involved. Often, the husband and wife were born in a particular area, become attracted, marry, and have kids - not realising that they are of a very narrow gene pool and they are putting their children at risk for being born with seriously damaging, even deadly, diseases.

As far as possible one should find out the familial and genetic background of their future spouse. But even then there are limitations as to how far one can do this - one cannot know all the facts, entirely. That is why everyone should have a genetic test done as well. That is the only way to know for sure.

In addition, one should have their future spouse tested for venereal diseases & HIV / AIDS etc.


As Ananda Margiis, our duty is to convince members of the general society not to fall prey to any type of inbreeding  because that will only invite severe diseases for their family. On this point everyone should cooperate to make this a happy and healthy universe.

And the best way to do this is to propagate Baba's given system of revolutionary marriages where people are encouraged to have intercaste and interracial marriages. And even better is if the bride and groom were born and raised on opposite sides of the planet. This creates a dynamic, diverse genetic make-up for producing strong, healthy, vibrant, and intelligent children. That is one of the chief reasons why revolutionary marriages are so valuable - and why Baba's aforesaid mandate is so critical and significant.

in Him,
Satiish Deva

Why Arabs have world's highest rates of genetic disorders

~ Courtesy of Wikipedia ~

The Middle East has uniquely high rates of cousin marriage among the world's regions. Certain Middle Eastern countries, including Saudi Arabia, have rates of marriage to first or second cousins that may exceed 70%. Iraq was estimated in one study to have a rate of 33%, and figures for Afghanistan have been estimated in the range of 30–40%.

Parallel cousin marriage is practiced among Arabs. According to this custom a man has the first right of marriage with his father's brother's daughter. Others may marry her only if her cousin does not exercise this right.

All Arab countries in the Persian Gulf currently require advance genetic screening for all prospective married couples. Qatar was the last Persian Gulf nation to institute mandatory screening in 2009, mainly to warn related couples who are planning marriage about any genetic risks they may face. The current rate of cousin marriage there is 54%, an increase of 12–18% over the previous generation. A report by the Dubai-based Centre for Arab Genomic Studies (CAGS) in September 2009 found that Arabs have one of the world's highest rates of genetic disorders, nearly two-thirds of which are linked to consanguinity. Research from CAGS and others suggests consanguinity is declining in Lebanon and Egypt and among Palestinians, but is increasing in Morocco, Mauritania and Sudan. (Courtesy of Wikipedia)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, Bhaerava and Bhaeravii
2. Caryacarya - 1, Marriage Ceremony

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Example: democracy is foolocracy

Prout philosophy states, “In capitalism or democracy the state is theoretically for the welfare of the majority, but in practice it is the rule of the minority of vaeshyas [capitalists, black marketers, economic cheats] Other groups of people are forced to become second grade citizens. The Proutistic social order follows the principle sarva jana hitáya – that is, PROUT is for the welfare of all. Nobody is suppressed or oppressed. PROUT supports the rule of sadvipras. Only sadvipras can guarantee the all-round welfare of all groups of people because sadvipras represent the interests of all classes in society.” (1)

Note: As you read in the above teaching of Prout philosophy, commonly people think that the democratic system is for the welfare of the majority. But Prout reveals the truth and explains how the ignorant public is befooled and coaxed into voting against their own interests and in favour of capitalists. And the blind public does just that. The 2016 US election is a glaring example how one con man and billionaire TV reality clown became the president of the United States. Those who have been supporting him are ecstatic. They do not know that they are digging their own grave. This is the way democracy works; this is a prime example of how democracy is foolocracy - i.e. the mass of voters are primarily made up of fools. Our duty is to propagate Prout philosophy so the public should know that this entire created world is the property of Parama Purusa and all created beings are their progeny. So no particular progeny has the right of ownership of immense wealth, while making others starve to death. As fast as we can propagate this idea, the sooner sadvipra samaj will descend upon this earth.

