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Thursday, January 20, 2022

Story: fate + 7 more

Story: fate


"A headmaster teacher from Kotah, Rajastan, in 1968 this teacher took his only son, a graduate, to visit Baba, offering that he [i.e. his son] could become a WT (whole-time worker). Baba declined the offer gracefully saying that WT’s are persons already selected at birth. They are born from time to time to join His mission."

This story is a little true but more false. Why half-false? Please continue reading...

Bogus story: two major flaws

In this story, there are two major flaws:
  • First, this is a wrong account. Baba never gave such a reply.
  • Second, the teaching of the story is wholly against Ananda Marga ideology.
Baba never told Tej Karan Sharma that Wts are determined at the time of birth. So how did this bogus story come to be.

Wt ego

In brief, Shrii Tej Karan Sharma had his own preconceptions and he wanted his son to become a Wt and certainly brought his son to Baba. And he raised this matter with Baba, however, Baba remained quiet. Due to his own Hindu upbringing, Shrii Tej Karan Sharma interpreted Baba's non-reply to mean that from the time of birth his son was not destined to be a Wt. That is the prevailing Hindu dogma - i.e. that everything is decided ahead of time and one need not exert effort. So when Tej Karan Sharma returned back with his son he expressed his frustration to his friends by saying that everything is decided ahead of time. Then those people twisted the story by stating that Baba directly told that Wts are decided at the time of birth.

Finally, when certain Wts heard this story they thought that such a story speaks to their own greatness. So they safeguarded this story and kept it as a treasure in their collection. That is exactly what this Dadaji has done and that is how and why this tiny, dogmatic story entered his collection. All in all we can say that this story is a half-truth. Shrii Tej Karan Sharma exists and he brought his son to Baba and inquired about making him a Wt, but Baba did not give that reply & kept quiet.

Fake story is against Ananda Marga

The above story goes against the fundamentals of Ananda Marga philosophy:

(a) Creation of WT's: Baba encouraged everyone to create Wts. In reporting, Baba placed a huge emphasis and targets on the creation of Wts. Baba would verily ask, "How many Wts have you created?" He wanted us to make anyone into Wt by inspiring them on the path of sadhana and service. This clearly shows that Wts are not decided at the time of birth, as the above bogus story asserts. So this above story goes against the working style and ethic of Ananda Marga. It puts forth a negative and dogmatic teaching.

(b) Education: In Ananda Marga we believe in making a comprehensive primary school education system to train and guide those young minds to grow and develop in a dharmic way. This demonstrates how we do not give any credence to the false idea that everything is decided at the time of birth. Rather, Baba's standard guideline is to do great things and transform your life and those around you. Implement dharmic ideals throughout the society and inspire people to enter onto the path of sadhana.

(c) Karma Vada: Baba's teaching is to do great actions and not wait for life to unfold or sit back relying on fate. Yet the above story gives the idea that everything in life, including becoming a Wt, is determined by fate, i.e. at the time of one's birth. By this psychology, one need not do anything except sit around and wait for the inevitable to unfold. Certainly Baba never espouses this type of lethargic and fatalistic mentality. Rather His guideline is to be vigorously active and do, do, do. That is the spirit of His karma vada.

(d) Fate / Predestination: Those who fall prey to the dogma of fate and predestination believe that everything in life is arranged ahead of time, according to one's birth etc. In this way everything is fixed and there is nothing one can do about it. This gives way to a lethargic and fatalistic outlook in life where people feel that they need not to do anything. Such an indolent dogmatic approach has nothing to do with the word and spirit of Ananda Marga teachings.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “What is fate? There is nothing such as fate in this universe. So far as the philosophy is concerned there cannot be anything called fate.” (1)


As the Sadguru, there is no difference between Baba's words and actions. What Baba preaches He does; what He says He does. In Ananda Marga, everyone is taught to do this, to do that, to do pracara, to do sadhana, to do, do, do. That is why it is ludicrous to give credence to the notion that everything, including becoming Wt, is determined at birth. Under that pretense, it would be hypocritical to tell anyone to create a Wt. By all these examples & guidelines, it is very clear that the above story is fake as it goes against the principles, core values, and fundamentals of Ananda Marga ideology.

Sastaunga Pranam to Baba,

~ In-depth study ~

The above is directly from the Baba story collection of Dada MH. The name of the headmaster in the above story is Shrii Tej Karan Sharma, a very active Ananda Margii. Unfortunately, his son was never interested in Ananda Marga. His parents tried in many ways to bring him onto the path but always their son resisted and harboured antipathy and disgust towards Ananda Marga. 

