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Monday, October 31, 2022

En Bengala


En Bengala


Hoy en día hay muchas personas falsas que no practican ni siquiera los principios prácticos básicos de Ananda Marga como el ayuno, las asanas, la sadhana, el medio baño, el uso de laungota y comer alimentos satvikos, qué decir de tener alguna comprensión de la sublime filosofía espiritual de Baba. Sin embargo, a menudo encontramos a estas personas falsas de pie en un podio dando las llamadas charlas intelectuales sobre Ananda Marga y Shri Shri Anandamurti jii. Tal tradición es muy común en Bengala Occidental, donde Shri Shri Anandamurtijii se presenta como un “gran filósofo” y un intelectual.

Este tipo de presentación de Sadguru Baba es un eufemismo similar a la de presentar a un distinguido profesor universitario como una mera persona apenas alfabetizada. En otras palabras, Sadguru Baba es mucho más que un filósofo o un intelectual. Sin embargo, aquellos que no practican Sus enseñanzas no desarrollan un vínculo con Él y luego lo presentan como un filósofo en sus charlas de auto-engrandecimiento que hacen para que la gente los aplauda, pero no sucede ningun praca’r real de Ananda Marga. No se crea ningun Ananda Ma’rgii nuevo.

En un resumen en español de Prout in a Nutshell Volume 1 Part 4, “Problems of the Day”, Baba nos dice: Los líderes políticos no pueden crear sadvipras arengando a las personas desde las plataformas públicas, esto exige rectitud y la práctica de la autopurificación en la vida personal. Además, ¿qué tipo de personas vienen a dar conferencias desde estas plataformas? ¿No son ellos los que recurren a la honda de barro por el bien de la política partidista? La mayoría de ellos están cegados por su obsesión por el poder, entonces, ¿qué pueden enseñar a los demás? (resumen en español)

Solamente aquellos que practican pueden predicar

A menudo se ve que los libros escritos por aquellos que tienen una experiencia directa en cualquier campo específico son mucho más efectivos en comparación con aquellos que simplemente dan conferencias sin practicar realmente lo que predican. Por ejemplo, si un criminal escribe un libro sobre el crimen después de ser liberado de una sentencia de prisión, entonces puede ser una fuente valiosa y autorizada para entender el crimen en comparación con leer los libros de un filósofo de sillón que escribe un libro sobre el crimen. Hay muchos de los llamados líderes e intelectuales que llegan a todo tipo de lugares para dar conferencias y obtener elogios de personas sin tener ninguna experiencia directa. Tales conferencias pueden engañar intelectualmente a las personas menos desarrolladas e incluso pueden hacerlas aplaudir, pero no se hace se genera un bienestar real. Por lo tanto, uno necesita practicar seriamente antes de predicar a los demás. 

Intelectuales en Ananda Marga praca’ra

Si los intelectuales y profesores van por ahí dando conferencias sobre Shri Shri Anandamurti jii sin seguir Sus enseñanzas en sus propias vidas, entonces esencialmente están perdiendo su propio tiempo y el valioso tiempo de los demás. Esto se debe a que sus elocuentes charlas no tendrán una influencia conmovedora sobre las masas, ya que sus conversaciones estarán desprovistas de la fuerza de su sa’dhana’ y de sus prácticas.

Forma adecuada de praca’ra

El mero hecho de dar conferencias intelectuales sin internalizar la ideología de Ananda Marga en la propia vida es una pérdida de tiempo, ya que ningún praca’r real puede suceder de esa manera. Es mejor practicar todos los principios de Ananda Marga como asanas, upava’sa, comida sátvica, sa’dhana’, y así sucesivamente. Uno también debe participar en el servicio mediante el cual uno puede comprometerse con las personas y de esa manera conectarse con ellas de una manera más profunda en comparación con una reunión de conferencias superficial. Las personas que se benefician de los proyectos de servicio puede que en el futuro también se conviertan en sa’dhakas.