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Elevating Backward Classes

Solo hacer buenas obras es defectuoso


Solo hacer buenas obras es defectuoso


En un resumen en español de Subhasita Samgraha – 11, “What is the Way”, Baba nos dice: Algunas personas dicen: 'Sigue haciendo buenas obras, eso es suficiente". No, eso no es suficiente. Supongamos que algunas personas realizan buenas obras, pero no tienen un objetivo definido ante ellas: esto no producirá ningún buen resultado, su esfuerzo será inútil. Supongamos que desea avanzar: también debe saber en qué dirección moverse, de lo contrario, todo su movimiento no tendrá sentido. Todo su tiempo, su arduo esfuerzo y su sinceridad serán en vano. Por lo tanto no es suficiente simplemente decir: "Sigue haciendo buenas obras". Incluso esas buenas obras deben tener un objetivo claro. ¿Por qué debo hacer buenas obras? Debo tener una idea clara en qué dirección moverme mientras hago esas buenas obras.  (resumen en español)

Nota: En la sociedad en general, o incluso en nuestro Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, hay algunos que piensan que hacer buenas obras es suficiente, como si eso fuera lo más alto de la comprensión y la expresión humanas. Piensan que no hay necesidad de práctica espiritual, sadhana o dharma. Solo uno debe hacer tantas buenas obras como sea posible. Esta es una mentalidad común que se encuentra entre las personas confundidas, etc.

Sin embargo, según la ideología de Ananda Marga, hacer buenas obras por sí solo no es suficiente, sino que es un enfoque inherentemente defectuoso e inútil. Uno debe tener una meta para todas sus acciones, y esa meta debe ser espiritual. Uno debe hacer todas y cada una de las cosas para complacer a Parama Purusa.

Abandonarán su trabajo de servicio

Así que aquellos que simplemente realizan buenas obras sin tener una meta superior, invariablemente se atan. O están ligados a la reacción de sus buenas acciones, o están ligados por su propia satisfacción mezquina por haber realizado una "buena acción". Y abandonarán su trabajo de servicio en el momento en que se enfrenten a una situación difícil.

En un resumen en español de Subhasita Samgraha – 11, “What is the Way”, Baba nos dice: Ahora, si uno quiere hacer una buena acción excluyendo a Paramátmá, que puede o no ser una buena acción. Esto será puro egoísmo de su parte, y nada bueno puede salir de ello. Es por eso que las personas grandiosas y realizadas no solo realizan buenas obras, sino que también hacen algo más que eso. (resumen en español)

En un resumen en español de Subhasita Samgraha – 11, “What is the Way”, Baba nos dice: Para realizar a Parama Purus'a, uno tendrá que ponerse en contacto con un Sadguru, un preceptor espiritual competente; porque solo esas personas pueden impartir lecciones adecuadas sobre la práctica espiritual. A través del estudio de libros, uno nunca puede alcanzar o realizar la Conciencia Suprema. (resumen en español)

Si el niño es muy feo y mentalmente deficiente

Aquellos que no tienen a Parama Purusa como su Meta y hacen el servicio social por su propia satisfacción personal, abandonarán el trabajo en el momento en que se enfrenten a una situación difícil. En el momento en que ya no obtengan la satisfacción personal que buscan, detendrán su trabajo de "servicio".

Por ejemplo, supongamos que uno tiene que servir a un leproso y un día deciden que no les gusta mas alimentar a ese leproso. Si la persona está haciendo esto para complacer a Parama Purusa, comprenderá que es su deber servir y servirá al leproso ya sea que obtenga satisfacción personal o no. Mientras que si uno piensa que "este servicio funciona para hacerme feliz", entonces detendrá el trabajo si no lo hace feliz. Además, al hacer el trabajo, la mayoría de las veces no pueden tener en cuenta el bienestar del paciente.

Por ejemplo, "Shyam" está sirviendo a un hermoso niño indigente y, de hecho, Shyam está feliz de ayudar a ese niño. Pero si el niño es muy feo y mentalmente deficiente, es posible que Shyam no sienta alegría al ayudar a ese niño, en cuyo caso Shyam puede renunciar a su trabajo de servicio. Porque no obtiene ninguna autosatisfacción de ello. Mientras que si el objetivo es complacer a Parama Purusa, entonces no hay problema si el niño es hermoso o feo.


Hacer buenas obras por sí solo no será suficiente, ni tampoco el trabajo de servicio para la satisfacción personal. Uno nunca puede tener éxito con estos enfoques. Uno tendrá que idear sobre el Supremo para realizar la Meta de la vida y servir adecuadamente a los demás.

En un resumen en español de Subhasita Samgraha – 11, “What is the Way”, Baba nos dice: Para realizar a Parama Purus'a, uno tendrá que ponerse en contacto con un Sadguru, un preceptor espiritual competente; porque solo esas personas pueden impartir lecciones adecuadas sobre la práctica espiritual. A través del estudio de libros, uno nunca puede alcanzar o darse cuenta de la Conciencia Suprema. (resumen en español)

en Él,

- Here is a link to the original English posting: Just doing good deeds is defective

- Here are more Spanish postings