Example of Kalicharan: The first person Baba initiated into Ananda Marga was the notorious robber and murderer, Kalicharan Bandopadyaya, who became a great sadhaka and devotee of the Lord. Here Baba is clearly showing and putting forth the example that anybody can become great. All have the potential to lead a dharmic life. All that is needed is right ideation and right action. So there is no question that Wts are determined at the time of birth, which leads us into this next point. In Ananda Marga, Baba has given the guideline for everyone to positively engage and lead an active, revolutionary life from darkness to light.

Dada MH = Dada Maheshvarananda; he is the one who collected this story.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, Microcosm and Its Object of Ideation

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Types of kiirtana

Ananda Marga philosophy states,“শুধু যদি কীর্তন ৰলা হয়, কীর্তন মানে নাম-কীর্তন | আর এ যে, “গান-টান গাও,” ওগুলোকে ৰলা হয় পদ-কীর্তন | আর কোনও একটা sketch নিয়ে যা তৈরি করা হয়, তাকে ৰলা হয় পালা-কীর্তন | সকালে আমি ৰললুম, “কীর্তন করো” | না, সৰাই শুরু করে দিল, পদ-কীর্তন | না | শুধু কীর্তন ৰললে নাম-কীর্তনকেই ৰোঝায় |" [1]

Here is an English summary of Baba’s above Bangla teaching.

If it is told to only sing kiirtan then it means nam kiirtana, i.e. Baba Nam Kevalam. If it is told to sing songs etc that means Prabhat Samgiita or pad kiirtana Prabhat Samgiita. If it is based on the sketch of a storyline that means pala kiirtan. In the morning, I told you to do kiirtana, and everyone started singing pad kiirtana, but that was wrong. If I say do kiirtana then that only means nam kiirtana.

Here is more on this topic as there are three main types of kiirtana: 

(a) Na'ma Kiirtana: This is the singing of Baba Nam Kevalam, in its many forms including avarta kiirtana, nagar kiirtana, katha kiirtana (see note below), and akhanda kiirtana etc. 

(b) Pad Kiirtana: This is when a poetic verse is put into a kiirtana form. Various margiis turn a stanza of their bhajans into this type of kiirtan in order to glorify the Lord. And there are many PS compositions, between the numbers of #0140 -> #0160, that fall into this category as well. 

(c) Pa'la' Kiirtana: Pa'la' literally means “turn”. First one person sings then the audience responds. Thus pa'la' kiirtan is done in the style of call and response, where the main singer sings a stanza of Baba Nam Kevalam and the general public responds. But there is another aspect as well. In between the audience's participation, the main singer(s) perform at length, singing the glories of the Lord and recounting His tales and stories in the form of a dialog or prose that is often sung. And then it will go back in BNK kiirtana where all join in and sing. So it is a spiritual account or history about Parama Purusa that is led by trained sadhakas, who invite the audience to join in and sing.

Note: Katha kiirtana is when a collection of people gather to sing kiirtana and share stories in between singing BNK kiirtana. 

1. बनावटी आध्यात्मिकता और नव्यमानवतावाद Pseudo-spirituality and Neohumanism NH 1-13 (E,B) (NP) // Abhi 5-13, RU [EGD] 31 December 1982, A'nanda Nagar

== Section: Story ==
Story: loose laungota Wt


Shrii Subhash Chand Tyagi, a margi from Meerut, has circulated this incident of Meerut. 