Verdadero significado de acarya

En un resumen en español de Discourses on Neohumanist Education, Kulapati, Baba nos dice: El significado de la palabra acárya es: uno que imparte lecciones a otros por su conducta ejemplar – Ácarańát páthayati yah sah ácaryah. Es decir, los Ácáryas tendrán que enseñar a los demás por su conducta ejemplar. Sólo entonces la educación impartida por ellos será firmemente establecida y asimilada adecuadamente por los alumnos. … En Bengala, la gente llama erróneamente a los cancilleres como Acáryas o a los vicecancilleres como upacáryas. También es un caso de uso defectuoso de la terminología porque las acáryas o upacáryas no enseñan o no dan ejemplo de conducta ideal. (resumen en español)


El mero hecho de dar conferencias sin practicar es una pérdida de tiempo y no conduce a el verdadero praca’r. Uno debe practicar las enseñanzas de Baba y de esa manera servir a las personas y guiarlas hacia la sa’dhana.
 En un resumen en español de A Few Problems Solved Part 2, “Human Society Is One and Indivisible” – 2, Baba nos dice: Los líderes contemporáneos no tratan de dar una forma práctica a ninguna de las cualidades humanas antes mencionadas. Simplemente dan conferencias altisonantes. Esas grandes personalidades del pasado les brindan buenas oportunidades para organizar celebraciones del bicentenario y el aniversario. Consideran que con solo pronunciar unas pocas frases bien ensayadas, están rindiendo un maravilloso homenaje a esas grandes personalidades. … Así, los grandes ideales están desapareciendo de la vida social y la desunión está aumentando entre la gente. (resumen en español)

Debido a la razón antes mencionada, en el gráfico de los 16 puntos se agregó un subpunto sobre cuántos simpatizantes se crearon.

En Él,

En un resumen en español de Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 4, “Matter and Spirit”, Baba nos dice: Tendrás que hacer experimentos regulares tú mismo. Uno no puede alcanzar Brahma a través de argumentos y razonamientos, basados en las opiniones de diferentes autores, o abriendo círculos de estudio, o a través de discursos y conferencias. Para esto tendrás que desarrollar tu agryábuddhi (intelecto puntiagudo) con completa devoción y entusiasmo. (resumen en español)

Andhenaeva niiyamánáh yathándháh

En un resumen en español de Kulaka to Kulottha (Discourse 33), “Shabda Cayaniká Part 5”, Baba nos dice: El significado de la palabra ácárya es ácarańát pát́hayati yah sah ácáryah, “aquel que enseña a través de la conducta”. En otras palabras, el ácárya debe enseñar y tener una conducta digna de respeto. Solo entonces la educación que imparten a los demás tendrá una base sólida y será asimilada. (resumen en español)

El objetivo debe ser Parama Puruśa, no la victoria en los debates

En un resumen en español de Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 5, “Devotion and the Realm of Intellectuality”, Baba nos dice: Para aquellos que entran en el ámbito de la intelectualidad, el camino se compone de tres aspectos: váda, jalpa y vitańd́á. Para nyáyikas o pańd́itas siempre hay váda, jalpa y vitańd́a. La filosofía de los lógicos indios se divide en estos tres aspectos. Así que para aquellos que recorren el camino de la intelectualidad, la primera porción es váda, la porción media vitańd́á, y la última porción jalpa. Procederán a través de estos tres aspectos para alcanzar la victoria del lógico como su objetivo. Parama Puruśa no es su objetivo. Su objetivo principal es alcanzar la victoria en el ámbito de la lógica. ¿Qué tipo de victoria es esta? Hay dos sentimientos internos detrás de esta victoria. El primero es inflarse mentalmente con la vanidad. La mente se infla con vanidad como arroz inflado. La persona se hincha de orgullo como arroz inflado, pero dentro no hay nada. Y en segundo lugar, este intelectual desarrolla una lujuria por algunas palabras externas de alabanza, palabras en el sentido de que él o ella ha alcanzado la victoria. Así que la primera es que la mente se hincha con vanidad, y por lo tanto se vuelve cada vez más débil, y la segunda es que la persona desarrolla un apego lujurioso por algunas palabras externas de alabanza, y por lo tanto se convierte en un esclavo de esas palabras y nunca puede ser una persona verdaderamente grande. (resumen en español)

- Here is a link to the original English posting: In Bengal

- Here are more Spanish postings

- Here is a link to Spanish Prabhat Samgiita

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Pranavatmakananda’s bogus story + 2 more


Bogus story: Pranavatmakananda 


Baba is Hari (God who steals others’ sins).

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “One name of Parama Puruśa is Hari. Hari means “He [God] who steals”, “He who takes away all your sin without your knowledge”...Parama Puruśa loves His devotee, so without the knowledge of the devotee, He takes away his sin." (1)

Some writers, especially those goaded by the dogma of a particular religion, have propagated that when Baba cures anyone then in result Baba becomes sick / bedridden. This very bogus idea is widely propagated by some confused Wts in margii communities.