~ The below is courtesy of WhatsApp forums ~
मेरठ जागृति में २००२ में दादा sambodhanand की पोस्टिंग थीं। वह यहां पर एक पुलिस अधिकारी कि लडकीयों के साथ घूमने लगे तथा उनके साथ उनके घर पर आने जाने लगे। मैने उनको वहां जानें से मना किया लेकिन उसने मेरी एक नहीं सुनी। और उस परिवार का में चिकित्सा करता हूं आज भी वह परिवार मेरे मरीज है। अन्त में मैने उसे कहना हि छोड़ दिया।उस महाराज ने लम्बी लम्बी कहानी सुनाकर उनसे दो लाख रूपए  दादा करुणा नन्द जी को दिला दिए और उसके बाद करुणा नन्द जी गायब हो गए। किंतु दादा स्मबोधा नन्द उनके घर पर आना जाना नहीं छोड़ा और उनकी लडकीयों के साथ घूमने फरने में मस्त थे और उनके घर खाना खाकर आते। जबकि में उनके घर पर एक गिलास पानी भी नहीं पिया क्योंकी वे सब तामसिक भोजन करते है आज भी में उनके घर पर जल भी नहीं लेता हूं। उनकी बेटी ओ का चाल चरित्र ठीक न हीं है। कुछ समय के बाद उनके लडके का मर्डर हों जाता हैं जीस में उनकी बेटी की साज़िश थीं।F.I.R में उन्होंने दादा का नाम दिया गया था दादा कों पुलिस पकड़ कर ले गयी और जबरजस्त तुड़ाई की तथा एक दिन एक रात हवालात में बंद रखा। जब हम को मालुम पडा तो हम थाने गए हमें देखकर दादा रो पड़े थाने में मुझे नीचे से ऊपर तक सभी जानते थे तो मैंने इस्पेक्टर से बात की उसने जो दादा के बारे जो बताया उसे में यहां लिख नही सकता। किसी भी तरह से दादा का नाम F.I.R से निकलवाया बस ये में हि जानता हूं या बाबा जानते है इससे पहले जाग्रति को लोग बड़ी इज्जत की नजर से देखते थे वो बात आज नहीं है। यह बात बहुत लम्बी है जो नहीं लिखी जा सकती।बाबा की कृपा नहीं होती तो ये महाराज आज जेल में बंद होते।

~ The above is courtesy of WhatsApp forums ~

in HIM,

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Attrition rate of interested people

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Suppose there is a virtuous discussion going on somewhere. If you invite two hundred people to this discussion, you will find that only sixty invitees have turned up, at the most. Out of these participants about ten or twelve people at most listen with patience and devotion to the talks; and out of these listeners, only some properly understand the subject discussed. Then again, out of this small group that has understood, only a very few may retain in their minds what they have understood. Lastly, only one or two persons of this last group may practice in their daily lives what they have learnt and understood. This is only due to the clash between vidyá and avidyá in the mind, and in this clash the triumph of avidyá or the extroversive force means running from the introversive bent of vidyá. It is because of the saḿskaras of animality that the introversive momentum is rare in the average human mind. The sensuous desires of avidyá continue to infiltrate into every thought process. Such a situation continues for a long time in a sádhakas life.” (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Shreya & Preya

== Section: News (15 Feb 2017) ==

Revolution against Rudrananda - 1

Subodha didi, ​supporter of Dada R, exposes ​Rudrananda's hypocrisy​


Subodha didi is 67 years old. Her husband B.M. Sinha​ a high ranking officer​ passed in 1993 in Delhi. Due to her great love and dedication to AMPS, she wanted to donate the car to AMPS.

Since her husband had very good relation with Rudrananda dada. Therefore she asked Rudrananda dada whom to hand over the car so that the car would be used maximum for AMPS. Rudrananda dada suggested to handover car keys to Madhuvratananda.

After few days, one of her acquaintances informed her that her car was found being driven by a ​Madhuvratananda's ​G.friend in Delhi city. Subodha didi was stunned to listen and hence she immediately called Rudrananda dada and Madhuvratananda dada.​

After few more days, Subodha didi found Madhuvratananda dada sitting ​with ​his girl​friend​ Ritu in the car. Then she became angry and called Rudrananda dada that she had not given car for girlfriend of Madhuvratananda. However, car remained with Ritu for almost six months. Subodha didi got fed up to see the AMPS leaders.

After insistence of Subodha didi, car was taken back from Madhuvratananda and handed over to Muradnagar Master unit. There at Muradnagar masterunit, one WT was trying to learn how to drive car. While learning car driving, he dashed the car with a tree. Car was damaged badly. Car was now beyond repair. They informed Subodha didi about accident.

Till then Subodha didi was completely fed up with Rudrananda dada and his team. She told that she knows the family where Nabhatiitananda stayed overnight many times. She refused to reveal the name of family. Rudrananda and Madhuvratananda made many calls and made efforts to convince Subodha didi but she refused to get convinced and she deleted phone numbers of Rudrananda and Madhuvratananda from her mobile phone.

For last few months (years), Subodha didi has stopped participating in AMPS programs. She does not attend DC, Kirtan, seminars, etc only due to watching nefarious activities of Rudrananda team. She is now convinced that Rudrananda is a CBI agent and Rudrananda dada has decided to spoil AMPS. Now she is not at all interested to talk to Rudrananda and his core team. She is now completely fed up with AMPS scenario. She wants to inform the entire world about Rudrananda

Subodha didi informed me that she is surprised to find how much Rudrananda has been supporting his core team in spite of knowing their nefarious activities. Now Rudrananda has been staying at Dabao city (WT training center in Manila). Subodha didi requested us not to allow Rudrananda to land in India in future.

​in Him​,
​Satya Prakash​

== Section: News (15 Feb 2017) ==


Revolution against Rudrananda - 2

(Courtesy of What'sApp Forum: Save the Organisation)


"नियम तो यह है कि संस्था के हर बात को जिससे संबधित है। उसी से करना चाहिए। संस्था की बात को पब्लिक में a लांना चाहिए।
लेकिन यदि CBI अपने किसी एजेंट (Rudrananda )के द्वारा संस्था को समाप्त करने में लगी है।यह भी सबको मालूम है कि बाबा उनको इसी केस में सजा भी दे चुके है। और उनको 1978 से 1990 तक अपने पास नहीं आने दिया। जहाँ तक अपने दर्शन पर एवम बात करने पर , बाबा क्वार्टर में प्रवेश करने, VSS एवम ERAWS के कैंप अटेंड करने पर, सेमिनार अटेंड एवम ट्रेनर बंनने पर से,  सिर्फ विलेज लेवल अटेंड कर सकते थे DMC में  भी पास से दर्शन  पर भी,  और वर्कर रिपोर्टिंग पर भी निषेध था।

CBI ने अपने एजेंट के द्वारा चाहा कि रुद्रानंद को सर्वोच्च पद पर बैठा कर संस्था को अपने हाथ में ले ले। पर बाबा ने इन्हींके बेस्ट फ़्रेंड को अपना माध्यम बन कर CBI के प्लानिंग को विफल कर दिया।

जब यह प्लानिंग फ़ैल हो गई तब सीबीआई ने सोचा कि दूसरा रास्ता यह है कि संस्था में नए सन्यासी ही न बन पाए तो अपने आप संस्था समाप्त हो जायेगी।

तो रुद्रानंद ने किसी तरह दादा निगमानंद के एब्सेंट होने का फायदा उठाकर अपनी पोस्टिंग ट्रेनिंग सेंटर का हेड ऑफ़ दी डिपार्टमेंट के लिए श्रधेय PP दादा को कन्वेंस करा लिया । जिसको हम GTS कहते हैं। संस्था की एस्टेब्लिशमेंट कमिटी को अपने हाथ में लिया। क्योंकि इस्टेबलिशमेंट कमिटी ही सन्यासियो का ट्रांसफर पोस्टिंग करवा लिया।
इस एस्टैब्लिशमेन्ट कमिटी में चार मेंबर होते हैं।

1 GS - रुद्रानंद ने ही  GS को साधना सिखाई है । चित्तस्वरूपानंद

2 PA  रुद्रानंद के बिना परमीशन के साँस भी नहीं ले सकते। राकेशानन्द

3 COS अपने चारित्र हींन चमचे को चुना। हरिशानंद

4  GTS  रुद्रानंद स्वयं  बन बैठे

अब रुद्रानंद  को CBI द्वारा संस्था को समाप्त करने की प्लानिंग को पूरा करने में (संस्था  की रीढ़ यानि ट्रेनिंग सेंटर को ही समाप्त करने की साजिश) में तकलीफ  नहीं होगी।

सिक्योरिटी के हेड ( ASD के SG)  मंत्राचेतनानंद को जब आभास हुआ कि रुद्रानंद यूज कर रहे  है तो ASD के SG ने श्रधेय PP दादा को प्रार्थना कर सेन्ट्रल से मुक्ति प्राप्त कर ली। रुद्रानंन्द ने षड्यंत्र कर के  बाबा के SD डिपार्टमेन्ट को ही ASD (जिसको पहले VSS  कहते है)  में मर्ज कर दिया। और लीलाबोधानंद जो सेवादल के ग्लोबल  इनचार्ज
को भी ट्रांसफर कर दिया। और अपने उस चमचे को सिक्योरिटी का SG पोस्ट उसकी रुद्रानंद की वफादारी का इनाम दिया यह बात भी सबको मालूम है कि जब डॉक्टर ने यह डिक्लेयर किया कि दादा निगमानंद की बचने की आशा काम है इस खुशी में बंगाली स्वीट हाउस से रस मलाई मिठाई मंगवाकर पार्टी दी। चलो अब रुद्रानंद का विरोध करने वाला ही नहीं रहेगा तो रुद्रानन्द को सपोर्ट  करने वालो को आराम से पुरोधा बना दिया जायेगा।