But if we accept this bogus propaganda that after taking others' pain / sin that Parama Purusa Baba suffers or becomes ill, then how can we say that He is Hari (omnipotent God who steals others' sin). It will be very difficult to think that He is Hari. Because there are billions of people on this earth, and countless others on so many planets etc, and if He steals their sins then He will be sick permanently. Yet in His letter of 5th March 1973, Baba in His own writing remarks that in His life He has had an excellent record of health. So Pranavatmakananda is spreading a big lie.

Bogus story #1: See Pranavatmakananda’s fraudulent claim

Look at the below blunder from Dada Pranavatmakananda’s book, “SSAM Advent of A Mystery”, page 455. Pranavatmakananda is spreading the ludicrous claim that Baba can’t handle even one person's sin because He becomes ill when taking on just a single individual’s negative samskaras / sin.

~ Pranavatmakananda’s book page 255: Baba gets sick taking a person’s samskaras ~

And Pranavatmakananda does not just make this bogus claim on one page, Pranavatmakananda repeats this error again, and again, and again.

Bogus story #2: For instance, on page 456 Pranavatmakananda falsely narrates in his book: “Baba’s close disciples took special care to prevent such people from having any contact with him, fearing that he would again fall ill after taking over their negative samskaras.” (PK Dada’s book page 456)

So Pranavatmakananda’s claim is completely fallacious. Ananda Marga teachings clearly guide us that when Parama Purusa cures someone then He will not face any reaction or become sick. Humans face reactions but Parama Purusa does not - there is no reaction. The cause and effect theory does not apply to Him.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "The wrongdoer will have to undergo a reaction which is greater in degree than the original action: the doer will have to undergo a certain amount of pain as “interest” to the original action. This is what is meant by the term vipáka. It is applicable only to the microcosms and not to Parama Puruśa." (2)


Baba is Hari (God who steals others' sin). He saves and graces all in this grand universe, and He remains unassailed. He is the Mahasambhuti. In His role as Hari (God who steals others' sin) He graciously and effortlessly removes the sins of His children, without becoming sick.

In Him,
(Victor Trumpert)

~ In-depth study ~

Bogus story #3
  • On page 456-57 of his book, Pranavatmakananda misguides readers: “He [Baba] had absorbed the negative samskaras of a particular sadhaka and had consequently suffered from an ailment...unable to see Baba suffer, some Margis begged him to stop the practice of absorbing the samskaras of others.”

Bogus story #4
  • On page 457 of his book Pranavatmakananda misleads readers: “Through a slight illness or a little suffering I [Baba] can burn a lot of negative samskaras that I have taken on.”

Bogus story #5
  • On page 458 of his book, Pranavatmakananda misinforms readers: “”When I [Baba] teach kapalik meditation, I absorb a lot of negative samskaras from the person, that is why my face becomes dark afterwards.” Then I [Dasarath] asked him why he persisted in doing so, as he would have to suffer those negative samskaras in the form of different illnesses.”
So Pranavatmakananda is perpetuating this ridiculous dogma repeatedly throughout his book.

Equation of stealing sin and sickness is flawed

1. If we believe the theory that after taking others' pain / sin that Baba suffers then how can we say that He is Hari (God who steals others’ sin). It will be very difficult to think that He is Hari. Because there are countless people on so many planets and if He steals their sins then He will be ill constantly.

2. If to save, conservatively speaking, several hundred thousand margiis, Parama Purusa goes to jail to suffer their samskaras and becomes ill, then what about all the millions and billions of His children that come to Him. He is the Supreme Father of all in this universe. How can He possibly take on their pain and sins when He becomes so sick and ill by, conservatively speaking, saving several hundred thousand Ananda Margiis. Indeed, to say that Parama Purusa Baba suffers by our sins is to undermine the stature of Him being Parama Purusa. He will not be able to handle all those sinners.

3. As the Parama Purusa, Baba presides over this entire universe, not just this earth. There are 8 billion people on this earth and He is constantly taking samskaras. He is Hari (God who steals others' sin) for all, margiis and non-margiis. Yet in this bogus story Pranavatmakananda is claiming that Baba got sick by taking the samskaras of one single person. This is very demeaning and indicates that Baba is not Hari.

But Ananda Marga philosophy states that Baba is Hari (God who steals others' sin). So what Pranavatmakananda is writing in His book is going against ideology. Non-margiis may challenge and accuse this is contradictory. Because on the one hand we say that He is Hari for the entire cosmos, yet when He takes the samskaras of even one person He becomes terribly sick. So they will conclude that Baba could not possibly be Hari (God who steals others' sin).