मई आपको बता दू , कि सरवात्मानंद दादा ने जो भी संस्था को अपने द्वारा नुक्सान पहुंचाया हो, लेकिन बाबा के स्ट्रक्चर या डिपार्टमेंट को ख़त्म नहीं किया। रुद्रानंद यह कर सरवात्मानंद के भी  गुरु बन गए।

इस परिस्थिति में  भी हम कोर्ट, पोलिस, एवम मीडिया का सहारा न लेकर सिर्फ मागियों एवम वर्कर्स का सहारा लेकर ,  संस्था को बचाना चाहते है।   मै एक सन्यासी होकर आप लोगो से दोनों हाथ जोड़ कर नम्र निवेदन करना चाहता हूँ ,कि हम सब लोग आगे ओपन तरीके से सबके सामने आये और बाबा की संस्था को बचाने में बाबा का माध्यम बने।" (Courtesy of What'sApp Forum: Save the Organisation)


== Section: Important Teaching ==

How people vote against their own interest

Prout philosophy states, "According to the definition in vogue today, democracy is defined as the government of the people, by the people and for the people. Adult suffrage plays an important role in democracy. In the name of forming a democratic government, different political and communal parties throw their hats into the election ring. Every party issues its own election manifesto to influence the people in order to carry the laurels in the ensuing election battle. Besides, different parties entice the voters through election propaganda. Where educated people are in the majority and political consciousness is adequate, it is not very difficult for people to weigh the pros and cons of the  manifesto of a particular party and to ascertain what is in the best interests of the people. But where there is a dearth of education and political consciousness, and where people fail to understand the reality of the manifesto and are misled by wrong propaganda, they cast their ballots in favour of parties whose ideals go contrary to the social interest. Consequently, parties are installed in power which go against the interests of the people." (1)

Note: That is exactly what happened in the recent US presidential election. One racist, con-man, reality TV star was elected as president. And his policies are harming the common people.

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 14, Compartmentalized Democracy

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Very harmful way to go go sleep

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Those who do a lot of mental labour combined with a little physical labour, also fall asleep immediately upon going to bed, due to the tiredness of their nerve cells. But those who perform some mental labour, but proportionately less labour of the nerve fibres [that is, physical labour], suffer from insomnia. They use various types of drugs and injections to induce sleep by forcing the nerve cells and nerve fibres to stop functioning. So it can be imagined how dangerous and harmful is the effect of those drugs and injections.”

“Getting the amount of sleep necessary to maintain physical and mental health should not be criticized. But as with any of the four vrttis, if sleep is encouraged, people can spend twenty-three out of the twenty-four hours of their day in sleep. This kind of sleep is as bad as death. Human beings have come onto this earth to do some work. Now if they spend most of their time in sleep, when will they work? If a major portion of life is spent only in sleep, is that not another name for death?”

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Human beings want to emerge from the dark chasms of sleep and death into the world of light – golden flashes of light piercing the heart of darkness. That golden light is a dynamic and spirited life, which people can enjoy only in the waking state.” (1)

1. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc: 16

Be careful, if you are parent

 "Today parents may rightly say, “We have almost no vital energy left after exchanging blows and counter-blows with life. We have no chance to mould the minds of our children with the care and tenderness of our hearts. All the sweetness and finer sensibilities of our minds have been sucked dry by the harsh realities of life. How can we take care of our children? We cannot even provide them with proper food and clothing. How can we know what they are thinking? Do we have the time to understand anything properly at all? We know children should be taught through the medium of play and entertainment, both at home and outside, but is it possible for us to do that? We even have to disturb our talented son at his studies to send him to the grocer’s to buy salt, cooking oil, spices, etc. We know it is wrong, but there is no alternative, for keeping a servant is beyond our means.”"
   "There may be some truth in this, but it is not the point at issue here. In order to develop a healthy outlook, the most important thing children need is robust idealism. To impart this, parents require only two virtues: self-restraint and good judgement. Let us discuss good judgement first."
   "When the parents are about to go on a trip or go to a show, or when they are invited to a pleasant function or a social outing, the children may start whining or nattering to accompany them. At such times many parents tell lies without a qualm; somehow they dupe their children and leave. When the children realize what has happened, they also learn to tell lies; and to hide their intentions or their actions from their parents, they gradually start lying more and more." (1)

Note: Without realising it, parents teach their children both good things and bad things. Being an ideal parent is not easy. Unknowingly parents often teach their children the ways of lies and deception.

1. Human Society - 1, Education

== Section 3: Links ==