4. Baba is Parama Purusa; without His grace a blade of grass cannot move; He does everything; He manages the situation effortlessly. In His role as Hari He steals the sins but does not become ill or sick.

5. Yet Baba is always taking our sins and Hari is one who steals without telling, He is stealing always, but the sadhaka / human being does not know.

Hari always stealing sin but remains healthy

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "In Sanskrit, one name of Parama Puruśa is Hari. Hari means “He who steals”, “He who takes away all your sin without your knowledge”. In Sanskrit, the root verb hr means “to steal”. Now the relationship between the Lord and His devotee is very sweet, and extremely, purely, personal. Parama Puruśa loves His devotee, and the devotee also loves His Lord. Now the accumulated mountain of sin attached to the devotee is unbearable for the Lord. He wants to remove that mountain of sin from His devotees. He may say: “Oh, devotee, give your sins to Me.” The devotee will say: “No, Lord, I am ready to give You everything, I am ready to give You my soul, my spirit, everything, but how can I give my sins to You? I cannot.” But Parama Puruśa loves His devotee, so without the knowledge of the devotee, He takes away his sin." (3)

So many sinners come to Him from across the universe. If just taking the sins of, conservatively speaking, several hundred thousand people causes Him to suffer (i.e. go in jail or become sick etc), then He would be perpetually diseased and on His deathbed, and incapable of taking the sins of billions of others. Mahasambhuti Baba would never be healthy - but that was not the case. He was always taking the sins of the entire population (i.e. billions of people), and 99.99% of the time He was in excellent physical health. In His letter of 5th March 1973 Baba writes that throughout His life He has maintained excellent health. Whatever health problems arose, were due to the poisoning in jail.

Above all, when Taraka Brahma comes as Mahasambhuti, then willingly He plays a role as an ordinary human being. So as an ordinary human being sometimes healthy sometimes sick, sometimes happy sometimes sad-- these are the states which Baba would adopt in pretending to be like an ordinary person.

Mahasambhuti always has perfect equipoise

Or think of it this way, on those days when Baba was in good health then on those occasions He was not fulfilling His role as Hari (God who steals others sin) and He was not taking their sins. This is a ludicrous idea.

People have to change their mind and realise the fact that as the Parama Purusa Baba can do anything and everything and maintain perfect equipoise. For His liila, He went to jail.

In His divine liila, Baba has allowed Himself to be placed in jail because He wished to show us how to fight and stand firm against exploiters - even if it threatens or takes your life. So Baba's wrongful incarceration and hateful poisoning stand as an ideal way to teach us, His disciples. With His practical example He is guiding us that no matter how bad things get and no matter the obstacles, one should never cow down in the face of injustice.

With their small brains people should not wrongly conclude it was because He was taking others' sins, and that consequence is that He had to go suffer in jail. This following quote teaches that when Mahasambhuti comes He behaves like a human being.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "He needs no sádhaná, but just to set an example to others, He performs sádhaná with the masses." (4)

When you have a physical body then in natural course the body is sometimes sick and sometimes healthy - we should not associate that with sin.

Parama Purusa never faces any reaction

When Parama Purusa cures someone then He will not face any reaction and become sick. Humans face their reaction, but Parama Purusa does not - for Him there is no reaction. The cause and effect theory does not apply to Him.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "The wrongdoer will have to undergo a reaction which is greater in degree than the original action: the doer will have to undergo a certain amount of pain as “interest” to the original action. This is what is meant by the term vipáka. It is applicable only to the microcosms and not to Parama Puruśa." (5)

Ananda Marga ideology says,“Reaction is called vipáka in Saḿskrta. Whenever there is any action, where the action is dominating, the karma is dominating, the karma is prevailing, the karma is assailing, the karma is influencing, there must be reaction. But in case of Parama Puruśa, there is no such thing. All actions are done within Himself, within His Macro-psychic structure. So in His case, the question of being influenced by reaction does not arise. Therefore He is not affected even by vipáka.” (6)

Ananda Marga ideology says, “‘In the case of Parama Puruśa this question of reaction is not applicable, because there is nothing beyond Him – everything in this expressed universe is all created within Him, and He is dealing with His own created objects according to His own wishes. Thus no question of good or bad can arise, and that is why the matter of suffering the consequence of action also does not arise in His case. If you slap a decent person, that will be an undesirable action on your part; but if you slap your own cheek, will that also be considered an undesirable act? No, certainly not. No one will ever criticize you, or file a suit against you for this, because it is exclusively your personal matter. Likewise, whatever Parama Puruśa does, He does with His own created objects, and hence in that case the question of vipáka does not arise.” (7)

Parama Purusa is not bound by the cycle of action, reaction and suffering; these things are for jiivas - i.e. those bound by the noose of maya. Parama Purusa is the Controller of maya. So He is beyond that. It is a flawed idea to think that when Baba cures anyone’s cancer then He suffers from cancer for a few hours.

These bogus stories also are moving around

There are so many bogus stories moving around. You will come across them in due course. You might have seen or heard them in the past as well. Here I am giving two anecdotal examples of such bogus stories, which are directly related to these aforesaid discussed issues.

Bogus story #6

Circulated in WhatsApp forum ~
“It is very important to note that Baba became ill on the very day He was to leave for Ananda Nagar for the January l990 DMC function. Events at Ananda Nagar where the Communists were launching violent attacks on our workers were extremely serious. All of the workers felt that somehow by Baba's physical suffering the safety of thousands of Margiis who had come to enjoy the DMC had been saved by Baba.” (Bogus story #6 ends here) (courtesy WhatsApp margii forum)

Bogus story #7

Along that vein, someone posted a bogus story that mirrors this Christian approach. In the so-called Baba story that is spreading around, Baba is cited as stating the following while speaking to one Dada while He (Baba) was in jail:
(Bogus story #7 starts here)

"I feel so much pain.
No one else could endure such pain.
Why I endure it?
Because you, My sons and daughters
Are in great danger now.
If I were not suffering
Then you would be suffering
And you would not be able to endure it.
Like the hen and the chicks --
What does the hen do when the chicks are attacked?
She spreads her wings and keeps her chicks safe.
You all are in great danger now --
And I must save you.
If I did not continue My fast,
The suffering would be much greater."

(Bogus story #7 ends here)
This fake Baba story states that Baba has come to suffer and endure the pain for human beings. Yet as Ananda Margiis we can easily understand that this above portrayal is just a bogus story grounded in Christian dogma of the supreme suffering of Christ. Such a story has nothing to do with the dharma of Ananda Marga. Baba never supported nor acted in ways that even remotely resemble Christian dogma and their sinner psychology - never.

Bogus account from Pranavatmakananda’s book (Full Page)

Margii befooled

With great concern, many, many margiis did not like to go close to Baba because they were afraid that He would fall sick. For instance, Rajeshvar Sinha of Bikaner did not want to visit Baba in jail because he did not want to give Baba pain and make Him sick by coming in His close proximity. Brother Rajeshvar was a sincere margii who attended all kinds of meetings but he just refrained from seeing Baba personally as he did not want to make Him sick. And this happened because Rajeshvar was misguided by so-called Baba story books. In those books there were countless stories where Baba cured the ailments of XYZ, ABCD sadhakas, and they wrote and concluded that in result Baba fell sick. Rajeshvar took this very seriously. That is why he did not go close to Baba. These types of Baba stories are half-truths, i.e it is true that Baba cured the ailments of countless sadhakas, but it is not true that He became sick due to that. This letter discusses this very point.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 34, The Best Mental Engagement
2. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 11, Parama Puruśa and His Creation
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 34, The Best Mental Engagement
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 33, When Does He Appear?
5. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 11, Parama Puruśa and His Creation
6. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 2, Cardinal Attributions of God
7. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 11, Parama Puruśa and His Creation

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Intoxicating aroma

"Adrira ma'jhe tumi himagiri, pus'per ma'jhe pa'rija'ta..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1685)


Parama Purusa, You are the Greatest among the great, the Sweetest among the sweet. Amongst all the mountains, Your status is like the towering, snowy Himalayas. Of all the flowers, You are like the most brilliant pa’rija’t flower with its intoxicating aroma. With Your own hand You are touching and playing the strings of the viina of my inner core and infusing bhakti. With Your soft, loving touch, You are arousing the divine ecstasy in my mind.

Baba, I have come on this earth again and again and have loved You in so many ways. My whole existence has always revolved around You. All along You were with me by my side; but, even then my heart could never be satiated to its full content. At this time, You have brought me again on this earth. And, You also have brought a basket full of love for me. Now, please remain along with me always - day and night.  

Among all the things which are dear, You are the Dearest. You are my Priyatama, the innermost One of my core. Of all those whom I love, You are the most precious and always reside inside my heart. I love You so much. Baba, the way You are is impossible to explain through language. I do not have any words to express Your glory. So I do sastaunga pranam to You - thousands of times, infinite times, again and again.  

Baba, please keep me at Your lotus feet...

== Section 3: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest